
Tongzi thought about it, and recently she and Hitomi got a little closer.

Her face turned pale, she stabilized her mind, and asked, "Are you... fucked?"

Suguha blushed and shook her head.

"Then, have you had a kiss?"


Tongzi couldn't laugh or cry: "Then why are you crying? I thought you were being bullied by him."

"However, I fell in love with..." Zhiye murmured.

Kiriko didn't say anything, she just hugged Suguha, letting her bury her head in her barren chest.At this moment, the sense of responsibility as a sister arises spontaneously.

"I have never cared about poor breasts. I thought that there is no one who needs to please with this body. Until I met Hitomi..." Tongzi smiled knowingly, "Of course, she is still a little bigger than Xiaosha."

Suguha thought: Sister, are you a devil?

Tongzi said softly: "This house girl's body that hasn't been exercised all year round can't even please the boy she loves or be an ordinary mother. But, she will give Xiao Zhi a hug at any time."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Suguha cried violently.

Tongzi smiled wryly and said, "Ah, don't cry all over the place. It's soaking wet... I can't afford not to buy it now."

Finally, my sister leaned over and whispered a few words.The younger sister blushed and was speechless.

Opie substitutes or something, this is too bold, right? !

The two girls came out of the store arm in arm, carrying large and small bags.Qian Yu took back her phone, but didn't look at how much money they had spent.

He was surprised and said, "Why is the relationship between you two suddenly so good?"

Suguha's cheeks were reddish, her eyes dodged, like a frightened deer.


Tongzi blinked, showing a sly smile.

Hmph, in this way, I can be free, right?Really, always disagree with me and come up to H, disturbing me to play games.Love belongs to love, how can games be important for men.If you say favorite...

Sure enough, it is Hitomi who is willing to play games with me.

It was night, Asaba sent the two sisters home, and returned to the residence alone.He put on the AmuSphere, woke up in the hotel, went to the next door and knocked on the door.

"Xiao Zhi... Lyfa, are you online yet?"

Lyfa opened her eyes, feeling a strong sense of déjà vu.She checked her appearance, the skirt was well-fitted, there was no vacuum, and it would not be seen as a fat color.

Hit safely.


The girl always felt that something was wrong, so she opened the door without thinking much.

Nothing happened, and Asagi breathed a sigh of relief.Although she is beautiful and delicious, she always has ambiguous affairs with her sister-in-law, and she is a little overwhelmed.

"Don't you say you want to take me to the most beautiful city?"

Lyfa nodded and said, "Well, Aruen is at the bottom of the world tree, not far from here. Because it is a neutral zone, players of all races can be seen, with a large population, it is the most spectacular city in this game!"

"I am looking forward."

Chapter 584 Moving Egg

After the Battle of Butterfly Valley, Lyfa broke away from the wind elves.Shuo Ye quelled the rebellion and really wanted to win them over.However, Asaba and Lyfa still embarked on the "route of defection".

Flying in the blue sky, overlooking the earth.There are many mountains and mountains, stretching for thousands of miles.The world tree reaching directly to the sky is shrouded in clouds and mist, looming.

Lyfa said: "This is the Luguru Corridor, the only way to Arun."

"Well, let's land."

Hitomi Asaba had mastered the correct landing method.The repulsive force was too rough and difficult to control, almost crashing into the cave.

Lyfa folded her wings and trotted a few steps on the ground.I didn't feel it when I was flying, but I felt a foreign body sensation when I landed.


The girl suddenly remembered that she forgot to take out the egg.

"Lyfa, what's wrong?"


Lyfa made three steps and made two steps.Feeling empty, for fear of falling out, he was forced to tighten his body.The little girl's running posture is a bit introverted.

Asahi felt nothing.Japanese girls are used to kneeling and sitting, and they are prone to bow legs, but they are a kind of cuteness.

The girl's face was flushed, as delicate as if she had applied rouge.Her eyes trembled slightly, and she opened her mouth lightly, as if she could feel the warm breath.

"you are sick?"

Asaba was a little worried, and touched Lifa's forehead.A simple touch stimulates the senses.The girl's sensitivity was infinitely magnified, and a man's breath rushed towards her face.

Lyfa dodged like an electric shock, bit her lip and said, "Don't touch me!"


Asahi had no choice but to let her go.Lyfa braced herself up, raised her sword in an awkward posture, and managed to fight monsters.

Wait, why did you jump a bit?Is it about to hatch, but at this time...

Lyfa staggered, missed, and fell into the encirclement of monsters.

"Lyfa, be careful!"

Asaba slashed the monster with a single blow, and hugged the girl with one arm.

Pressing against her warm chest, she cried, "Brother-in-law... I, I want to go to the toilet!"

"Huh?" Asahi was taken aback, "But, there is no excretory system in the game, right?"

"It's...it's over!"

Asahi lowered her head and saw a cute and pretty face.With tears in her eyes, the blond girl was limp all over, the weight of her bust weighed on her, and she trembled slightly.

"Lyfa, you..."

Asahi hadn't finished speaking yet.Lyfa raised her pink neck like a swan, as if asking for a kiss.She tried her best to stand on tiptoe, but she couldn't sneak attack because of the height difference, she was pitiful and helpless.

He hesitated for a moment, lowered his head, and kissed the soft lips.

For a long time, the lips are divided.

The girl felt better before she realized what a bold move she had made.In this way, isn't it like a goblin in estrus? !

"has leaked."


"I mean..." Lyfa couldn't speak.

In the cave, the sound of "tick" water came from nowhere.This game has a strong sense of reality, even the echoes are simulated.

Asagi suddenly understood something, and hesitated: "Lifa, have the fairy eggs I gave you hatched? They are going to fight in ALO soon, and I promise them that they will revive Yui. Where's the... egg?"

"I ate it in my stomach."

In every sense, yes.


Asahi was shocked: "Did you lose the egg?"

"I... got lost by the egg." Lyfa said shyly.

In the game, Kiritani Suguha's boldness increased by [-]%.In reality, there is absolutely no way to ask for a kiss.

Three minutes later, Asagi took back the fairy egg and held it carefully in her palm.The eggshell is left warm and soaked in holy water, which locks the moisture well.

He has a strange face and wandering eyes.

Lyfa subconsciously covered her body and shouted in shame: "Idiot, where are you looking!"

Asahi joked, "This egg, maybe it's really a fool."

"I mean you! If you don't really like it, who would want to hatch eggs for you..." The girl's voice became smaller and smaller.

Asagi smiled and said, "Thank you, my egg incubator. You are like a sister to Kiriko and me."

Lyfa's cheeks were hot, and her heart was pounding like a deer.

That's a really cunning statement.

At this moment, the fairy egg in Asagi's hand shook uncomfortably.It paused for a while, then jumped up and down with a more violent range.

A jumping egg.

With a "pop", the eggshell cracked.Yui struggled to get out.She was wearing a petal-like dress with wings as thin as onion wings.Beautiful long black hair, dotted with a white flower.Pointy ears, pink and jade-carved face, conquered Lyfa at first sight.

so cute!

Asahi called out, "Yie."


The girl was very happy, she flew over, imitated her mother, and pecked his cheek.Light as a mosquito, itchy.

Asagi scratched her face and said, "Welcome back."

"That, Yui-chan..." Lyfa said shyly.

"Who are you?"

Yui was full of hostility, puffed up her face, and put her hands on her hips.

"Father, cheating is not allowed! Although, this woman is as good-looking as my mother, she has a little bit of material, only a little bit."

Lyfa was about to be overwhelmed by the moe, and let out a sob.Women just have nothing to do with cute creatures.

Yui flew around Lyfa a few times, twitched her delicate nose, and smelled the familiar body fragrance.

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