"Anyway, goodbye!"

Shiori ran back to the classroom in one breath, pressing on his violently heaving chest|chest.Kotori laughed and cried in the spaceship, panting and saying, "Sister is shy".

"stop laughing!"

Qinli said, "Well, you passed the test."

Asaba threw a can of drink over.Shidou hurriedly caught it, sipped it in small bites, held the cold soda can in his palm, and finally calmed down.

"Are you sure about the relationship?"


Recalling the experience of being stalked, Qian Yu said sympathetically: "That character is more difficult."

"I was talking nonsense about those things, I never did it, you have to believe me!" Shidou argued.

"Well, I believe...poof!"

"Isn't that completely unbelievable?"

Shidou thumped his chest, and Asaba raised his hands in surrender.It's fine to play around, if you fight back.If I punch you, you may die.

Grind the corners of the table.

Asaba glanced between her legs.

He thought wickedly: It must be very painful.

"Wait, where are you looking?"

Shidou clamped shyly|Both legs were plump like a girl's, and the inverted triangle in the depths couldn't be clearly seen.

Asagi took off his shirt, revealing his muscular physique.The group of girls waited for this moment, their eyes flashed brightly, and they made noises from the sidelines.Shidou was so frightened that he covered his eyes, and peeked through his fingers again.

"What do you want to do!"

Qian Yu asked strangely: "Why are you asking, the next period is physical education class, of course it is to change clothes."

Generally speaking, girls go to the locker room in groups, while boys are very casual and change directly in the classroom.

Shidou blushed and said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

This character is too easy to be shy, everyone is a man, what to look at.Asagi thought about it, maybe she was afraid that the shorts would be stolen by Tobiichi again.

In the health care room, Muramare Reine was wearing a white coat. If she didn't have dark circles under her eyes, she would be an intellectual beauty.She's all set, pulling out women's sailor suits, sportswear, wigs, and more.

"Shioriko, I'm finally going to conquer the elves, so let's transform into a beautiful high school girl."

Shiori shyly said, "Wait, what's your name?"

"Then, sir."

"up to you."

Shiori didn't realize that when Lingyin said the name, there was a flash of maternal tenderness in his eyes.

I finally saw you, this time I won't lose it again.

Wuhe Shiori hasn't worn women's clothing for a long time, but he is not used to it.There are no strands in the white shirt, which is why there is a slight ups and downs.The lower body is red briefs, revealing slender and smooth legs.Wearing a four-leaf clover hairpin, long hair shawl, sea blue long hair scattered like a waterfall.

Under the sun, a charming girl was born.

Shiori stared blankly at himself in the mirror.

"I, am I really so beautiful?"

Muramaro Lingyin encouraged: "Be more confident, this is your original appearance, little man."

Itsuka Shiori had a rare thought of teasing others, showing a sly smile.When we meet again, what kind of funny expression will you show, my dear friend.

I'll see you right away, Hitomi.

PS: I always feel that the painting style is not quite right.Hua Mulan?Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai?Sure enough, some cute spots are regardless of nationality and era.

Thanks again to Su Muqiu for the 30 blades

Chapter 213 Health Room pl|ay

Students from two classes are warming up on the playground.Boys are all boxy blue sports shorts; girls are all briefs, beautiful and delicious.

I don't know who stipulated that the first person to invent this kind of thing must be a genius.

"Strange, where did Shidou go?" Asaba scratched his hair and said, "Will you let me go, and we agreed to form a physical education team."

Seeing that other students had found friends, Hitomi Asaba stayed where she was alone.

The threesome of girls suddenly became motherly.

Ye Sakura Mai said: "Asaha-san is so lonely alone."

"Asaba and Shidou showed sunny smiles and sweated together, just thinking about it makes me excited!" Ai Yamabuki said.

Fujihaka Mii said lightly: "It's really disgusting~"

Hey, I'm sick of just standing here!

At this time, there was a commotion in the crowd.A blue, long, straight and beautiful girl came running in small steps, her skirt fluttering.She took Asagi's hand, pressed the other hand against the hem of the skirt, and gasped for breath.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting?"

The boys were envious and jealous, almost biting their shirts: "Super...super beautiful girl?! Damn, Asaha is the winner in life!"

Hiroto Tonomachi raised his bangs and said, "As expected of my best friend, it's strange...why does this girl look familiar?"

"Kun Asagi has a girlfriend!" the girls said heartbroken.

Asahi threw away her hand and asked strangely, "Who are you?"

Shiori's smile froze, and he said to himself: Ah, I forgot that I have already cross-dressed, and I want to pretend to be a stranger.

"Well, my name is Wuhe Shiori."

"Wu river?"

"That's right, it's Shidou and Kotori's older sister." Shiori lied, "Shidou is not feeling well and has already gone home, so I specifically asked me to tell you."

Qian Yu thought to herself: Is there such a person in the battle?The name of Shiori Wuhe seems a bit familiar, that is to say, is it a new elf in the later stage of the plot?

Muramame Lingyin, who played a guest role as a physical education teacher, came over and said, "The number of boys and girls happens to be an odd number, so let's form a team with the two of you."

Asagi said: "Then there is no way. My name is Asabi Hitomi, please give me your advice."

"I know, I... my brother often mentions you."

Hitomi Asagi smiled awkwardly.Oops, Shidou didn't mention his sister to me at all, maybe he was worried that I would attack my sister.

Wuhe Shiori wore briefs for the first time, and felt that the bottom was cold and the exposure was too high.The taut fabric couldn't cover the full buttocks, and a trace of white soft flesh was exposed from the edge.She stretched her hand behind her and gently pulled the bottom edge of her shorts with a "snap".

"Sure enough, the four corners are better, huh..." Shiori muttered.

The girl realized that the action was too unladylike, but fortunately no one saw it.Asagi turned her head tactfully, pretending to look at the scenery.

The warm-up exercise in a group of two is to turn your back and arm in arm.

Hitomi Asagi stretched out her hand and said, "I'm sorry."

In the backlight, friends are so gentle.Shiori felt dazed for a while, and smiled sweetly, then took his hand.We usually work together like this, so there is no discomfort.On the other hand, Asaha, having intimate contact with the girl she met for the first time, couldn't help but tense up.

Butt touched, so soft...

Kotori yelled in the earphone: "The favorability level has increased. Just make an effort like this | Lure the elves, Shiori!"

Shizhi bowed his head and said to himself: What are you talking about?But, but... if Hitomi took advantage of him, because he is a good friend... let him be happy.

"Run [-] meters, come on!"

"Come on, too."

Shiori took the initiative to high-five Asaba, the big hand and the small handprint together.There are some girls who are beautiful and extroverted, but Shiori is innocent and innocent, like childhood sweethearts who grew up together, so there is no evil thought.

The two stand on the same starting line.

"Get ready, run!"

Kotori yelled: "P|lan A is now! Pretend to fall badly to gain sympathy, create a weak girl character, and then have a shameful thing with the elf alone in the health room, referred to as 'dipping tactics'. "

The latter part of the sentence is unnecessary!

During the run, Wuhe Shizhi gritted his teeth and fell to his knees, his knee bleeding profusely.

Hitomi Asagi was still thinking about how much of a fraction of a percent of her power she should use, and if she broke the world record, she would be treated as a monster.There was an exclamation from behind, realizing something was wrong.When he looked back, Shiori fell to the ground and hurried back to the girl.

"Are you OK?"

"I can't move my legs." Shiori showed a painful expression.

Tobiichi Origami emerged from the crowd, picked up Shiori in a princess hug, and said, "Maybe it's a broken bone, I'll take you to the infirmary."

It is as beautiful as a lily in full bloom, causing the students to boo.

Shizhi was embarrassed, and said in his heart: Oops, his identity has been found out.

"It's a good time to add trouble, AST!" Kotori took a hard bite of the lollipop.

Shiori whispered, "I want Asaba-kun... sorry!"

So, Hitomi Qianyu took the girl from Yuanyi's hand, and walked through the crowd like this.Tobiichi Origami stood there dumbfounded, seemed to understand something, showing a somewhat lonely expression.

In the health care room, Reine Murasame made a diagnosis: "It's okay, it's just scratched a little. Get some sleep and you'll be fine."

"Teacher, why are you everywhere?" Asahi complained, "Besides, you are the one who needs sleep the most!"

Cun Yu Lingyin fell to the ground at the sound and fell into a deep sleep, unable to wake up no matter how hard he shook.Asahi had no choice but to go into battle in person and help Shizhi wipe the wound.The cotton swab slid across the injured knee, and Shiori's skin was as tender as a baby's.


Shiori gasped, and quickly covered his mouth.

"Sorry, it's bleeding, did it hurt you?" Qian Yu hurriedly withdrew her hand.

Shiori timidly said: "I'm sorry, this is my first time, please... treat me gently. Also, why are you so proficient?"

"I have encountered this kind of thing many times." Asahi said.

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