However, boss battles are different.In the case of multi-person switching, it is easy to attack the weak point.Therefore, Yan Fan is a bit tasteless, and the suppression power is not as good as Er Dao Liu.

The next scene took everyone's breath away.

Asaba stood still, facing the ruler of the sword.He swung a sword casually, showing a light red sword aura, sweeping away thousands of troops, almost cutting the boss in half.


Klein was surprised: "Sword... Sword Qi, is there such a setting in this game?"

Not in the game, doesn't mean it doesn't exist in reality.Now, his level and power are enough to master. System C judged that [Hundred People One Taidao] is the only long-distance sword skill with a unique trajectory.

The sword skill unsealed, full firepower!

The ruler of the sword possesses [Superior Body] and cannot be bounced back or repelled.Otherwise, I'm afraid he would have been defeated by the vertical and horizontal sword energy long ago.


Just as the boss was about to attack, he was shocked by the sword energy and let out a roar.The moonlight greatsword came out of his hand.Because it is an out-of-body attack, the Debuff attached to the sword will not be eaten.

"You are also disarmed."

Asahi glanced at Hong Xue.Before the BOSS entered the residual blood rage, he jumped up and made the last cut.The blood-red sword energy pierced through the chest, leaving a huge hole.


The BOSS froze and turned into fragments.

A word popped out - "Congratulations", Exp+4450, Col+13000, and the last hit dropped [Moonlight Great Sword].

Hunted, Lord of the Swords!

"Hitomi, that kind of sword skill..." Tongzi was taken aback.

Asagi withdrew her knife and said, "There's nothing worth mentioning, it's the time they bought me."

She once spent a good time with Hitomi and everyone in the Moon Night Black Cat Group.

"How on earth should I explain to Xing?" The girl's fragile expression was heartbreaking.

"It's okay, leave it to me."

Asaba picked up Tongzi's long hair and helped her wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes.Then, he took the girl into his arms.In fact, Kuroyukihime also wanted to be together, but she held back considering that it would be published in the newspaper the next day.

Later, according to Argo's "SAO Records" records.The strongest sword skill in the game was created by Hitomi. [Swallow Return] for PVP, and [Hundred People One Taidao] for PVE.

Level 90, breakthrough!

The teleportation array started.The Raiders team returned to the town of the beginning, only to find that it was snowing.Yuna reached out and caught a snowflake, as pure as the color of her hair.

"Is it already winter?"

"No, even in winter, there will be no obvious seasonal changes." Hei Xueji said, "This is the effect of festival activities, today is Christmas."

Asaha said: "Last year's event was to fight the BOSS. I don't know what this year is. Do you want to participate?"

Tongzi hesitated to speak.

Hei Xueji smiled and said: "Forget it, let's leave the opportunity to young people. If you participate, others will have no chance to play. I will send a guild group email to let Feng Linhuo and... the Moon Night Black Cat Group be free. Activity."

"Okay." Asahi nodded.

The Moonlight Black Cat Group has already existed in name only, leaving only the mid-to-low-end combat power, allowing Diabellu to inherit the position of president.

Asuna was still talking to the adjutant, but felt someone hug her shoulder.Hei Xueji leaned over intimately, very suspected of eavesdropping on information.

"Captain, come to our house to celebrate Christmas at night."


It suddenly occurred to Asuna that this meant spending Christmas with Hitomi.Anyway, there will be many girls again.

On the 50th floor of Algate, there is a bustling clothing store in the commercial street.A young girl was looking forward to it, with snow on her head, and she was stamping her feet in the cold.

Today, Christmas sets are selling well.

A girl said: "The store manager, why haven't you left yet, are you waiting for someone?"

"Well, I made an appointment with my partner to spend Christmas together today." Xing smiled brightly, "My friend in reality, this is already the third Christmas I have spent."


"They are all heroes of the clearing team."

At this time, a familiar voice sounded: "Lucky."

Xing looked back, it was Hitomi.

Snowflakes fell, and in the dim halo, Qian Yu said something.Yuki opened his mouth with an expression of disbelief, and then wept into tears.

On the 22nd floor, the lakeside hut, the girls are busy decorating the Christmas tree.Yui flew around happily.Xing was wrapped in a blanket and drank hot tea. With everyone's care, he felt better.

Asuna put on her apron and was busy in the kitchen.I don't know when, this hut became a girl's stronghold, and she also became the royal chef.

Asaba sneaked in quietly, attacked from behind, and put a Christmas hat on her.


"Pfft, this chef's hat is not bad, it can prevent oily smoke."

"Stop teasing me..."

Asuna held the spoon in one hand and put her hands on her hips.She is obviously the eldest lady, but she poses like a sassy girlfriend, which is a kind of sharp contrast and cuteness.

The two looked at each other and saw some kind of warmth.In the narrow kitchen, the atmosphere became ambiguous.

Do you want to do it?Behind everyone's backs, secretly kissing in the kitchen.

"Asuna-chan, are you ready?"


The girl suddenly woke up, and quickly pushed Tong out.

A sumptuous dinner, a group of girls sat around a long table.Before dinner, Hei Xueji gave a routine speech.

"Anyway, this is our last Christmas in SAO. I hope everyone can be happy."

"There are only 10 floors left, and it will take less than two months to pass the level." Qian Yu said seriously, "I will definitely send you back safely."

But some people can't go back.

Lucky's tears fell again.Yuna and Silica hug her and comfort her.

Infected by emotions, Hei Xueji smiled and said, "I hope to know everyone's real names. Next time, let's spend Christmas together in reality."

"Ah, this is good." Lisbeth raised her hand and said, "I'll go first, Rika Shinozaki."

Tongzi scratched her face and said, "Kazuko Tonggu."

"Ayano Keiko." This is Silica.

"Yuna Shigemura."

Hei Xueji hesitated for a moment, but still said: "Kuroba Yukiko."

Yui said: "Ah, my mother's name is very nice."

"Yuki Asuna."


Asuna always felt a little familiar, and hurriedly said, "Asuna, do you know Koichiro Yuki?"

"He's my brother. What's the matter?"

The world is so small.That guy also said that he wanted to introduce him to a beautiful younger sister, if he knew it, he wouldn't have refused.

"Koichiro and I are friends, and we made an appointment to meet in the game." Asaba sighed, "The H system was also designed under his inspiration."

"Eh eh?"

Asuna said embarrassedly: "He was on a business trip that day, and he was reluctant to get the qualification, so he let me play. What else, he wanted to introduce me to a boyfriend in the game..."

Silica said excitedly: "It's so romantic, is this the unfolding of a Japanese drama?"

"You two seem to be very destined." Hei Xueji said with a half smile.

The two looked at each other, and separated like an electric shock.

Asaba coughed and said, "My name is..."

"Asaba Hitomi."

The girls spoke in unison, and then laughed.

"Wait, how do you all know?"

Liz complained: "I still want to ask, why do you all use your real names for IDs?"

Asuna and Yuna are newbies, and Asuna is too lazy to come up with a name.

"Wait, I seem to have forgotten someone. Fortunately, don't give up on yourself!"

"Anyway, I just don't have a sense of existence."

Chapter 561 Christmas benefits

Christmas in Aincrad is full of festive atmosphere.The Christmas tree is decorated with lights and festoons, and the girls write down their blessings and wishes, carefully fold them up, and hang them on the treetops.

After everyone had left, Hei Xueji opened the door and took a peek.

"I said, this is too rude." Qian Yu said helplessly.

Hei Xueji spoke eloquently: "As the president, I have an obligation to care about the mental health of my subordinates."

"That's Yui's mission!"

Yui flew over and said, "Mom, I want to see it too."

The font of the girl is very delicate.

"I hope that after returning to reality, life and studies will be smooth. Everyone is the same. We must hurry up and make up for the wasted two years."

So serious, it was obviously Asuna.

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