This pupil power sometimes makes people live like a dream.For example, Gurefia has a cold personality in reality, but she is delusional about playing master-servant Play.In reality, Irina only fought with Houdou in her childhood, and occasionally fantasized about falling in love with Prince Charming.

Irina said angrily: "Have you forgotten? For girls, it is very important!"

What the hell have you figured out?

Asahi could only say, "Sorry, I can't remember."


The girl got angry, holding a fork, and put on a "vicious" expression.Turning grief and anger into appetite, he got up and bent down, and took away the plate in front of Qian Yu.

During this process, Irina's ponytail swept across the table.Falling due to gravity, rubbing against the table.Her neckline is very low.


The girl only felt chilly, and suddenly realized something, and grabbed the neckline.This is on the street, fortunately no one saw it, except the man across the street.

Asahi hesitated and said: "Yesterday, I accidentally broke your combat uniform. Since then, you have been..."

"I can't help it!" Irina yelled, "I don't have money to buy clothes. Yes, yes, this is the holy cloth!"

It is no different from walking on the street wrapped in a sheet.Asaba glanced out of the corner of her eye, Irina folded her legs.The knee-high leather socks and big white legs formed an absolute domain.No, it should be a vacuum field.


The girl blushed like an apple, always feeling the burning gaze.In front of him, it seemed that there was nothing.The thin white robe cannot bring a sense of security.

Qian Yu smiled and said: "Although you are an angel now, I am a devil. After all, I have been a friend for many years, let me be a landlord. Let's go buy clothes."

"Huh?" Irina was taken aback.

"I was the one who was killed."

Later, Irina returned to the abandoned church wearing beautiful new clothes.Xenovia recovered from her injury and ate the bento she brought back.

"Where did you get the money?"

Xenovia was puzzled, recalled the experience of being cheated before, and said seriously: "We are saintesses, and we must not sell|sell our bodies for money!"

"No, I have friends in this city." Irina quickly explained.

"Really? Let me check my virginity."

"Haha, it's so itchy... Stop messing around, Xenovia!"

Irina pulled Fatci, feeling complicated.

In this way, isn't it like being taken care of by a demon?I did conspire with the devil for dirty money.But why...

Hitomi Asaba sat in the open-air restaurant, drinking tea alone.

Think carefully.Isn't this ability to tamper with memory and implant identity like the birth point set for each time travel?Alaya's will is released to all human beings—infinite gods!

Asagi shook her head, not thinking about it anymore.As soon as I got up, I felt that the corner of my clothes was caught by something.He looked down and saw that it was a kitten.

"when did you come?"

Tacheng kitten said: "When you peek at the girl."

"That was an accident!"

"Secretly collude with the holy sword envoy, flirting with each other. Senior is a disgrace to the devil." Kitten said contemptuously.

Qian Yu complained: "Are you here to catch rape?"

"I won't tell the minister."

To sue, first expose yourself.The kitten recalled the beauty of the old school building, and a faint blush appeared on the face.Asaba always likes to hug her and play with Band-Aids.In the name of helping her wipe off the sticky residue.

Because he is the master, he is allowed to do anything to his subordinates.

"I want to help Kiba-senpai." The kitten said seriously, "Because you are our master, you can't give up any of your dependents."

She cares about her companions.

The white-haired loli tugged at the corner of her clothes, her pretty look was irresistible.Asaba rubbed her head.The little face was flushed, and she put on a cute disgusted face.

"it is good."

PS: What if you agreed not to drive?

Chapter 682 Holy Sword Phobia

After dinner, Hitomi Asaba put on her shoes at the entrance.

"Mr. Tong, why are you going?" Asia asked doubtfully.

Asahi said casually, "I'm going to walk the cat."

"Does our family have a cat?" Asia was confused.

Rias shook her head and said with a smile, "Yes."


At the door of the apartment, Asagi passed the corner and was dragged in by a small white hand.The two sneaked together, and this was the first time they disobeyed Rias' orders.

Asaba's fingertip pointed, it was the magic screen learned from Gurefia.No matter what request he asks, the competent lady maid will satisfy, not to mention the wonderful use of magic.

"This is... a city map?" Kitten asked puzzled.

Hitomi Qianyu marked the points and drew several red broken lines.

"This is the location of the murder and the route of throwing the corpse that I inferred. The prisoner was near the church, hunted down the clergy with a holy sword, and then transported them to the cemetery. Therefore, these two points can catch people."

The kitten said: "But, what can this explain?"

"You stupid cat..."


Before Qian Yu could finish speaking, she was beaten on the chest by a small fist and almost broke a bone.The angry kitten is also very cute.But why didn't you resist before?

He rubbed his chest and said, "Hey, Yuto is very smart, and he can also infer this point. Demons can't get close to the church, and will be repelled by the holy power. So, he can only sit and wait in the cemetery."

"Let's go to support." Kitten said.


Asahi only felt a warmth on her chest, it was the girl's little hand.

"Does it still hurt?"

So touched, the lovely pet will care about the owner.

He smiled and said, "It doesn't hurt anymore. In fact, if I touch you instead, the pain relief effect will be better. Wait, if you have something to say, don't do it!"

Speaking of which, I have never tried boobs.You can't "play the cat" in front of everyone, he always covers it with a skirt... No, this seems to be a little too much.

"H, hate."

The girl's voice didn't fluctuate.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, the cemetery in the west of the city.In this eerie cemetery, twisted dead trees grow.Accompanied by the sound of chopping meat, a crowd of crows startled.

"That's it."

There was a sound of footsteps, and Kiba Yuto appeared under the moonlight.Compared with before, there is a little more indifference.The prisoner turned his head, dressed in a dark hunter outfit, and opened his mouth.A mouthful of white mist spewed out from the teeth of the fiasco.

"Isn't it a big fish, a wild cat smelling fish?"

Yuto said, "You're the guy who stole the holy sword, right? After you've been dealt with, go deal with the two women in the church."

"No, it's the holy sword that the lord took. I'm just the representative chosen by the 'Holy Sword of Sky Flash'." He said, "My name is... oh, it seems to be Gascoigne."


Gascoigne pressed his head and said, "I can't remember. Keep hunting, these monsters pretending to be angels. Everyone has turned into a beast and went crazy, and they still pretend to be human!"

This guy has gone crazy.

"Sorry, no offense intended. Magic Sword Creation!"

Yuto recited silently, and slapped the ground with one hand.Countless magic swords sprung up like mushrooms after rain, killing the enemy along a straight line.If you are not careful, it is easy to damage the tombstone.

The battle heats up.

"Your magic sword, very interesting."

"Light-devouring sword!"

Yuto's right hand turned into a long sword, he slashed at the holy sword, and it shattered in response.With his magical power, the quality of the magic swords created is uneven.Gascoigne took advantage of the situation and cut him with a sword.

Kiba Yuto backed away quickly, enduring the pain and said: "It seems that it is not a fake. If it is the sword of light, it will be absorbed by my light-eating sword."

"My light, you can't absorb it."

Gascoigne raised his sword, and a powerful flash burst out.Yuto covered his eyes and briefly lost his vision.So, is this the real body of the legendary "Flash Killer"?

The Holy Sword strikes.

Yuto judged the direction and turned into a magic sword, but he was not a single enemy.


He flew backwards and knocked over a tombstone.There were shocking injuries on his body, bleeding profusely.

Is there such a big gap in strength?No, it was the gap of the sword.I have been working hard to break through the nightmare in my heart and create my own magic sword.But why...


Gascoigne came running wildly, and there was a crisp sound of metal colliding on his body.

Are you going to die?

Yuto closed his eyes in despair.In the scene he recalled, he escaped from the experimental base of the "Holy Sword Project" and collapsed in the snow, suffering from hunger and cold.A touch of fiery red long hair fluttered in the snowy night.

The girl condescended and said, "From now on, be my thing."


"Sorry, this person is my family member."

A familiar voice sounded in my ears, not the female voice in my memory.Yuto opened his eyes and saw Asaba and Kitten.The girl was wearing a glove and held the holy sword abruptly.Asaba unleashes water magic and heals his wounds.

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