Kuangsan stretched down the white gauze gloves, and lifted the gauze skirt slightly, revealing her long and slender legs.The scenery under the wedding dress is looming, white high-heeled shoes with white stockings, a leg ring, and then a suspender.At the end is a half-covered|half-exposed lace, the girl pointed it with her green jade finger, it was so soft that it seemed to be sunken.

"Can... satisfy me?"

The combination of white wedding dress and suspenders is the best in the world!

Qian Yutong couldn't bear this kind of temptation, and almost made a fool of herself in public.He gasped for breath, came into a princess hug, and strode forward.

"You forced me. I'm going to marry you today, my sister."

Miss Master of Ceremonies hadn't recovered from her grief and was confused.

"Guest, what are you?"

"Don't talk about money with me, don't look for it. Don't stop me."

Asaba threw down a stack of Fukuzawa Yukichi, hugged Kurumi, and stepped into the vortex.

Now all I want is a place where nobody is and a big bed.

PS: In the next chapter, three crazy meats will come out

Talking about the failure of RNG (accompanying chat)

Two consecutive 1/12, Xiaohu was single-killed, UZI was GANK twice and refused to hand in skills.The performance of Rangdi's first few games was sluggish, but this one made my eyes shine.

Let the emperor's ten minutes, show me and cry.Three defenses against the dragon, two waves of team battles and one defense against five.In the second tower, one Q five, life continued again.

Maybe this is the highlight moment of the top laner.

It's a pity that in the end, he still couldn't change his fate against the sky.Some things, one step at a time, one step at a time.

The strongest UZI and my youth, accompanied by this autumn, is over.

It's time to wake up from the dream.

Chapter 272

In a barren world, there is no sun or moon, only the faint light that blooms from the pupils.When the fish and water are having sex, turning on the light will make people shy, and turning off the light will not allow people to appreciate the beauty of the girl.

The brightness is just right.

"Is this your neighborhood? It's completely different from mine..." Kuang San said with great interest, "I like it very much. It's very romantic as a first-time experience."

Asahi complained: "Your taste is really special."

"Ah, you don't have the right to say that about me. What does it mean to put a big bed in the carry-on space?"

Kuang San poked the soft bed with his fingers, and lay down comfortably.

"You're thinking wrong, this is for me to sleep on myself."

Traveling through countless worlds, there is always a time when you are homeless.Therefore, Hitomi Qianyu put a bed in the Shenwei space, and she can sleep happily anytime, anywhere.

The girl turned over, her figure was alluring.She hugged the pillow and sniffed it, smiling brightly.

"Indeed, there is only the taste of my younger brother, and it is an honor to be the first victim."

Tokisaki Kurumi was lying on the bed, her wedding dress, which was as thin as cicada's wings, turned up slightly.Suspenders, leg rings, and even the tall and tight buttocks wrapped in lace are looming.Hitomi Qianyu didn't know that it was a "trap" set on purpose.

He lifted up the wedding dress with one hand, along the smooth and pink thighs, all the way to the depths, while hugging the girl from behind.

Really, hit it.So soft...why is my heart beating so fast?He has obviously bullied countless girls, could it be because of the name of a sister?

Asahi only felt the warmth of her fingertips, and was taken aback for a moment.Although I didn't see the crystal clear holy water with my own eyes, I understood it in seconds.

"San San, it turns out that you have already flooded."

Kuang San winked like silk, and said: "Of course, you will be an 'angel of liberation' just because you see my wedding dress. I will 'leave your spiritual power' when I see your handsome appearance in a suit."

Once in love, the girl's body is such a treasure that overflows with joy at the touch of it.

"I want to merge with your angel." Asagi bit her ear.

The girl's fingertips blocked the lips that asked for a kiss.

"Kiss is not okay. I can't be 'eaten' by you yet."

It turned out that Kuang San didn't know that the eye of reincarnation must be opened to seal the spiritual power.Asahi thought it was funny, so she didn't say anything on purpose.Because she looks really cute.


Kuangsan felt guilty and said, "I'm sorry, I made you suffer so hard. Hitomi, I can give you everything except spiritual power."

The girl stretched out her hands and wrapped them around Asagi's neck.

The wedding dress is so beautiful, I don't want to take it off.Therefore, Qian Yu only used his fingertips to push aside the spiritual outfit, and when he saw the holy angel, he felt an invisible attraction.

Drives me to fall into you.

Love dyes the wedding dress red.

"Of course it also includes virginity." Kuang San's face was peachy, "In another sense, it's a kiss. I can feel your tongue stirring crazily in my lips. It's so hard, so hot..."

"Is there such an explanation?"

Angels fight.

Asaba was stained with the blood of the enemy, and retreated from the pierced body.Kuang San struggled to get up, lifted the hair around his ears, and lowered his head.


"Sorry for making you dirty. I'll clean it up for you. I want more and more kisses. Well, this time it's a tongue kiss. Spit, my brother is so cute~"

Hitomi Asagi shuddered.In retrospect, he once kissed Kuangsan's clone, and it was still so soft to the touch.But, the location is too bad, right?

"How could it be possible to be bullied by you all the time?"

Asagi also hugged Kuangsan, buried deep in the valley full of body fragrance.

"I'm moving, kiss on the lips."

Asaba pried open the lips of the cherry blossom petals with her tongue, sucking greedily.The sweet Xiangjin has been oozing into the heart.

"and many more……"

Kurumi panicked, with tears in his eyes, which finally turned into flashes of happiness.

Each other's world is always upside down.

For a long time, the two hugged lazily together.

Kuangsan murmured: "It's...not enough. Your fighting power is too perverted? No wonder you hang out with Yawu all day long, and you still like sisters. Is this the only way to satisfy you?"

"Ahem..." Asahi was a little embarrassed.

"It's not that easy to end, I'm not throwing in the towel. Come out, 'us'."

Kuang San smiled charmingly, stretched out many white and tender hands from the shadow, and wrapped around Qian Yu.Accompanied by giggling, the girls attacked every vital point at the same time, and a sweet and warm breath rushed towards their faces.

"Wait, it won't work there!"

Hitomi Qianyu only felt a wonderful touch all over her body, and her whole body was not well.

"Special gift, guess who is among these 'I'." Kuang San looked playful.

Qian Yu seemed to be aware of it, and suddenly looked back, and was greeted with a Kuangsan's hug.Hot tears fell from the cheeks, shocking.

"You are……"

The girl smiled like a flower: "Long time no see, my brother. In order to see you, I crawled back from hell."

This familiar gentle voice is the personality of the younger brother who once dated Asaba.Even though they look exactly the same, this Kuang San feels completely different to others.

Kuang San's body smiled slightly: "From the time when I was killed, 'I' was summoned back. 'I' will give you my first kiss and virginity no matter how many times."

Hitomi Asaba was shocked by the strong love for the first time.

Is this the so-called "Worst Elf"?How much does a woman have to love someone to be willing to do this?

For me, Tokisaki Kurumi is my favorite elf.

"'We', the correct usage of spiritual equipment." Kuang San snapped his fingers.

A white light emerged from the girls' spiritual outfits, and they began to change into different styles.Gothic outfits, sailor suits, wedding dresses... The worst part is that all the places that shouldn't be exposed are all exposed, and the pipa is still half covered.

"Ah, don't be drained by 'us', let me give you a buff."

The next moment, Emperor Keke appeared behind Kuangsan, pointed his gun at Qian Yu's temple, and pulled the trigger.

"One shot."

Qian Yu's expression remained the same, she didn't doubt that Kuang San would harm her.Afterwards, Kuang San's voice became ethereal and elongated, as if separated by a long distance.It's not that the world has slowed down, it's that you've gotten faster.

It turns out that as long as my speed is fast enough, I can solve countless clones in an instant.

The realm of one-thousandth of a second, the attack like a storm!

"Seven Bullets!"

A clone was hit, and the senses were forever frozen in this moment.Asahi cupped her face and kissed it lightly.She is as defenseless as a wooden figure, which is irresistible.

"Who is this……"

Asagi looked at each loli with a strange face.It's hard to imagine that Kurumi was still so young and cute.

Loli Kuangsan covered her eyes with her hands, and shouted shyly: "Big brother, why are you not wearing clothes? Where is this place? Kuangsan is going home!"

"Ah, is it too early?"

Kuang San was thoughtful, and immediately shot: "Three bullets, let 'me' grow."

As a result, Hitomi Asaba witnessed the whole process of a young girl from infancy to maturity.

The flowers are blooming and the melons are ripe.

Wander in the ocean of love.In this isolated space, countless beautiful moments were spent during the girl's wanton play time.

Hitomi Asaba got up from Jiuike Roulin, gently pushed aside the carcasses, and walked towards Tokisaki Kurumi step by step.

"You have done a lot for me, have you considered the bullets you should leave for yourself?"

"Wait...brother, I have nothing left for you." Kuangsan was rarely flustered, "It really hurts, at least let me rest..."

"Isn't there one more important treasure?"

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