"Do you want to catch up with the old man?" Kikunojo said without anger, "Don't get close to the emperor, the old man's way is the right one."

"The so-called correctness means that the summoning stage V destroys the giant stone monument? In order to overthrow the "New Gastrea Law", even destroying the Tokyo area will not hesitate. You have used the father and daughter of Hiruko, and you just want to spread the identity of the cursed son of Binet, Play up people's fear." Asahi analyzed bit by bit.

Based on Asaba's understanding of Kikunojo, it is easy to guess that he is behind the scenes.His plan fails because people only remember the heroes and forget the losers.Asaha saved Hinay to the emperor, and declared to the outside world that "Scorpio accidentally landed in Tokyo Bay".

Chrysanthemum Cheng said in a deep voice: "What do you know about this old man? You have forgotten the chain of hatred caused by gastritis. This old man loves and respects the Holy Son of Heaven so much, and hopes to raise her to the height of her ancestors. But you are just a failure now. researcher."

Qian Yutong looked calm.

At this moment, he remembered.When the ancestors were still there, Kikunojo knew everything about domestic and foreign affairs; and Asaba possessed terrifying force and suppressed half of Japan.The two are the most valued, like the left and right arms.The woman actually wanted to go down these two paths.

That is really a dream of a perfect woman.Kikunojo can't forget it so far, so he passed on this respect and love to her children.

"Didn't you hold on to nothing?"

Kikunojo held the wine glass trembling slightly, passed by Asagi, and said, "This old man is different. A warrior can't do anything. Only the supreme power can eradicate all hidden dangers. This old man wants to drive out all the pests in the country. go out!"

"That's it."

Hitomi Asaba closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, four blades bloomed in her left eye.

God damn it!

"Then, I hope you can be more obedient and be a loyal dog honestly."

Asagi smiled slightly, and clinked glasses with the dull Kikunojo, and the conversation was very happy in the eyes of others.Since then, he has been reduced to the embodiment of will, ensuring that the decrees of the Holy Son of Heaven are unimpeded.In the end, a "revenge drama" was staged, and Mu Geng died at the hands of Mu Geng, which can be regarded as maximizing the use value.

You know nothing of true power.It's a pity, old man, I admire you quite a lot.

The path I choose is to rescue all the cursed children.

In the depths of the affiliated courtyard of the University of Tokyo, in a room full of high-tech equipment, Asaba stripped Senju Natsushi naked and said his final farewell.

"In order to suppress the activity of the original enterovirus, I can only put you into hibernation. I will find a cure as soon as possible, and the next time I meet you will be a real human being."

"Don't work too hard." Xia Shi nodded sensiblely, "When the time comes, I want to be a real wife."

Asagi couldn't help laughing, and agreed like coaxing a child.

He picked up the naked little loli and put it in the freezer.The glass windows were locked tightly, and the girl showed a brief painful expression before losing consciousness.Asagi placed her hand on the glass, like looking at a delicate work of art, every inch of her skin was flawless.

"Are you also suffering from necrophilia?" Muroto said leaning against the door.

Hitomi Asaba took a deep look for the last time, then pressed the closing button, and a layer of metal coating covered the cryogenic chamber.

"I like figurines. But I want to remind myself why I fight. No one is born to be a monster."

I want to save them.

Sumire Muroto looked at Asaba silently, feeling crazy.By freezing a girl on the verge of gastrulation, this man sent a potential monster into the future.However, that is why they are of the same kind.

"She was injected with bodily fluids by gastrulation. Funny, isn't that what men do to women? It's just that gastrulation reproduces differently, through blood infection."

Asahi asked back: "Every man is a gastritis?"

I want to infect my beloved girl into my own shape.

Muroto smiled and said: "So, I am very curious, how do you take back the human girl from the hands of the unknown god? Which one is more delicious, blood or sperm?"

A flash of lightning flashed across Qian Yu's mind, and she hurriedly asked, "Wait, what did you just say?"

"Sperm | delicious?"

"No, the last sentence...is blood, I should have thought of it earlier!" Qian Yu was ecstatic.

In the dream world, Hitomi Asagi came to the puppet girl. Cancer and Scorpio gave a thousand points of soul, plus the previous points, it was enough to buy a "blood treatment".

Qian Yu said in a deep voice: "Give me the 'blood of the ancient god'."

"I understand why you came here. Dear hunter, you must be vigilant, the abuse of blood will cause unimaginably serious consequences." The doll girl said slowly, "Fear the old blood."

Qian Yutong suddenly felt that she had seen this sentence somewhere, rushed into the hunter's hut, and opened a dusty ancient book.Come to the fact that this knowledge was brought from a place called "Yarnam".That is the hometown of blood therapy, and it also perished in blood therapy. When people used special blood to treat diseases, it caused serious veterinary diseases.

That was the "blood of the ancient god" brought by the previous hunter.

— Fear the blood of the old gods.

Back to reality, Hitomi Asaba experimented on Gastrea and injected a small amount of divine blood.As a result, unimaginable horrors happened.The gigantic fly had indeed returned to human form, only as a hairy werewolf, uttering a high-pitched howl.

It turns out that from the very beginning, the ancient gods were no different from Gastrea.

So, how did my body bear the "blood of the ancient gods" without "beastization"?In retrospect, the first world was infected with the dead body virus and was bizarrely immune.

Qian Yutong stared at her hands in a daze, with cold sweat streaming down her forehead, she suddenly clenched her fists.

"The original enterovirus can make the vaccine ineffective, so no specific medicine has been developed. I once used my body to create antibodies to the dead virus... Is there any connection, the decisive factor, it is just a little bit... "

Hitomi Qianyu's mind was running at high speed, and even the polymer equations of inhibitors of the past came to mind one by one, his eyes shook unconsciously, and a vast sea of ​​knowledge flooded into his brain in an instant.

The level of vision determines whether the consciousness can rise to the height of a great god.

Hitomi Asagi gritted her teeth, grabbed the high-concentration extract of the original enterovirus, and plunged it into her arm, bleeding violently due to the rough static push.The other hand is prepared with the blood of the ancient gods, which can be rescued with blood therapy if the situation is wrong.


Intense pain, as if every cell in the body is congested and torn.In the infinite microcosm, every piece of double-helix DNA is unzipping and recombining, growing wildly like weeds, and finally returning to the original sequence like going back in time.

The end of every researcher is nothing but martyrdom.


Sumire Muroto happened to enter the door, and saw Hitomi Asaba accidentally smashing the blood collection bottle, glass shards and blood beads flying all over the sky.The world in his eyes gradually closed, and finally there was a white figure flying towards him.

I want to... protect them.

PS: The SAN value plummeted, and another one went crazy.Let it go, the protagonist has become a pervert.

Chapter 172 Little Binet's Revenge

"You're awake. What a pity, I thought I could have one more beloved collection." Muroto's lazy voice sounded in my ears.

"Sorry, I can't be your human body pillow."

Hitomi Asaba opened her eyes, seeing the familiar ceiling.The body has returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened.He rolled up his sleeves and saw that there was not even any bleeding spots left.Sit up and change out of the blood-stained white coat.

"I bet right, something must have happened in my body. Just follow this line of thinking and use my body as a petri dish for the original enterovirus." Asahi analyzed rationally.

Muroto sighed: "You are really a lunatic. I checked, and your vital signs are all stable, with no signs of infection, just like this unchanged blood."

The beautiful doctor played with a blood collection bottle in his hand, collected it and tested it when Asagi was unconscious.


The two have been partners for many years, and they are connected with each other, so no extra words are needed.The experimental materials are the purified virus, the remaining half tube of "The Blood of the Ancient God", and...

"Mortal blood...?"

Via the vacuum tube, Sumire Muroto stared at the bright and transparent blood, and felt a trace of indescribable fear.Compared with the so-called dark blood of the ancient gods, Qian Yutong's blood has a more attractive magic power, so powerful and beautiful.

"Ash Feather."


"Suddenly I don't want you to die." Muroto said, "After a person dies, no matter what measures are taken, the blood will lose its activity quickly. Red blood cells, platelets... everything about you will die. I prefer fresh blood to corpses." You live."

Asahi was slightly taken aback, and was moved.Although the way of confession is very bad, this is a doctor.

"You prefer living sperm, right?" Asagi teased, "Even if I become your favorite corpse, I can't please you."

"It was discovered."

Sumire Muroto got very close, almost sitting on Asagi's body, and touched down with one hand.

"Hey, it's not yet determined whether the virus has an incubation period, you will be infected, stupid woman."

Muroto looked indifferent: "Then let's die together."

Asahi complained: "It's really a woman who is unrestrained."

Love is like a tide, and the routine injection of warm body fluids every week has brought happiness to each other.The only thing human beings are superior to gastrula is that they have evolved the pleasure of exchanging bodily fluids, which is a way of expressing love.

Only in this way can we prove that we are really alive, not just livestock that know how to reproduce.

Before leaving, Asagi left a certain woman who was not motivated.Every time at the end, Muroto will be defeated and lie down as a "beautiful female corpse".Asaha smoked an afterthought cigarette, turned on Muroto's personal computer, typed in the multi-encrypted super password with ease, and retrieved the results of Yanju's physical examination.

The virus erosion rate is 42.8%, and the remaining appearance collapse value is 7.2%.

Asagi stubbed out the cigarette butt and said, "Let's go."

"thanks for treatment."

"It's a smooth journey."

Going home as usual, Hitomi Asagi was taking out the key to open the door, when a strong wind came from behind.


Hiruko Hina swung two knives and stabbed Hitomi Asaba.Without thinking, he activates the blur.The two knives protruded through the body and slashed at the door, but they couldn't be pulled out no matter what.Then there was a very funny scene, Loli stepped on the door with both feet, struggling to "pull the carrot", her little face was blushing.


Little Binay pulled out the knife, and with too much force, he rolled down the corridor.

Asahi complained: "Are you okay?!"

"Bad guy, I absolutely want to avenge my father!"

Little Binet turned up again and lay on the handrail of the stairs.She had unkempt black hair and red eyes filled with tears.Since the death of Zhizi Yingyin, this child has suffered a lot.It looked like he hadn't showered in a few days, his clothes were dirty, and his stomach was growling with hunger.

"I see." Asahi sighed, "Let me go on the road after I'm full."

In the blink of an eye, Kobinai's sword disappeared, and was thrown into a different dimension by Asaba.Only then did she realize the gap in strength.

Asagi took the key to open the door, and said, "Come in and sit for a while. I don't know what you like to eat, so cook whatever you want, and I hope Yanzhu doesn't steal it."

Half an hour later, there was a table full of sumptuous dinners.

Qian Yu and Yan Zhu clasped their hands together and said, "I'm starting."

Little Binay was stunned, at a loss for what to do.Unprecedented warm situation, what to do, there is no such thing in the killing methods taught by my father.

"Why are you in a daze, learn how to do it from my concubine." Yanzhu said old-fashionedly, "It's a gift to nature, we didn't become gastritis food."


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