Asagi couldn't help laughing: "If humans are destined not to be able to combine with elves, then I will stop being a human."

"Idiot, you can make me happy with sweet words." Shixiang blushed, "My wife is really an incredible creature, and there is delicious food every day. Great, I will fulfill my wife's obligations every day from now on."

"every day?"

Suddenly, Asagi had an ominous premonition, foreseeing a future of being sucked dry by foodies.

In the hazy mist of the bathroom, Tohka Yatogami showed an absolutely irresistible healing smile.

"From now on, please give Tohka more milk!"

Sitting in the living room, Wuhe Qinli muttered: "Oh, you did a good job, you actually calmed the princess down. But why did it take so long to wash..."

PS: The ten incense chapter ends, and the Yoshino chapter begins.

Yatogami Tohka: I have collected the first...bite?Today's Bite Shrine is also... Forget it, let's beat him to death.

Chapter 222 Little Story After Rain

On a continuous rainy day, Hitomi Asaba just returned from her part-time job and walked in the rain.Using Shenwei to transfer his body to a different space, what remained on the earth was just a phantom.

Therefore, the rain does not touch the body.If passers-by pay a little attention, they will notice something strange.The young man with black hair and black pupils stepped up and down, and there was no splash on the soles of his shoes.

The reason for this is simply because I forgot to bring my umbrella when I went out.

Qian Yu thought to herself: It's really convenient, my eyes.

Passing by a shrine, looking back inadvertently, he saw an ethereal scene.A petite girl stepped between the pools of water in the clearing, causing circles of ripples, as if happily playing games with shadows.

so cute.

Then, she fell and hit Bai Nen's knee.

This is a beautiful blue-haired girl who looks like a French doll, about thirteen years old, holding a funny-looking rabbit hand puppet.

"What's the matter, Yoshino? You were really careless." A mysterious voice sounded.

The girl said awkwardly: "Yes, I'm sorry..."

Asagi stepped forward, stretched out her hand and said, "Are you okay?"

Yoshino was stunned for a moment, then quickly backed away, shivering while hugging the rabbit, like a small animal that was afraid of life.

Asahi was frustrated: My appearance should be okay, it's the first time I was hated by a girl, have I become a decadent middle-aged uncle?

"Talk to people well, Yoshino." Rabbit moved his mouth.

Qian Yu said in surprise, "Ah, the puppet has spoken."

A "well" character appeared on the forehead of the rabbit puppet, and it shouted, "What a disrespect! I am Yoshino, and she is Yoshino."

"Is there a difference? It sounds like a nickname for a name." Asahi complained.

At this time, Yoshino timidly pulled the corner of his clothes, withdrew his hands as if shocked by electricity, and whispered: "Big Brother, there is a warm smell..."

"Did you mean Chakra?"

Hitomi Asaba tried to mobilize it, and Yoshino felt the warmth of the sun.

"That's it...spiritual power!"

The sky suddenly changed, and it cleared up.

Asaha was puzzled: Did this little girl do it?

At this time, Asaba noticed that Yoshino's clothes were spotless.Tohka said before that elves can use spiritual power to keep them pure.With "four" in its name, it means it's the elf number four.

After this episode, the girl felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy.Asaba picked her up like she was taking care of a child, and stood up.

"Okay, be careful in the future."


The hand puppet showed an incredible expression, and said, "Brother, what kind of magic did you use? Yoshino is willing to touch humans!"

"You want to talk about magic... Fire Escape · Hao Fireball Art!"

Asaba performed a fireball.

Yoshino applauded subconsciously, then shy away shyly, and said, "This is amazing!"

"Are you happy? There are even more powerful..."

As soon as the words fell, Qian Yutong's smile froze.

Is ninjutsu used to coax children? !I almost forgot the ninja way I stick to... Oh, I don't seem to be a ninja, forget it.

"Haha, brother, you are so funny." Rabbit laughed and cried, "Yoshino, it's boring for the two of us to play games, why don't you invite me to play together."

Yoshino opened her big watery eyes, and Asaba couldn't refuse at all.

"Okay, I forgot to mention, my name is Hitomi Asagi."

Yoshino read silently: "Hi... Hitomi?"

"Well, what are you playing?"

"Hide and seek."

Asaha would like to ask: How did you play peek-a-boo with your left hand and fall down?

After a while, Asagi lay blindfolded behind the tree and asked, "Are you hiding?"

"Not yet!" Yoshino said in a panic.

Ah, it's really about rolling your eyes and taking a peek?

Hitomi Asaba seems to have awakened a strange hobby.

"Hide, hide well..."

Asahi joked, "The voice is too low, I can't hear it."

"I'm hiding!"

Loli's immature voice broke due to shyness.

Hitomi Qianyu looked around but couldn't find anyone, so she couldn't help feeling a little worried.There was a faint movement in the depths of the park. Asagi pushed through the bushes and found Yoshino and a group of small squirrels.It turned out that because she saw interesting little animals, she threw peek-a-boo to the back of her mind.

Yoshino said timidly, "Ah, I'm sorry, I forgot..."

"It's okay." Asahi smiled.

After the rain, the air is very fresh.An elderly woman sits on a park bench and feeds the group of squirrels.They are not afraid of humans at all, which amazes Asahi.

He hurriedly greeted the old man.

"They are……"

The old lady showed a kind smile and said: "A few years ago, I just took in a couple of squirrels, and gradually it became a big family. Sometimes it is very troublesome, haha."

"It's amazing." Asagi couldn't help admiring, "Yoshino, would you like to have a look?"

"Can you?" Yoshino looked expectant.

Asahi smiled and said: "Don't be afraid, ordinary animals will not bite people unless their lives are in danger. Because they are very gentle. I will feed them with you."

Asaba took Yoshino's hand and put some bait.Afterwards, squirrels swarmed over, sniffed, and licked the girl's little hand.This cute look is a bit like Yoshino just now.


Yoshino only felt itching in his palms, but he didn't dare to withdraw his hands, with tears in his eyes, he cast a look of help to Asagi.

"You are all good boys." The old lady was also amused.

Asahi hesitated and said, "The injury on your hand is..."

There was a hideous scar on the old man's arm.

"It was left during the space quake, and it has been healed for a long time."

Yoshino was startled when he heard that, slowly pulled down his hat, covered his face, and kept crying, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... I'm sorry..."

The old lady said strangely: "little girl, why do you have to apologize. Ah, why is it raining again?"

The raindrops falling from the sky are like the tears of a girl.

Unfortunately, Yoshino never spoke again in the following time.It was getting dark, and they said goodbye at the gate of the park.

"Today is really fun~"

The rabbit doll poked Asaha, and said viciously: "Brother is really a lucky pervert. I was hugging and touching before touching Yoshino's body. Lucky, isn't it soft?"

"What are you talking about?" Asahi blushed, "How can you be so innocent!"

Yoshino looked innocent and couldn't understand dirty words.

"Big brother, is there a chance to meet again in the future?"

Although Asagi really wanted to seal the elf, the timing was wrong now.He promised Shixiang that he would bring her delicious food after get off work, and if he didn't go back, he would get mad.

Asagi bent down, touched the girl's little head, and said with a smile: "We will meet again, I promise."

PS: This plot is plagiarized from the battle mobile game: Return of the Elves

In the beginning, I played the game for collecting materials.Then……

If you don't cheat some manuscript fees, you will have no money to krypton gold, so you have to reluctantly put down the code words on your mobile phone.Oops, it's almost six o'clock, and Tohka's wife will send me a bento, hehehe...

Chapter 223 The Hide and Seek Promise

The next day, in the school classroom, Tobiichi Origami blocked the way with a blank expression.

"What, what are you doing? Don't you still want to fight!"

Yatogami Tohka has entered Class 2, Year 4 as a transfer student.But she remembered being chased and killed by the humans in front of her all the time, forming a mechanical army with weird equipment.

"I'm not looking for you, princess." Origami said flatly, "After a few days of observation, it was confirmed that there is no spirit wave on your body, and the threat level is determined to be 'harmless'. If you become an elf again, I will still kill you. "

"Who is afraid of whom!"

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