"it is good!"

Today, the two girls have become super nurses.Yuna's singing can restore blood in a wide range, but the effect is mediocre; Silica controls Bina, and the single-target healing effect is excellent.

When attacking the 67th floor, it almost collapsed.The two priests of Dark Nebula became famous in the first battle, pulled back the blood line abruptly, and rescued the group from the brink of destruction.

After that battle, the players also realized that the BOSS became more and more difficult to fight.Kuroyukihime and Heathcliff had to put aside their official duties and rush to the front line in person.

Hei Xueji wore a hairpin, like a butterfly standing at the tip of her hair with its wings folded.This is her pet, a thank you gift from Butterfly Forest.

"Xiaodie, scale powder!"

The butterfly flew up and sprinkled scale powder around the little monster.As a result, the mobs fell into the [Blinding] Debuff without much threat.

Except for Asuna, the four deputy commanders under Heathcliff's command are all masters of shield defense.One person was assassinated by [Smiling Coffin], leaving only three people.

The BOSS is named [Bordo of Cold Valley], and it looks like a huge ice dog.It crawled on the ground, exuding a piercing chill.With every step, the floor froze.

The three blood knights stood in front of Bordeaux without any fear.

"A dog-shaped monster? Well, one swing of the claw can be bounced back." Diabel said, "I have observed that the hind legs are the dead angle of the attack."

Asuna shouted: "Very good, let's test the timing of the shield reaction!"

The strength and size of the BOSS are huge, and the shield will not be stiff in one hit, but it can defend against attacks.About four or five times, it will trigger a stiff, collapsed to the ground, and the next blow will cause [execution] damage.

"The two of Xingyun, the execution is up to you."

"it is good!"

Asagi and Kiriko looked at each other and nodded.They have the highest damage in the game.The Blood Alliance acted as the striker, played stiffly, and then stepped forward to make up the knife to maximize the damage.

The battle is heating up.

When Bordeaux raised his claws again, the three red knights set up high-level shields, ready to strike.Unexpectedly, the boss's attack did not fall for a long time.

In Qian Yu's eyes, Gouyu spun quietly, depicting the boss's next move.The red line outlines the trajectory, and it runs over the crowd like a wild horse running wild.

His pupils shrank, and he shouted: "No, it's a dog cart! Get out!"


"How could it be the front swing of the dog cart..."

The so-called "dog car" is a game term.There are some common patterns in BOSS battles, such as rampaging like a truck, which is called a car.This move is extremely destructive, even people and shields will be crushed together.

Bordeaux violently wounded and knocked three strikers into the air.

It’s over.

Once the BOSS breaks through the line of defense, the nanny in the back row will be instantly killed.Yuna and Silica are the most fragile, with low strength and low load, and can only wear leather armor.

"Big brother..." Silica said in fear.

Asahi subconsciously pushed forward, wanting to protect them no matter what.There was a person who was faster than him, and the red figure stood in front of the behemoth, holding up the [Cross Shield].

Heathcliff... No, Akihiko Kayaba!

The red-clothed knight was like a mantis holding a chariot, only to hear a loud noise, and abruptly got off the dog chariot.Heathcliff remained motionless, not taking a step back.

How can this be? !

Asahi glanced at it, and didn't even lose much blood.The scariest thing was yet to come, Heathcliff pushed the shield forward and bounced off the boss's next attack.


Bordeaux roared, his whole body trembled, and he collapsed to the ground.In the irregular attack mode, he actually caught the fleeting opportunity and successfully played the shield!

Asagi and Tongzi reacted quickly and rushed up, passing Heathcliff.

"Come on." He moved his lips.

Akihiko Kayaba, what is your purpose?

Qian Yu's face sank like water, and he jumped up.The Ichidachi in his hand emits a gloomy light, brewing the ultimate sword skill of the Taidao style-【Sanhua】.

Taidao is as fast as lightning.Bordeaux's body was covered with wounds like cherry blossoms, and his belly was pierced by a [-]-meter-long sword, as if his stomach had been ripped open.In the end, the domineering execution hurt and knocked out a tube of blood.It struggled, trying to get up.

Asaba pulled back and retreated, shouting: "Switch!"

"Starburst Air Slash!"

Tongzi shouted coquettishly, and the two swords flowed like a violent storm.The two cooperated tacitly and suppressed the boss so that he could not move.


In the end, the BOSS was reduced to pieces.

"Win, win..."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed on the ground, not even wanting to move a finger.

"Captain, it's amazing!"

Heathcliff turned around, his white robe flying in the wind.He is like a noble knight with a spring-like smile on his face.

"Don't be discouraged, your technology still has a lot of room for improvement."

No matter what, this astonishing single-handed boss will definitely be featured in today's newspapers.This is the strongest shield, the [Cross Shield] that ranks first in the weapon spectrum.

"What, dad is handsome too." Yui muttered.

She flew over and sat on Asaba's shoulder, avoiding Heathcliff's gaze.Of course I can recognize the big boss.There is a subtle tacit understanding between Asaba and Kayaba, and no one will break it.

Tongzi withdrew her two knives and teased Yui's face with her green fingers.

"what about me?"

"Haha, it's so itchy..." Yui laughed and burst into tears, "Sister Tongzi, I hate it the most!"

"Hate, hate..."

Tongzi petrified in the wind.

Yui pouted and greeted the other two pets.She is the eldest sister of the World of Warcraft, and both the Pterosaur and Princess Butterfly have become mounts.

"Bina sauce, Xiaodie sauce, let's go."

"This child..."

Hei Xueji couldn't help laughing, it's better for her to go, just don't play with the pet's wings.

Asuna looked serious, walked over and said, "The behavior of the boss has become unpredictable, it's not an ordinary AI. I'm afraid after the 70th floor..."

The Raiders team was overcast.

Chapter 547 Rebellion

On January 2024, 10, the labyrinth area on the 17th floor.

"Yuna, I'll leave it to you to pull the monsters."

"it is good."

The girl played the piano, and her beautiful singing echoed in the maze.Countless monsters are about to move, pouring out from the labyrinth corridor.Everyone formed a phalanx to protect the nanny.

Asagi, Kiriko, Kuroyukihime and Asuna are all violent exporters on their own.Looking at it this way, the entire team does not have a shield, and the word "reckless" runs through his life.

Everyone is a forward.



The elite lizardmen fell like mowing grass.

Yuna focused on the teammate's health bar on the upper left of her field of vision.When the blood line is too low, she stops [group ridicule] and switches to [group therapy].Silica is a substitute.When a companion has lost blood, change players and ask Bina to hang up to restore blood.

This is the team's tactics.

Holding the umbrella sword, Hei Xueji said softly: "Almost 90% of the map has been explored, and the boss room should be in front. Let's rest first and replenish|replenish your strength."

"it is good."

Tongzi sat down on the ground.

"Phew, the upgrade is getting slower and slower..." Asuna wiped her sweat.

Qian Yu glanced at her and said, "Master Vice Captain, why do you want to open up wasteland with us? You also have a senior team."

"Don't say that." Yuna said with a smile, "Asuna-chan's food is super delicious."

Silica echoed, "That's right!"

Hey, have you been attacked now?

Asuna cast a "flashy" look.Asahi said nothing more.Indeed, food has improved recently.

"Everyone, today's lunch is a chicken sandwich."

With a swipe of her right hand, Asuna took out an oversized bento box.It's really hard work for one person to do so much.


Everyone sat around the safe area and enjoyed their lunch happily.Qian Yu felt a gust of fragrant wind blowing towards her face, and her mouth was stuffed.

"Can't you stop your mouth?" Asuna said angrily.

With a sandwich in her mouth, Asagi said vaguely, "Thank you."

This behavior is a bit too intimate, she is no longer a simple confidante.The girl suddenly blushed and looked around, but luckily no one noticed.

Yui flew over, lay down on the huge sandwich, and both of them ate one bite at a time.


The girl had cream hanging from the corner of her mouth, with a happy expression on her face.

Qian Yu deliberately frightened her, saying: "Don't move around, in case I eat you too."

"Dad, I'm 'indestructible'. I hate it, I bit my skirt..."

Outside the safe zone, there was the sound of uniform footsteps.Everyone became alert and picked up their weapons.This kind of advanced maze is not accessible to ordinary players.

"It's the army." Hei Xueji whispered.

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