The war is over.

There is another person in Hitomi Asaba who wants to be resurrected.

At the very beginning of the dream, in the world of Apocalypse Academy, Hitomi Asaba came to the basement of An Yi's house alone.Because of the extremely low temperature, the corpse decomposes very slowly.The deceased Lun was also not good looking, but Asagi didn't mind at all, and wanted to catch up with old friends.

"I once swore to myself that I would revive you." Qian Yu murmured, "You let me awaken the kaleidoscope, and I have come to this step by step. Idiot, boys can't be Sleeping Beauty, wake up quickly."

From the mouth of Yan Luo, a heretic, spit out a light blue soul, and flew back to Lun Ye's body.Qian Yutong pulled out the broken sword Wuming, and the rotting corpse began to recover, quickly returning to its handsome appearance.

Lun also opened his eyes and saw Qian Yu with a pale face.

"Hitomi... am I dead, am I dreaming?"

"Well, I had a very long dream. The nightmare full of zombies has woken up." Asagi smiled, "Welcome back, Lunya."

In the dream world, Hitomi Asaba put her hand on the boundary stone and found the earth at the end of the three thousand worlds.

"Sure enough, I can return to reality from the very beginning. However, there is no one worthy of my nostalgia in that world."

The puppet girl warned: "The earth is a 'wild human sanctuary', the lowest military plane. Hunter, you must be careful not to disturb the laws of the world."

"When will you tell bad jokes? Don't worry, my sister will come back after I resurrect."

This is the end.

It's night, in a city full of feasting and debauchery, Qian Yutong steps into the world, taking a breath of heavily polluted air.What a nostalgic taste.

The location of the ceremony is the back mountain. Even if there is a vision here, it will be regarded as the land god's manifestation, right?

"First use my eyes to communicate the six reincarnations of this world."

Several concentric circles appeared in Asahi's eyes, exuding majestic pupil power.Even if it is a mortal body, with the ability of these eyes, it can violate the realm of gods!

"Outer Dao Reincarnation Innate Technique."

A grotesque thing broke out of the ground, with the word "King" written on its forehead, it was the King of Yama in Chinese and Japanese mythology.Qian Yutong said her sister's name silently in her heart, so Yan Luo opened her bloody mouth and sent the soul of the deceased back to the world.

What does my sister's soul look like?It must be beautiful.

Hitomi Asagi's mood was agitated, and she was ready to say a gentle "Welcome home".What answered him was a dead silence, Yan Luo said nothing.

Time passed bit by bit, and it finally spoke: "Hell, there is no such person."

"What did you say?"

Shen Luo Tianzheng!

In a rage, Qian Yutong killed Yan Luo with a blow, but still couldn't vent her inner anger.The invisible repulsion hit the back mountain, shaking the mountain immediately.The city has become restless.

"How many times have I almost died, only to get this ending? Are you kidding me?! Give me back my sister..."

The despair at this moment almost collapsed.During the long night, Hitomi Asaba let out a suppressed cry, like a wounded beast.Accompanied by the catharsis of power, it has been floating in the night wind.

Even if I beat Uchiha Madara, I can't win back my beloved sister.


In the dream world, Asagi opened her red, hostile eyes and called out the gods.Otherwise, this dream will be demolished by the furious hunter.

A ray of light fell, and Alaya revealed his true body.The translucent loli goddess is cuter than any young human.Now, Qian Yutong's spiritual vision can already see her appearance.

"What are you doing? Are you incompetent and violent? It's very hard for me to work overtime every day!" Alaya complained, "I will be beaten by you when I get home from get off work."

Qian Yu said in a deep voice: "You lied to me, why can't you revive my sister?"

"Eh? Can't it, then your sister is not dead at all." Alaya's eyes wandered, "Besides, you didn't tell me her name. Ah, remember, the last hunter was a woman. Here, she is the one who made this puppet, and it looks exactly the same."

The doll girl stood quietly aside.

"The blood therapy you used was also brought from the world of "Curse of Blood", probably because she was afraid that you would get hurt."

Asagi stared at her and said, "What else do you know? Tell the truth, everything about her. If there is a lie, even at the risk of being wiped out, I will not work for you again. By the way, I I met a god named Gaia, she seems to be treated well there..."

"Ahhh, don't! I'll just say it." Alaya said anxiously, "If you leave, I will definitely die of exhaustion! Just pity me."

Does this goddess have any majesty?

"Meng Jiang is responsible for cleaning up the game plane, such as "Dark Soul", "Bloodborne Curse", "Prototype". Speaking of it, she is really a very powerful woman. One day later, she disappeared, I think he died somewhere in the vast Three Thousand Worlds."

Alaya said: "I tempted you with resurrection, and I also want to verify her life and death."

"Is it true this time?" Asaha asked.

"Do I have to lie to you? I'm also very sad to lose such a capable subordinate. She has reached the level of a god, and she was originally my successor." Alaya was sullen, "You still have to do the rest." Ask the puppet."

The puppet girl had been waiting for a long time and took out a letter.

"This is something left by Master Meng. He said that he opened it when you were most desperate."

Qian Yutong was taken aback, the envelope was clearly written in familiar graceful handwriting

——"To my beloved brother, dear friend."

PS: Finally, Lun Ye was resurrected.

Chapter 207 Sister's Delusional Diary

"When you see this letter, I'm no longer here. I don't know how old your birthday is, forgive me for not spending it with you..."

In the hunter's cabin in the past, a woman with snow-white long hair closed her eyes and wrote at her desk, with the moonlight reflecting on her beautiful side face.The puppet girl stayed quietly aside, she was obviously her creation, but she felt ashamed.

"Master Meng, are you leaving?"

"Yes." The woman smiled softly, "I entrust you to take care of my younger brother. One day, he will come here and look for the traces I left behind. Because my younger brother is a hopeless sister-in-law ah."

The doll girl tilted her head, looking confused.

The woman said confidently: "That's the kind. They will steal the underwear I just changed to generate electricity while it's hot, and the biu will be everywhere. I have to wash it and hang it up. I thought I didn't find it. Or, after I went to the toilet, I just teased it. When I took up my skirt, I pretended to break in accidentally. When I was taking a shower, I hid the bath towel in advance, so I had to open a crack in the door, and asked him to bring it in for me with a blushing face..."

The puppet girl was surprised: "Is my younger brother a pervert?"

"Yes, yes, by then..."

Hitomi Asaba continued to look down.

"Has the years of killing made you feel tired? I have prepared the best birthday present for you. The doll made out of me, every part of the body is highly restored, warm and elastic, more than inflatable| The doll is still easy to use (shy)~”

Asahi's hands trembled, black lines covered her head, and the thoughts in her heart disappeared.

Sure enough, handsome for less than three seconds, idiot old lady!

When Asagi raised her head, she was a little embarrassed to meet the gaze of the puppet girl.Is this the real purpose of the doll?

"If my sister said something too much, don't take it to heart. That woman likes to tease me all day long. She throws all her underwear to me to wash, grabs the toilet with me at home, and doesn't bother to bring a towel when she takes a bath." Asahi said helplessly, " The old lady in reality is this kind of creature."

"Is the truth so?" The puppet girl was taken aback.

The image collapsed.

Qian Yu clenched the letter tightly and said in a low voice, "But, I like this kind of sister the most."

"He must be shy."

The woman held her face, drooling at the thought of her younger brother's cuteness.No, no, you have to wipe it off quickly!

All this was seen by the puppet girl, she thought to herself: Master Meng's words and deeds must be recorded and compiled into a bad "Sister's Delusional Diary".

"As you can see, I didn't die. When I was dying, I signed a contract with Alaya and became the first hunter in history. Alaya is actually a tsundere, and his heart is not bad, so he can be trusted."

"Don't worry about me. As a big sister, I can no longer restrain you. You have a splendid life that belongs only to you. Keep going along your path of being strong. When you become strong enough, one day we will We will meet again."

"No matter where you are in the world, you must live well. Because..."

"I have always loved you deeply."

Hitomi Qianyu couldn't help but be moved, her sister became a little more serious.

"Hey, there seems to be writing on the back of the letter."

Turn it over and look, it clearly says "I've wanted to say this for a long time, you're so handsome, are you fascinated by me?", the signature is a facial expression: (≥▽≤)/Sure enough, I still too naive.

In the courtyard under the moonlight, Qian Yutong sat for a long time, reading a letter over and over, her eyes lost focus.


Asahi came back to her senses, and wanted to find someone to confide in.

"In fact, I don't have to resurrect my sister. It's more out of guilt and gratitude. When I meet again, I have a lot to ask her. Before I die, I entrust my eyes to me. At that moment, the tears that slipped from her cheek The tears, whether it was... the result, was sent away by a letter."

Hitomi Asaba complained in a rare way.

"I've been chasing her for more than ten years, even if it's a girlfriend, it's time to catch her. Why do I have to coax her like a girlfriend? It's really my own sister."

The doll girl smoothed her skirt, sat beside him, and listened quietly.

"When I first became a hunter, I experienced many crises of death. How did she survive those horrible worlds without eyes? When I think of this, I just..."

Qian Yu suddenly choked up, and the figure of her sister appeared in her mind.Weak, pitiful and helpless, and especially edible.

The puppet girl held his hand, silently comforting.Asagi was taken aback by this intimate gesture, but was embarrassed to push it away.The touch of the doll is exactly the same as that of my sister.

"Master Qian Yumeng is very powerful. Even in the game world of nightmare difficulty, she can pass the level without injury, and she has never failed. At that time, some people called her a 'purposeless monster'."

Qian Yu recalled: "She was very good at playing red and white games when she was a child, and I have never won. Can you imagine a boy who was bullied by his sister from childhood to adulthood?"

He froze for a moment: "Wait... what do you call her, Qian Yumeng?"

The puppet explained: "Master Meng gave it to me. So, the first time you saw Lord Alaya, I gave you this surname. This is also my sister's wish."

It turned out that it was you who did it, the name is useless!

"Then, you can call me by my name from now on, don't say 'dear hunter'." Asagi scratched her face, "I'm a little shy."

"Okay, Hitomi."

The doll's voice is always so gentle.

Qian Yu sighed: "I thought I could be freed from the dream, but in the end I have to eat and wait to die."

"I will always be by your side, just treat me as a substitute for my sister. From now on, please take care of me."


"Then I'll call you 'Mengmeng'. No, it feels like I've timed into a bad harem animation." Asahi complained.

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