The girl struggled: "Let go of me, you don't even know what I did!"

"I know what you're going to do." The policeman sneered.

"May I ask, are you going to take him back to the police station?" Qian Yu said.

The policeman sneered and said, "Police station? Where is the place to detain monsters? We are not a charity."

That's right, there will be no room for monsters to live.They should be thrown over the fence, mixed with the gastritis.Why waste human resources?

At the time of parting, the girl seemed to smell the smell of the same kind, as if grabbing a life-saving straw, she reached out her hand in despair.Yeonju looked confused and responded blankly.The moment the fingertips touched, the girl was dragged away.

Yeonju suddenly understood.

The world is full of unhappiness, I'm just lucky enough to meet people who treat me well.

"Asahi, save her." Yanzhu blushed, "Aren't we... partners of justice?"

Hitomi Qianyu rubbed Yanzhu's hair, and said, "Justice is rare. Children only dream of becoming a partner of justice. When they grow up, it won't work."

Aihara Enju's fairy tale is shattered.

"However, they made my daughter cry, absolutely unforgivable. You wait for me here, what happens next is not suitable for children."

Hitomi Qianyu looked cold.

The girl wiped away her tears, like a little tabby cat, she smiled and wept: "Yeah!"

PS: You stay here and don't move around, Dad will kill some policemen for you.

Chapter 159 The Righteous Partner

An abandoned building, the ground floor is empty, only four pillars remain, and the walls are covered with graffiti.The two policemen threw the cursed son into a corner.The girl still struggled, her head was pressed against the cold muzzle of the gun, her scarlet eyes were full of hatred and fear.

They laughed and cursed: "What kind of eyes are you, monster?"

"It's a waste of bullets to kill you, it's really bad luck."

There is no place for the cursed child in the world within the walls.Without the courage to fight against gut animals, the "larvae" used to kill monsters are just right.

Familiar with the road, kill on the spot.

"Bang", "bang", two shots were fired in a row.The red-eyed girl fell into a pool of blood, dying.

Footsteps sounded.A slender figure came from the darkness and witnessed the tragedy under the sun.The appearance of Qian Yutong startled them.After all, doing so is against humanity, and it also violates the new law implemented by the current emperor.

"I thought who it was, it was the policeman." The policeman sneered, "Stop pretending to be a good person. Don't you guys use monsters as weapons? What you have done is worse than us."

"You're right, so I don't have any psychological burden."

Qian Yutong glanced at it, but there was still time to rescue her.He pulled out Evelyn, alarming her tense nerves.The two policemen immediately turned their guns.

"Don't move, or I'll shoot you!"

While loading the bullet, Asagi said, "It's a good time to test a special bullet."

Under the sun, Evelyn's patterns reflect a different kind of beauty.The police finally couldn't bear the fear and took the lead in shooting.A burst of crackling flames pierced Qian Yutong's figure and splashed on the concrete floor.Eventually, the ammunition runs out, and the trigger can only produce a crisp empty sound.

"It's... a monster?!" The policeman was so frightened that he was paralyzed.

Qian Yutong revealed a pair of cold Sharingan, raised Evelyn, and said, "Why don't you continue to shoot? Or do you already understand that only those who are shot and awakened are qualified to shoot."


The policeman's arm exploded and the pistol slipped.In the enchanting blood, he let out a heart-piercing scream and rolled all over the ground with his arms folded.The so-called "blooming" is literally.

The production of dum bullets has long been expressly banned, the most evil bullet |The hit site explodes, creating a permanent cavity, leaving the victim to die in excruciating pain.

"I just repay the pain you caused twice. When it's your turn, why can't you put on a superior posture?" Qian Yutong said.

The policeman burst into tears and knelt down begging for mercy: "Yes... I'm sorry, please forgive us..."

"It's not me you should be apologizing to."

With the character of these two people, how many homeless girls have been killed?Hitomi Asaba couldn't think of a way to save the cursed child.However, if there are fewer such scumbags in the world, more children will survive.

With two gunshots, everything was silent.

Hitomi Asaba picked up the girl.Light and fluffy, so thin that it hurts people's heart.Her clothes were like rags and gave off a putrid smell.Asahi activated the pupil power of the kaleidoscope and stepped into the vortex that appeared out of thin air.

Behind him, the black flames were burning all over the place, and a police car and two corpses were reduced to ashes.

"It's so slow, Asaba."

Lanyuan Yanzhu was standing alone in the commercial street, and accidentally ran into a good friend from school.

"Ah, Yeonju!" the little girl greeted happily.

No one knew that a spider-type gastroenterata flew over the city and created an infected body again.A drunkard-like uncle staggered into the street.

Yeonju instinctively sensed that something was wrong, and shouted, "Be careful!"

The human body exploded and turned into a giant spider.The little girl fell to the ground, crying in fright.

"Don't hurt..."

Lanyuan Yanzhu was about to tap her toes to exert strength, but she suddenly froze.Using holmium boots, the monster can be kicked to death with one kick.However, the identity of the initiator would be revealed.What would a good friend think of her?

Yeon Joo concealed her real identity to go to school like a normal person.

The little girl cried for help: "Yeonjoo, help me!"

"Really, I don't care about myself!"

Aihara Enju jumped up, and as the petite figure fell to the ground, the huge spider burst all over.She turned around handsomely like a handsome "Tianzhu girl", thinking that she could win the admiration of her good friends, but she was greeted with a pair of terrified eyes.

It felt like the real monster was her.

"Yanzhu, so you are..."

When Qian Yutong came out of the vortex, she saw Yanzhu's red eyes wide open, full of confusion and unwillingness.He sighed in his heart: Leaving Yanzhu alone, something happened.

Asagi hugged little Loli lightly, and said, "You protected your friend, you did a good job."

"You praised my concubine. I'm not a monster. I really... did it right, right?" Yanzhu's smile was so fragile that it broke my heart.

"It's always played like this on TV. A righteous partner cannot reveal his true identity, otherwise he will leave..." Asahi said softly, "Let's go home."

Accompanied by a vortex, the figures of the two disappeared, leaving only the terrified girl.

At the Affiliated Hospital of Dongda University, Hitomi Asaba performed surgery on the girl who was shot.No hospital dares to accept the cursed child, let alone whether it can afford the medical expenses, and the doctors don't want to suffer from indiscriminate disasters.

Aihara Yanju sat on a chair outside the operating room, waiting absently.

Hitomi Qian Yu wears the divine hand of God, and manages the operation with ease, taking out two bullets|bullets from the head.Fortunately, it wasn't a bullet made of holmium. With the cursed son's self-healing ability, he could recover soon.Just as he stepped off the operating table, there was a sound of fighting outside, which made him frown.

The visitors are the father and daughter of the leeches.

Yeon Joo and Bi Nai took a trick and landed from the air, seeing each other as their greatest enemies.


"Not cut."

Little Binet showed a bloodthirsty smile and said, "Daddy, can I chop her up?"

"No, we have something to ask for."

Qian Yu leaned against the door, wearing a blood-stained white coat, and said, "This is a hospital, we have to fight."

"I'm a patient. Doctor, you're not going to die, are you?" Zhizi said.

Asagi glanced at it and said, "Ah, it's a new mask."


Zhi Ziyingyin tore open his skirt, revealing the internal organs of the machine.It was the wound caused by Murasame before, and the spell was still there.The machine has leaked oil, which is not an injury that ordinary doctors can treat.

"I have prepared a reward. You want to raise your daughter and help children like those in it. You can't do without money, right?"

As he said that, Hiruko opened a box of banknotes, at least tens of millions of yen.

Asaha said bluntly, "Deal."

Under the funny mask, Hiruko Yingyin smiled.Unsurprisingly, Hitomi Asaba continued to play cards out of routine.Even the heinous criminals, he doesn't care at all.

Qian Yutong put his hands in his pockets, turned around and left, and said, "Come with me, some materials are needed for mechanical transformation, go to my laboratory. See you, no... I should call you Yingyin now."

"The name is just a code name, whatever you like."

PS: Oh, there's really not much to say.

Chapter 160 Cthulhu

In the last world, Hitomi Asaba inherited Dr. Fashion's research materials and carried forward the technology of mechanical transformation.In this field, Sumire Muroto can't help herself.

A unique operation is going on, Qian Yutong is wearing the God's Hand, and his dexterous hands are like a work of art, "opening up" Zhizi Yingyin, and the operation is accurate to the nanometer level in the chest cavity.The mechanical internal organs were cut out by Murasame, and it would be fine to replace them with brand new ones.

The internal organs made of holmium can reduce the risk of mechanized soldiers being infected, in the early days of the gastrulation war.Sumire Muroto launched the "New Human Creation Project", and a large number of mechanical troops were thrown into the war to restore the decline of mankind.Unfortunately, after the war, they were abandoned without hesitation.

Instead, a new type of human weapon - the cursed child.

Humans never thank heroes.

Zhi Ziyingyin was lying on the bed without anesthesia, and even had time to admire: "Captain, your technique is still so superb. How did you do it?"

These are a pair of slender and beautiful hands, tightly wrapped by the hands of the gods.

In this claustrophobic laboratory, Hitomi Asaba finally revealed the secret that had been hidden for many years.

"Do you think mechanized soldiers were born to fight against gastroenteritis?" Hitomi Asaba smiled, "From the very beginning, I came up with a crazy plan. Replace all the internal organs of the cursed son with holmium to suppress the gastroenterovirus. Erosion rate."

You want to save humanity, but I just want to protect my daughter.

Yingyin was stunned for a moment, and said: "So, is this the truth about the 'New Human Creation Project'? They are all your experiments."

Zhi Ziyingyin felt complicated, but finally felt relieved.He has been looking for the meaning of the existence of mechanized soldiers, but when he really knows the truth, he finds it boring.

"The results of it?"

Asahi said flatly, "I failed."

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