Rias worried: "Hitomi, don't..."

"Don't worry, I'm free to measure." Asahi comforted.

Serafulu was touched and said, "Whoa, would you rather single out the Four Demon Kings and take away the woman you love?"

"You are underestimated." Ajeka said lightly, "Maybe because you are too weak."

"I am angry!"

Serafulu's face changed, and he was frozen for thousands of miles.The magma of the whole hell has been frozen.Asaba looked down and saw that Susano's legs were frozen in the condensed rock, unable to move.

What a terrifying magic power!

"It's coming, Hitomi-chan." Serafulu shouted.

"What the hell is that name? Do I know you very well!"

"Hee hee, aren't you Cang Na-chan's first love?"

Cang Na?

Hitomi Asaba couldn't think much about it.Susano raised his hand, placed it on the scabbard tied around his waist, and grasped the handle.Just drawing the sword contains the power of everything.

"Miracle ☆ Levy Tan! Represents the moon..."

Seraflufly poses in the air.What kind of drama is this, Kamen Rider vs. Magical Girl?

Hitomi Qianyu didn't dare to slack off, and swung the tachi that was tens of meters long.All the way across the steep rock walls, landslides, raising dust all over the sky.Taidao hit Serafulu, and the texture was like hitting a ping pong ball with a bat.


Sarafulu is like an arrow leaving the string, embedded in the rock wall.

She turned into a circle of eyes, and read like motion sickness: "No, it can't be done. It is a foul to sneak attack while transforming. Liwei Tan will be punished for defeat and forced to do various things... …the size of a giant hundreds of meters tall, it must die.”

"Who wants it!"

Asahi seriously suspected that this woman was letting the water go.

A group of superior demons who didn't know the truth swallowed.

"Good... so strong!"

"Master Sarafulu, was it timed?"

Suzeks and Ajeka sat firmly on the Diaoyutai without any reaction.

Are you kidding me?

Farbiwin couldn't hold back his face.Standing up, he took off his cloak.He has been fighting outside all year round, with a burly and muscular body, and a sharp-edged face with war scars.

"An unreliable woman. Anyway, sooner or later the criminal will be dealt with, so I still need to take action. Finish the execution first, and then be lazy!"


Farbiwin smashed the throne like a fired cannonball.

This is the real devil class!

Qian Yu swung the sword as if facing a formidable enemy.One person collided with a knife, and only heard a "clang", setting off a monstrous wave of air.Asahi's pupils shrank, and he saw that Falbiwin took down Susan's slash with one hand, venting his magic power wantonly.

How can it be?

Farbiwin grinned: "Young man, your purity is too low."

"Arrogance from pure blood?"

Qian Yutong abandoned the knife and only fought with fists.The big and small fists slammed together, forming a strong contrast.This fist, which contains magic power, does not lose to Susano!

"Susa Yashigami Air Strike!"

Asaba controlled the giant and swung eighty punches in an instant.The magic power condensed into a light blue fist, separated from the body, and blasted towards the enemy like a rocket launcher.Not far away, Sairaorg was terrified when he saw this move.

"I mean……"

Falbiwin stood proudly, shrouded in a magic circle, resisting all attacks.Sporadic fists landed on the rock wall behind him, making roaring sounds one after another.Eighty times the power that once killed the Lion King in an instant, coupled with the power of Susano, was unscathed?

"Your magic power is huge and scattered, and its purity is too low."

Serafulu said with a smile: "The battle between the Black Winged Demon and Absolute Defense is really exciting."

Asahi had a thought: Is it the magic power of [Absolute Defense] added?

"Stupid woman, don't expose other people's abilities casually!"

Farbiwin turned his head and met the gorgeous kaleidoscope.

Asahi read out a sentence: "Yuedu!"


Farbiwin came back to his senses and was in the bloody world.He looked at the rope tied to his body, showing disdain.

"Sorry, my [absolute defense] includes both mental and physical."

The majestic demon king Asmodeus relied on this trick to move across the battlefield without ever being defeated.Except for the perverted Transcendent Suzeks and Ajeka, even Serafulu couldn't break the defense.No matter what kind of illusion, it will return in vain.

Every dagger that stabbed at the Demon King shattered in response.Even if the earth is detonated, Falbiwin will be shrouded in an absolutely invincible magic circle without any injuries.

"Boy, you are too naive..."

Falbiwin's consciousness returned to reality, showing a smile of victory.But Qian Yu's gaze gave him a strong sense of crisis.

He subconsciously raised his left hand and blocked it.Immediately, the invincible body was ignited by the ominous black flame.


Asahi secretly thought it was a pity, what a terrifying fighting intuition.

[Yuedu], the strongest mental attack; [Amaterasu], the strongest physical attack.The illusion was just a cover, and Asagi caught the fleeting flaw and released the fire of Amaterasu.

Absolute defense, broken!

PS: 788460537

A certain classmate is too pitiful, I don’t know how many times I’ve seen him asking for a group account, it’s in the introduction…

Chapter 670

Falbiwin fell to the ground, half kneeling.The left arm was burned by the black flame, and the flesh and blood were turned into ashes.Even the magic power of [Absolute Defense] was ignited.

"How is it possible? This is not Fanhuo..."

Scarier than hellfire!

Ajieka leaned on the throne, leaned on her face and said, "If you don't deal with it, it will spread all over your body. Farbiwin, let me seal it."

"It's such a powerful magic, it's not an exaggeration to call it the strongest fire element." Serafulu said with a smile, "It seems that the strongest shield was still broken by the strongest spear."

The two magics displayed by Hitomi Asaba reached their peak in mental attack and physical attack.But in Suzeks' view, the quality of magic power is low.

Falbiwin couldn't bear the cynicism, but he was stubborn. His right hand turned into a knife and cut off his left arm.A severed arm rolled to the ground.


Rias only cares about one person.She saw Qian Yu shed two lines of blood and tears, and hurriedly wiped it for him, not knowing that the wedding dress was stained red.

"Let's stop fighting, let's go. We will never go back to the underworld again, and hide somewhere where no one can find us..." The girl's voice was trembling.

Asagi smiled and said, "Okay."


A vortex appeared in the air, trying to engulf Qian Yutong and Rias, but it returned to calm.Qian Yu felt something was wrong, covered her eyes with one hand, endured the sting of the eyeballs, and opened the Eye of the Moon.

Yellow Spring Hirazaka!

Qian Yu broke through a black cavity, bound by some terrifying force, tending to close.He hastily stretched out his hand and desperately opened the black cavity, but in the end it failed.

"Hey, the power of time and space?"

Ajieka reminded: "Young man, don't waste your time. This is the place of exile recorded in the Bible. The space is blocked, and I reinforced it myself."

Hell, Accelerator!

Qian Yutong was horrified.

His physical strength is weak, and he has to stand against Susanoo to fight against the Demon King.The hybrid body of a low-level demon and a human will be torn apart in a second in this kind of battle.The level of magic power is only quasi-devil king, and he can reach the level of demon king with his pupil power.As long as the opponent does not have the power of time and space, he will be invincible.

But now...

Suzeks said: "Give up, let go of Rias. According to the prior agreement, I will guarantee your safety."

In the depths of hell, brother and sister talked once.Rias didn't expect Suzeks to disobey the position of the Demon King, but just begged her brother to let her family members go.Suzeks agreed.

"I can not do it."

Asagi hugged Rias without hesitation.He prescribed Susano, Tsukuyomi, and Amaterasu successively, and the burden on his body was very serious.Every cell in my body is aching.I got the Eternal Eye a long time ago, just overdrawing my pupil power, it doesn't matter.

"Boy, I recognize your strength. But, you are too stubborn!"

With his broken arm in his arms, Farbiwin took off again, looking like a tough guy.Fighting against such an opponent also made Hitomi Asagi feel refreshed and go all out.

"Round Tomb · Border Prison!"

Qian Yu opened the eyes of reincarnation, and the power of the pupil burst out.Falbiwin felt hit by an invisible force, flew upside down, embedded in the cliff, and became neighbors with Serafulu.

"Yo, Xiaofa, you're here too." The girl said with a smile.

"you shut up!"

what happened?Completely invisible attack.

All the demons were in shock.Ajeka seemed to sense it, and drew a magic circle.In the air, an enchantment spread like ripples.The four phantoms revealed their true faces.

Qian Yu secretly thought: Perceive magic?

"never mind."

Qian Yutong clasped his hands together, his chest heaved violently, even if his pupils were overdrawn to the point that his eyeballs bleed blood.No demon king or demon god can stop me.


Rias could feel his body trembling, and his tear glands burst instantly.

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