Asaba said softly: "People call you the 'worst elf' and say you killed more than ten thousand people."

"My angel is very powerful, but it consumes time. Therefore, it needs to be supplemented by cannibalism. This is also a matter of course. I am an elf, why should I care about the life and death of human beings?" Kurumi argued.

"Don't lie. In fact, your principle is to only kill evil people. No matter how you smear yourself, you can't change the fact that you still yearn for 'kindness' in your heart." Qian Yu said with a complicated expression, "Use evil to control evil, is this really good? "

Kuang San said in a panic: "I..."

"I will not impose human values ​​on you. Right and wrong, good and evil, I don't care at all."

In an instant, Kuang San was touched to the softest place in his heart.

Qian Yu endured the smell of blood, walked towards the pool of blood without changing his face, released a water escape technique, and cleaned up the crime scene.

"There is a lot of traffic in the park, and it is not good for children to see it." Qian Yu said.

Kuang San looked at his busy figure, and his affection was about to overflow.Is this what it feels like to be favored by a younger brother?awesome!

"Don't get it everywhere." Asaba complained, "Like a burst tomato, it's a hassle to clean up. Be easier next time."

Kuang San handed over the drink and said with concern: "I'm sorry, are you thirsty? Have a sip first..."

Suddenly, several light beams appeared in the air, piercing through Kuang San's chest, and the bleeding spots were extremely tiny.Her smile faltered and she fell backwards.It turns out that killing people can be very simple.

"Crazy Three!"

The sudden change made Qian Yu stunned for a moment.He rushed over and hugged the dying Kuang San.The girl stroked Asagi's cheek for the last time, showing unwillingness.

"Obviously I just had a lovely younger brother, and there are... many wishes..."

Kuang San stretched out his hand gently, drawing a bloodstain on Asagi's cheek, and finally slipped down powerlessly.Even knowing that this is a clone, this feeling is just false.Asahi could not stop trembling all over.

It was almost possible to conquer Kuang San and save her from the abyss of killing.

"What the hell did you do?" Asagi gritted her teeth.

A girl fell from the sky, wearing a tight battle suit and a cutting-edge display device.She said coldly: "I remember, you are my sister's good friend. Don't be fooled by the nightmare, one day even you will be eaten."

The murderer of Kuangsan was Takamiya Mana.Shiori's long-lost sister is suspected to have been trained by DEM to become a super warrior, far surpassing AST.

"Didn't you kill people as if nothing happened? Kurumi killed [-] people, so how many times did you kill her? What is the difference between you and her?"

Mana froze, his mind was in turmoil.She has no memory in her life, and was instilled by the DEM agency with the idea of ​​eliminating elves.But is this really justice?

Asaba drew his sword from the void, and the space shock detector on Mana's body beeped strongly.Just one movement caused a miniature space shock.

The girl suddenly realized: "This kind of spiritual wave... so it is true, you are Prince, and you are suspected to be an existence between humans and elves."

"No, my older sister is an elf named 'Tokisaki Kurumi'. Now I am an elf who came for revenge." Asaha's eyes were cold, "Use your full strength to fight me."

Starting today, there is an extra pair of elf siblings in the world.

Mana suppressed the confusion, and shouted coquettishly: "Then come on, destroying the elves is my bounden duty!"

The girl's tight battle suit resembled a one-piece swimsuit, with a shameful reveal.Two skateboard-like mechs hung from the shoulders, transforming into lightsabers.Her sea blue hair was tied into a neat single ponytail, making her look like a petite Shiori.

Chong Gongzhen raised his small hand, and the hot laser refracted in the air, shooting at unpredictable and tricky angles.Qian Yu rushed all the way, blurring the moment the laser penetrated her body.


Mana showed an unbelievable expression, this is the first time anyone can escape the speed of light strike.She lowered her head subconsciously, and the value of the space shock changed.Is the high-speed analysis of the mind the ability to hide itself in the neighborhood of elves?

"Do you still have time to distract yourself?" Asahi said lightly.

Mana hastily took the knife, and the sword of light collided fiercely with Hachifang.The strength of the opponent is incomparable, and the sword moves are also very tricky. Fortunately, he has the advantage of high-tech weapons.

The girl breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and said, "Big brother, your sword is too outdated. Maybe it will be cut off by the laser."

"Really." Asahi was noncommittal.

He took a small step back and put the knife back into its sheath.Let Mana not understand what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd.

Mana secretly thought: Did you give up because you knew the difference in weapons?Wise choice.

The next moment, Qian Yutong pressed the handle of the knife again, and entered a mysterious and mysterious realm.The warm sunshine and soft sunshine shone on his face, like the calm before the storm.

"Don't underestimate the ancients, little girl."


Draw the knife!

Hitomi Qianyu burst out with all her strength, spanning several meters in one step, breaking through the sound barrier with the speed of the knife.UI.This is the perfect combination of body-blinking technique and sword-drawing technique. There is only one word "fast" in the most superficial swordsmanship.

Mana opened his eyes wide, only to see broken equipment and clothes flying in the sky.

totally invisible...

"Your lightsaber is good, but it's too slow. Its strength can crush equipment." Qian Yu retracted the sword, "This is one of the swords that humans have passed down for thousands of years."

Chonggong Manaxiang was dripping with sweat, and sat slumped on the ground in a duck-sitting posture.Even the tights, which were extremely tough and bullet-resistant, were torn into strands of cloth by the sword wind, exposing large areas of snow-white skin.

Asaba didn't hurt her at all, she is Shiori's younger sister after all.It can be seen that the power control is exquisite.

A young girl is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, white and tender.She was not annoyed at all, she protected her chest with her hands, her little face was flushed, and there were stars of admiration in her eyes.

"Brother-in-law, you are so strong!"


PS: Someone said that the clothes exploded

In the mobile game, Zhenna is really fast, the king of bosses.It's a pity that I don't have the resources to practice, and I have been brainwashed by Kotori.It's over when it collapses, and there is no such thing as operation.

Chapter 234 Resurrection Maniac [-]

Produced by DEM, the equipment that combines technology and magic is very convenient.Takamiya Mana took out the chip, swiped on the identification device on the forehead similar to a card issuer, and changed into a brand new battle suit.

"Why do you call me brother-in-law?" Asaha wondered.

Mana said simply: "Sister Qinli said, you and your sister have established a relationship. This is my request, please take good care of your sister!"

"Wuhe Qinli!" Qian Yu said bitterly.

There was a "rustling" sound in my ears, and then Kotori's voice.

"Don't get excited, I'm just joking. What's more important is the current situation." Kotori said seriously, "I asked Lingyin to check Mana's DNA. There are many traces of magic transformation on her body, and the rest His lifespan is...less than ten years."

Asaba was startled when she heard this, and looked at the girl whose smile resembled Shiori's.After all, he is also a poor man who is used by DEM.

"Don't kill the elves anymore. I won't let you hurt Kurumi again." Asaba tried to persuade, "You can understand the feeling of wanting to protect my sister, right?"

Mana was stunned, with a confused expression on his face: "I don't understand. Since I can remember, I have been indoctrinated with the desire to destroy elves. Even my childhood memory of my sister is very vague. I only know how to kill nightmares once. Once again..."

"No one asked you to do this. Hasn't your own soul been exhausted?" Qian Yu said in a deep voice.

Mana bit her lip and said, "I'm sorry, I..."

"If you have no idea, then let me help you choose. I will seal them one by one, and one day you won't need to fight the elves anymore." Asahi said.

Mana's eyes gradually recovered, and she smiled brightly: "Well, I believe in brother-in-law."

"Change your name!"

"Okay, brother-in-law."


There was a tear mole in the corner of Chonggong Zhenna's eye, this cheap sister-in-law was quite cute.When Asaba picked up the dead Kurumi, she squatted by the side and watched.

"Nightmare has no body, and it will appear intact every time it is killed." Mana reminded, "Brother-in-law, let's give up."

"I know, but the time spent together is definitely not fake. There is only one Kurumi who loves to tease me like my sister and is very gentle."

Asagi revealed inexplicable emotions, opened her eyes of reincarnation, and attracted Mana's curious eyes.

These eyes are really special!

"What I'm going to do next is beyond the common sense of humans and elves. I want to resurrect the elves."

Qian Yutong formed a seal with both hands, revealing a crazy momentum.

Outer Dao Reincarnation Innate Technique!

Under Chonggong Mana's horrified gaze, the gigantic King of Hades burst out of the ground, opening its hideous and terrifying mouth.The souls of this world return to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.Qian Yu was not sure whether the elf's soul belonged to Hades.Fortunately, he bet right.

A wisp of remnant soul flew out and fell into Kuang San's body, and the physical body revived at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Kuang San slowly opened his eyes and said in a daze, "I should be dead already. Hitomi, this is..."

"Welcome back."

Asagi smiled palely, her figure swaying.Mana quickly helped.Every time this forbidden technique is released, it will consume a lot of vitality, or lifespan, thanks to the immortal body bestowed by Alaya.

"You have less time."

Kuang San raised his oblique bangs, stared at Qian Yu with the eyes of the clock, and said movedly: "You are such a fool. I am just one of countless Kuang San, and I only occupy one second in a long life. Why, do you want to do this? to the point..."

Asaba said: "To me, you are unique. Every second of dating is precious."

"This is too cunning, brother." Kuang San blushed.

A hug, a touch on the forehead.Each other can see the smiling eyes, and the warmth blooms silently.

Mana was left alone, with a look of envy, thinking: If only my sister and I could be so close.

Under Asaba's mediation, Kurumi and Mana reconciled.The damage caused is difficult to heal, and Kurumi was killed hundreds of times by Mana.From this point of view, Tokisaki Kurumi is a very strong person.

Have a great day.

After returning home, Kuangsan stayed in the room alone, holding his cheeks, unconsciously revealing a look of happiness.There are still many things I want to try with my brother, which are more interesting than killing people.

"I don't want to be an elf, I want to be a real human being."

In the next second, a hand pierced through her chest, and a voice sounded faintly: "Ah, if you forget who you are, it will trouble me very much."

Kuang San looked astonished, and the corner of his mouth was bleeding.Another Kuang San crawled out from the shadow, leaning on her shoulder with an extremely nasty expression on his face.

"It's just an empty shell without power. Do you still want to dream of becoming a human being? You are the me who was most afraid of loneliness in the past. That's why you have such a strong brother-controlling emotion?"

"It's so naive. It's just a hunting game. I want to eat him, and he wants to eat me. You are so fascinated by that man, it's useless."

Scenes from the past emerged like a revolving lantern.Asagi was drunk, she reached out from the shadow and touched his face for the first time.When the main body wanted to choose someone as a shield, she volunteered and crawled out of the shadows, just to see his appearance clearly, and he was as handsome as imagined.

As he was dying, the avatar coughed up blood and said, "I like Tong."

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