Chapter 177 Peace talks

On the day of the meeting, Asaba and Shengtianzi took the sightseeing elevator up, surrounded by bodyguards in black and sunglasses.The meeting of the top leaders of the two regions can lead to disputes if one is not careful.

Overlooking the landscape, Tokyo gradually descends in sight.Because of the fall of the land, in order to accommodate more human beings, tall buildings rose up within the high walls, even taller than the Skytree.

"You look happy today, did something good happen?" asked the Holy Son of Heaven.

Asaba smiled and said, "I visited the Skytree with a cute girl."

"...It's a date."

Sheng Tianzi fiddled with the white sun hat, his eyes changed.It's like when Asagi forgot to tell her a story when she was a child, and later learned that she was going to play with Yeonju, the moment of loss.

"No." Asaba explained, "The other party is a ten-year-old girl."

Sheng Tianzi breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a strange way: "You know who I meet every day, but I don't know who you date, it's not fair."

Asahi complained: "Isn't that written in the plan? Well, I have a chance to take you to play."

"Hmm." Only then did Sheng Tianzi smile again.

As the leader of the Tokyo area, my daily schedule is packed.There's no way you'll have time to sneak out and play, and even then, hearing that answer is enough.Sheng Tianzi patted his flushed face and adjusted his mentality. It is not good to meet people with this kind of mood.

Will be regarded as a girl in love.

"What kind of person is President Qi Wu?" Sheng Tianzi asked.

Asaba sneered, "Hitler of Japan."

"You're not kidding, are you?"

Asahi recalled: "In the old days, people with ability and skills could climb to high places. In the last days like this, a group of careerists who break the order and are ruthless have emerged, and the guys who have been involved in the underworld have turned into politicians. Qi Wu Zongxuan is one of the best."

Sheng Tianzi listened carefully, thinking about how to deal with it.

"When your... ancestor was still there, I beat that old guy."

"Huh?" Sheng Tianzi was dumbfounded.

Asagi smiled softly: "He is a very boring person. He talks about the ambition of unifying Japan all day long. He has no city and is destined to fail to achieve great things. You know that every word he says is beeping. That's it."

He almost uttered indecent words in front of the Holy Emperor, and felt that he was profane looking at the concubine's fairy-like beauty, in exchange for the holy emperor's reproachful eyes.

On the top floor of the building, in an empty room, Qi Wu Zongxuan was drinking red wine leisurely with only two guards.The holy emperor moved his lotus steps lightly, and said enough polite words.

Qian Yu was not so polite, and said surprisingly: "Old man, you are not dead yet."

Qi Wu couldn't hold back his face, and said back with color: "I won't die even if you die. Be careful, if you can't survive the old man, Tokyo will be defeated by me in Osaka."

"Look at my face and say it again." Qian Yu felt amused.

Ten years have passed, and the years have left no trace.

The corners of Qi Wu's mouth twitched, and he said in his heart: This is too young, even if I consume enough energy to kill Kikunojo, I can't exhaust him at all!

Sheng Tianzi really saw what recklessness is, and it was the first time he met someone who "threatened" to take down Tokyo before the talks started.

"I thought you were autistic, and I didn't expect you to come out again." Qi Wu said, "Is it because this generation of holy emperors is too beautiful?"

On that day, Qi Wu Zongxuan finally recalled the fear of being dominated by half of Japan, and the humiliation of being imprisoned on a huge stone tablet.Ten years ago, Hitomi Asaba killed Cancer in an instant and supported the Holy Emperor.Everyone has to look at Sheng Tianzi's face just because of the man standing behind her.

However, with the woman's death, Japan was divided into five major regions, and the imperial family existed in name only.Today's holy emperor can only keep Tokyo, an inch of land.

too weak.

Qi Wu didn't even have the interest to take a second look at Sheng Tianzi, the pure vase was so easy to understand.Sheng Tianzi heard the implication and controlled his emotions.

Qian Yu bowed slightly and said, "Then I would like to thank you for your praise on behalf of the Holy Son of Heaven. She is the most beautiful of all the Holy Sons of Heaven."

Sheng Tianzi looked back in astonishment, only to see Qian Yu faithfully accompanying him, and blinked his eyes.She couldn't help laughing, on such a serious occasion, how could the guards tease the leaders of the country.

But, don't hate it.

With Qian Yu's rescue, Sheng Tianzi regained his confidence and showed a resolute and courageous side, which surprised Qi Wu.

Qi Wu said again: "I heard that you killed Scorpio. It's nothing, it just proves that your body hasn't rusted in the past ten years. What I care about is the 'ladder' passing by in that video. "

"Ladder?" Sheng Tianzi froze for a moment.

"That's right, the weapons of the old generation can only be understood by people like us who have experienced the war years." Qi Wu stared at Asahi, "Unfortunately, it didn't come in handy. My original idea was to move to the surface of the moon and spread it all over the world." Internal holmium strikes, that thing has the ability to do that."

The essence is a satellite railgun.

"Wait, even if it's for the elimination of Gastrea, it's too..."

Qi Wu crossed his hands and confided his ambition: "Ha, what stupid words are you talking about? Such a simple and easy-to-understand fact, even if you dig out all the holmium on the earth, you can't completely wipe out the gastritis. There is only one answer, hit other countries, Give Japan a greater right to speak. I want to unify Japan, and I am the will of Japan!"

Ten years is enough time for resource problems to be fully exposed, and the world pattern is quietly changing.

"I will never hand over the ladder to you!" Sheng Tianzi was uncharacteristically tough.

Qi Wu grinned: "You will."

The result, of course, fell apart.

On the way back, Sheng Tianzi sat in the car and said softly: "I'm sorry, I behaved poorly today, and I have been led by the nose all the time."

"You are still very young. There is no 16-year-old national leader in the world." Asaha comforted.

Sheng Tianzi looked expectant: "It means that I still have room for improvement?"

"No, you can kill those bad old men."


Sheng Tianzi's mood improved a lot, he took out the orange juice from the small refrigerator on the car, and poured a glass for Asahan himself.No drinking truth, orange juice is not bad.

Sheng Tianzi stared blankly at the night sky outside the window, and said softly: "I hope to unify Japan through peaceful evolution. At that time, everyone will be ashamed of the previous division, because we once looked up at the same sky."

"You're too idealistic." Asaha sighed.

Sheng Tianzi said: "It's fine even if you say it. The 'ladder' is too dangerous. In order to prevent the world from falling into turmoil again, it must not be handed over to such an ambitious person."

"I agree with this point, not to save the world, but to save Japan." Asaha said, "Did you know? In the top ten IP rankings, more than half are from the Celestial Dynasty. He underestimated the power of the world."

The red country has a unique advantage in this era.However, what puzzled Sheng Tianzi was that the Celestial Dynasty occupied five of the top ten, so how could it account for more than half.

"According to the information I got, President Qi Wu reached an agreement with the United States to export holmium in exchange for military benefits. I don't think people like him will be controlled by a big country. There must be deeper plans."

Sheng Tianzi trusted Qian Yu very much, and even discussed such state secrets with him.

"A politician like him can't believe every word he says. You might as well go back and guess his real intentions. For example..."

The conversation was cut short when a bullet pierced the night sky and hit the car's gas tank.

PS: I started talking nonsense seriously again.The world's number one Asabuki, Hitomi Asaba.

Chapter 178 The Assassin in the Pupil

Sheng Tianzi's car is an extended Honda Century, and the shell made of holmium provided by Sima Heavy Industry can resist the attack of gastrulation below stage II.However, it was unable to guard against humans. An armor-piercing bullet exploded the fuel tank, and the vehicle lost control and crashed into a street lamp.

The two sat face to face.Sheng Tianzi slammed into Qian Yu's arms, clutching his lower abdomen in pain.

"Are you OK?"

Light Feather showed embarrassment.The Holy Son actually knocked on his knee, and based on this inertia, the jade-white skin under the dress was blue and purple.The girl pursed her thin lips and shook her head.

It's not safe to stay in the car anymore.So, Qian Yu supported Sheng Tianzi, and braved the heavy rain to get out of the car door.


Almost at the same moment, a second explosion occurred in the car.

"There are assassins, protect the Holy Son of Heaven!"

The vehicles of the guards were blocked in all directions on the street, and the guards were chaotic, and it took a long time to form a formation.Because the captain, Baowei Zhuoren, had no "face" to meet people, he was absent from this important work, and there was no leader for a while.

Asahi saw that it was impossible to continue like this, and shouted loudly in the rain: "Hold on to my hand, no matter what you encounter, don't be afraid."

The Son of Heaven intertwined his fingers slowly, and replied softly, "Yes."

At this moment, not only was there no fear of being assassinated, but a little joy.The most romantic thing that the Holy Son of Heaven, who has worked hard all his life, can think of is a hero saving the beauty.


Three hooked jade appeared in Qian Yutong's eyes, and a whirlpool of gravitational force appeared out of thin air, sucking him and Sheng Tianzi into a different space together.The idea is very simple, transfer the Holy Son of Heaven first, even if you will be charged with crimes afterwards.Unfortunately, just a few tenths of a second before the transfer was about to be completed, there was another flash of light in the distant night sky.

The bullet came in an instant.

That's too late!

【Shenwei】The biggest weakness is that transferring itself is much slower than transferring external objects.Compared with the flying speed of bullets, it is simply a turtle speed, and the moment of shuttle will still be penetrated.

Hitomi Qianyu simply gave up the pupil technique and relied on the excellent dynamic vision of Sharingan to capture the shadow in the rain.With one hand on his waist, Murasame drew his sword at a speed almost invisible to the naked eye—Tendo-style sword drawing technique!

"Drops of water into ice!"

The oncoming bullet|bullet was split by a knife, and the wind of the knife swept across the rain curtain, and time stagnated at this moment.Asahi held her breath, as if cutting off her voice.It was obvious that the heavy rain was faulted, and then it poured down.

The super powerful sniper attack thousands of meters away was stopped with only a sword!

"Good... so amazing! The legend of the savior turned out to be true."

"Now is not the time to talk about this, hurry up and protect the Holy Son of Heaven to evacuate!"

Qian Yutong said, "Don't touch her."

"What do you mean, do you think there are traitors among us?" The guard was furious.

Asagi said lightly: "This possibility cannot be ruled out. Otherwise, in such heavy rain, how would the other party know our driving route and find a suitable sniping location thousands of meters away?"

He stared at the direction where the bullet came from, and asked without looking back, "Do you believe me?"

Sheng Tianzi did not answer, took his left hand that was not holding a knife, and said in a cold voice, "From this moment on, Qian Yutong is the acting chief security officer and obeys all his orders."

Everyone gritted their teeth and obeyed: "Master Shengtianzi...obey!"

What a courageous woman, she vaguely bears the shadow of her predecessors.

"I will protect you, not a single bullet can go past my knife."

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