"is it?"

Asaba opened the Eye of the Moon.The pattern of the eye of reincarnation is embedded with nine hook jades.It looks mysterious, far above the pupil power of Annihilation Eye.

Heaven's Royal!

Hitomi Asaba devoted all her magic power to create a super black cavity that can transfer Susanoo.In an instant, he came before the White Dragon Emperor.The latter hadn't reacted yet, only felt that he was caught by a demon's hand.


Compared with Susan, who is tens of meters tall, the human body is too small, like an ant that is about to be crushed to death.Qian Yu grabbed the White Dragon Emperor with one hand, and the shadow of the demon slowly raised his head.

"Even if you weaken me to only one hand, you can easily catch you."

Can't move.

Valli was shocked, feeling the coercion from time and space.He could only watch helplessly as Asagi's body floated up in Susan, grabbed Cokabil and threw it into the black cavity.

One of the six spaces, Lava World.Kabile endured the double torment of Amaterasu and lava, as if in a hot hell.No matter how strong you are, you can only wait to die if you are trapped in the pupil technique space.You don't need to do anything, just wait for the body to be collected.

Under time and space, they are all ants. [Heavenly Control] is absolutely impossible to escape, it can only be bound by the power of time and space, and be sucked into the pupil art space together with the caster.

Hitomi Qianyu only took Cocabil away, and then let go.Valli fled far away as if he had seen a ghost.After ten seconds, his strength increased further, and Asaba's Susan became smaller and smaller.

Vali couldn't find a trace of joy in his heart.

This guy is not a power type, his ability is restrained.If it is thrown into another dimension, the buffs and debuffs of the White Dragon Emperor will be reset to zero.

The armor spoke: "Partner, this man is very dangerous, and he still has the breath of a dragon on his body."

"Forget it, the mission failed." Vali said, "Goodbye, Black Wing guy."

The White Dragon Emperor flew into the sky and disappeared.

Asagi breathed a sigh of relief, feeling tired.Just absorbed a lot of magic power, which brought a lot of burden to the body.Fortunately, it was resolved by Valli.

That guy is above the Demon Lord class.If the fight continued, Tongli might not be able to hold on.Driving Susan, tearing up the space with his hands, is really too strenuous.

"Hitomi, are you okay?"

Asagi felt the fragrant wind blowing towards her face, and fell into Lias' arms.It's been a long time, Opie's pillow.

He joked: "It's fully charged."

"Really, everyone is watching..."

Rias's cheeks were hot, and she adjusted to a comfortable position.After the war, the queen is obliged to "heal" the king.The top is thin so it gets a great touch.

When the girl recalled the heroic appearance of the god descending to earth, she felt her heart beating faster.


Asagi took a sneaky bite.When you meet people at this time, you will definitely be recognized.So, he used his wings as a mosaic to wrap around the red-haired girl.

"Let's go first."


They grew a lot that night.The king's victory, the queen grants his wishes unconditionally.The usage of the murder weapon is not only rubbing and sucking, but also can be used to feed the artifact.

The war ended and life returned to calm.Hitomi Asaba gained a firm foothold and became a veritable lord of the city.Instantly kill Ten Wings and force the White Dragon Emperor back. The name "Black Winged Demon" made demons and fallen angels frightened.

Everyone's whereabouts are different.

At the airport, Hitomi Asaba sent Irina away, otherwise she would not even have the money to buy the plane ticket.

"Why doesn't Xenovia want to go back with me?" Irina asked in frustration.

Asahi said: "She has difficulties..."

The secret of the fall of God must be concealed.Otherwise, it will lead to the collapse of the belief system.Irina is more devout than Xenovia, so she must not be able to accept the blow.In the end, Irina took the fragments of the holy sword alone and returned to her life.

"Then there is no other way." The girl said gratefully, "This time, I have caused you a lot of trouble. Our relationship is still the same as when we were young."

Asagi had a strange expression on her face.

Other gods seem to be a little crooked.This woman counted the money for him after selling it.

"Okay, you can board the plane."

Unknowingly, Hitomi Asayu also merged into her childhood sweetheart identity.


Irina turned around suddenly, stood on tiptoe, and kissed lightly like a dragonfly on water.The ponytail swayed, leaving only the soft touch of the lips.

"This is my first kiss." The girl whispered, "If I had done it earlier, I could have exchanged my first kiss with you, right? Why are you a bad devil who has become a harem boy?"

"Who is the one who kissed the devil?"

"Ah, I will get pregnant with the devil kiss!"

"For demons, holy water is poison." Asagi said with a smile, "I thought your saliva would burn your mouth."

Irina feigned anger: "Hello!"

"Whether it's a demon or a holy sword user, we're all best friends, right?"

"of course……"

As if by a magic trick, Qian Yu had an extra crow in his hand.It has sharing eyes, which looks a bit weird.

"In the future, we can write letters to communicate. No matter where we are, this crow will fly over."

The girl said happily: "Ah, it was my favorite bird's nest when I was a child!"

"...You should take it as it is."

Asaba looked at the plane ascending into the sky, her eyes flickering.In this way, there is another pawn.However, I, who think chess pieces are cute, am really a bad chess player.

PS: Do you think Yuto will be sissy?

Chapter 687 Punish the Kitten

In the lava space, Kekabil fell to the ground, gasping like a gossamer.It was burned for a day and a night before it was completely defeated.When Qian Yutong broke through the black cavity, she didn't even have the strength to shout.

"Farewell to the legendary fallen angel."

Qian Yu opened the annihilating eyes, and the pupil power crushed him into powder, absorbing everything.Annihilating eyes can easily devour creatures that have lost their resistance.The magic power in the body soared a lot and slowly decayed.Like replenishing magic, it is a temporary improvement, and the absorption is limited.

However, Echo of Blood is the real deal.The concentration of this blood gas is almost 2000 points.

Asahi turned around and stepped into the black cavity.

The old school building, where everyone gathers together.

Asaha asked, "Have you decided?"

"Well, my wish is fulfilled." Yuto said with a smile, "Hitomi-kun, no matter what time I am, I am willing to be your knight and protect you."

Asahi complained: "It's usually what boys say to girls."

"Feel sorry."

"A stray demon is like being cursed, and its body and mind will be distorted. One day, you will also become a monster." Asaha said, "I promised to kill you before you fall, so..."


Everyone was stunned by the sudden change.

Asaba rushed into her arms with a stride, piercing Yuto's chest with the knife in her hand.The blond boy was taken aback, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.He reached out and put his hand on Hitomi's shoulder.

"Hey, before that, take away my artifact first. [Magic Sword Creation], at least it's still useful... This is the last gift I leave you."

"Well, I took it."

Hitomi Qianyu had indeed mastered the secret method of stripping the artifact, and took out a pocket magic sword with her right hand.The holy sword in my heart has already fallen together with the blood of the devil.

"Miss Tong!"

"Senior Kiba!" Kitten couldn't believe it, "Senior Hitomi, why..."

Rias calmed down, Hitomi's actions must have a deep meaning.

"do not worry."

Asaba hugged Yuto and put him on the sofa.The latter is dead, and the knight's chess is floating in the air.He took back the chess pieces and clasped his hands together.The magic power that devoured Cocabyle was rapidly fading, and it was more than enough to revive a person.

This is an equivalent exchange of life.

"Outer Dao Reincarnation Innate Technique!"

The eyes of reincarnation gushed out, summoning Yan Luo.It opened its mouth wide, and a light blue soul flew into Yuto's body.When he opened his eyes, he was born again.

Asahi said: "From now on, you will no longer be a devil. Take your companions and live as an ordinary person."

"Thank you."

Yuuto sat up and smiled.

This scene seems familiar.At this time, everyone remembered how Asia was resurrected in the first place.The domineering eyes of reincarnation reversed the devil's chess.Hitomi Asaba called it "Reverse Life".

Xenovia was shocked and said: "Back to life? This power beyond life and death, what is it..."

"You will get used to it in the future." Zhu Nai smiled.

Rias said angrily: "You two, why did you hide it from us? Really, I was taken aback."

"I'm not sure if it will be successful." Qian Yu said, "If the soul is incomplete during the reincarnation, a key part is missing, and it becomes a woman..."

Yuto smiled and said, "In that case, I'll probably agree to it with my body."

"If you don't come here, I'll call you Kiba Yuko." Asaha rolled her eyes.

"It's a nice name."

Tacheng kitten looks left and right.These two people are really gay in gay.Are all good guys like this?

Later, Asaba often helped Yuto with tutoring to prepare for the entrance examination.After stripping the artifact, he will not be targeted by other forces, and he will be an ordinary person from then on.

Rias accepted the application for resignation.After seeing off the companions, everyone felt empty.Everyone has their own aspirations, and they cannot be forced.

Asagi turned her head and said, "Then what about you, Miss Xenovia? What do you want to do with me?"

"I'm just a lost dog. The church agreed to let me go. I know that, and it's a factor of instability. Now, I can understand what it's like to be regarded as a witch." The girl looked complicated.

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