I want to protect you.

"It doesn't matter, I have nothing in my life. This useless body can last for a minute or a second. Before that... I will finish you!"

For the first time, the girl's emotions fluctuated, she bit her lip with force, gasped as if she was about to suffocate, and vomited blood.

Beyond the speed of light, it turned at a sharp angle in the sky full of enemies, refracted back and forth in the air as delicate as glass, and brought a bunch of firecrackers.

This is a highlight moment that only belongs to Tobiichi Origami.

One against one hundred!

PS: Miku was really drawn out today.

Complete character collection!There are probably two or three that have not been promoted to S, and the next step is to achieve all S.

Chapter 258 The God of Love

"Next, we will invite the elf band from Laichan High School. It has a very interesting name and is very talented. It will bring an original song - "God Knows"!"

The stage was lit with highlights, hitting everyone.

Asaba hugged Bess, and Shiori stood at the front.As one of the two female lead singers, Shixiang holds a tambourine in her hand, giving people a funny and cute feeling.Yaguya and Yuzuru sat in the rear, their palms were slightly sweaty, nervous for the first time.

There was a dense darkness under the stage, only faint fluorescence.Playing in front of so many people is completely different from playing an instrument normally.

Qian Yu looked back and smiled, which immediately reassured the girls.

Yejuya grabbed the drumstick and tapped it like two chopsticks, signaling that he was ready.At this time, the background should also play the original sound in the earphones, but it turned out to be a long silence.

what happened?

Backstage, Miku showed a sly smile.Everyone on this stage is controlled by me, what do you use to fight with me.

"Damn it!" Kotori resented, "This guy is too much, he has no spirit of competition."

It was not beyond Asahi's expectation.Yuxiao Meijiu was originally a solipsist and never believed in human beings.

The stage was dead silent, and the auditorium became noisy.

"Why haven't you started yet?"

Suddenly, Yatogami Tohka spoke, humming carefreely alone, twisting her body, and hitting her head with a tambourine from time to time, she was very cute.

"Running and chasing with a thirsty heart. Sorry, I can't do anything for you. I want to share your pain..."

The girl turned her head and winked playfully.Everyone looked at each other and smiled, and performed their duties.

Shiori followed Tohka's rhythm, hugged the guitar, leaned in front of the microphone, and sang a wild song.The girl's long hair fluttered, her heroic posture was valiant, and her messy bangs dripped with crystal sweat, drawing a graceful arc.

"...Even in the dark future, as long as you become stronger, you can even change your destiny. If you want to fulfill my wish, I will do everything—God's protection!"

Both girls are so beautiful.Qian Yu was slightly absent-minded, and her fingers fell on the bass strings, as beautiful as a butterfly wearing flowers.Fortunately, he used Sharingan to copy other people's skills in order to match their perfect singing voice.

At the end of the song, everyone was sweating profusely and gasping for breath.

The host said: "Excellent performance! The next one will be even better, the super idol who has never shown his face in public——Yu Xiao Mijiu!"

There was an uproar downstairs.

"real or fake?"


Yu Xiao Meijiu stood alone and proudly.She never needs anyone's accompaniment and is confident in her singing.There was a sudden change, the entire venue was blacked out, and fell into darkness.

"Hmph, do you think I can't do anything?" Kotori sneered, "I sent someone to cut the wires."


Are you girls so narrow-minded?

Yu Xiaomeijiu's smile gradually disappeared, and she couldn't see her expression clearly when she lowered her head.Afterwards, white light bloomed all over her body, like a gorgeous flower, and she was dressed in a golden spiritual outfit with a sea-blue lining, which set off her tall and proud chest|chest.The skirt is as thin as a cicada's wings, blooming like lotus petals.

She actually liberated the spiritual outfit in public!


Bel canto, interpreting what is called the sound of nature.All of a sudden, everyone was mesmerized.

Finally, all contestants stood on the stage, nervously waiting for the selection results.Miku showed a winning expression, all the judges were under control, there was no possibility of losing.

In the darkness, Qian Yu quietly formed a seal.

Illusion, solution!

"...Rindanji Girls' Academy won the second place. Finally, the final winner of this Tianyang Festival is Laizen High School!"

No one paid attention to the corner of the stage, Asaha stood in front of Miku and said, "I won."

"This is impossible..." Meijiu couldn't believe it.

"Your spiritual power was unlocked by me. Don't you understand? This is the truest portrayal. Since when did you no longer sing with your heart, but with spiritual power." Asaba sighed, "Shizhi and Tohka's singing voice is more touching than yours."

"Do not make jokes!"

Yu Xiao Meijiu went berserk in public, attracting everyone's attention.

"I will not lose! I am not the same as before. This world is completely controlled by my will!"

The girl released the angel, and a row of golden pipe organs rose behind her, like a splendid theater.

"Broken Army Singer!"

A huge spiritual power filled every corner of the venue.

Everyone was distracted by the spiritual power, waved the light sticks, and shouted hoarsely: "Meijiu Jiang Saigao!"

Meijiu said coldly: "I've had enough. No matter what special abilities you have, you are vulnerable to my broken army singer. Dedicate Shiori to me, and then obediently be my loyal dog, as long as Just keep writing songs for me."

Asaba scratched her head and said, "What a nerve-wracking ambition."

"This world is so cruel."

As soon as the words fell, Qian Yutong felt a heat in his chest, and all the four spiritual powers that had been sealed before flowed back.Yoshino, Sisters Yawu and Tohka are fully armed, and the beautiful Nine are leading the way, not to mention ordinary people like Shiori.

Yoshino made a childish voice: "Bullying my sister, even Brother Hitomi is unforgivable!"

Little Lolita was riding on the back of the frozen puppet, and even the angel was controlled, her eyes were glowing red.Yoshino also enthusiastically agreed, saying "that's it".

Such a strong ability!Almost even living things can be infected by Miku's singing and thus be manipulated.

The complete liberation of the four angels may destroy Tiangong City.

Mijiu mocked, "How does it feel to be betrayed by your companions?"

Faced with such a desperate situation, Qian Yu still looked relaxed.

"It's okay, they were all defeated by me. When they all gather together, the result is the same."

"Don't be ashamed!"

Four girls attack from different angles.Qian Yutong opened the eyes of reincarnation, and the invisible pupil power gushed out.

Tomb of Wheels, Border Prison!

For a moment, it seemed that time stood still.The four angels were killed in one move, and the four were bound in the air, unable to move an inch.


Yuxiao Meijiu lost her support.Seeing Qian Yutong walking unhurriedly, she couldn't help but take half a step back, pretending to be calm.If the spiritual power can't be restrained, use physical attack directly.


A sound wave was amplified by spiritual power and shattered the ceiling.Asagi looked at nothing, the eyes of reincarnation degenerated into a kaleidoscope, activated the blur and went straight through.



The successive attacks came back without success.

Miku panicked and shouted, "Why doesn't it work!"

"Stop yelling, no one will save you even if your throat is broken. Ah, why does it feel like you suddenly became a villain." Qian Yu still complained leisurely.

"You regard the duel as a child's play, relying on your strength to break the rules at will and play with the will of others. Then, my strength is above yours, so it is only natural to dominate you, right?"

Asahi didn't play any strategies anymore, and directly used violence to solve it.A spinning, scarlet kaleidoscope was reflected in the girl's pupils.

"From now on, fall in love with me."

God damn it!

PS: Expand the book

Don't be gods... gods!

Chapter 259 The Kissing Maniac

On the airship Fraxinus, the condition of all the crew members is not right.No matter how far away you are, as long as you hear Miku's singing, you will be dominated.

"That's right, kill that man!" They started a riot.

Wuhe Qinli bit the lollipop into pieces and shouted: "For my lord! It doesn't matter if I lose the cart and horse, I'm my lord's cannon!"

Muramura Lingyin said in surprise, "You guys are..."

"The converging magic cannon Mistedin is ready, the target is Hitomi Asaba!"

The battleship unfolded a huge gun barrel, brewing a dazzling light.

Takamiya Mana has been adjusting her body on the ship, woke up from the back cabin, and rushed to stop it.

"Sister Qinli, are you crazy? Brother-in-law, run!"

At the same moment, Hitomi Qianyu in the theater heard the movement from the earphones, and guessed very well.

He didn't waver at all, and said easily: "It's over."

Bie Tianshen controlled Yuxiao Meijiu.The girl raised her head, her face was flushed, her eyes were blurred, and she was clinging to Qian Yu like a cat.Huge | breasts pressed against the body, as warm and soft as jade.Among the women Asaba had seen, Miku's breasts were the most impressive, almost bigger than her face.

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