"What?" Wally asked in bewilderment.

Gaspar looked up again, angry as if to breathe fire.Facts have proved that crazy women are not easy to mess with, even if they just look like girls.

"I want to be hugged by big brother! It's like a warm chest, but it was destroyed by you! In this way, doesn't it mean that big brother's chest muscles have been halved by you? Unforgivable!"

What's the matter with this girl?

"Pector... pectoralis?" The girls cast strange glances.

The corner of Qian Yu's mouth twitched.

Asachel laughed loudly: "The artifact can respond to the owner's wishes. The stronger the desire, the stronger the power. Brother, this girl seems to be a muscle control."

"Boost, Boost..."

Susano was almost amplified by Chiryuutei, and continued to magnify.After a while, it turned into an Optimus Pillar hundreds of meters high.Gaspar was floating in Susan, his eyes were red.Valli looked up at the sky, dumbfounded.

Are you kidding me? !


Gaspar stepped on it, and the world was clean.Kuou Academy was destroyed, and everyone was about to be blown away by the blast.

"It hurts!"

Gilgamesh suffered an unthinkable disaster and crawled out from among the ruins.

Qian Yu complained: "Ah, so you are here."

"Damn raider, where is he? Miss Ben must... what is this thing?"

Jill looked up, stunned.

"Okay, Gaspar, come back."

Asagi's eyes were fixed, and she withdrew Susano.Gaspar was stripped of his magic coat, and his body was a little bit unable to hold on.Panting, she flew down.

"yes, Sir!"

The girl's eyes darkened, and she fell into Qian Yu's arms.The little face was dirty and bled a lot.She fell asleep in a daze, like Sleeping Beauty in a fairy tale.

He said softly: "It's hard work, you have worked very hard."

At this time, everyone realized that Asagi intended to train Gaspar.Practicing with the White Dragon Emperor, I don't know whether it is a big heart, or self-confidence to control the situation.

The majestic White Dragon Emperor was beaten to the point of bleeding.

Valli gritted his teeth and said: "I haven't lost yet, then liberate Tyrannosaurus..."

"Wait, your current body is too weak." Arubion said.

"In front of this king, what kind of bully is it? A miscellaneous cultivator!"

Gilgamesh had nowhere to vent his anger, and wanted to take out EA, but was afraid of ruining the city.She used [Magic Sword Creation] to copy a dragon-slaying treasure—Indra's Thunder.

"call out!"

As soon as she raised her hand, the thunder sword shot out, piercing through Vali's chest.Poor Bai Longhuang, his big move was interrupted just like that, and he passed out.

Asahi explained: "That is the magic weapon of Indra, the Indian god, and it has the attribute of slaying dragons."

As expected of the King of Heroes, he has mastered [Magic Sword Creation] so quickly.

"The Treasure of the False King!"

In Gilgamesh's rage, a fist rippled behind him, and countless replicas of the magic sword emerged, sending chills down the spine.With one shot, she wiped out the remnants of the Scourge.Even if they lie on the ground and pretend to be dead, they will be "whipped".

Seeing that Vali was about to die from Wang Cai, suddenly a somersault cloud flew over.The visitor picked up the magic sword and saved Vali.He wears a golden hoop and holds a golden hoop.

Qian Yu blurted out a sentence in Chinese: "Monkey King?"

"Hey, brother, you know me, and I still have the accent of a fellow villager!" He said, "My name is Mei Hou, and I am the great-grandson of the first generation. Well, although my personality is different from that of my great-grandfather."

Qian Yu sighed: "Well, it's the Celestial God System."

"Brother, are you also a descendant of Yanhuang? Unfortunately, this is not the time to reminisce about the old days. I will find you a drink or two when I have time, and I will take the little white dragon away." Said the monkey.

"Wait, isn't the so-called White Dragon Emperor the Little White Dragon from Journey to the West?"

Arubion said in a muffled voice, "It's long-winded."

Qian Yu didn't stop her, watching the beautiful monkey pick up Wali and fly away.Others have no opinion.

Gilgamesh unlocked the lock of the sky, and Azazel was freed.The Six Paths returned and stood behind Qian Yu.Hitomi Asaba looked at the recovered Michael, the corners of her mouth twitched.

Although he is the host, fighting should be done.Apart from hiding in the turtle shell as a commentator, these people have no plans to make a move, okay?This is too watery.

"This time, thanks to Asaba-kun." Michael said gently.

Suzeks said solemnly: "After this battle, our army has suffered heavy losses. It is time to sign a peace agreement. The Brigade of Disaster has gathered the Old Demon King faction, which is the biggest threat."

"I have no objection." Asachel said, "King of Heroes, what about you?"

Jill said impatiently: "Hmph, of course it is to protect the interests of my people. For the specific details, I will send my foreign minister to discuss with you."

"Secretary for Foreign Affairs?"

Asahi scratched her face and said, "That...it's actually me."

PS: The water is finally over, so the next volume will be the third and fourth seasons.Next, drive a small car.I often can't accept because there are too many girls.

Thank you Yu Wenshu for your reward

Chapter 702

Hitomi Asaba's goal has been achieved.At the tripartite meeting, enough discourse power was won to re-establish the order of the biblical theology.Alaya's mission is to liberate all mankind.But in fact, the gods were born from the power of faith, and there is no reason to persecute humans.

Artifacts and reincarnation are the two major causes of human beings being exploited.Therefore, it was written into the Peace Constitution.The three powers cannot kill or reincarnate human beings without their consent.

This troubled Asachel.

"In exchange, we can provide the devil's reincarnation technology." Suzeks said, "Angels and fallen angels can also replenish fresh blood through reincarnation."

Michael said, "I agree."

In this way, the crisis of genocide is easily resolved.Both angels and demons are inevitably attached to human beings, lingering on their last legs.Whether good or evil, human religions and beliefs will never disappear.

This is the best result.

Asahi was in a complicated mood.You can't change the world with nothing but power, and you can't do anything in the end.A new order has been established, and it will take generations to achieve peace.

"Regarding the outliers, we must pay attention to them." Gurefiya said, "With the help of the command spell, we have basically eliminated the hidden dangers. It is you fallen angels, please restrain the outlier priest."

Asachel said nervously, "I see, it's really troublesome."

All the family members stood quietly behind Qian Yu.Gaspar was still sleeping, so Asia treated him, but nothing serious happened.Seeing Xenovia, Asaba remembered one thing.

"Yes, Michael."

"what happened?"

Asaba said, "I want to give Xenovia the right to pray without pain."


Xenovia was a little moved.At such an important meeting, Asagi was still thinking about her little things.

"So that's it, what a gentle demon." Michael said with a smile, "It's easy, I can undo the demon's curse."

Gabriel said, "Also, we want to apologize to Asia-chan."

After she finished speaking, she hugged Asia, her chest feeling full of pressure.The hug from the angel, like a dreamlike scene, made the girl blush.Gabriel is like a gentle big sister.


"After the fall of the gods, the system was managed by me. Human beliefs cannot be polluted, otherwise it will easily lead to the collapse of the system. Therefore, after Asia is treated as a witch, she can only be expelled..." Michael felt heavy.

Xenovia said: "The church let me go because they were afraid that the news of God's absence would spread. I ran away like I encountered the plague."

"Feel sorry."

"It's okay, I don't pray anymore."

Xenovia was surprisingly calm.She smiled lightly, and put her eyes on Qian Yu, revealing an inexplicable color.At this time, the latter was sweating profusely, busy making the harem happy.Jill has been defiant, enjoying the drama of the harem on fire.

Angels and demons came to the world one after another to help restore Kuou Academy.The best way to turn it into a contradiction is to find a common external enemy.

The academy has taken on a new look, and a group of angels ascended to the sky.

"So, we're going back," Michael said.

Gabriel waved enthusiastically and said, "Mr. Devil, come to the heaven to play when you have time, and bring Asia sauce."

No one can resist the charm of the number one beauty in the heaven.Asahi felt jealous eyes from all directions, especially the fallen angels.

"Okay, I'm just going to take a look." Asagi smiled, "I'm very interested in the so-called 'system', maybe I can fix it."

That is a huge program to keep the world running, even the devil Ajeka dare not say that.Michael was taken aback for a while, then smiled.

"Okay, it's a deal."

Life returned to calm, and the world didn't seem to have changed because of it.Hitomi Asaba returns to the leisurely life of a teacher, the only difference is that there is one more student.After the battle with the White Dragon Emperor, Gaspar found his confidence and was willing to go to school.

In the first row by the window, Gaspar was lying on the desk.The sun was slightly intoxicated, and the wind blew the curtains.She stared at Qian Yu's side face, feeling a little dazed.

"What form does the iron element exist in the human body..." Asagi smiled, "Student Gaspar, you can answer this question."


Gaspar stood up abruptly, flustered.

At the back table, Asia reminded in a low voice: "Xiaojia, it's in the book."

"Well, the iron element in the human body is divalent iron ion, most of which exist in the heme prosthetic group in hemoglobin..." Gaspar stammered.

Asahi encouraged: "That's a good answer, sit down."


Gaspar clutched his chest, feeling so tense.However, he was praised by the elder brother.So is class so interesting?

After class, it's time for club activities.Hitomi Qianyu went out with the lesson plan in her arms, and met everyone at the corner of the classroom door, ready to go there together.

Asaha said, "I'm going to the bathroom. Xenovia, help me get it."

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