All the doctors and nurses quickly retreated.

Hitomi Asaba pulled back the white cloth and saw the seriously injured girl.The carcass, as warm and moist as jade, was embedded with shrapnel all over, and there was hardly a piece of intact skin.

"The murderer added a lot of holmium shrapnel to the bomb, and the self-healing ability couldn't take effect. The patient could only die in endless pain, and even anesthesia couldn't work." The chief surgeon whispered, "With all due respect, Asaba-san should give her Have a good time..."

Xiaomei's face was covered with blood, suppressing her painful groans, her eyelids stuck by the blood could barely open.But the faint light was still captured.

"Teacher, I'm in so much pain..."

Those pale lips crying out for pain, kissed Asahane's cheek tenderly yesterday.Every sound was like a heavy beating on Hitomi Asagi's heart.

"It's okay, the teacher will save you right away."

The surgery took up to five hours.Relying on Teigu, Hitomi Asaba's knife skills seemed to be ingenious, taking out hundreds of shrapnel from the girl's body.Xiaomei fainted from the pain several times, and finally survived.Every blood-stained shrapnel landed on the plate with a clang.This scene was shocking, and Hitomi Asaba's surgical skills were also amazing.

Without the hindrance of the holmium magnetic field, the girl's body quickly began to heal itself, and her life was out of danger.

Hitomi Qian Yu pushed the door open, took off her white coat covered in blood, and threw it into the trash can.

"never mind."

Mu Geng waited anxiously at the door and stood up quickly.She breathed a sigh of relief, and said bitterly: "The other party may have retaliated against the failure of the lottery. Putting shrapnel into the bomb is really insane."

"Hey, Kisara, tell me. Why are we fighting? Is there any need to protect this world?"

Qian Yutong suddenly looked back, revealing a pair of scarlet eyes.The warm blood flowed along the fingertips, and fell to the ground tick-tock, but the heart was bitterly cold.

PS: Blackened

Chapter 195 This World, As You Wish

The phone rang, a call from the Self-Defense Forces.

Asagi glanced at it, and connected the phone: "This is Hitomi Asagi. The police force has already stationed at the scheduled location, and I haven't received the next battle plan..."

"Combat?" The other party sneered, "When is it the police's turn to save Tokyo?"

Qian Yutong said lightly: "Pay attention to your tone, I have just been promoted to three ranks in a row, and my current rank is Colonel. I am only one step away from General."

The opponent's momentum softened obviously, and he cursed secretly: the favorite minister of the Holy Son of Heaven.

"In short, you can station wherever you want, don't take credit from our Self-Defense Forces. Just cheer and cheer." The liaison officer hung up the phone angrily.

The conflict between the military and the civilian police has been going on for a long time. To put it bluntly, it is because of interests.

"as you wish."

Qian Yu took Mu Geng into the vortex and arrived at the camp a few kilometers away in a blink of an eye.

Tonight, the lights are brightly lit, and the civilian police force will do a pre-war mobilization.Hitomi Asaba walked up to the high platform, surrounded by Ido and Rentaro.Except for Asahi, their IP rankings are the highest.Standing behind each of them is a starter, Binet, Yanju and Zhaoxia are all beautiful, with small faces.

There was a lot of discussion in the audience: "This is the commander of the Asahi Army?"

"The rambunctious 'savior' on the Internet looks so young... Is it really reliable?"

However, there are also "old people" who have experienced that era, with strange expressions on their faces.

"That man survived two gastrulation wars, and this is the third time."

Qian Yutong glanced around, and the sharp eyes made people put away their contemptuous thoughts.For a moment, the audience was silent, Qian Yu's aura possessed a terrifying suppressive force.What faintly reveals is the murderous aura that has been bathed in blood on countless battlefields, beyond the concept of this world.

"According to the Self-Defense Forces, we just need to stand by. It is expected that the giant stone will collapse tomorrow, and the Army Self-Defense Forces will take the lead in attacking it, and we will provide assistance in the rear..."

It's a long story when you listen to it, and it makes you drowsy.

Asahi changed the subject: "However, I don't plan to do this. There will be no reinforcements anymore."

"What do you mean?" Everyone was in an uproar.

"The Self-Defense Forces don't trust us at all."

Hitomi Asaba repeated what the Self-Defense Forces said.People were furious, wishing they could fight the Self-Defense Forces.In the profession of the police, there are all kinds of religions, fugitives, thugs...all of them are guys who are afraid of chaos.

"Bring up the map."

Hitomi Asaba made a strategic plan: "Once the Self-Defense Forces are defeated, there is no danger to defend Area 39, and the gastratus army will drive straight in. My strategy is to retreat to the Flames of Return. There are abandoned bunkers left over from World War II, which are easy to defend. Difficult to attack. Preserve vitality while stretching the front."

There's nothing wrong with that.

Someone asked: "Master Asaba, are you so sure that the Self-Defense Forces will lose?"

"None of the Air Self-Defense Force's reconnaissance planes have been able to fly over Stele No. 32." Asaha sneered, "This time, the original intestine army blocked the airspace. The Self-Defense Force has lost its air supremacy and has no advantage in reporting. It is still blind Arrogant, is there any reason not to lose?"

This also means that Asagi gave up support and retreated to defend.Although it is very inhumane, it is not easy for the people below to criticize.If the war is lost, someone will naturally be held accountable afterwards.

"I allow you to act as a team and spontaneously fight back against the gastritis. The next step is my personal judgment. From this moment on, I will not be restrained by Tokyo."

The pleasant voice is like a Wang Qingquan, but it makes everyone present shudder.

What does it mean?

Think of the passive strategy just now.Hitomi Asaba had no intention of protecting Tokyo at all.He wants to mutiny and let the gastritis ravage Tokyo!

Rentaro realized immediately, the iron fist made of holmium locked on Asagi, and said in a deep voice: "Asaha, I know you are angry. Please be more sober!"

"Use the arm I made to deal with me?" Asagi smiled lightly, "Don't be nervous, let me finish my sentence."

Hitomi Qianyu slowly opened her scarlet eyes, dazzling like a kaleidoscope.The [-] starters in the audience were deeply attracted and unconsciously showed their red eyes.

"Master Asaba, your eyes... are just like ours."

Asaba said, "Kisara, you can start recording now."

At this time, it was discovered that all the speeches had been recorded.

"Just yesterday, the only school in Tokyo that accepts cursed children was bombed, and the murderer is still at large. My student is still lying in the hospital. Now, do you want me to protect the perpetrator?"

Qian Yutong raised the corners of her mouth, as if mocking.

"We give our lives on the battlefield and they turn around and start violence. Some say it's better to let the red eye and the gastritis die together. No one ever thinks of you as a hero, not even as a real person. So, what on earth are you fighting for?" Justice? What justice is there in this dung-like world?"

Asagi took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said: "No one is born to become a monster, and no one is born to be killed. What is a policeman? Don't you know it yourself? The initiator was immediately executed after gastrulation."

"Every facilitator present, how many partners have been killed, and how much blood will be stained? Do you have no feelings because you are evil spirits? Or do you only use the girls around you as murder tools!"

Every red-eyed girl is so innocent and lovely.

"I saw children as young as eight years old being raped, bleeding profusely, and thrown behind the hospital; I saw disemboweled girls being stuffed into trash bins..."

"Don't say any more!"

Unexpectedly, the first person to cry turned out to be my head teacher, a tough guy.

Zhaoxia said blankly: "Master Changzheng..."

"I've seen enough tragedies. If human beings are born like this, then I won't be human." Asagi raised her head, "Children are innocent, and human beings are monsters."

"From today onwards, the initiators no longer protect human beings, but only live to protect the people you love and love you. Tell me, are you willing to be bullied and die in every way, or use your strength against gastroenteria to chase freedom? "

The girls had already burst into tears, and their blood-red eyes were full of determination in the darkness, as if they had seen the light of hope.

Asaba was like an ordinary teacher teaching English, softly saying: "We are free."

"We are free!"

In the end, the crappy Japanese English was connected together, but the girl's immature voice made people cry.

Asaba gave an ultimatum expressionlessly: "For every cursed child, I demand that human society provide freedom, equality and respect, otherwise we will witness the destruction of Tokyo together."

This end of the world, as you wish.

PS: Eliminate human tyranny, the world belongs to the original intestine

Chapter 196 The Defeatist

In Tokyo Bay, a white-haired girl stands on a row upon row of reefs.Her eyes are tied with a white cloth, and she holds her hands across her chest.The ethereal singing has been fluttering with the sea breeze.

Best wishes for the injured students, and hope that the disaster will end soon.

— This song of destruction that saves the world.

The albino monument in the distance suddenly collapsed, and fragments fell one after another.From the dust in the sky, a huge and pitch-black Gastrea climbed up to the huge stone monument, and let out a roar that shook the sky and the earth.


The SDF opened fire.Red light spread across the sky, like a beautiful sunset.

All Tokyoites hid at home and used the only TV station left to watch the battle ahead.Wrapped in quilts, they shivered and cursed all gastrulation animals to die.

Aikawa Hayato is one of them.If anything, he bombed Area 39 a few days ago.

This time the defense of Tokyo has attracted the attention of the world.Aikawa turned on the computer and played Hitomi Asaba's declaration.This was uploaded before the Self-Defense Forces went to war, and the comment section below was abuzz.

"A declaration of terrorism?"

"Is this person an idiot? Will the Self-Defense Forces lose?"

"What do you say to protect red eyes and destroy Tokyo, the world's number one lolicon Asabi Hitomi."

People laughed at Hitomi Asaba's whimsy, and had unprecedented confidence in their country's army.This confidence was completely wiped out with the images from the front.

In the footage captured by the reporter desperately, armored vehicles were thrown into the sky and fell heavily.Countless guns of light shot from the sky, like a meteor shower reversed, instantly crushing all the armed forces of the Self-Defense Forces.

"what is that?"

A wordless fear gripped my heart.Aikawa turned his head stiffly, looking at the video he laughed at earlier.The man's prophecy came true.

The Self-Defense Forces were wiped out.

If the police collectively strike, Tokyo will lose its last armament.The fall of Tokyo has entered the countdown.

The BBS posts went crazy: "Yes, yes...don't we still have red eyes?"

"We can give money! Don't we want freedom, equality and respect? Isn't it enough to just raise the wages of the police? What the hell is the government doing!"

Humanity has persecuted the Damned Son with impunity.When they tried to seek protection, they found that Red Eye was no longer on their side.No matter how innocent and kind the girl was, she was covered in bruises.

In the camp of Returning Flame, Hitomi Asaba narrowed her eyes and said to herself: You are only allowed to demonstrate and we are not allowed to strike?

The cell phone rang incessantly, it was a call from the Self-Defense Forces.

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