Chapter 262 Raiding Miku

In Tiangong City, helicopters hovered in the sky, taking pictures of the tragic scene.

"We can see that the Japan No. [-] branch to which the original DEM belonged has been destroyed in the space epicenter. It is really the worst disaster this year..."

On the TV, Japanese experts are still arguing and arguing about the causes of space shocks and what the human race should do.

"It's obvious that in recent months, the frequency of space shocks has decreased. One day, you can live without worrying!"

Another person retorted: "According to Einstein's general theory of relativity, the world we live in presents a Riemannian space. The essence of gravity is that the curvature of space causes objects to move along the shortest path in the four-dimensional world... The birth of space shock means that the world's Gravity is out of balance..."

Yoshino hugged the rabbit, eyes circled, and said, "I don't understand at all."

"In short, there is nothing wrong with Yoshito." Yoshina said, "There are more and more spirits being sealed, and the world is developing towards a better side."

Yoshino turned around and said timidly, "Brother Hitomi, what is the theory of relativity? The appearance of Yoshino...will destroy the world?"

Asagi came out of the kitchen wearing an apron, bringing freshly baked snacks.

"How could it be, Yoshino-chan is a kind and good boy like a god."

Asaba smiled, and patted the little Lolita's head.

Tohka smelled the aroma, and ran over from the next door like a gust of wind, grabbed | dim sum and devoured it hungrily.

"It's delicious and delicious!"

However, the theory of relativity is indeed very interesting. I, who has both space and gravity, can understand the unified world law in a higher dimension.

Asagi's pupils appeared in a kaleidoscope, then evolved into reincarnation eyes, and finally disappeared.I have faintly touched a higher realm, and I need to go to the new world to win the pupil power.

So, how did scientists such as Einstein raise a human brain to the height of a great god in the absence of vision?

Hitomi Asaba's thoughts were interrupted by a hasty doorbell.


Asagi walked to the entrance and took off her apron.

At the end of summer, the sun was just right, and there stood a bright girl.She was wearing a sun hat and sunglasses, and her purple-silver hair was messed up by the breeze.


"Are you surprised to see me? I heard that this is an apartment where elves are taken in for free." Meijiu said angrily, "Anyway, I'm already homeless, so take responsibility for me!"

It turned out that after the Tianyang Festival, Yuxiao Meijiu's true identity was exposed, and even her home address was revealed.Annoyed by the fanatical fans, he abandoned the mansion and ran away from home.

Qian Yu glanced outside the door and asked curiously, "Where's your follower?"


Ten minutes later, Qian Yu burst into tears with a smile and said: "So, after you lost your spiritual power, you still have the temper of a big lady, calling around like a servant, and gradually being isolated? I finally understand why you have no friends. .”

"Ulu Sai!" Miku blushed, "Humans are just my toys, girls are cute dolls, and men are slaves."

Qian Yu restrained her face and said, "You still think this way until now, so stay up all night."

"Why, you will know..." Meijiu looked astonished.

On the second floor, next to the Yawu sisters, Asaba vacated an empty room to help Miku pack her luggage.With her personality, she would not and would not bother to do such rough work.

He didn't answer directly, and found a broken record from the luggage pile. The cover was an innocent fifteen-year-old girl.

Two years ago, Xiaodaiyue Nai debuted and became a smash hit, [-]% of the fans were male.Later, because she refused a TV station's request for "pillow business", she was discredited and her reputation plummeted.All the fans became sworn enemies overnight, endlessly attacking and swearing.

The girl doesn't understand.Why is she being slandered and hurt for no reason? Could it be that the diva uses her virginity to make her voice?

From then on, I started to hate men very much.Make a wish to the mysterious existence, and then become an elf——Yuki Miku.

"When I was your manager, of course I did my homework." Asaha said, "I can't be more clear about what themes are the most popular in recent years, and what are the short-lived musical talents."

Meijiu bit her lip and said complicatedly: "So, you have been accommodating me. Why, with that kind of ability, you are willing to be a small manager?"

"You may have made a mistake. Power will make people lonely, and eventually they will be isolated by the world." Asahi smiled slightly, "So, I follow the rules I set, and I have no interest in bullying the weak."

Miku suddenly understood.

Why were the elves, stripped of their power, still hopelessly fond of him.This man spent a long time talking to each other about a problem that could be solved by other gods.

"I lied to you because you are good-looking." Qian Yu blinked.

"...Give me back my emotion!"

The bathroom was steaming, and the girl's body was submerged in the bathtub.

"It's such a small bathroom, even worse than the toilet. I regret it, why did I come to such a crappy place?"

Until just a moment ago, Miku was still complaining.When the warm water soaked his body, a warm current poured into his limbs and bones, and he couldn't help but think of that handsome face.

It's not because of the manipulation of spiritual power, he said I'm cute.

"He's really handsome. Every time he smiles, the curve of the corners of his mouth is very nice. Looking back, he's not bad for my first kiss... Woo, what was I thinking!"

Miku covered her face shyly, unable to suppress the strange emotion.

In the past, there was afternoon tea time every week, and Meijiu would spend it with a group of girls.Today Asagi was fortunate to be a "victim", and the two sat on the balcony drinking tea.

"It seems a bit crowded. However, the scenery of the city is surprisingly good."

When Asaba turned her head, she couldn't help touching her lips when she met Kamiku's confused eyes.

"Is there something on the corner of my mouth? Why do you keep looking at me?"

Fascinated by the feeling of kissing, there is absolutely no way to say such words!

Meijiu smiled sweetly: "That's right, there is something dirty at the corner of your mouth, Darling~"

Asahi was still wondering what the old-fashioned name for "Darling" was.However, Meijiu was worthy of being a diva, her voice was as sweet as honey, which made his heart tremble.

The next second, Meijiu suddenly leaned over, her lips pressed together.

Asagi opened her eyes wide.

The beautiful eyelashes trembled slightly, showing the waves in her heart.The soft and baby-fat face is so close that you can feel the girl's body temperature.The delicate lips of cherry blossom petals are filled with the fragrance of black tea.The fragrance that pours into the tip of the tongue has the fresh tea fragrance after the rain, and the fragrance of the virgin, which is endless aftertaste.

"Darling, I ate it for you."

Miku's face was flushed red, which was very cute.

"So, are you ready to be eaten?"

Asagi smiled, and hugged Miku into her arms.Even with two hands, it is completely impossible to control the big breasts.The breasts leaked from between the fingers.

It's too much, in broad daylight, to peel the ripe fruit and taste the delicious pulp.When the black tea flows from between the jade peaks, it is stained with the aroma of milk, making the best pearl milk tea.

Afternoon tea time is still very long.

PS: ? ? ?

Meijiu: So I am your milk tea.

Asaha: This way I can hold you in the palm of my hand.

Chapter 263 Miku Love Song

The black history of night waiting for Yue Nai was dug out and turned into a carnival for black fans.

After all, no matter how perfect a woman is, there will always be people who are disgusted and are not afraid to slander her with the deepest malice.If you don't do this, you will only make yourself ashamed and lose the courage to live.

Hitomi Asaba read one by one, how black fans described Mei Jiu as "changing her stage name to make money".Tapping the screen with his fingers quickly, he turned into a "flash finger presser" and spat at people.

"Darling, what are you doing?"

Suddenly a hand stretched out from the side and took the phone away.

Asahi hurriedly said, "Ah, don't look."

It was already too late, Miku had seen everything.

Asagi turned her face away, and said: "The girl I like is splashed with dirty water, and I get angry all of a sudden. If I can climb over the network cable..."

Meijiu was elated, and hugged his neck and took a sip.

"Darling fights against invisible beings for me, so handsome." Miku smiled, "I don't care about the opinions of unrelated people anymore. Because, I met friends who can really understand each other... "

As soon as the words fell, two greedy "rats" came out of the kitchen, and they got all the stolen goods.

Meijiu went into a rage on the spot: "Ten Xiang, you stole my dim sum again!"

Tohka's cheeks were bulging, and Miku pinched her face and kept rubbing it.

"I'm sorry, because it's really delicious."

Miku turned her head and shouted: "Yaguya, don't touch the Haagen-Dazs I put in the refrigerator!"

"It's okay, don't be so stingy. Suck it~" Ye Juya muttered, "By the way, I also want to bring a box for Yuxian. Which flavor is better?"

Today's Elf Apartment is still filled with a happy atmosphere.

Yuxiao Meijiu's graduation concert is coming as scheduled.Many people still couldn't believe that the famous Miku was going to retire, and they watched the concert together with grief.

Light sticks merge into an ocean of light.

The girl sang loudly: "Running barefoot on the beach, I saw the leaping waves..."

This is... the famous work of Xiao Daiyue Nai?

The audience froze.People miss so much the melody that used to play on loop two years ago.They closed their eyes and savored silently, and they understood a little bit.

"So that's how it is, Miku-chan."

Asaba and his team squeezed into the relationship seats, calling frantically.

Miku suddenly looked over and blinked playfully.Asahi was slightly taken aback.Can it be found even in the pitch-black auditorium at such a distance?

"Ahhh, Mijiu has discharged me, I'm going to die!"

"Nonsense, you are obviously looking at me!"

Next to it were two dead nerds in pain T-shirts wrestling together.

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