"It's coming!"

Rias and Hitomi Asaba went one behind the other.Every time he hits the ball, the flaming long hair sways in the twilight, like the beauty of falling cherry blossom petals.The tennis skirt swayed with the movement, and the sweaty thighs showed the beauty of sports.The girl confidently entrusted her back to Hitomi.

I have received this trust.

When Sona hit the ball, the tennis ball was flattened by the force and high-speed airflow, and it shot towards it with burning flames.Dangerous and dangerous, it brushed Rias's hair.


"give it to me."

Qian Yutong stepped forward and raised his hand.He opened the [Eye of the Moon], and a black cavity was opened at the landing point of the tennis ball, leading to the opponent's court.


The tennis ball travels through space, falls into the opponent's court, and scores with one hit.

Zhu Nai said, "I didn't expect that Mr. Tong is a man who can make a black hole."

"Stop it, it's not tennis at all!"

Under his pupil power, there is no suspense about the outcome.


Asaha praised: "As expected of a minister."

"You are also my reliable servant."

Rias put down her racket and clapped her hands happily.When Asagi touched the soft and smooth hand, it was like an electric shock.The four eyes met, and a strange feeling arose in each other's hearts.

Zhu Nai smiled slyly: "Ah, it's obviously the first time you cooperate, but the two of you have a good understanding. Rias trusts the man behind her, so she doesn't worry about missing the ball and can go all out."

"Whispering." Rias said angrily.

If it wasn't for a fight, it might have fallen long ago.Love is wonderful, but surrendering to each other is not enough.

"This one doesn't count, let's do it again!" Cang Na angrily said, "Let's play dodge ball."

"Are you sure you want to play dodgeball?"

Both Rias and Junai showed sympathetic eyes, which made Cang Na very uncomfortable.

"What, can't you?"

Qian Yu joked, "Xiao Cangna, don't cry when you lose."

It was night, and Chitori Sona ran out of the gymnasium with tears in his eyes.

A group of family members chased them out and called out, "President!"

"The ability to blur for five minutes is so rogue!"

PS: Hardcore daily writing.Almost 20 chapters have been written, but in fact, only Lina Li was slapped.As expected of the Shrine of Pure Love

Chapter 655 Rias' First Experience

As night fell, Kuo Academy was deserted.The old school building, next to the luxuriant roadside trees.The sparkling lake reflects the bright moon.The red-haired girl stood in the gazebo, looking at the starry sky.

All was silent, and footsteps sounded.

Rias turned her head, saw Hitomi, and said, "You haven't left yet."


Asahi said, "Are you in a better mood? It seems that Canna cares about you."

"After all, she is a childhood sweetheart who grew up playing with her."

Rias smiled and said, "During the day, don't you have magic that you want me to see? I heard from the kitten that it is a very bad spell."

Asagi raised her right hand, emitting a red light in the dark.Gremory's family crest was all too familiar, but the girl felt a palpitation, as if oppressed by a job agency.

"This thing is called a Command Spell. It orders or boosts chess pieces in the name of the king. I, a half-hearted king, should be able to secure my position, right?"

"You can actually develop this kind of thing? Do you want to give me an order? There is a small forest next to it. Let me tell you first, I will be angry."

The girl has willow-leaf eyebrows, an oval face, and a faint smile on her face, which is too beautiful to behold.

"I didn't do that for that purpose." Asaha said helplessly, "I thought that as long as you had the control, you could tell what's on your mind. Not only me, but Yuto, Kitten and Asia are all worried about you."

Hitomi Asaba didn't force it.


Rias murmured: "Sometimes, the family's expectations are a burden. I have been bearing the name 'Gremory' since I was a child, and I have been working hard for it. After meeting you, I think it's good to be a soldier." it is good."

"I can understand."

Rias said seriously: "Hitomi, you have mastered this magic and are capable of being a chess player. Now, I want to ask you, can you take on the responsibility and obligation of the king and take care of everyone?"

Asaha said, "Of course, we are companions."

"Then I can rest assured." Rias smiled happily.

In an instant, Asagi had a premonition, and her tone seemed to be explaining the funeral.

"Rias, you..."

The girl ordered: "Put the hot water on for me, I need to take a bath at night."

"Are you going to sleep at my house again?"

"Isn't this a matter of course? You are my servant, and your home is my home." Rias said angrily.

Qian Yu said with a half smile but not a smile: "Yes, I just need a beautiful girl who is responsible for rubbing my back."

"Dare to say, let me be a good Gremory... I want to see who is the servant! As long as you are obedient, you can wipe the parts other than the back."

Daily bickering.

It was getting dark, and the two went home.Rias lived in the old school building, and as soon as she walked into the living room, she saw a white magic circle emerging from the floor.

A maid appeared from the light, her voice was cold: "Lord Rias."


At the same moment, Asaba returned to the apartment.Under the dim light, Asia was lying on the table and fell asleep, pressing a book - "How to Raise Yamato Nadeshiko".She is like a gentle and virtuous little wife, waiting for her husband to come home.


Asagi lifted up her blond hair, and pecked her warm cheek.When the girl woke up, her face seemed to be flushed with hickey marks.

"Mr. Tong...ah, the food is cold, let me warm it up for you."

Asahi said softly: "If I come back late, don't wait for me. Don't read any messy books, just be yourself."


Asia was a little embarrassed, and stuffed the book back under the bed.

"Is the minister coming today?"

"Why don't you think about it."

Asia whispered: "If you want to come, I'll take out an extra bed. It's impossible to sneak into your quilt naked like a succubus!"

How can there be such a good wife in the world who still wants to take care of the "little three".

"I have a way. If you get in first, she won't have a chance." Qian Yu joked.

"Miss Tong!"

In the end, Rias didn't show up.In the middle of the night, Hitomi Asaba felt something crawling on her body, and thought it was Asia.Touching it with her right hand, the blond girl slept soundly with her pillow on her arm.


Asagi opened her eyes, and her vision gradually became clear.Rias sat on him in her school uniform.She bit her lip and reached into her skirt, unable to see the movement clearly.

"Please take my virgin!"

"Rias, what stupid things are you talking about?"

The girl looked gloomy, and smiled palely: "I'm serious. At least give the virgin to someone you like. If it's you, it will be done soon."

After speaking, the long fiery red hair fell like a waterfall.Although they have known each other's bodies for a long time, it is still beyond imagination.

"If I'm being watched, I'll be ashamed... a lie, right? This is not a divine weapon, but a god-killing tool!"

Qian Yu said: "If you can see, you will kill even gods... No, now is not the time to talk about that!"

A white light lit up in the room, and a maid came out from the teleportation array.She has gray hair in a braid.It can be called exquisite beauty, exuding a cold temperament.

"Master Rias, why are you doing this?"

Because of the cover of the red plaid skirt, the maid hadn't reacted yet.Rias hastily fought, blood staining her skirt.

The girl leaned over, her long hair fell on Hitomi's cheek, and kissed him lightly.From her cheeks, succubus tears fell.

"Looks like it's too late. I'm sorry I couldn't give you a good night."

Qian Yu smiled wryly and said, "No, I had a erotic dream, if only I didn't make the heroine cry."

The maid's face changed drastically, but without moving, she took Rias away.She didn't care about it, she forcibly threw it on the mattress, and checked herself.

"Lord Rias, you have brought misery to the family. If you let the Phoenix family know that you were broken by a lower-level demon, this marriage will be over!" the maid scolded.

Demon nobles value chastity above all else.

Rias smiled bitterly and said, "I can't take care of that much."

Asia was woken up, and rubbed her eyes to get up.

"I don't know... Minister, you are here. Ah, you have lost a lot of blood, have you been injured by the gun of light?"

Asia quickly ran over, releasing green light in her hands to help her heal her wounds.What makes Rias most shy is that both physical examination and treatment are done in front of Hitomi.

Qian Yu said solemnly: "Alright, let me explain what's going on?"

"She is the queen of the current demon king Lucifer, my sister-in-law - Gurefia Luciferges - the strongest queen of the underworld, known as the 'silver-haired queen of annihilation'." Rias said.

sister in law?

Gurefiya didn't appreciate it, and said coldly: "I have no choice but to take away this low-level demon and hand it over to the Phoenix family for disposal."

"No!" Rias said in horror.

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