"I ordered it."

A frivolous male voice sounded in the room.Xu Xiang followed the prestige, his expression changed.A man with chestnut brown hair leaned against the door with his arms folded.

Yuki Koichiro!

Xu Xiang squeezed out a smiling face and said, "Young Master, I don't understand why..."

"Put down your smirk." Koichiro said coldly, "You can fool the old man, but you can't fool me."

Suxiang gritted his teeth and said: "I don't understand...the president has promised to marry Asunasu to me. My father is the loyal subordinate of Master Akira. Isn't my loyalty to the Yuki family not enough?"


Koichiro came over and patted Sugo's face with an extremely insulting and slow movement.

"You are just a dog of my family. Have you ever heard that a dog wants to marry its owner?"

After finishing speaking, Koichiro took out a tissue with a look of disgust as if his hands were dirty, and wiped it several times.Xu Xiang's face turned blue and purple, but he didn't dare to attack.

"Subordinates retire."

"get out."

Xuxiang fled in despair, with anger shining in his eyes.

One day, I will definitely come back with revenge!Can't get Asuna in reality?It doesn't matter, the game is my territory!

The maid said cautiously: "Master Koichiro..."

Koichiro waved his hand in dismay.Looking at the sleeping Asuna, he couldn't help but blame himself.If he hadn't lent the helmet to his sister, he wouldn't be here.

"Asuna, I can only protect you till here." Koichiro sighed, "Wake up quickly, otherwise even I can't stop father and Sugo..."


A flash of light came to his mind.

Hitomi Asaba should be awake, maybe there is a way!

Chapter 567 Always protecting you

In two years, an online game called "Fairy Kingdom" became popular in Japan. ALfheim Online, referred to as "ALO", is a next-generation flying MMO.

After the SAO incident, the government strengthened the supervision of full-dive games.However, after all, it can't match the power of capital, because online games are really making money.

Public opinion was guided. "Completely dive into the harmless theory" became popular, and people forgot the fear of SAO. ALO becomes the playground for the next gamer.

Unbeknownst to Asuna, she was already in ALO.After Aincrad's collapse, instead of returning to reality, she was teleported to a strange place.

Blue sky, no land in sight.It was similar to the scene in Sky City, but she was in a beautiful birdcage, suspended from the huge tree canopy.

"Could it be...the World Tree?" Asuna hesitated.

Is Aincrad's main quest not over yet?

At this time, the birdcage was opened.A blond man with elf ears and a green robe walked in slowly.

Asuna asked in surprise, "Nobuyuki Sugo?"

Although the appearance and hair color are different, I still recognize it.Because of family reasons, she was bored by this guy since she was a child.When he was young, his elder brother beat him up to be honest.

"Long time no see, Asuna." Sugo said, "In the past two years, I have missed you very much..."

Asuna said coldly, "Don't call me by my name. What did you do? Let me out!"

"Did you find out? After the SAO incident, ARGUS faced high compensation and went bankrupt. We RECT acquired ARGUS and assumed the operation of the SAO server. Maybe your family is worried about you?"

Asuna was in a trance, thinking of her strict mother.Usually, the mother who is always unsmiling and has high expectations for her, will cry?

I'm... homesick.

Xu Xiang observed her reaction and showed a smug smile: "And I am now the head of the RECT full infiltration department, the GM with the highest authority in the ALO world. Your life is in my hands."

"It's really your fault." Asuna said coldly, "What do you want to do?"

Xu Xiang didn't answer, but began to talk at length.

"I not only imprisoned you, but also kidnapped [-] people from SAO. That guy in Kayaba is too stupid, he didn't make good use of the experimental materials of [-] people, he insisted on playing some death game."

"Material?" Asuna shrank her pupils.

"That's right, the evolution of fully submerged is underestimated. Scanning specific nodes in the nerves can tamper with the player's thinking, feelings, and memory. This is my cross-generational research!"

Sugou Nobuyuki opened his hands like a mad scientist.

Human experiments!

Asuna was terrified and said, "Do you want to turn me into a guinea pig too?"

"No, you are different. Asuna, you will become my wife. Because of my excellent performance in ALO, the president has agreed to betroth you to me. You looked down on me before. But now, he is willing to marry his vegetable daughter Give it to me. Because, no one will want you."

"You are dreaming!"

Xuxiang sneered and said, "It's okay if you don't agree. When the experiment is mature, I can tamper with your feelings. Don't worry, I will try my best to be a gentleman."

The girl's expression changed.The thought of being forced to love such a man makes my stomach sick.

In an instant, the shadow of Qian Yutong appeared in her mind.Every time she is in pain, there will be a hero.

help me……

Asuna bit the tip of her tongue to wake herself up a little.Hitomi is now reunited with everyone.Beside him, there was another woman.

I'm...not needed anymore.

"What's your expression?" Xu Xiang was suddenly furious, "Did you fall in love with someone else in the game? I heard that Qian Yutong..."

Asuna smiled palely: "I'm married to him, and we even have children."

Xuxiang Shinzhi seemed to be hit hard.In his mind, Asuna is always pure and flawless.How can it be possessed by another man? !

"Children, have you done it?"

Asuna blushed pretty, and said firmly, "That's right, I like Hitomi-kun, so I'm willing to do anything for him."

It turns out that this is my real thought.Why didn't I find out until now?I don't really care about Xiaosha, I just hope you can be by my side...


The man's self-esteem took a serious blow.

Xu Xiang was furious and rushed forward.Asuna didn't show any weakness, if Suxiang dared to use force, she would kick him. The "flash" of the SAO world is not in vain.

Inside the birdcage, there are gorgeous furnishings.A round table for drinking tea and two white jade chairs.A big white bed, soft, and the sinister intentions can be seen.

This is no longer the world of SAO.Asuna found that her backpack and skills were frozen, and she didn't even have a rapier in hand.

But Xuxiang was frozen in the air without even touching a single finger.The girl was taken aback, only to see a pop-up window appear in front of her, which was the familiar SAO operation UI.

"Illegal imprisonment detected, the highest level of sexual|harassment protection, no physical contact with anyone is allowed!"

Asuna breathed out a sigh of relief.An electric current erupted in the air, bringing Xu Xiangdian back to life, accompanied by a scream.

"Ahhh, it hurts...hateful H system!"

Sugo said angrily: "Asaba Hitomi...the disciple of Akihiko Kayaba, really haunts me! I will definitely come back!"

Oberon, the majestic elf king, the GM with the highest authority in ALO, can't crack a small H system.This is a technical gap.

The birdcage was silent again.

Asuna hugged her knees and cried with a smile.

"What are you talking about about the H system? It's actually designed to protect girls from being violated. It's full of sexual thoughts, but it's very gentle... So, you've been protecting me."


In the real world, Nobuyuki Sugo takes off the AmuSphere, a crown that resembles glasses.This is the successor of NERvGear, which has the same function as the gaming helmet.


Furious, he grabbed the machine and threw it on the ground, breaking it.

"You are Nobuyuki Sugo, right?"

In the empty room, a voice suddenly sounded.Immediately afterwards, a vortex appeared out of thin air, and a young man with silver-white hair came out, a kaleidoscope appeared in his right eye.

"Qianyu Tong?" Xu Xiang turned pale in shock, "How did you get in? Strange, monster..."

Asuna said lightly: "I heard that someone covets Asuna's beauty. It's fine if you want to cheat the marriage, but at this time, your identity is also very suspicious."


Before Xuxiang finished speaking, he met Asuka in his pupils.

【Geass】—Memory operation.

Asaha used violent means to read the memory and learn the truth.Seeing that Asuna was safe, he was relieved.Not only that, but also found interesting things from Xu Xiang's memory.

"Together with Kayaba and Kamyo, you used to work in Shigemura's laboratory? Because you were jealous of Kayaba's genius, you went astray..."

When Xu Xiang woke up, he stared at him in horror.

"What the hell did you do to me?"

Asahi said with a smile: "It's nothing, I'm very interested in your research. I'm also very good at tampering with human will. My pupil power is essentially an invasion at the quantum level."

"What did you say?"

Qian Yu's eyes froze, and the bird in her eyes was about to fly.In Xuxiang's mind keeps enlarging, and finally loses self-awareness, and is dominated by the terrifying pupil power.

"From now on, obey me!"

【Geass】——Absolute order!

Chapter 568 Raiding Asuna

Nobuyuki Sugo is already a puppet.Through memory, Hitomi Asaba followed the vines to find the underground research institute, and took control of all Suxiang's subordinates.

The phone rang, and the ringtone was Yuna's song.

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