"Of course, otherwise I will be bullied by you." Kotori said angrily.

"That was a mistake." Asagi smiled slyly, "I thought about the next date, come with me."

After making arrangements for Tohka and Yoshino, Asaba changed clothes with Kotori and stepped into Kamui.

"Wait, where are you taking me?"


When I came to a shopping mall, there were a lot of cute ribbons.

"In order to sincerely apologize to you, I decided to give you a gift."

Qinli asked suspiciously, "So good all of a sudden?"

"I understand one thing. No matter what, I can't conquer Wuhe Kotori, because your most important person is Shiori." Asaha smiled slightly, "This fake of mine can't beat your sister, and there is no treasure worth remembering for a lifetime. But , even if you only remember this week."

"You..." Qin Li was stunned.

Asagi took off a white ribbon.If it is a beautiful girl game, it is an artifact that can fill up the favorability, which is equivalent to the hand puppet to Yoshino.

He was keenly aware of the fact that Kotori liked white.Only by counteracting the influence brought by Shiori can we have a chance to truly enter the girl's inner world.

I've seen the end.

Kotori untied the black ribbon and whispered, "Put it on for me."

"it is good."

White|The personality reappeared in the sky, and as soon as he came up, he linked his arms and called "Oni sauce" sweetly.

"So that's how it is. Baiqin is better at attacking and sealing her in one fell swoop? As expected of Xiaotong." Murasame Lingyin secretly praised.

"The new date is the amusement park. No, this should be my first date with you, another Kotori."

Asaba said, he patted his head to kill.

Qin Li's face was flushed, and she smiled brightly: "Yeah!"

Screaming on the stair jumper, Kotori's twin ponytails soared to the sky due to the fall, together with tears; in the haunted house, the girl shivered while hugging Asagi, and ran to the side to protect her head; each person had a cone, with different tastes , Then watch the couples coming and going shy together.

Finally, the two sat on the bench.

Kotori said: "Today, although I am very tired, I am very happy. I will go on a date with my brother in the future!"

Knowing the personality, Bai Qin sips an Oni sauce, but Hei Qin can only say "Hey, who is that".

"Okay, in order to have a future, I need one more thing. Let's go ride the Ferris wheel together." Qian Yu's eyes were gentle.

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on his face, flushing.The girl nodded shyly and gave a soft "hmm".

At the final stage of the date, Kotori has already come to his senses.

The Ferris wheel rotates like an hour hand every minute and every second, and the moment it rises to the top.Hitomi Asagi looked at the distance outside the glass window, and it was a magnificent scene.The sun is slowly sinking into the horizon, and the star named "Love" has just begun to shine, how can it not make people's hearts surge.

"Kinri, can I kiss you?"

"You don't need to ask this kind of thing. I love you, Oni-chan~"

Kotori said the clingy mantra as usual, took out the lollipop from her mouth, and then kissed lightly.Perhaps it was the residual sugar juice that made the girl's body fluid as sweet as honey.Asahi is like a hardworking bee, asking for kisses to the stamens over and over again, sucking the juice greedily.

A heart is about to melt, I can hardly breathe, and my cheeks are hot.

But, very happy.

Tears welled up in Bai Qinli's eyes.

Asahane ran her hands through her long hair and gently untied the ribbon.The bright and fiery hair slipped through the fingers like quicksand, Qian Yu took out the black ribbon and tied it skillfully, specially practicing the beautiful style.

Hei Qinli opened her eyes, still in his arms.

"Why wake me up suddenly, I'm not as easy to deceive as the white guy."

Personalities are different, memories are shared.Hei Qin watched the dating scenes in her mind, and really wanted to find a hole to get in, it was too embarrassing.Weak guy, return your body to me quickly!

Asagi smiled lightly, "I feel that I still owe you a Kiss, because no matter what Kotori's personality is, I like it."

"...too cunning."

"Ah! I was too busy kissing Kotori-chan, so I forgot to open the eyes of reincarnation. What should I do if I haven't absorbed the spiritual power?"

"Stupid old man, just this once."

Qinli suddenly came up and kissed actively, turning into the most beautiful scene in memory.


First Kiss collected: Wuhe Shiori, Yatogami Tohka, Yoshino, Kurumi (separate body), Kotori (black & white)

fnndp, Shiori and Kotori had kissed five years ago.

I don't listen, I don't listen, sister Lily play doesn't count!

Chapter 242 Love and Hatred

Qian Yu opened the eyes of reincarnation, and used the secret technique of the hungry ghost.

Suction seal!

Hitomi Qianyu absorbed a huge amount of spiritual power while kissing the girl deeply, feeling that she was really bad.However, the double harvest of love and strength brings hearty pleasure.

The seal on the chest adds to the silhouette.The guardian angel Camael, ranked "5" on the tree of life, is also known as the surgeon of the sky, so Kotori has a high level of self-healing ability.

After the seal is completed, Kotori is just an ordinary girl now, and she has no worries about losing control of her spiritual power.The clothes on his body are entities, so they won't dissipate like spiritual clothes.

Asaba showed a regretful expression, and there were not many opportunities for Kotori Buri to show a shy expression.During those days of cohabitation, I accidentally broke into my sister while she was taking a bath, and then I was raped by the girl's feet.

Kotori shielded her chest, shy and annoyed: "Wait, what are you expecting, idiot!"

"Hey, do you have mind reading skills?"

"What did you do with the elves before, don't I know?"

That being said, Kotori watched every time Asaba went on a date with a girl.Perhaps since then, I have blushed and heartbeat, and I also want to fall in love once.

Qian Yu said with a smirk: "It turns out that the commander has been peeping."


Kotori whipped him with her ponytails, the kind of trampling some pervert could only dream of.

Suddenly, a missile flew from the sky and hit the carriage where the two were.Surrounded by smog, life and death are unknown.The steel frame sling twisted and deformed, like an earthquake, the huge Ferris wheel shook violently, and finally fell off the axle.


A sudden terrorist attack plunged the entire playground into panic.Tourists trapped on the Ferris wheel are even more in danger, and they are about to fall from a height of tens of meters.


Amidst the smog, a big hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed the ferris wheel abruptly.An indomitable giant carried dozens of lives on his shoulders.

"God, what is that?"

"Ying... hero!"

"Is this a special shooting scene?"

Asaba stood in the void, holding Kotori with one hand, and controlling Susan with the other to save the victim.Kotori couldn't help peeking at the stern side face, only feeling that her cheeks were burning.

This is too handsome.

"Yuyi, are you crazy, firing at ordinary people?"

Tobiichi Origami was wearing a Gundam-like mecha, flying in the air.This is the super display device DW029 developed by DEM. It is said that the world's number one magician will be on the verge of paralysis after operating it for half an hour.The girl was sweating profusely, and there was only a few minutes of activity left.

"After killing the Balrog, I will apologize with death. Hitomi Qianyu, step aside, today I will avenge my parents who died five years ago!" Origami twisted her face.

Wuhe Qinli was stunned, showing a sad expression.She can't remember what happened five years ago, but with that kind of power, it is indeed possible that the rampage hurt some people.

Asagi hugged her a little tighter, and said in a low voice, "Don't think about it."

"Sorry, I……"

Qian Yu only said: "Apologize after clearing your suspicion."

Tobiichi Origami's mecha extended two whips of light, quickly wrapping around Susano's arms.Immediately, the tortoise shell-shaped force field locked the entire space up, down, left, and right.

"Any field, fully open!"

This level of attack can't break the defense at all, but Hitomi Asaba has been imprisoned in order to protect the Ferris wheel.Tobiichi Origami exploded, and the slash of the great sword was like a storm.

"Obviously the hope of revenge is right in front of us, as long as we explode this tortoise shell." Origami roared hysterically, "Why do you hinder me again and again, Asabi Hitomi!"

From Tobiichi Origami's pretty face, crystal tears flowed down.

Asahi said: "Because you are always making mistakes, let me wake you up."

"What a joke!"

Tobiichi's mech raised its gun barrel, brewing a beam of light.For a time, dusk seemed like day.The people in the Ferris wheel looked at the cold laser cannon with despair on their faces.

Didn't this chain of hatred hurt innocent people?

Hitomi Asaba did only one thing, the red Susano transformed into a Yata mirror, reflecting all the destructive white light.Tobiichi Origami opened her eyes wide, only to feel the scorching light passing over her cheeks, messing up the hair beside her ears.There was a roar from the hill behind him, and it was razed to the ground.

One-shot kill!

If Asaba hadn't adjusted the light path, Origami would have died without a place to bury her.

The girl was exhausted physically and mentally, and could no longer bear the pressure of the mecha. The equipment all over her body began to disintegrate and fell from the sky.Asaba stretched out his other hand and caught her.

Qian Yu turned to the tourists in each carriage and said loudly: "The people inside listened to my instructions and slowly lay down on the ground, and I put the Ferris wheel down."

The people who survived the catastrophe nodded like chickens pecking at rice. Needless to say, they were all so frightened that their legs limp and sat on the ground.

Susano almost leveled the Ferris wheel.Before being watched as a hero, Hitomi Asaba hurriedly left with the two girls.

Everyone was discussing: "That person disappeared out of thin air?"

"That's the kind, Ultraman flies into the sky, and then turns back into a human. Don't leave your name when you do good deeds, so handsome!"

In Kamui's world, Origami sat in a corner with her knees hugged, her skills were inferior to others, and she had nothing to say.Kotori hesitated to speak, not knowing how to explain.

"There is no basis for words, as long as you see the truth five years ago, you can understand each other."

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