Kirito said unhappily: "That's right."

The last person who was sober, Xing covered his mouth and smiled lightly.The relationship between the brothers is really good.One with white hair and one with black hair, both are handsome.

She took a peek at Kirito, mustered up her courage, and said loudly, "Kirito-kun!"

Asagi and Kirito were still fighting for wine glasses, they turned their heads together.

"I have something to tell you..." The girl's cheeks were slightly red.

Kirito asked: "What?"

Qian Yu hates iron but not steel, why is this guy like wood.He pushed Kirito from behind and drove them out of the door.

"Go ahead and don't disturb me for a drink."

Under the moonlight, the girl clenched the corner of her clothes tightly and said, "During the day, I thought I would really die. If I die, I will never have a chance to say it. My heart..."

Kirito was startled, and understood what would happen next.Has it been misunderstood that she has been taking special care of the girl for "some reason"?

"I have someone I like." Kirito said.

Suddenly, a silver-haired figure appeared in his mind.He always wears a lazy smile and loves to tease people.He hooks his shoulders and backs at every turn, and is often touched on the head.

Since when did you get used to it?

Tears welled up in Xing's eyes, and he said with a smile: "I see, I'm sorry...Kirito-kun, you must be happy..."

It was a restless night.

Kirito tossed and turned, and the feeling of crying was lingering in his mind.But, "he" can't help it, if you want to blame it, you can blame the mistake at the beginning, why did you have to disguise yourself as a man?

Asagi knocked on the door and said, "Kirito, I want to talk to you."

Five minutes later, the two were lying on the same bed.It's normal for boys to squeeze, and there's nothing to be ashamed of.But Kirito turned his back, blushing up to his ears.

With a swipe of her right hand, Asagi sent an email to Hei Xueji, saying that she would not go back to sleep at night.

Hei Xue Ji: Where is it?

Hitomi: Drinking with Kirito, so you feel relieved?

Kuroyukihime: Tell him to send me an email.

Hitomi: ...

"This is a married man." Qian Yu laughed at herself.


Kirito was amused, so he helped to testify.

Asagi sighed: "I find it very strange, you stayed with the black cat for luck, right? Why didn't you accept the confession? You guys, don't you like men?"

"Of course I like..."



Kirito felt depressed: I am not Lily!

Asahi said: "Are you still angry? It was my fault to plot against you and drag you into [Dark Nebula]. Your abilities shouldn't be buried here. Although it's a joke, I think it's already your brother..."

Kirito grabbed the quilt, his expression softened.

In reality, if you don't do a good job as a sister, you can't do well with your sister.It turns out that I can also have a gentle brother.

"Good night, Nissan."

"OK, good night."

Behind him, Asagi's breathing gradually calmed down, and he fell asleep.As if afraid of being violated, Tongren covered himself tightly and was sweating all over.

It's the first time to share a bed with a boy, so nervous!

Kirito crept up, hid in the bathroom, and locked the door. "He" leaned against the glass door, calmed down, then clicked on the character column, and took off his clothes.

The bathroom made a "whispering" sound of water.

In reality, she is a house girl and doesn't care much about personal hygiene.I entered the game without taking a shower, and I would be shy when I saw a male body.

At a glance, the chest|chest has really become a flat plate.

I'm not that flat!

Worst of all, "phantom limbs" feel unreal.Kirito was so frightened that he closed his eyes, and couldn't help but peek, feeling as if he had accidentally played an erotic game.

so small.

Because, in reality, there is a lack of real organs and corresponding neural circuits.Therefore, Ou|Jinjin is just a decoration, completely useless.

"He" pulled out the prop from the bottom of the backpack - the hand mirror.

The heat was steaming, and the mirror was covered with mist.After a burst of white light, the boy in the mirror turned into a girl.

Kirito, to be precise, should be called Tongzi, with a cute baby face and eyes as bright as black jewels.Long black hair hung down to her chest, covering Yufeng.

The mirror was shattered inch by inch.

The girl raised her head and let the hot water wash over the carcass.Holding a towel in one hand, he wiped his body and confirmed that it was exactly the same as in reality.The concave place is concave, and the convex place is convex.

She showed a satisfied expression like a kitten, and said, "Huh, I finally changed back!"

Tomorrow, how should I explain to Asaba?On the first day of entering the game, he inherited the male account from the closed beta period.I don't want to be known as a baby face, so I hide my identity.

"You will be hated, right? You can't even be friends..."

Tongzi sat in the bathroom with her arms around her knees, as if she had been showered by a heavy rain, and the water flowed around her buttocks.

After getting out of the bath, she only wore a pair of boxer shorts.As a man, of course it is impossible to buy women's underwear.

The girl hesitated for a moment, got into bed, and fell asleep while thinking wildly.

Silent all night.

In the early morning, Asagi was in a daze, only feeling that her hands were soft, like cotton candy.Something's wrong, my little Sha can't be this big.

Between half-dream and half-awake, he saw Hei Changzhi's back with sleepy eyes.Petite body, smooth's Kuroyukihime, so she's at home?

Asagi habitually hugged the girl from behind, "morning exercise" as usual.Fumbling down with his fingertips, he touched the texture of the fabric.


"Xiaosha, you must be punished properly."

Tongzi was awakened by the pain.

I have already used a hand mirror, why do I still feel that I have a "phantom limb"?It's so big, the people who follow and pinch are completely different... Male, male? !

"Xiaosha..." A familiar gentle male voice came from beside my ears.

The little face that was pale from being frightened turned red again.Been mistaken for Kuroyukihime?So, do they all do this kind of thing at home?

For some reason, the girl did as she did, covering her mouth tightly.He didn't dare to make a sound, so as not to be noticed by him.

"Strange, that's right, am I drunk..."

Asaba activated her sword skill.The stormy combo is not inferior to "Shining Asuna".

The girl panicked: Lie, lie, right?Actually using sword skills...

100 hits!

200 hits!


With tears in her eyes, Tongzi revealed a pale smile.

Accompanied by a warm current, the experience value skyrocketed.


Chapter 523

If it is a ro|kou game, there should be an energy bar setting.Unfortunately not, so we can only use experience to judge.The moment Asagi zoomed in, he scored twice.

"Hmm..." There was a dreamy voice.

During the sage's time, Qian Yu hugged the girl, and couldn't help but feel affection for her.

Kuroyukihime is the type who doesn't hide her love, and once she falls in love, she is the type to cling to her.He has been bullied at home, and is woken up by the punctual "alarm clock" every morning.

The sound effect is a bit strange, but it is still an individual alarm clock.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Asagi rolled over the girl's body, just about to give a gentle good morning kiss, when she saw an unfamiliar face.He was startled and fell off the bed.

"Beauty, who are you?!"

The girl has a delicate baby face, with tears stained on it, which is pitiful.She grabbed the quilt, moved it with great effort, and put on clothes under the quilt.

Wet, always feel like there is fluid coming out.

The girl bit her lip and said, "It's me, Kirito."

The familiar childish voice is neutral.In the past, Asaha thought it was a child in the voice-changing period, so he didn't care.It sounds like a little girl now.

I fucked my bestie?Or after the feminization, let the brothers have a good time first, where did the plot of this book come from?

Asahi's mind went blank, and then he broke out in cold sweat.


"I was originally a woman, and my real name is 'Kazuko Kiritani'."

Asahi hesitated: "But why didn't you resist? The protection mechanism..."

"In the past, you always approached me talking to yourself and kept triggering pop-up windows." Tongzi said shyly, "So, I have already opened 'restriction release' for you."

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