In Chun Ji's opinion, the president is too used to this man.

"I knocked on the door, when I crossed the wall of dimension." Asahi turned her back and said, "I'm sorry, this is how it happened..."

Cang's cheeks were slightly red, and he pushed his glasses.While talking to Hitomi, she wiped her body, feeling a little strange.

"Teacher, it's impolite not to look into each other's eyes when talking."

Asahi complained: "It's impolite to look at it at this time!"

"I do not mind."

There was a "squeak" sound behind him.Cang Na landed on the shore like a hibiscus emerging from water.Yuzu stepped on the tiles, making a slight sound of footsteps.The water flows along the delicate body, splashing a splash and ticking.

"President!" Chun Ji looked shy.

The girl walked towards the man whose back was facing away, less than two meters away, and put on clothes one by one.

Asahi's cheeks were hot, and he could only hear the slight movements, which made people imagine.

"Let's go."

PS: How important is bathroom play to save the world?

Chapter 684 The True Holy Sword

At the gate of Kuou Academy, the two sides meet.

Cang Na asked, "Why didn't you inform His Royal Highness Lucifer?"

"You didn't tell your sister either." Rias retorted.

"I'm different, that guy is more difficult to deal with." Cang Na said, "Your brother has always loved you."

Rias hesitated: "It may have been like this before, but..."

After hell, brother and sister are like strangers.Suzeks is indeed a responsible brother, as long as the responsibility does not exceed the sense of mission.From the very beginning, Kabeel's plan to start a war fell through.

The light blue mask protects Kuou Academy.A group of girls stepped on the magic circle and floated in the sky, continuously providing magic power.

Cang Na said: "Attacks below the demon king level should be able to hold up. The shock wave will not spread to the outside world, and the next battle will be left to you."

"Okay." Asahi nodded.

The same devil level, the strength gap is very big.The governor of the fallen angel should be between the god and the devil level.The lower level of cadres is slightly inferior to the Demon King.Kabile is a fallen angel recorded in the Bible. With the blessing of the power of faith, his strength is unfathomable.

Asahi smiled lightly and said, "Let me experience the combat power of the Fallen Angel for a while."


"what happened?"

Asagi turned her head and saw Rias' gentle eyes.It was like going back to the end of hell.At that time, the girl saw the heroic figure and stopped the four demon kings by herself.

"It's been a long time since I saw that form." Rias said with a smile, "I'm looking forward to it."


On the school playground, Balpa drew a golden magic circle.A brand new holy sword was fused together, containing terrifying power.Kabile sat upright in the sky, under him was a shattered lost tower, like a strangely shaped aircraft.The holy sword that destroys the city is just a toy in his opinion.

"come yet?"

Asaba and a group of family members came to the playground and stared at Kokabile.He nodded at Yuuto.The latter understood, and dealt with Balpa together with Xenovia.

Xenovia said: "Although I don't want to join forces with the devil, my strength alone may not be able to handle it."

"Our purpose is the same."

Yuto holds the invisible sword, which Asaba lent him.

"Huh?" Balpa was stunned, "The Holy Sword of Transparency? No, that one is in my hand. Why does it emit such pure holy power?"

Yuto did not answer, but asked: "Balpa, do you still remember the 'Holy Sword Project'?"

"You mean those little white mice."

Balpa became interested, took out a crystal, and said, "I extracted the holy sword factor from a person without talent. That's right, this is your value."

"This thing is..." Xenovia was shocked, "Our holy sword user touched the holy thing on the forehead when we were baptized. Is it a man-made thing?"

"It's really too much. The church obviously enjoys my research results, but they classify me as a heretic. What they do is no different from me, it's just hypocrisy. Now, they won't die if they are withdrawn from the holy sword factor. "

Balpa sneered and said, "There is the last one left, so I'll give it to you. Anyway, it won't take long to produce energy."

After speaking, he threw the crystal over and rolled it on the ground several times.Yuto picked it up, his hands were shaking, as if he could feel the warmth of his companion.

"'People are always praying to God and always being blessed. It's so selfish. Is there anything we can do for the Lord?', one girl said."

"Those the moment of their death, they all believed that they were the ones cared for by the Lord."

"There are people who are kinder than me, and people who have more dreams than me. There are people who are more suitable to live than me. Only I survived. Is this really good?"

On the way to escape, a group of children fought one after another, desperately stopping the priest.They wore the shabby clothes of the test subjects, and their dirty little hands hugged the adults' legs.

"Kiba, run!"

"We must live!"

The self-proclaimed holy adults waved down the sword of light.The weak arm was cut off, but the five fingers were still tightly grasping the clothes.Until their heads were trampled underfoot, howling weakly.

God, why did you abandon us? !

Asia had already shed tears and said, "It's too much."

Xenovia was silent.

Under the night, there were light blue spots floating around Kiba Yuto, like fireflies.One after another, converging into a human form.They smiled softly and bowed.

Zhu Nai exclaimed, "That's..."

"Is it a mind body?"

Asagi opened his eyes and observed, and said: "According to ordinary people, it is the soul. Now, those dead companions are saying goodbye to Yuto. In another sense, it seems to help him hold the holy sword tightly."

With golden light, the sword in Yudou's hand faded away from the Wind King's enchantment, revealing his true face.The whole body is golden yellow, shining with divine brilliance.This is the legendary [Sword of Promised Victory (Excalibur)].

Items used by Heroic Spirits during their lifetime will be turned into Noble Phantasms.No one else can be liberated except yourself.With the help of copy eyes, Asahi can brute force crack.It was a miracle that Yuuto was recognized by Excalibur from another world.

"It turns out that this sword is..."

Xenovia was startled, and looked at Asagi.

Balpa was horrified: "How is it possible? The original product must have been destroyed long ago, so what exactly did I refine?"

"I can't admit defeat either."

Xenovia took out a holy sword wrapped in chains from another dimension.

"...Please listen to my voice. In the name of the saint who resides in this sword, I order it to be released—【Holy Sword Durindana】!"

Accompanied by the liberation language, the chains were broken inch by inch.

"It turned out to be Turandot, who can't be imitated yet?" Balpa exclaimed.

It is a holy sword held by the hero Roland, and it is as famous as Excalibur. "Durindana" means "Immortal Blade".Xenovia's ability is not enough to master, and if she is not careful, even she will be injured by the domineering holy sword.

The girl said coldly: "Sorry, I am different from Irina, I am a natural holy sword user."

Kiba Yuto turned his head and swept across the faces of his current companions one by one.Finally, he looked at Hitomi with a feeling of gratitude beyond words.Asahi asked him to find the "true holy sword".

"You have been recognized by the knight king's sword." Qian Yu smiled slightly, "Come on, my knight, and read the real name of the sword in your hand."

"As ordered."

Yuuto took a step forward and raised the sword of the promised victory.Each light blue thought body turned into a hovering spot of light and merged into the sword body, forming a beam of light reaching the sky.Then, the blond boy twisted his face and swung his sword.


"Turandot!" Xenovia shouted coquettishly.

Two sword lights streaked across the sky and hit Balpa.The holy sword he fused was vulnerable to two real holy swords.In the dazzling white light, Balpa was torn to pieces.

"Do not……"

A scream echoed in the night, and finally returned to calm.Kiba Yuto exhausted his magic power and was exhausted.Before slipping down, he was supported by Asagi together with the sword.

"Thank you, Hitomi-kun."

"It's okay." Asagi raised her head and said, "Have you seen enough of the show? It's your turn, Kebiel."

"Huh? You are a little devil, how dare you yell at me? In front of me, your master is also vulnerable. I don't need any holy sword, I can blast this city!"

Zhu Nai covered his mouth and smiled lightly: "Mr. Tong, you have been underestimated."

"Senior, rather than being a low-level demon, you might as well call it a low-level demon." Kitten said.

"Nice rant!"

PS: Wow, Water God Palace.Changing the protagonist's name, silently writing the animation plot and memorizing the lines can cheat the subscription.The meals of your colleagues are too good, right?

Thank you SBTY for the heavenly blade

Chapter 685 One Arrow Instant Kill

"You guys play with my pet first."

Kabile moved his fingers.The magic light fell, and with a roar, a big hole was smashed out.The smoke was lingering, and several crimson monsters crawled out.His face was ferocious, and his saliva was flowing.

"This is the three-headed dog guarding the gate of hell." Rias exclaimed, "It was brought to the human world by Cocabyle!"

She is no stranger.On the way to hell, this giant monster lives.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

Qian Yu exploded with repulsive force and easily suppressed it.Even the huge monster with three heads was blown away.When it got up again, the pupils showed the lines of reincarnation eyes.This is the ability of the animal way, as long as you defeat the living beings, you can be accepted as a psychic beast, regardless of life or death.

The hell three-headed dog seemed to be bewitched, turned around, and pounced on his compatriots, turning into a fight.It splits when attacked.After a while, all the hellhounds were "infected" by the eyes of reincarnation, and lowered their proud heads.

Asahi jokingly said, "Thank you for the pet you gave me."

With a "bang", they turned into smoke and returned to the psychic world.

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