Later, he was a little embarrassed when he was in class.Some girls in the audience are very familiar, and the picture is vivid in my memory.But their faces are innocent, revealing the color of longing.

It's so evil, the damn eyes.

On this day, Asaba was holding a lesson plan and met Matsuda and Motohama at the corner of the corridor.He thought of the boy who was quite righteous, and he had a good impression, so he asked casually, "Is Hyoudou Issei okay?"

They asked strangely, "Teacher, who are you talking about?"

Qian Yutong was stunned.

PS: There are two options, write Yicheng here, or be subdued by Cang Na.It's up to you.

Say a few words about everyone's posts.Updates will be added next month, 2.5 updates per day, no rewards will be offered.This world does not intend to sissy characters for the time being, except for Gaspar.I have never heard of many of the characters you mentioned, hehe

Chapter 639 Feeding Play

Asagi raised her bangs, revealing a pair of scarlet eyes.The bird in the pupil invaded the brains of Matsuda and Motohama.

【Geass】—Memory operation!

The memories of the two have been tampered with, and the traces of Hyoudou Issei's existence have been deleted.With his pupil power, he flipped through the sealed memory, just like restoring a file from a recycle bin.

In the last scene, Hyoudou shows off his girlfriend to two bad friends.He was confessed by a girl named "Yuma Amano", and then disappeared from this world.

Was it eaten?

There happened to be a student passing by behind him, and Asagi withdrew her pupil power, showing a spring-like smile, as if teaching a student.

He said, "Okay, you guys go back."

Matsuda and Motohama looked dull, lost their memory, like walking dead.This is the situation of human beings, being played and applauded by higher beings without knowing anything.

The corners of Qian Yu's mouth turned up.

Interesting, the mystery and force value of this world are quite high.An unknown monster named "Yuma Amano" can use methods similar to "Geass".With a knife on Sezi's head, Hyoudou may have...

After school, Hitomi Asaba followed the crowd out of the campus, standing out from the crowd.There are so many people, white hair and tall stature are too conspicuous, students often say hello.

"Teacher Asaba."

"Well, be careful on the road."

With a smile on his face, he responded one by one.

Kuoh Academy arranged a staff apartment for him, which was handled by Sona.Thinking about it this way, demons might also be able to tamper with human memory.No wonder the Student Union can dominate the entire campus.

On the street dyed red by the setting sun, I met a girl with long black and straight hair.

Qian Yu stopped in her tracks and said hesitantly, "You are..."

"That... Excuse me, it's the first time we meet, my name is Yuma Amano." The girl said shyly.

This familiar face was seen in the memories of Matsuda and Motohama.She has long black hair, rose red eyes, looks delicate and lovely.Good figure, obviously well groomed.A half top cut off from the lower edge of the chest, and a black dress underneath, revealing a shallow groove.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Asahi asked.

Xima plucked up her courage and shouted, "Actually, I've been following you for a long time! May I ask... can you date me?"

You lied to a ghost, I traveled through the first day!

Qian Yu complained in her heart, pretending to be a little surprised on the surface, and there was a hint of shyness and joy of being confessed.He scratched his hair and said, "Yes, because you are cute."

Seeing this, Xi Ma sneered in her heart: This is a man, and he really took the bait!

The two have their own ghosts, and they show off their acting skills to each other.

Asaba and Yuuma exchanged numbers and email addresses.He didn't say that he was a teacher, but Yuma pretended to be a girl from a nearby school.

In the setting sun, the two walked across the bridge side by side and chatted a lot.Asaba pretends to be a love master to make the girl happy.And Xima was teased so that the flowers trembled wildly, and the contempt in her heart deepened.

A girl with white hair and small breasts walked towards her, licking a popsicle, exuding a cat-like cuteness.She had no expression on her face, and said coldly: "Boys in love, be a little more sober."

Are you reminding me?

Qian Yu remained calm and passed by.The "little boy" who was dazzled by the confession, of course, couldn't listen.

Xima said softly: "Asaha-kun, do you have time tomorrow? After school, I want to go shopping together."

"Okay, I just transferred from another school, and I'm not familiar with this city yet. Then please Xima-chan." Qian Yu said with a smile.

The girl yelled inwardly: Calling out such an ugly name "Yuma-chan" when they met for the first time, what a shameless man, similar to that Hyoudou.


Xi Ma showed a sweet smile, holding her schoolbag, and ran out a few steps in a panic.She turned her head and waved her hands a little shyly, vividly interpreting the image of the little girl in love.

Qian Yuxin said: I can't lose either, just to get familiar with the environment.

A love drama is staged here.The two were intriguing and teasing each other with all their strength, trying to make each other fall under their "pomegranate skirt".

In the dessert shop, Asaba and Yuuma eat ice cream together.According to the girl's thinking, just sitting together is enough to make the fool happy.

Asaba asked, "Do you prefer the blueberry flavor?"


"Do you want to taste my taste?"


As soon as Xi Ma was about to reach out for the spoon, she saw Asagi scooping up a scoop of ice cream and bringing it to her mouth.

"Ah~" Asahi said.

The seat is by the window, and even passers-by on the road can see Xiu Enai, which is like a public execution.The corner of Xima's mouth twitched, as she experienced a fierce struggle in her heart.

She forced a smile, opened her mouth, and closed it.

Bastard, I ate the man's saliva!

Asaha asked, "Is it delicious?"

Xi Ma resisted the urge to shed tears, pouted her mouth, felt sick in her heart, and pretended to be "delicious".Do you think I'll throw in the towel?

"Asayu-kun, try mine too."

Yuma also played feeding play.Asahi had no psychological burden and ate it in one bite.Although it is an unknown monster, but the girlfriend is really cute.

I've even fucked a zombie girl, so I have nothing to be afraid of.

The girl smiled slightly and said, "How is it?"

"It's delicious, not so much the taste of blueberries, but the taste of Yuma..."

"Really, Asaba-kun." Yuuma blushed slightly.

The sour smell of love left only a stench in the girl's heart.She often hunted and killed humans with "artifacts", but she had never made such a big sacrifice.

"Come on, I'll take you home."

"Ah, it's not as good as AA..."

Qian Yu said seriously: "No, I'm a boy, how can I get girls to pay when I come out to play?"

Xima sneered in her heart: boring machismo.

Hitomi Asagi became playful and wanted to try this woman's limits.Since you like hunting humans, you are ready to be hunted by humans, right?Playing with other people's feelings will eventually be played by others one day.

"You have ice cream on the corner of your mouth." Qian Yu said suddenly.


Xima wiped it quickly.

"It's not wiped off, let me help you."

Qian Yu made a surprise attack, supported the table with one hand, leaned up to it, lowered her head and kissed the corner of her lips, and licked it.Xima only felt a tremor all over her body, like an electric shock, and smelled a grass-like body odor.

The girl was startled, her eyes were on a handsome face that was close at hand, and she even saw the man's collarbone through the neckline.

Under the warm sunshine, a strand of white hair fell on his face, itching.Parting her lips, Qian Yu showed a lazy smile, which was a little dazzling.

"It's not the first kiss, it's just up to the corner of the mouth, so it's okay," he said. "I did taste, though, very sweet ice cream."

"Oh, Hitomi, Hitomi-kun..."

Xi Ma's face was red, and the most embarrassing thing was actually the momentary wavering.

Yes, you are absolutely irresistible.I studied medicine, so I know how to use smell to seduce people.In the process of love, the pheromones emitted by the opposite sex will make people obsessed.As long as you have a sense of smell, even if it is a fallen angel, I will show you the strategy!

Asahi's eyes flickered.

I've seen the end.

PS: The fastest strategy

I don't need to say what to do 8?Meat show is in charge of booking

Chapter 640 The First Blood of Amano Yuuma

On weekends, date at an amusement park.

Asaba held hands naturally.The girl's expression was stiff, as if her knuckles were frozen.In the end, she didn't resist and interlocked her fingers.

Bastard, when I kill you, I must chop off all ten of your fingers!

A girl handed out leaflets on the street, saying: "Look at this handsome guy, he has the magical power of making wishes."

Qian Yu took a look, and there was a blood-colored magic circle drawn on the white paper, revealing mystery.He has copy eyes and is very sensitive to spells.It looks like teleportation magic, but it also resembles the Holy Grail's wish system.

"What's the point of seeing this kind of thing?"

The girl stretched out her hand to grab it, but Asaba dodged it.

He chuckled lightly and said, "It's quite a good painting, keep it as a souvenir. This is the first weekend of our relationship."

"Hitomi..." Xima was very moved.

She cursed in her heart: Damn it, it's Gremory's family crest, these lingering demons.If you don't take the spell, you may be disturbed by demons when hunting.

Asahi suggested, "Let's take the Ferris wheel first."


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