What puzzled the girl was that Asaba cast a strange look.The network manager led the way and opened the door of the private room.This is a luxurious box, from the bathroom to the computer, entertainment facilities everything.

Lock the door, leaving only two people alone.

Asahi couldn't help asking: "Have you never used the nutrition cabin?"

"No, what's wrong?"

For a student party like Sinon, buying an AmuSphere is already a luxury.The nutrition cabin was sold at a sky-high price on the Internet, at least several million yen.

I've heard that players soak in the nutrient solution, which automatically cleans their bodies, saving time for eating and bathing.Therefore, become the favorite of local tyrants.

What came into view was a machine that looked like a double bed. Asaba was controlling the touch screen, and the transparent glass cover was slowly lowered.The machine starts to release water, which is as constant as the body temperature at 37 degrees, which will be very comfortable.

Asahi said awkwardly: "Well, because the nutrient solution needs to be fully soaked, so I have to take off my clothes..."

"Eh?" the girl said angrily, "This is absolutely impossible!"

"There is a bathroom next to it, and you can take a shower after entering and exiting." Asaha explained, "But if the clothes are stained by the nutrient solution, it will be a bit troublesome."

Time is running out.

Qian Yu didn't care about three seven twenty one, and took off her clothes.Shino was startled, and turned around quickly, only to hear some rustling noises.

"You, you pervert!"

"Let's just say, I don't have exhibitionism."

He got into the nutrition cabin and lay down in the liquid.The light green nutrient solution is very dense, like being trapped in soft cotton.It will also be widely used in future aerospace, known as "deep sea acceleration fluid".A device is lowered on the head, similar to holding the head in an MRI machine, and then covering the helmet.

"L|ink Start!"

Asaba pressed the start button to enter the world of GGO.

The box returned to silence.

Shino was confused: This guy didn't do it on purpose, did he?In order to satisfy my perverted desire... No, it just happened that the internet cafe was full.

She took a peek and blushed.

Because I suffer from male phobia, it is too late to hate, so I have no expectations.The essence of men and guns is the same.The Black Star 54 | type I hate the most... No, this guy is a machine gun!

At this time, it was too late to go back to the apartment and go online.He once made a promise that he would have a showdown in the BoB finals.Shino felt her heart beating faster and made a difficult decision.

The girl confirmed that the door was locked, closed the curtains, took off her glasses, and lightly undid her shirt.She is like Eve in the Bible, lying beside Adam, soaked in the river flowing out of the Garden of Eden.

"L|ink Start."

This was the weakest of her voice.

In the world of GGO, Asaba and Ren met, and a white light lit up around them.When he saw Sinon walking out, he couldn't help but froze.That is to say, the two people in reality are "sharing the same bed".


"Oh, I've had enough, don't let your imagination run wild!"

Sinon with blue hair was wrapped in a white scarf, and pulled it up to cover her blushing cheeks.She is still wearing tights, but the paint on her chest is pitch black, which makes people imagine.The lower body is hot pants, revealing a pair of big white legs.

She was clearly dressed neatly, but she felt chilly, just like the physical sensation in reality.

"Hey, let's go to the lounge."

It is said to be a lounge, but it is actually a cabin similar to the space battleship in the movie.The three members of the team stayed in the same room for the final rest.Sinon seized the time to adjust her mood, and finally put aside distracting thoughts.

Hitomi Asaba sat on the bench, with UMP45 in her left hand and M4|A1 in her right hand.He expertly disassembled the M4|A1, and wiped it carefully with a white towel, especially the gunpowder residue.

The two guns respond fundamentally differently when faced with upkeep. M4|A1 looks away, like a pet afraid of taking a bath.And UMP45 carelessly, with his hands on his hips, showing the steel plate.

Qian Yu feels bad: Wait, for Qiang Niang, wiping the barrel of a gun is...

"Commander, H!"

The two little guys made a fuss and got back to the main body.

When Hitomi Asagi raised her head, the cold muzzle of the gun was pressed against her forehead.Shino is holding the Hecate, she is no longer the quiet and weak girl in reality.

Lian panicked and said, "Ah, why did Miss Shino suddenly..."

"Listen up. My bullet|bullet will make you feel defeated." Shino's face turned frosty, "Before that, I won't allow you to be killed by others."

Asahi smiled lightly: "Okay, I will save the decisive battle with you until the end."

"Ah, I always feel like I made some cool promise." Lian complained.

Asahi turned her head and said, "Lian Jiang, protect yourself, at worst, become Voldemort. I will go find you."

"Mr. Tong..." Lian's eyes were full of tears.

"I'm still counting on you to pull the strings."

"Return my emotion!"

5 minutes countdown, the game begins!

At the same time, on the ALO world tree, in the bar of the city of legends.The harem gathered, drinking juice while staring at the big screen.

This is a live broadcast of the linkage between ALO and GGO.Speaking of which, Hitomi Asaba, on behalf of RECT, talked about the project with ZASKAR, but in the end it was used on her own head.

Hei Xueji said sullenly: "It's really cunning, secretly transferred to GGO alone."

"Thanks to Xiaozhi for stealing the information." Tongzi laughed.


Asuna worried: "I can't understand it, guns or something. Hitomi, is it really useful? It will hurt if you get hit?"

"Don't worry, Mom."

Yui flapped her wings, flew onto Asuna's shoulder, and said proudly: "No matter in which game, Dad is the strongest. Let me explain, Dad's main weapons are UMP45 and M4|A1... "

The hearts of the girls are all tied to the close-ups on the big screen.With a scarred face and a tall and burly figure, it looks like a different person, but familiar people can recognize the eyes.

I have confirmed the eyes, it is the person I love deeply.

PS: Sinon is really handsome

After all, Jingu wrote this kind of unnutritive gunfight world only for Shino

Chapter 601

Qian Yu felt a flash in front of his eyes, and was transported to another battlefield, and his vision gradually became clear.In the forest, the surroundings were eerily quiet until gunshots were heard in the distance.

Is the spawn point forest terrain?Got the lottery.Early in the game, the first thing to do is hide your tracks.Players exposed to the outside world will soon be wiped out by concentrated fire.

Hitomi Asaba opened the backpack and took out an item——Satellite Scan terminal.This thing is equivalent to a map, and the surveillance satellite passes by every fifteen minutes, marking the location of all the staff.So, fight and transfer within fifteen minutes.

The first scan has started.

The terminal projects a holographic map in the air.There are city ruins in the center, deserts in the north, grasslands in the west, hills in the south, and countryside in the east.At this time, Hitomi Asaba was located in the forest in the southeast corner.

Each player is represented by a bright spot, and the ID can be seen with one click.In the forest, there are about three or four enemies.Asagi took a cursory glance and took note of the location.

Lian's birth point is in the northern desert.She is best at desert maps, which is a blessing in misfortune.Sinon was also in the forest, but on the other side.

The hills lacked shelter and the fighting was most intense.The forest and the hills are connected by an iron bridge, which is the only way to enter the city.Therefore, the iron bridge is an excellent sniper point.

Hitomi Asagi thought for a while, and decided to deal with the enemies in the forest first.He put on the M4|A1, screwed the silencer on the muzzle, opened the safety, and switched to a single-shot trigger.

Write a round eye!

Unable to hide the slightest sign of trouble, he stalks through the bushes.Thanks to the goggles, the camera was very close and didn't catch him cheating.

The so-called camera is a UFO in the air.Wherever a shootout occurs, the director will cut it.However, the forest terrain is rather special, mainly for assassination.

Hitomi Asagi didn't know that her every move was being watched by countless audiences.

On the TV, the commentator is introducing: "We can see that Hitomi chose to go first with the M4, the trigger mode, and the silencer, to clear the forest."

"The tactical moves are very professional, it seems that they have been trained. Ah, we just received the information. This Hitomi is real, the Hitomi who cleared SAO and reached the top of ALO!"

"Murata-kun, you are an expert in firearms and games. Then, how is the performance of the M4|A1? Can you guess a thing or two about Hitomi's points?"

The guest showed a strange face and said, "To be honest, Tongshen is playing the bucket number this time."

"Ha, maybe I made a mistake?"

"No, Hitomi must have a special intention. In ALO, that man played the weakest clan. Take notes, maybe the bucket number is a newly developed genre..."

At the ALO bar, Yui said, "Because Dad is directly converted."

"Hmph, I'm the King of Black, and I'm actually said to be the weakest clan." Hei Xueji was heartbroken.

Tongzi complained: "Is this the point?!"

"A firefight!"

Everyone was shocked and looked at the big screen.

Qian Yutong bowed her body, hiding the sound of footsteps, suddenly raised her gun, and aimed at the position of the tree crown.This action puzzled the audience, there was nothing there.



A sniper fell from the tree, and the word "LOST" jumped out above his head.This person is wearing a dark green auspicious suit, which blends in with the environment, making it invisible at all.

The guests exclaimed: "This vision!"

"Wait, Hitomi is moving, look at him..."

Yui covered her face and said shyly, "Dad, it's true."

On the battlefield, there is a temporary drop setting.Bags can be licked, but only for this one fight.Qian Yu took off the auspicious suit from the body, this skillful movement made people dumbfounded.

Hitomi Asaba was neatly dressed and decorated with leaves.The second scan is about to start.He pressed his hat, held the M4|A1, and ran.

Hitomi joins the hunt!

"the second."

"The third……"

The girls couldn't help counting.

In just half an hour, Hitomi Asaba single-handedly killed the four of them.This place has become a place of death, and the players also realize that there is a master hidden in the forest, and they dare not approach it.

Tongzi said: "As expected of Hitomi, the gun is really good."

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