Anfeng gritted his teeth and said: "If Tongshen hadn't disappeared for half a year, you wouldn't have won the first place in GGO. That ID system dominated SAO and ALO..."

Hitomi Asayu was a little surprised, when did she become so popular.This one is called "Dark Wind", and it looks like a fanatic at first glance.

"Ah, what 'Hitomi' are you talking about? It's just the bragging first person in MMO. I was expecting him to fight in GGO, and then be killed by my 'biu' shot." ZXED laughed.

At this time, something happened in the video.

In the bar, a tall man wearing a cloak| stood up and raised a Type 54| pistol towards the screen.

"ZXED, you blabbering bastard, let's see your true power!"

The bar was suddenly quiet, and then burst into laughter.

"Have you suffered from a second-year illness?"

The man ignored it and pulled the trigger.The bullet shot towards the virtual screen and disappeared without a trace.After a while, ZXED on the screen collapsed clutching his chest.

The host said: "Hey, it seems to be disconnected."

The video stops abruptly.Later, the body of player ZXED was found at home, and the cause of death was heart failure.Since then, another popular female player named "Thin Salt Cod Roe" was killed.

The victims were all GGO celebrities and executed in public. "Death Gun" seemed to want to cause panic, but was suppressed by the Japanese government and spread only in a small area.

Asahi watched it all over, and just refreshed, it displayed "The video has been deleted".

"Do you want to make the prisoner happy? This result will make the prisoner dissatisfied. Let's kill again in full view."

Hitomi Asaba fell into thought.

The body of "Death Gun" was camouflaged, and a voice changer was used.If it's the remnants of [Laughing Coffin], then according to the SAO list... no, this information was handed over to the government, and they didn't find out the result.

"Then play it, this game."

The corners of Qian Yutong's mouth turned up slightly.

Chapter 587 Legs Playing Years

It was December, early winter.The Japanese government prepared temporary schools for SAO survivors to spend a year catching up with their studies.

Now, everyone is a good baby in school and doesn't have much time to play games.Asuna set an example and created a "study meeting".

It is worthy of being the main palace.

In a different game, date a different girlfriend every week.Hitomi Asaba was full of energy, and she didn't feel her body being hollowed out.

In the future medical condition, he has been checked.At the beginning, the body was strengthened, and more testosterone was secreted to improve muscle strength, which was countless times higher than that of ordinary people.

The human body is a very precise instrument, and every hormone will reach a balance.The strength of the limit of human beings means endless desires.Anyway, Hitomi Asaba is a hedonist, and he has already broken his can.

The most intuitive thing is that even Tongzi and Lyfa were defeated together - sisters.

On Line, Tongzi sent a message.

"Hitomi, I was approached by someone from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. It was a self-defense officer named 'Kikuoka Seijiro'. He wanted me to join GGO and investigate the dead gun incident, but I refused. He may find you soon... ..."

Qian Yu secretly thought: People from the government?

After a while, he received a call from a stranger, not in the Tokyo area code.On the other end of the phone is a young male voice, asking him to meet at a nearby coffee shop.

Qian Yutong put on a white coat and went out.

This is an old apartment, the walls and floors are damaged to varying degrees, and the steel stairs make a "creaking" sound.He has only recently moved here to be closer to work and school.

The door next door opened.A girl with short hair was wearing a dark sailor suit and was carrying a schoolbag.She wears glasses and has a pretty face, with a strand of black hair tied on the side of her face and a white hair tie.

I accidentally bumped into it, and a scent of fragrance entered my arms.

"Ah, sorry."

Asagi gave a support, and saw the girl get away as if she was electrocuted.Her expression was as disgusting as if she had eaten a cockroach. She patted her skirt and stood on the side of the corridor with a vigilant look on her face.

He wondered: As for what, do I look so scary?

"Well, hello... I'm new here."

Asaba glanced at her out of the corner of her eye, her house number read "Asada Shino".

Sinon said coldly: "I know."

The girl's voice is very recognizable, it is the type of iceberg beauty.Generally speaking, girls with nice voices are "death to death".This girl is an exception.


"Every weekend, I will bring different girls back to spend the night. In the future, please control the volume. It will be very disturbing for me to study."

Sinon's cheeks were slightly red, but it wasn't shyness, it was just pure anger.It has become an established fact that a scumbag lives next door.Because of the shyness in the pocket, there is no way to move it away.

Asagi coughed and said awkwardly, "Sorry."

The apartment has been in disrepair for a long time, and the sound insulation effect is a bit poor. Fortunately, it was only heard by a little girl.

"Please let it go."

Asagi turned sideways, letting Shino go downstairs first.The girl's attitude was quite cold, but he knew he was wrong, so he didn't take it to heart, and went to the coffee shop to attend the appointment.

Kikuoka Seijiro, an official of the Second Team of the Illusion Division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, once belonged to the SAO countermeasure team, is currently investigating the death gun incident.


Kikuoka smiled and said, "This is the first time we have met the legendary 'Tongshen'. I was wondering what it would be like to be the number one player who has completely dived into games. I will see you today..."

"Disappointed?" Asahi smiled lightly.

"No, it's really special."

Kikuoka looks harmless in his black-rimmed glasses.

"Have you ever heard of 'Death Gun'?"

Asahi said, "I heard a little bit."

“During the SAO period, apart from the [-] people trapped in the ‘accident’, there was one dead person who was ignored. After escaping from SAO, he chose to commit suicide, which reminded me of the feasibility of killing people in the game.” Kikuoka said, “ His name is 'Hou Ze Rui II', and the game ID is 'Nautilus'. I learned from the survivors that you once had a conflict with him."

Interesting, doubting me?

Asahi said without changing his expression: "That's right, he used to be a member of [Smiling Coffin] and betrayed the strategy team."

"That's it."

Kikuoka pushed his glasses and said, "Asaba-kun, your identity is a state secret, and you can't even touch it at my level. I have one thing to ask you..."

Unexpectedly, the man did not come for Death Gun.

"Be a teacher?" Asahi had a strange expression on her face.

Kikuoka said: "That's right, your girlfriend is in the temporary school, right? Actually, the school lacks teachers. It should be easy for an expert like you to tutor a group of middle school students."

Is this the government inviting me to drink tea?The above people know that I am a student of Kayaba, and I also participated in the SAO incident.Thinking you have mastered my relationships, knocking me out?


Kikuoka brought the formal employment documents, drank a cup of tea, and left.Qian Yu watched his back, and Asuka faintly appeared in his pupils.

There is something interesting about this man.Want to control him?As a nail in the government... no, if there is any doubt, the all-pervasive cameras have captured my reaction?

Forget it, there's no need for extravagance.Anyway, the combined force of the whole world is no match for the eye of reincarnation.

Asaba slowly closed her eyes.

The next day, in the temporary school, the classrooms in Class Three, Class One, were in chaos.Because of the lack of teachers, math classes became self-study.Yuuki Asuna leaned on her face and looked at the scenery outside the window.

Can't waste any more time.

At this time, the door opened.

A man came in holding the handout and stood still on the podium.He has silvery white hair and a smile like a spring breeze.

There was a lot of discussion in the audience: "Is it a new teacher? I always feel familiar..."

"Ah, in SAO..."

"Brother Taidao... No, Tongshen!"

Asuna turned her head and was stunned.Qian Yu's gaze stayed on her for a second, then quickly moved away.

He said: "Long time no see. You are all survivors of SAO, so you should know me. I will be your math teacher from today. Of course, you can ask me any questions you have about physics and chemistry."

That's why Kikuoka came to him.Because of her experience in SAO, Asaha was able to control this group of troubled students submissively.

"Opened the book and saw L'Hopital's law. Interestingly, this method was not discovered by L'Hopital. He saw that the teacher was too poor, so he spent money to buy the teacher's paper. The teacher's name was John Bernoulli , if you have the chance, you will meet him in the calculus of the university..."

During the lunch break, in the courtyard of the campus, Asuna and Asuna were sitting together eating bento.

The girl patted her chest and said, "Really, I was shocked. I didn't expect you to become a math teacher."

"Aren't you worried about your studies all the time? It's almost time to prepare for the university entrance exam. Let me tutor you, can you rest assured now?" Asaha said.

Asuna smiled and said, "I'm relieved."

A gust of cold wind blew, and the fallen leaves fell.

The girl was in a trance, and said in a low voice: "Sometimes, I feel very unreal. Hitomi-kun, a person like you who is all-knowing and omnipotent, and who is about our age...does it really exist? It's like a game, from another world .”

Asa was silent.

He lowered his head, leaned in front of the girl, missed a position, and kissed her.


Asuna didn't expect to be attacked suddenly at school, her eyes widened.Habitual response, in reality she is a reserved lady, but in the game she ate the forbidden fruit.

The girl unconsciously grabbed the bench and was held down by Asaba.

Lips parted, Qian Yu said softly: "Now, you can feel the temperature."


In the bitter cold wind, Asuna leaned against his chest, smiling happily.Asagi climbed onto her big white legs, the part under the pleated skirt and above the white silk.He stroked the exposed skin, and there was a delicate and soft touch.

Legs play year.

Asagi asked concerned: "I'm still wearing a skirt. It's winter, isn't it cold?"

It is generally considered to be hooliganism.Asuna subconsciously closed her legs, and then slightly separated them in order to satisfy the desire of "leg control".Like a ray of sunshine on a warm winter day, it dyed the roots of the thighs red.

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