"One hand... I can't put it on anymore."

Asagi wanted to complain: Can't you take off the puppet first?

"Forget it, I'll help you."

Asaba closed the curtain casually, and stayed alone in the dressing room with Yoshino.Like taking care of his daughter, he gently hugged the petite Lori, and then tied up his swimsuit, perhaps a hangover from the last world.

There was a faint dialing sound outside, and the girl said, "Hello, is it 110?"

"Don't just call the police!"

Origami put down the phone, regretfully said: "It seems that the outcome is already obvious. He is a lolicon."

"How could this be...I, I can't get smaller." Tohka looked desperate.

"Don't spread rumors either!"

Finally, everyone got a swimsuit and went home happily.Asaba opened the empty wallet, showing a sad expression.

So much money spent on a training match, what about a real date?

PS: I am often unable to date a second-dimensional wife because of poverty (in fact, I didn’t get a wife at all)

Chapter 239

"It's time to wake up, Oni-chan."

A sweet voice came from the ear.

I can't have a sister.I must have hallucinated from watching too many sister animations yesterday.

Hitomi Qianyu was half asleep and half awake, she didn't bother to lift her eyelids, turned over and continued to sleep.Immediately afterwards, I felt a gust of fragrant wind blowing towards my face, and my stomach was hit hard.


Asagi let out a scream, opened her dead fish eyes, and what came into view was the swaying innocent skirt.This angle of elevation is bad, the red and white stripes are looming, wrapped in a tall and straight butt.

Recently, my eyesight has declined rapidly. I must be blind.

Kotori danced happily, humming a ditty, and shaking her twin ponytails rhythmically.The girl's little feet were covered with white cotton socks, which were very soft to the touch.Then, she slipped and fell hilariously in the midst of the void, posing as a duck, in terrible position.

Fortunately, Qian Yu has a strong stomach, otherwise this "jacking pendant" would have killed someone.Today's Qinli is tied with a white ribbon, no wonder it is so noisy.

"Can you get up from me?" Asahi said blankly, "Fat times, it's exposed."

Kotori covered her skirt shyly, pouted and said, "H's brother."

At this time, Asaba remembered, it seemed that it was because of Shiori's relationship that he was called an older brother.

"When I'm at home, I always wake up my sister like this."

Asaha suddenly understood the reason why Shiori was poor.

Kotori sat on her body, moved her buttocks, and felt something tight.Hard and hot to the touch.

"However, there are differences. Brother, did you hide the lollipop?"

Asahi was sweating coldly, and quickly changed the subject: "Yes, yes, I bought you a bag of Doubijia yesterday and put it on the table."

As expected, Kotori was coaxed away, and skillfully unwrapped one, put it in his mouth, and said happily: "I love you, Oni-chan~"

Kotori with the white ribbon is the clingy younger sister, isn't this smile too cute?Too bad, it's a feeling of heartbeat!

Asagi rubbed her hair and walked out of the bedroom, seeing a busy figure.Shiori was making breakfast for him, like a virtuous wife.No wonder Kotori was able to get in, he gave Shiori the key.

"Good morning."

"Are you awake? Go wash up and then you can eat." Shiori smiled softly, "I already washed yesterday's clothes for you."

"Why bother you so much?"

Shiori wiped his hands on the apron, and said, "It's okay, I want it myself... You also helped me a lot, Kotori always wanted an older brother, thank you for your hard work."

Kotori couldn't say anything about her physical condition, so she had to make up an excuse.Asaha said that she was helping to take care of Kotori, so she had an extra sister for no reason.

However, Shiori was obviously wrong.I thought Hitomi was making plans for the future, first to please my sister-in-law.After all, after getting married, Kotori can justifiably call her brother.

The girl suddenly covered her face.

What am I thinking, it's so embarrassing!


"Ah, the eggs are about to burn. Anyway, hurry up, this weekend, isn't it a good idea to take Kotori out to play?"

A few minutes later, the whole family sat lively at the dining table.

Kotori reappeared, already wearing a black ribbon, staring at Asaba "viciously".She has already realized what she encountered in the morning.The girl pursed her lips, feeling that the taste of the lollipop had changed, and she could no longer look directly at her favorite food.

Under the table, Asahi was suddenly stepped on.He looked up, the color inside the piano was normal, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned.

The two fought fiercely under the table.

"You two, give me a good meal!"

Shiori put his hands on his hips, held a spoon, and knocked each of them.

Kotori curled her lips and said, "Did you enter mother mode in advance?"

"Old... Mom? How dare you say that." Shizhi blushed.

Married with Hitomi and had children, the warm life in the future is like this.

After breakfast, Shiori stayed at home to wash the dishes, and didn't plan to go to Ocean Park together.He said that he was not good at swimming, but in fact it was because of his shameful figure.So Asaba and Kotori went out.

Shiori stood at the entrance, helped Kotori straighten his collar, and said, "Be careful all the way, and have fun."


After passing a corner, Shiori was no longer seen.

Kotori suddenly became cold and said, "Let's get started, today's date. It's the last day."

Isn't this completely uncooperative?He pretends to be happy at home, not wanting Shiori to worry.

"Obey, my lord."

For a week, Qian Yu acted as a perfect elder brother and quickly captured Bai Qinli.However, Hei Qinli's attitude has always been lukewarm.Seeing that the deadline is approaching, after today, Kotori will lose control of her spiritual power and die.

How can I save you?

Asahi sighed.

Tiangong City Water Park integrates swimming pool and amusement park.Looking around, there was a sea of ​​people, Asaba and Kotori changed into their swimsuits and met at the agreed place.

Wuhe Qinli was wearing a set of pure white swimsuit, which protected her poor breasts like a chest cloth, and was connected with a pull ring, revealing icy skin and snow skin.She holds a lollipop in her mouth and folds her arms across her chest.The boss who always bosses around in the earphones is just a cute girl now.

"What are you doing in a daze?"

"Little Hitomi, it's time to praise the girl." Lingyin's voice sounded from the earphone.

Make a choice!

A. It suits you very well, Kotori

B. It is better to swim in school

C. That slightly protruding chest | is the best!

Kannazuki Kyohei acted as the interim commander and said, "I see, both B and C are options for losing favorability, and the answer is...choose C!"

Suffocating operation.The Raiders team looked at the fool one after another.

"Don't you think so? Small breasts are the best, that petite and soft body, don't you want to be imprinted on your face by the commander's hard sole?" Gonghei argued, "Hitomi-kun, can you understand me?"

"I know."

"That's great, we are people in the same path." Gongping was so moved that tears filled his eyes.

Asaha said honestly: "So, I gave the earphones to Kotori, and she heard everything."

Kotori grinned and said, "Although I'm on vacation, my authority is still there. Drag this guy down for me, it's time to dig a hot spring again."

"No! Hitomi Asaba, you traitor..."

Kotori returned the earphones to Asaba.One sentence sank the airship and paralyzed the capture team.Now, everything can only depend on Asahi himself.

"By the way, Kotori, the swimsuit fits very well. I didn't expect a swimsuit with small breasts to be so cute." Asaha smiled.

Qin Li's pretty face flushed, she quickly covered her chest, and said in embarrassment: "What did you say suddenly. Lingyin must have taught you secretly, right?"

"No, this is my own judgment."

PS: It can be said that it is very shrine to play with the elder sister and play with the younger sister.

Baiqin: ★★★★☆

Black piano: ★★★☆☆

Chapter 240 Sister's Theory of Happiness

Not far away, Tohka happily waved and shouted, "Hitomi!"

Coincidentally, Tohka and Yoshino also came to swim.

Asaha pressed the earphones and asked nervously, "What's going on? Miss Lingyin!"

"You and Kotori-chan are not easy to let go, so please let them know."

"I've never heard of such a thing!"

Tohka was wearing a purple bikini, very sexy, and said expectantly, "How is it? You bought me the swimsuit."

"Yoshino too." The girl said timidly.

Yoshino is a pure children's swimsuit.

"They are all beautiful." Asahi praised.

Qin Li folded her arms around her chest, and said with a half-smile: "You are really proficient, you did a good job. The favorability of the elves is maintained at a very high level, and they will give gifts and say they are beautiful to please girls. Why didn't I see it before? , you still have the talent of a playboy."

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