"Wan Yuri!"

Hearing this, the girl grabbed the railing, showing a sad expression.

"So that child's name is Wanyuri."

Hitomi Asagi looked back in astonishment, and saw the girls she liked standing in front of her one by one.

"Qinli, why did you even come down?"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just here to buy time." Kotori said arrogantly, "That big guy's spiritual power is terrifying, I've already ordered to use the leaves of the world tree to protect the city."

"Leaves of the World Tree, unfold!"

On the airship, Kannazuki Kyohei took over the command temporarily, and showed superb magic control.

A spacequake alarm sounded throughout the city, visible to the naked eye, a meteor shower fell from the sky, hitting the transparent dome.That was the indiscriminate blow of the cherubs.

"Idiot, don't always be brave by yourself. Kuangsan told me that your eyes can't be used normally recently." Kotori complained, "How old are you, do you still want to be a hero?"

"That woman betrayed me."

Qian Yu muttered softly, and when she turned her head and was kissed by the girl forcefully, her eyes widened.

It was Yatogami Tohka!

Lips parted, Tohka cupped his face and said happily: "I have long wanted to fight side by side with Hitomi. If you follow me, you can get back part of your spiritual power."

"it is good!"

"Wait, you..."

Before Asaba could stop her, she was kissed by a group of girls in turn.Spiritual power is accompanied by the backflow of body fluid, each person has a unique taste, and even close your eyes can tell who it is.

Mijiu smiled and said, "Although I don't know what happened, I just need to get that cute girl back, right?"

"Come on." This is Yuxian.

Ye Juya ignited his fighting spirit and said, "Our sisters are invincible together. Sorry, we have to be the first."

"Yoshino is coming too!"

The little loli stood on her tiptoes, looking very cute as she worked hard.

In the end, only Kotori was left in front of him.

"Idiot, close your eyes!"

Hitomi Asaba obeyed obediently, feeling a strange touch from her lips.This is the second time he and Kotori have kissed, and they should be more proficient in the future.


He opened his eyes again, and what he saw was the scene of six elves bursting out with holy light and transforming into butterflies.As I saw when I was a child, it is a necessary stage for the transformation of a magical girl.

Beautiful angel, blooming!

"Leave it to us. This is a war for Hitomi to regain the harem!"

For a long time, I have traveled through countless worlds, believed in my own strength, and never let the girl I like intervene in the battle.But, what do they think, are they really willing to be a vase?

This feeling of protecting a loved one is the same for everyone.

This time, I'm not alone.

Hitomi Asaba touched her lips, then smiled.

"Well, then please."

In the splendid brilliance, six angels flew into the sky.

"Kill the Duke!"

"Freeze the puppet!"

"Burning and destroying ghosts!"

"Hurricane Knight... Penetrator (Binder)!"

"Broken Army Singer!"

In front of them was a huge monster floating in the sky.The main body of a cherub is a round black ball, and the densely packed eyes suddenly open, which is creepy.

"This guy is disgusting!"

Each scarlet eyeball shoots out a materialized beam of spiritual power.There was a carpet-like shot at the ground, and the leaves of the World Tree were crumbling and unable to support it.

How could it be possible to watch you ruin the city we live in!

The girls were furious, attacking at the same time with a tacit understanding.Blows from all directions and different attributes fell on the cherub.


After a puff of smoke, Cherub was unharmed.

Affected by the aftermath, Wan Yuri fell down in the cage and said anxiously: "Be careful, my Thunder Temple is immune to physical attacks."

The girls were secretly startled: What kind of monster is this? !

The countless eyes of the cherubs turned in different directions at the same time, locking on to the six of the same kind in the air.In order to prevent the elves from being abused by the container, when necessary, cut off the decayed branches and leaves of the tree of life.

give, destroy!

PS: This familiar plot (Kissing in turn in the Armageddon) was copied from the harem manga ten years ago, right? @Magic teacher

Chapter 270 Born For Love


Too late to hide!

The voice of Emperor Keke echoed in the sky.


The cherub paused for a moment.At this moment, the elves have escaped from the rain of arrows of light.

The difference in strength is too great!

The cherub was obviously absent-minded and did not pursue it. Dozens of eyes adjusted their angles and looked in a certain direction on the ground.

Everyone supported each other and flew in the sky, a little embarrassed.They suddenly realized something and looked back in horror.

"It's not trying to destroy the city, it's looking for a target."

"That direction is..."

The cherub's eyeballs shot out beams of light, sweeping the sky and covering the sky, blasting away the shield of the leaf of the world tree abruptly, and pointing directly at Qian Yutong.


At this time, the corners of Qian Yutong's mouth turned up, and a pair of reincarnation eyes appeared under Liu Hai.

Shen Luo Tianzheng!

In the sunlight that was refracted and distorted by the cherubs, the skyrocketing repulsion shook the rain of light.

Today happened to be the third day of replenishing pupil power with Kuang San.

"Thank you for the time you bought. The pupil strength is almost recovered." Qian Yu smiled lightly, "Next, it's my turn."

Hitomi Qianyu stomped on the ground, and the repulsive force shattered the roof of the park, rising into the sky like a rocket.In less than a second, switch the kaleidoscope, draw the sword from the void, and go straight to the birdcage.

"Everyone, Hitomi..." Wan Yuli was crying, "Why do you want to save me? I figured it out, all this is caused by my jealousy. I am a monster born from jealousy."

"No one is born to disappear. You are not a collection of anyone, but a unique elf." Asaha said, "This mood is the best proof. The so-called jealousy is because of love."

Hitomi Asaba slashed open the cage with one knife, and hugged Wan Yuri with the other hand.Just standing quietly in the void, there is an indomitable terrifying momentum.

Wan Yuri peeked at his profile, his eyes trembling slightly.

The man recognized her existence.

"Help me take care of her. Although I don't want to say that, the next battle will easily hurt you by mistake, so get out of here first."

Asaba handed over Wanyuri to everyone.

The girls were obedient and said, "Hitomi, be careful."

Everyone was exhausted, and they could barely maintain their spiritual attire.After all, it is not a perfect body, and fighting to this point is already the limit.In order to destroy Zhiangang, at least the power must be reversed.

This time, only Hitomi Asahiba and Zhiangang were left in the sky.One is the eyes of reincarnation, and the other is a monster with countless eyes.

He looked at it with interest.

"Unfortunately, even if you install enough eyes, you can't raise your consciousness to the level of a great god. Your current spirit vision is still very low-level, so you should be able to understand me?"

Cherub blinked unconsciously.

"The reason why you waited for a while is to confirm your target. Is it to protect Mayuri, or... me?"

The other party didn't answer, as if he was offended.The black ball quickly deformed and became a bullet-shaped huge turret, aiming at Qian Yutong, and the white light of destruction began to brew.

Hitomi Asaba still had time to chat.

"Maybe let me make a guess. Gaia knows me very well, so he tampered with the elves and set up a 'judgment system' activated by love. Wanyuli has gathered the characteristics of all elves. Maybe there is a chance to charm and kill me."

It's a pity that the girl is too kind.

Zhi Angel pans and shoots.

When the hot beam was about to touch the body, Susano appeared.Hitomi Asaba took out the Yata mirror and reflected white light easily.The beam of light streaked across the sky, flattening the mountains in the distance, and it seemed like daytime for a while.


"If an attack of this level wants to break through the defense, let's do it a hundred times more." Qian Yu said lightly, "Even if you can be immune to physical attacks, in front of my Ten Fist Sword..."

Susano just took out a giant sword that is tens of meters long.Qian Yutong suddenly thought of something, and looked at the girl in the distance.

"Brother idiot, what are you hesitating about? Hurry up and chop it off!" Kotori yelled.

Wan Yuri didn't say anything, his eyes were full of tenderness, and he deeply expected him to win.However, a young girl is a collection of spiritual power, as long as the angels fall, she will also disappear together.

Taking advantage of the time when Zhi Angel was preparing for the next beam cannon, Qian Yutong fell back to the ground, and the phantom dissipated.

Everyone asked strangely: "Why don't you fight anymore?"

"Kotori, is the evacuation complete yet?"

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