Asahi said: "Don't worry, I will kill him. PoH's agility value is probably higher than yours. I suspect that he may also have unique skills, so be careful."


In fact, Asagi thought more deeply.That day, PoH didn't make much moves, he seemed to observe his and Asuna's sword skills and decide later.

If you miss a hit, you will travel thousands of miles away.

That guy is a pure killer.Things get interesting.

"In this killing game, compared to the boss with a single and fixed action mode, what is more dangerous and unpredictable is the human heart."

In the haze of death and fear, evil magnifies infinitely. SAO is like a testing ground for utopian socialism, and the players are all guinea pigs kept in captivity.

Although it is a game, it is not a joke.

Is this the result you want, Akihiko Kayaba.

Chapter 540 Nap CG

"You said, do people's personalities really change a lot in the game? The couple who were originally loving, turned against each other in a blink of an eye."

The girl looked complicated.

It's about Grimrock and Griselda.

Asahi said: "No, that man just can't stand that his wife is better than him. Even if it's not a game, it will explode in real life one day. It's a good thing to see clearly as soon as possible."

"But, they're already dead..."

Asa was silent.

No one knows that SAO has a hidden door, and death is just the beginning.The madness of human nature will only appear ridiculous.After the game was cleared, Gelimu Rock woke up from the long dream and faced his wife facelessly.

Asuna recalled: "I actually... have met Griselda, she is a gentle and strong woman. Falling in love, getting married... why did it become like this?"

At that time, Griselda will divorce her husband and start a new life, right?

Asahi asked, "What about you, do you think you've changed?"

"I don't know." The girl shook her head, "It's been a long time since I thought about going to school. The high expectations at home made me so oppressed that I couldn't breathe, so I secretly put on my brother's gaming helmet..."

Asahi joked, "It seems like she's a top student lady."

"That's right, it's different from a dead house like yours."

"Big blow."

Asuna chuckled, and said seriously: "But, I still want to go out. I don't hate this game anymore. No matter how many difficulties I encounter in reality, I will pass the level like fighting a boss."

"As expected of you." Asaha said, "It's okay to relax a little before that, right?"


Danaku on the 59th floor may be the most beautiful grassland in the game.The familiar place, this time there is no figure of Tongzi.She is acting as Xiaosha's personal guard.

Qian Yu lay on the grass with her hands on her pillow, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

"Basking in the sun leisurely, this is what Tongzi taught me."

Asuna said angrily: "Then, you just push all the work to her and enjoy it by yourself?"

"You guessed it right."

At this time, a player passed by and pointed.

There was a faint laughing sound: "Now is not the time to take a nap."

Asuna was still hesitant at first, but suddenly lost her temper.She lay down next to Asaba.The players were dumbfounded, such a fool has a beautiful girlfriend?

Isn't this like a date?If we bask in the sun together... No, no, I'm just helping Xiaosha supervise this guy, don't run out to flirt.

"There's always time for a nap."

With the gentle words in her ears, Asuna fell asleep, as if she had returned to the soft big bed at home.If you stay in bed, you will definitely be scolded by your mother.But forgive me...

Under the sun, the girl slept peacefully, her lovely face bent the grass, and also suppressed a strand of long chestnut hair.The longest bunch, scattered over the hips.

Must be exhausted.

Asagi sat up and stood by her side.

The sun is warm and sprinkles on the face.The magnificent scenery greets the eyes, and the endless grassland is rippling and rippling by the breeze.

This is the wind from Aincrad.

Clouds float in the sky in the shape of a girl.At the far end, an Optimus Pillar leads to the upper floor.

Everything has already been arranged, customs clearance is only a matter of time.Therefore, Asagi enjoyed her vacation with peace of mind.He suddenly lost his mind, as if he had returned to a familiar world.

The world of Chitong?Or the world of Re0?I have seen such a scene before.

Akihiko Kayaba is truly a genius.

After about an hour, the girl was still sleeping soundly.She turned over, and the red mini skirt was crooked, slightly upturned, and she suddenly appeared in spring.

Pure white cotton fat times.

"The unexpectedly simple style is really defenseless."

Various weird p|lays appeared in Asahi's mind, such as sleeping X or something.In this game, there is another kind called "sleep PK", which is to press PK to confirm while people are sleeping.

Asagi looked away and did nothing.It was up to him to protect the girl until she was seen.Although he's a lousy job|sex maniac, he respects girls who don't have a sure relationship.

This is probably the ghost animal aesthetics of Hitomi Asaba.

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on Danaku.Asuna sat up in a daze, with a piece of grass sticking to her face and drooling from the corner of her mouth.

Ah, how embarrassing.

Asaba called up the camera function and quickly took a picture.

Nap CG, Get!

"you're awake?"

The scene seemed familiar.In the labyrinth area on the first floor, a person was exhausted from fighting alone, and it was Asaba who carried her out.

Asuna woke up suddenly, quickly wiped her saliva, and removed the grass from her face, blushing "shua".

"You didn't do something weird, did you?"

Asaha said honestly, "I took a picture."

"Delete it for me!"

The girl was ashamed and angry, and rushed forward.Compared with the photos, I didn't realize that the scenery under the skirt is more beautiful.Asagi grabbed her wrist and looked away.

"Fat times, it's revealed."

"Wait, what the hell did you do while he was sleeping? You definitely took a sneak shot!"

"It's obviously because your sleeping position is too bad."

Asaha didn't take a bad photo specially, but just now this one can see a touch of white, so I have to admire my photography skills.Like Hei Xueji's "Facial | Shooting CG", it is worth cherishing for a lifetime.

"Delete it quickly! This is sexual|harassment, why didn't the protection mechanism be triggered? You should be imprisoned in the Black Iron Palace!"

Nonsense, the program is all written by me.

The two were so close that they seemed to feel their warm breath.Asahana only felt her arms sink into something soft, bigger than Xiaosha and Tongzi combined, and realized that such a fight was not appropriate.

They separated quickly.

Asuna straightened her skirt and turned back into the dignified and beautiful vice-captain of the blood alliance.She pressed the rapier with one hand, showing a "vicious" expression.

"I want to PK with you, if I lose, I will delete it!"

Asahi had a weird face and said, "Are you sure?"

"Of course!"

"What if I win?"

"Please eat."

"make a deal."

The result is self-evident, Asuna's attack speed is fast, and she was suppressed to death in front of the writing wheel.After three moves, the girl was defeated and collapsed on the grass in a duck sitting posture.

She folded her hands on her knees, with tears in her eyes.

"Why? I'm too weak to keep my innocence..."

Is it so exaggerated?

In front of Asuna, Asuna deleted the photo with a right hand operation.

"Eh?" Asuna was taken aback.

"Since I asked you to treat me to dinner, I don't want to be poisoned by you." Asagi scratched his face and said, "I think it's cuter, that's why... If I make you unhappy, I'm sorry."

But... cute?

The girl's pretty face flushed, wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Is there still a record in the recycle bin?"

"I'll delete it right away."

"No need." Asuna whispered, "I am willing to admit defeat. Repair the photo and send me a copy."

This is a precious memory in the game.

Chapter 541

On the 61st floor of Selmbrook, there is a beautiful building complex in the middle of the street, which is the most luxurious hotel in the game.Asuna spent 300 million cols to buy a home here.

Qian Yu complained in her heart: What a prodigal girl, three million is enough for a large guild to spend for a month.Buying a home in the lower backcountry only costs hundreds of thousands of cols.

The two agreed to meet in the square.Asagi waited idly, and heard the chatter of passers-by.

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