Asaba picked up the teacup and drank it down in one gulp.Origami on the opposite side showed surprise, wondering why he was willing to believe it.

Hey, why is that disgusting face floating up?

Qian Yutong fell headlong, his vision gradually blurred, and he heard Cthulhu's call in his ears, as if he saw an ancient and powerful existence.

Ah, it turns out to be an ancient god, please take care of me when we meet for the first time.

Asagi opened her eyes, it was an unfamiliar ceiling.Origami in a bath towel was sitting beside her.

"Tch, are you awake?" Origami put away the kitchen knife as if nothing had happened, "As long as I kill you, Shiori-san will be mine."

"Hey, are you the blackened lily girl! If I wake up later, am I already cold?"

Origami said regretfully: "It would be great if you never woke up, sneaking into the girl's room to spy on Mr. Pervert who is taking a shower."

"One more charge."

Origami grabbed the hand puppet, threw it to him casually, and said, "Go well, don't give it away."

"Thank you, Tobiichi."

PS: It's okay to see two girls naked in the first chapter.Jingu, do you have a deep hatred for clothes?

Chapter 226

"Resurrection in situ!"

When the hand puppet was put on Yoshino's hand, she jumped up and down happily, "Thank you, I really saved my life."

"It's nothing."

Asaba felt that as long as she could get Yoshino's smile, no matter how hard she worked.I have also become friends with Yoshina, and I am not used to hearing funny and noisy voices.

There are more and more elves, and Wuhe's family can't live there.Fortunately, Kotori's planned Elf apartment has been completed, which is very close to Wuhe's house.

Display device—a general term for devices that reproduce computer calculations, distort the laws of the real world, and realize "magic" by means of science and technology.Including AST army arming, post-disaster reconstruction, etc., it has a wide range of applications in all aspects of life, so an apartment can be built in a few days.

This is an apartment building of about five or six floors, with red paint on the walls, which looks very beautiful.

The girl exclaimed: "It's so big~"

Asaba led Tohka and Yoshina to stay.This is also one of the employee benefits that Kotori gave him. He has to pay for meals, water and electricity bills by himself.

Kotori said in the earphone: "From now on, you will be the manager of the apartment. You will take care of the elves. Let's create a big harem!"

"I seem to have seen this plot, is it the beginning of the book?" Asahi complained.

In the afternoon, Asaba put down the suitcase, covered the mild sunlight with her hands, and looked up at the tall apartment.

It's a new beginning.

But also very hard.

There are two beautiful girls waiting to be fed at home, especially a certain foodie, which adds a lot of burden.When other people are managers, they collect rent, and Hitomi Asaba has to support the tenants.

He felt deep resentment: I don't know why, but I have been working part-time since I came to this world, and this savior has failed too much.

In the evening, Hitomi Asaba got off work, stopped by the supermarket to buy vegetables, and was on her way home.Passing through a dark alley, out of the corner of the eye, a beautiful girl was stalked badly.

"Hey, miss, come play with us?"

The girl is about sixteen or seventeen years old, wearing a gorgeous gothic loli dress, black pantyhose under the skirt, and her legs are perfectly shaped.Two bundles of long black hair hang down from the chest, side bangs cover the left eye, and the right eye is as bright as a ruby.She was not timid at all, her voice was charming and mature, with a hint of a smile.

"Do you guys want to have sex|relationship with me?"

The bad boy was amused, and excitedly said: "You actually said the word 'sex|relationship' without being shy at all. Could it be a compensatory|dating girl?"

"Who knows? It's inconvenient here, let's go somewhere else."

The girl said, walking to the depths of the alley.The delinquents saw that there was something going on, and followed them in a hurry.

Asagi handed the plastic bag to her left hand, pushed aside the crowd, grabbed the girl's hand, and complained, "Where have you been? Well, it's time to go home for dinner. Everyone, please make way."

The girl froze for a moment, she was really led away by Qian Yu.

Bad blocked the way, and said angrily: "Bastard, you want to play us?"

"Failed, the tactic of pretending to know someone and taking the victim away."

Asaba scratched her hair and sighed.

"Then, the only thing left to do is do it."

Hitomi Asaba let go of her hand, and the plastic bag full of vegetables fell slowly.He passed through the crowd like a gust of wind, he couldn't see the movement clearly, the delinquents were already rolling all over the ground, howling constantly.Only then did the plastic bag fall to the ground with a crisp sound, the sound of heartbreak.

Asagi grabbed her hair and let out a scream: "Ah, my egg!"

Then, he showed a terrified expression.

"Then I have no choice but to ask you to compensate me for my loss. Life is already so difficult, so don't make it more difficult for me."

A few minutes later, Hitomi Asaba had a few more wallets in his hand, happily took away the tickets, and then threw the empty wallet on the ground.Steal from the rich and help the poor, earn some extra money to support your wife.

The delinquents wanted to cry but had no tears, and said in their hearts: At least save some medical expenses!

The girl on the side cast an interested look.

Qian Yu put the money in his pocket, and said without changing his face: "I'm laughing."

"No, thank you, I am really saved."

A trace of indifference flashed across the girl's eyes, and she added in her heart: I saved their lives.

"I didn't expect that there are good people like you in this era." The girl covered her mouth and chuckled, "Ah, I'm sorry, my name is Tokisaki Kurumi."

"My name is Hitomi Asaba."

"I know."

Qian Yu subconsciously said: "Oh, so you... wait, you know?"

Kurumi didn't explain.

The two walked side by side for a while.

Asagi murmured to herself: The name Kuang San, I always feel like I have heard it somewhere, is it the heroine of a mobile game that I have played?

"Actually, I ran away from home. I just came to this city, and there are people I want to meet here."

Qian Yu sympathized: "Well, you have worked hard too. It must be a boy you like very much, right?"

In an instant, he imagined a plot full of twists and turns. A young girl was deeply involved in online dating and couldn't extricate herself. She traveled thousands of miles to a strange city to find her boyfriend.Ah, no, it's too deep to be poisoned by Yoshino's favorite bubble drama!

Kuangsan smiled and said: "He is a handsome boy, almost as good-looking as Hitomi-san. But, I saw the video, he kissed several women. I am really sad."

Sending videotapes, face-to-face N| is it a story of a book again?

"Scumbag!" Asaha was filled with righteous indignation, "Miss Tokisaki, although it may not be appropriate to say this, the more handsome the man, the more scumbag you are. You should be careful."

"Thank you, I'm in a much better mood." Kuang San hesitated, "However, I'm new here, and I don't even have a place to stay..."

Asagi couldn't bear it, and suggested: "If you don't mind, go to my place and make a living for one night. There are many empty rooms in my apartment."

"That's great, Hitomi-san."

From an angle that Asaba couldn't see, Kurumi showed a playful smile.

Anyway, he's the kind of guy who lures girls home and gets their sperm on their brains, right?Hmph, man, let me eat you when you become a beast.

We all lived on the first floor of the Elf's apartment.Usually, Asaba cooks at home for Tohka and Yoshina, and stays together at night, so it is very lively every day.When it's time to go to bed, they go back to their own rooms. In fact, it's almost like living together.

I got an extra pair of chopsticks today.

"Hitomi, what is going on with this unknown woman?!"

Yatogami Tohka endured it for a long time, she got full first before getting angry.She slapped the table and puffed up her face. She didn't know whether it was stuffed with rice or angry.

"Cheating is not allowed." Yoshino whispered.

The rabbit hand puppet teased: "That's right, Hitomi already has such a lovely fiancée as Yoshino."

Yoshino was shy.

"Wait, I should be the main wife!" Tohka said anxiously, "Forget about Yoshino, mistresses are absolutely not allowed!"

Kuang San caressed his face and smiled: "Ah, my name is indeed Xiao San. Tong San can also call me San San."

"Smelly shameless woman!"

"Ranking by name, Toka-san is the worst." Kuangsan said, "Before you, Hitomi-san has ten other women, and I rank relatively high."

Shixiang pinched her fingers to count, and said cutely, "Really."

Are you stupid? !

Asahi covered her face.

Why do I like this guy... wait, names with numbers?

Hitomi Asaba had an ominous premonition, looking at Kurumi, her eyes intertwined.

It shouldn't be such a coincidence, right?

PS: Wishing Maniac [-]!

Ma De, three short in life.After finally playing Kotoli to SS, I found that the Yoshito without an A in the tower is easy to use.

I want to delete the game.

Chapter 227 My Kuang San Can't Be a Brother-in-law

In the middle of the night, Asagi knocked on Kuangsan's door, unable to speak.

Kuang San remained calm and played with taste: "Hitomi-san, I know what you want to do."

"You know?" Asagi was overjoyed, "That's great!"

"Stop standing and talking, come in."

Asahi waved her hands again and again and said, "No need, it's fine here."

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