Hei Xueji muttered, "This pair of Oupai who are trying to please Hitomi is too foul. Anyway, you have already done various things, right?"

"Let go!" Asuna shyly said.

Qian Yu hurriedly made a rescue, pulled the "criminal murderer" over, and said, "Okay, Xiaosha is next, stand still."

"I'm standing up."

Asahi dawdled for a while, then hesitated and said, "But, your upper bust and lower bust...there is no difference."

"It's definitely there, measure it again!"

Hei Xueji excitedly grabbed his hand, pressed it against his chest, and squeezed out another centimeter.Asahi managed to measure the data and asked Lanzi to fill in the data.

He muttered: "AA, I always feel that it is a product that has passed the quality inspection, and it is expected to hit the 3A masterpiece."

"3...3A?" Hei Xueji had a look of lovelessness.

She goes shopping for lingerie, and conversations like this happen often.

"Is there a smaller one?"

The clerk whispered: "Miss, this is already the smallest in our store..."

At that moment, sadness flowed upstream.Later, she found an artifact - 1/2 retro right angle cup.To put it bluntly, the small vest was made into a bra style to satisfy the ambition of poor breasts.

Tongzi is a B cup.

"Generally, boys don't need to check flat feet, but it is necessary for girls." Asahi explained, "Lack of exercise, standing for a long time for work, or wearing hard-soled shoes may cause flat feet. In the future career choice There will be restrictions on…”

Hei Xueji sat down on the chair and checked the sitting position.Just had my bust measured and haven't put on my poor 1/2 retro right angle cup yet.She bent down, took off the black silk, and the black hair like a waterfall fell down to her big white legs.

"In this way, you can fully check it?"

"Ah, Xiaosha..." Everyone blushed.

Japanese girls can't accept being seen barefoot by others, it's a kind of privacy.Hei Xueji smashed and smashed, anyway, she has done worse things.

Asagi wanted to complain: Is it more embarrassing to take off socks than to take off bra?

Strictly speaking, checking for flat feet should be in the standing position.Of course Qian Yutong knew the foot shape of each harem, so she just went through the motions and didn't say anything.He hugged Xiaosha's beautiful legs, with white jade-like arches and crystal clear toes.Like an exquisite work of art, it is hard to put it down.

Kuroyukihime's most lethal weapons are her feet and legs.

The girl smiled sweetly: "Whether I have flat feet or not, you know best. Sometimes, girls' feet are the same as their breasts, and Taiping is useless..."

Qian Yu hurriedly covered her mouth, leaving only the sound of "woo woo".


Simple girls like the Konno sisters don't understand at all.

Asuna found a chance to fight back, put her hands on her hips and said, "Okay. Xiaosha, you still have the nerve to say that I used some foul weapons?"


"The last item is vital capacity..."

Before the words were finished, Qian Yutong felt a gust of fragrant wind blowing towards her face.Hei Xueji got up, sat in her arms, pinched his nose in a mischievous mood, and kissed like artificial respiration.

Asaha could feel the soft touch, and pursed her lips.He stretched out his hands and wrapped them around the beautiful naked back.The petite body is as warm and delicate as white jade.

Asuna blushed and said, "Wait, how can you use a kiss to test your lung capacity?"

"So, Kiss is more comfortable than a cold machine." Tongzi suddenly realized.

The girl exhaled hot air like blowing bubbles.It was a suffocating kiss that lasted about twenty or thirty seconds.She finally couldn't hold back anymore.

For lip parts, body fluid can only be wiped off with paper towels, and sanitary napkins and disinfectant alcohol are not used.

Hei Xueji was out of breath, and said, "Why, your lung capacity is so good?"

"You still want to blow up my lungs?" Qian Yu smiled, "Next."

Asuna yelled, "Put on your clothes before measuring your lung capacity!"

"No, it will affect my performance." Tongzi ignited his fighting spirit.

Every time you inhale, it will inflate like a balloon and immediately float up.

Later, Hitomi Asaba measured the lung capacity of each girl, which was more accurate than a machine.This skill is amazing, and it also confirms everyone's shameful thought-"This physical examination is too ghostly".

PS: Jingu does not forget to ask questions when writing Xiao Huangwen, and always remembers the title of the book, it is so touching 555

Chapter 628 Yuuki's First Kiss

The garden was full of spring scenery, and a branch of red apricot came out of the wall.

After sending the harem away, Asagi breathed a sigh of relief.As their relationship became transparent, they became bolder.Girls drag racing, men have nothing to do.

"K... Kiss or something, and bust measurement..."

Pure as Konno sisters, never seen this kind of operation.When the health room returned to calm, Lan Zi and Kapok Ji were dizzy.They entered "sleep" at the tender age of twelve, without common sense.Especially Kapok Ji, whose mentality is similar to that of a primary school student.

The only perception is that AIDS is transmitted through sexual means.

Asahi shook her head and said, "Finally coaxed them away. Only in this way can we keep your secret."

"Is my brother disguised as the big bad wolf to protect Little Red Riding Hood?" Kapok Ji worshiped.

"I see!"

Lan Zi was moved.The older brother is very gentle and pretends to be H in order to protect them.

Qian Yutong was at a loss, feeling that they had misunderstood something.

"A dead body has no fertility. As I remember, it won't bleed every month." He warned, "However, you still have to protect yourself and pay attention to hygiene."


The sisters also realize that this is a shy topic, but he is like a brother taking care of his sister.So, they listened very carefully, watching the handsome faces, a kind of ignorant affection was taking root.

If Asagi still remembers the zombie girl she used to be, she should be aware of it.Dead bodies are also sentient, and more strongly than humans.

"So, are you going to test your lung capacity?"

Kapok Ji blinked and pouted.Immediately afterwards, he was grabbed by Lanzi.


Kapok Ji said bitterly: "That's right, you can be infected. AIDS patients have to be careful with their first kiss..."

"No, HIV doesn't spread through saliva," he said. "A girl's first kiss is something more precious."

Asagi lifted Kapok Ji's forehead and kissed him like a dragonfly.The girl touched her forehead and smiled foolishly.For the first time, someone is willing to be close.

Lanzi felt sad: Sure enough, do you like Yuuki more?

Asahi said casually: "Lung capacity and so on, just make up any number. The same goes for heart rate and blood pressure. However, you can weigh yourself to see if you have gained weight."

"My brother is too much, how can a girl use the word fat?"

"Okay I'm sorry."

In the past month, the weight of the sisters has increased significantly, but they are far from the passing line.

too skinny.

After measuring under the strong request of the kapok season, I realized this more deeply.Under the delicate collarbone, small and exquisite, with creamy skin, is the pale beauty that only belongs to zombie girls.One palm can completely cover, feel the slow and weak heartbeat.

It feels cold to the touch.

Kapok Ji grabbed his hand and asked, "How is it?"

"very healthy."

Asagi turned her head and met Lanzi's gaze.The girl hugged her clothes in a panic, and felt shy even when she saw children's underwear.It was originally the style chosen by my brother.

"Brother, I don't need it!"

Asagi touched her nose and said, "Well, let's go back to class."

Time flies, and it is February in a blink of an eye.During these days, ALO launched version 6.0 [Sword Skill - Rebirth from the Ashes], launched a new year's race battle, and ushered in the latest unified duel knockout competition.As the name suggests, this is sponsored by China's "Unified Instant Noodles".

No one would have imagined that game planners also play games.

Hitomi Asaba continued to beat Kiriko, Kuroyukihime, and Asuna all the way to dominate the Western District.Judging from the half-smiles in the eyes of the girls, they may "suffer" when they go back.

"It's also very difficult for me. I can't even turn on the water."

Hitomi is the No. [-] in the West, and Yuuki is the strongest in the East.The final was ushered in, and the climax was reached in the live broadcast of the network TV station "MMO Stream".

The arena at the top of the World Tree seems to stand on top of the world.There are so many people, there are no empty seats.Amidst the roar of the mountains and the tsunami, the two swordsmen remained unmoved and confronted each other at a distance on the field.

Yuuki excitedly said: "I've been waiting for a day for a long time. Brother, I said I will force you to use all your strength!"

"Why do you have the same personality as Tongzi?" Qian Yu raised his forehead, "I should also be a little more motivated. Recently, there are some 'absolute sword blows' on the Internet, questioning whether I can keep the number one throne in ALO. After all, I have only defeated General Eugene. .”

At this time, General Eugene and Lord Shuo Ye were watching from the audience.

The girls sat together, infected by the tense atmosphere.

Asuna worried: "Can Hitomi win? No, it's not good to win too easily. Yuuki is still a child, she will cry."

Tongzi complained: "Are you mom, you didn't even talk to Lanzi."

"Hitomi is very strong." Hei Xueji said seriously, "Although I didn't see the first competition, if Hitomi wants to win, one move is enough."

Sinon had never experienced SAO, she said blankly, "What are you guys talking about, why are you showing such a scary expression?"

Lanzi had an ominous premonition and looked towards the stage.

Hitomi Qianyu pulled out the black knife, shining brightly in the sun.Yuuki could feel the terrifying pressure and trembled with excitement.She gripped the rapier tightly.

That's right, that's how it feels.Brother is of the same kind!

Asahi said: "In order to meet your expectations, I also decided to use the strongest sword skills. However, my sword skills are only three consecutive, secret sword..."

"Mother's Rosario!"

Yuuki activated her sword skill even faster.The combo of strikes was like a violent storm, and the purple sword light was frozen in the air, and then struck immediately.Unfortunately, no matter how fast a sword is, there is a limit.

Eleven hits in a row, the negligible interval is enough.

Qian Yu turned sideways, dodged a sword light, and swung the knife.

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