"When I was young, Lord Roma took good care of me, just like a grandfather." Felut said, "If you want to know, you can ask Lord Roma."

"Dong dong."

A majestic and old voice sounded: "The secret signal. The big mouse answered?"


"White Whale?"


"I wish our respected Lord Shenlong..."

"Go to hell!"

The door opened.

This is a tall and burly old man with white beard, his head can touch the ceiling, so he is always hunched.Qian Yutong suddenly realized that this is the legendary giant family.

"It's Felt. And this little brother...is he the employer today?"

Felut put his hands behind his head and said with a smile, "No, it's my new recruit."

"Hey, I've never heard of such a thing."

"If you damage my house, of course you have to sell yourself to pay for it."

Asahi said dissatisfied, "Didn't I compensate you?"

"There is also a mental damage fee."


Master Luo Mu was puzzled, and a flash of light flashed across his slightly narrowed eyes.

"It's really surprising. Did Felt make friends? This kid has no friends since he was a child, and looks down on self-defeating guys. Brother, what kind of magic did you use?"

Felt yelled, "Master Rom!"

"All right, all come in."

Lord Roma poured a large glass of milk and let Felt have a good meal.The corner of the girl's mouth was stained with milky white, like a kitten drinking milk with its beard dirty, and the expression of narrowing its eyes intoxicated was very cute.

"Milk, the best!"

Qian Yu sneered and said, "Children only drink milk."

"I'm just fifteen years old with a long body, so of course I need to supplement my nutrition." Felut proudly puffed up his chest.

"Actually, I'm only fourteen years old, right? I've reported my age to an older age."

Looking at the shy expression, I guessed it right.

Hitomi Asagi sniffled, and said, "It smells so strong of wine. Well, there is a rotten wheat smell, it's really addictive."

Master Roma is addicted to alcohol, how can he drink milk, it is specially used to take care of Felut.This detail warms my heart.

"Brother, do you know wine too?"

Master Roma's eyes lit up, and he brought two barrels of beer.Given his size, drinking from a wooden barrel with a handle is considered a small cup.A cup for Asaha, and he has already started to drink it.

Hitomi Asaba once again tasted the wine from another world, which has a special flavor.

"It's pretty bad, the worst kind of rotten wine!"

Instead of being angry, Master Luo laughed loudly: "That's right!"

Felut said angrily, "Two drunkards."

After a while, Master Roma was drunk and his face began to flush.Hitomi Asaba's body has a high tolerance to alcohol, so her expression doesn't change.

"By the way, I want to ask Master Rom one thing."

The hut was known as a loot warehouse.The thieves from the slums sell stolen goods here, and Lord Roma has a vicious vision and can always give a fair price.

Qian Yutong took out a large bag of gold from the Shenwei space and smashed it heavily on the table.

"It's gold, the color is very pure."

Master Luo Mu took out a gold bar and shook his head in disappointment: "Unfortunately, it is not precious platinum. Ordinary gold is only used to mix with other metals to make counterfeit money, and it is easy to fade."

"Fake money?" Qian Yu froze for a moment.

Master Luo Mu took out a holy gold coin and showed it to Asahi.It turns out that in this world, platinum is the hard currency.Gold is a rotten high street.

"However, I can also help you get rid of it. I know a kiln that makes counterfeit money."

"Then please."

Asagi was not disappointed, and said seriously: "I want to inquire about the whereabouts of a person. A boy about seventeen years old, dressed strangely, should appear in Luknica in the near future. His name is Natsuki Subaru."

PS: Only children drink milk, and adults drink milk.

Chapter 276 Four Dimensional Cleavage

Qian Yutong exchanged for a small bag of heavy holy gold coins, a total of thirty pieces.Master Roma can estimate the quantity with just a flick of his hand, and one piece is not bad.

"These are almost enough to live on for a while."

Along the way, Felut cast a salivating look, "moving his index finger."Her job is a thief, and it is a miracle that she can endure until now.

Asahi found it funny: "Do you want it?"

"Hmph, rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests." Felut turned his head and said, "A nouveau riche like you is doomed to go home naked the moment I stare at you."

Asaba grabbed the girl's little hand and poured out half of it.

"Here, give you half."

"Why..." Felt was taken aback.

"The mental damage fee you want." Asahi said, "To me, this kind of thing doesn't make any sense."

Felut secretly wiped the corners of his eyes, put his hands on his hips, and pretended to be an adult.

"Don't think I'm so easy to coax, these are far from enough. You are my subordinate, so it is absolutely impossible to run away after paying off the debt!"


Felut took a bite of the holy gold coin, like a cat so comfortable that its fur exploded.She stuffed the gold coins into the chest wrap one by one, and her barren chest became bulging.

"Ah, I can't let go."

Is this supposed to be a pocket? !

Felut took it for granted: "I am a professional thief, of course I understand. The things in my pockets will be stolen. Only the chest|chest can give me a little sense of security."

"Your chest is really safe." Asahi complained, "Stop making trouble, won't your chest be tight? Take it out quickly, it will affect your development."

"do not want!"

In his eyes, Felut is just a disobedient child.As a result, Asagi "fished for gold" from the girl's tight corset.

"Wait, where are you touching!"

Felt clutched his chest tightly, blushing.

Asahi had no expression on her face, and packed the holy gold coins that were still warm, and put them in the purse prepared for her.

"In the end, there was an extra one. Is it the private money you hid?"


Hitomi Asaba's fingertips were wreaking havoc on the cleavage, and she couldn't touch anything anymore.

"Is there really nothing else? Well, there's a little..."

With tears in his eyes, Felt was mixed with shame and indignation: "That's not a coin!"


Afterwards, Felut kept getting angry.Hitomi Asagi also knew that she had gone too far, so it was fine to be hated like this.

We probably won't see each other in the future.With this money, I hope the little girl can realize her dream as soon as possible.Over there, please ask Lord Roma for help, I should go to find Subaru Natsuki.

In front of the cabin, Asagi knocked on the door and said, "Hey, Felt, I'm leaving..."

The door opened.

Felut has a childish temper, and his anger comes and goes quickly.

"Tomorrow, 'work' with me."

Qian Yu was stunned: "Huh?"

Felt's so-called job is to steal.Usually entrusted by others to steal valuables.When encountering a fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered on the street, I can't help but do it occasionally.

"Why make a living by stealing..."

As soon as the words came out, Asagi regretted it.

"Women in the slums can only sell their bodies to make a living." Felut said, "Anyway, a Hentai like you likes this kind of thing the most?"

Hitomi Asaba wanted to laugh at her toddler size, but lost to Lolicon Soul again.

"I can't refute it. If it's a girl as cute as Felt, I'd be willing to pay no matter how much."

Felut showed his small canine teeth, blushing and said, "Idiot!"

His chest was touched and his money was taken.Isn't this self-willing to degenerate?But why not hate it?

Today's client is a woman named "Elusha".She is plump and wears a cape over a topless gown.A pair of meat balls are about to come out, isn't the dress in another world too exciting?

Qian Yutong was dizzy from the shaking, but luckily Felut stepped on him.

"Ah, very handsome brother." Erza licked her lips, "I wonder if your intestines are as beautiful as this face."

Asaha said, "Your speech is extremely dangerous."

Erusa was taken aback for a moment, then giggled coquettishly: "I like you very much. Forget it, it's important."

She didn't know that she had just walked through the gate of hell.This is the "danger" Asaha said.

"The target is a half-elf with silver-white hair and pointed ears, making it easy to identify. There is a silver badge inlaid with gemstones on her body. As long as you get that, the ten holy gold coins will be yours."

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