"That's right." Asahi breathed a sigh of relief.

Rias said: "'The kitten accidentally fell down and took your pants off', do you think I will believe this kind of nonsense?"

"Isn't this getting darker and darker? That woman!" Qian Yu wanted to cry but had no tears.

Rias said softly, "I believe in you."

In an instant, Asagi was overwhelmed by this charm and fell in love with it.He calmed down quickly, and thought to himself: Is this a gentle offensive?

"Thank you."

"What about the fallen angel girlfriend, how much have you done with her?"

Asahi's eyes drifted, and she said, "Of course it's something that lovers should do."

"That's it."

Rias didn't know what it was like, and mistakenly thought it was possessive.She moved a bit, and she was about to touch Hitomi's body.Sitting like a lady, legs are gracefully crossed.

"It looks good, right? It doesn't matter if you want to see more, or get started, as long as you are willing to act like a baby to me." Rias breathed warmly.

Asagi glanced at it.Girls' natural advantages are hidden deeply.The fiery red hair matches the hair color.Since the hair can be seen, other parts are the same.

This strategic depth... I see, she saw through my artifact, but I couldn't see the true face.

Asahi said unnaturally: "I've never met a woman, I'm not interested in women."

"But your reaction won't lie." Rias said with a smile, "Didn't you already stand upright?"

"We are not playing Devil's Chess, but Devil's Mahjong, right?!"

Asia rubbed her eyes and got up, and ran into a demon as stunning as an oil painting handed down from generation to generation.In a trance, she understood why the devil in the Bible can deceive people.

The blond girl blushed and said, "Sister Rias, why aren't you wearing any clothes?"

"excuse me."

Rias got up and folded her wings.She puts on her school uniform directly.The top is unbuttoned, and the pure white sweater is the base.First, I put on a red plaid skirt, and the hem of the skirt is just the right cover.

Today's goal has been achieved.

Asagi felt his blood rushing up, and his eyes were covered by Asia.

"Ah, don't look!"

"Then, lovely servant, I'll go first."

Rias smiled sweetly, and lifted her long fiery red hair from her neckline, as if she was a winner, invincible.A second before his vision was blocked, Asaba noticed a detail.

Turn the moment!

"General." The corners of Qian Yu's mouth turned up.

Rias was startled: "What?"

"Do you think my exposed abilities are all? I used [white eyes] to monitor the entire campus, and at that time you were in the bathroom of the old school building..."

"It really was you then!"

Rias was inexplicably shy and held down the hem of her skirt.This feeling seems to be invisible under these eyes.

"There's been no secrets from the start. If you're trying to 'lift the ban' as bait, get me hooked. So naive!"

Rias asked back: "Then how do you explain your straightness?"

"That's a normal phenomenon for men, but women don't. But you, haven't you noticed? It's not obvious without clothes, once the vacuum..." Asahi said calmly.

Rias looked down and hugged her chest quickly.

"That's right, this is the proof of your fall." Asagi smiled lightly, "My lovely servant, how do you explain the fact that you were in heat with your master early in the morning? Or is it actually the first time you have seen a man. "


Rias has always been the image of a strong big sister, and she fell into a disadvantage for the first time.She ran away, probably going back to get dressed.It's impossible to go to school with bumps on your head.

Asagi was blindfolded by her little hand the whole time, it was a pity that she didn't see Rias's embarrassment.

Asia grumbled: "Mr. Tong, do you like the vacuum so much? Then I too... Ah, I have a nosebleed!"

Asagi covered her nose, and said, "It was almost exposed, Asia helped me heal."


Later, in order to express his apology, Hitomi Asaba washed it with water magic and dried it with fire magic.Other boys get up in the middle of the night to wash their underwear.He was busy washing clothes for his little girlfriend who lived with him and hanging them on the balcony.When the wind blows, it seems that colorful kites are flying with the wind.

Asia held the corner of her skirt and said, "Hitomi-kun."

"Of course I'm responsible for my dirty clothes." Asaha said, "There's nothing to be shy about, the style is very cute."


That's what happens when you live together.

There was a fact that Asia hadn't realized yet.Signing the treaty means more clothes will be soiled later.

Kuou Academy, the second grade classroom.Asaba led Asia to the podium.The blond girl had already changed into her school uniform and was carrying a newly purchased schoolbag.It was the first time I went to school like a normal person, looking forward to but timid.

"Super... super beautiful girl!" The whole class burst into cheers.

Asaba clapped her hands and said, "Okay, be quiet. Asia, let me introduce myself."

"I'm a new transfer student, my name is 'Aisia Argento'." The girl bowed.

During class break, a group of gossiping girls surrounded Asia.

"Hey, Asia-san, are you a foreigner? You have beautiful blonde hair!"

"Where do you live? I want to play with you when I have time."

Asia said simply, "I live with Hitomi-kun."

"Teachers and students living together?!" The girls were shocked.

Asia held her flushed face and said, "Yes, I'm working hard with the goal of bridal cultivation..."

Qian Yu hastily covered her mouth, pulled it up and ran away.

"Aisha-san, come with me!"

PS: Daily Wisdom Fight

Chapter 653 Correct Usage of Command Seals

Kuoh Academy, Supernatural Research Department, Asia nervously grasped the admission application form.This posture is like a lamb falling into a wolf's den.

"Welcome Asia-chan!"

Everyone was very enthusiastic and held a welcome party for newcomers.

Qian Yu complained: "When I came, you were not so enthusiastic at all."

Zhu Nai smiled and said, "Because Mr. Tong has unknown background, he even took away important things from the minister."

"Senior is a criminal suspect." Kitty's answer was more direct.

Asia breathed a sigh of relief.She is obviously a nun, but she stays with a group of demons.But everyone was very gentle and accepted her.

Rias said: "Asia holds [The Smile of the Virgin], and may be targeted by others. Therefore, it is safer to join the club."

"I will protect Asia." Asahi said with a smile.

No one doubts that he has this ability.The power to resurrect the dead is reassuring.

Asia said happily: "By the way, I brought gifts for everyone. A limited-edition Bible, holy water baptized in St. Peter's Basilica...even if it is a devil, as long as you have a pious heart, you will be killed by the Lord." sheltered."


Yuto's smile disappeared, and he only said: "We are people abandoned by God."


"Sorry, I'm not feeling well."

Yuuto turned and left.

"Did I say something wrong?" Asia asked in frustration.

Rias shook her head and said, "No, it's just... everyone has an unfortunate past. Asia, I will give you a special place to put holy objects. This is also part of 'supernatural research'. "

Asaba didn't say anything, and stroked her blonde hair.

How to fall in love with different beliefs?However, he doesn't have much faith in the first place, and he respects Asia's freedom.

At this time, the door opened.Members of the student council filed in, headed by Chitori Sona.She glanced around, her gaze resting on Qian Yu for a while longer.

Rias said gently, "Sona."

"According to the agreement, we will cultivate our own forces without interfering with each other." Cang Na said, "Your and my dependents have increased. I think it is necessary to communicate with you."

It turned out that the Gremory family and the Sidi family were both high-level demon nobles.Rias and Canna are childhood sweethearts, and go to school together in the human world.

Rias smiled and said, "Do you want to play a ranking game?"

"But you are underage and not eligible to participate. I think you have a more urgent desire to collect chess pieces? That matter..."

Rias looked stagnant.

Seeing this, Cang Na changed the subject: "This is my new soldier, Shao."

A boy with fair hair stood up and said proudly: "Please teach me a lot, I used four soldiers when I was reincarnated."

In Devil's Chess, there is a setting of piece power.Because there are gaps in the abilities of different job agencies.Some people with extraordinary talents will consume more chess pieces when reincarnated.

Cang Na sighed, "Shao, Mr. Asaha reincarnated with eight soldiers."


Everyone in the student union cast a surprised look.

Chun Ji murmured: "Isn't it just an ordinary consultant teacher?"

"Yo." Asaha said, "Sho, your last homework..."

Shiro Sajimoto was sweating profusely from nervousness, bowed and said, "I'm sorry!"

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