Practice begins.The red hair was automatic without wind, and Rias burst out with magical power.This destructive nature can even break free from the evil eye's pupil power.A magic bullet appeared in her hand and blasted over.

"Hitomi, be careful."

"no problem."

Qian Yu opened the "Evil Eye of Stopping Time" and entered a mysterious and mysterious realm.The focus of the gaze, time stopped flowing.The magic bullet freezes in the air, and then expands the pupil power to the whole body.

The girl was frozen like a stone statue, with a beautiful face.Asagi passed the magic bullet and came in front of her.

This ability is quite useful, but it makes people have strange associations. The theme of "stopping time" seems to be particularly common in certain fields.If you could stop liking a girl, what would you do?

Asagi held Rias' cheek and kissed it.Eyes lost focus due to being so close.Time flowed again, the magic bullet flew towards the forest, and there was an explosion.

The girl opened her eyes.


Lip points.

"What did you do when you stopped at home?"

Lias blushed and hugged her chest.Before she could perceive it, she might have been ravaged.

"Whoever wins must get some rewards, right?" Asahi felt amused, "Besides, I want to bully you, do I need time to stop?"


He always felt that something was missing, and it turned out that Zhu Nai's teasing was missing.

Above the clouds, the cliffs.Himejima Akeno stood facing the wind, and the height was not very cold.Opposite her is a ten-winged fallen angel with a square face and an unshaven beard.He is Zhu Nai's biological father - Baiqiu.

Zhu Nai said coldly: "After the conclusion of peace, can fallen angels break into the devil's territory at will... What do you want from me?"

Baiqiu is like a loving father, but he doesn't know how to express his feelings.

"Are you training the power of thunder? Don't go astray. The blood of fallen angels flows on your body, so you also hide the power of light. Like this, merge into thunder."

After finishing speaking, lightning and white light appeared in Baiqiu's hands, intertwined together.This is the strongest attack power of the Fallen Angel, comparable to Asachel.

"You mean Lei Guang?"

Zhu Nai suddenly smiled, stretched out his slender hand, holding a completely different blue lightning.In an instant, it was as if a thousand birds were mourning.The girl rushed forward, easily cutting through Baiqiu's thunder light.The ponytail was flying, and her eyes gleamed with hatred.

"Its name is 'Leiqie', and it was born to cut off thunder and lightning. I will never admit your dirty blood. The next time you appear in front of me, I will kill you."

Baiqiu stood for a long time, thousands of words turned into a sigh.

Before Zhu Nai took a few steps, he saw a familiar figure.


Asahi said, "Are you okay?"

"No." Zhu Nai had a complicated expression, "Will you blame me for being a cruel woman? Or are you trying to persuade me to reconcile with my father?"

Qian Yu laughed and said: "I won't persuade you, that's your freedom. If you don't like it, then don't touch [Thunder Light]. I will develop a stronger lightning magic for you."

Zhu Nai was moved in his heart, but his mind was still clear.

"How can developing magic be so simple?"

"That's not necessarily true."

Asahi had rolled her eyes before, witnessing Baiqiu's thunder.He was reminded that different attributes can be fused together to create stronger spells.

Rachel, also known as Chidori.Chidori has achieved the ultimate change in nature, and Jiagu Tumei can control the change of Amaterasu's form.So, what if you merge the two together?

Hitomi Qianyu released Amaterasu to her right hand, and by virtue of Jiagu Tuming, she was unscathed.The left hand shot out thunder and lightning, and a thousand birds sang together.This movement and the powerful fluctuation of magic power attracted everyone's attention.

"That's right, that's it..."

With clasped hands, he controls powerful magic that will explode if he is not careful.With Amaterasu's fire as the core, a layer of chidori is wrapped.

Rias was shocked and said: "It is more violent than the magic power of destruction..."

"The god of thunder in Japanese mythology should be named after this." Asaha chuckled lightly.

Jianyu Thunder God!

He gripped his wrists backwards and pressed them to the ground.


Everyone dispersed quickly, only to hear a roar and thunder and lightning.The ground shook, leaving behind a large crater with a diameter of tens of meters, which was more terrifying than Xenovia's Holy Sword of Destruction.At the bottom of the pit, the fire of Amaterasu is still burning.

The first time Asaba tried, she couldn't control it well.Hands were burned.He endured the pain without changing his expression.

Asia looked distressed, and hurried over to treat her.

"Thank you." Asahi said softly.

With tears in her eyes, Asia said, "You are so strong, why do you have to work so hard?"

"It's not strong enough." Qian Yu smiled, "I have a lot of hole cards, but I lack a powerful attack. When I activate the evil eye, I can't switch the magic eye. So, use this move to cooperate."

Although the evil eye is strong, it has no lethality.Jianyu Leishen's power is terrifying, but it's meaningless if he can't hit someone.The combination of the two can become a new tactic.

"As expected of a big brother, only you can exert the power of the evil eye." Gaspar envied.

"I haven't been able to master the forbidden hand yet, and I can't compare to you." Qian Yu said, "Sister Zhu Nai, we can practice combo skills. You provide Chidori, and I will control Amaterasu."


Himejima Akeno smiled sweetly.In her opinion, Hitomi Asaba is a living god.As a shrine maiden, there is nothing more blissful than fighting side by side with God.

Lias has mixed feelings: Are you practicing body-fitting skills with other women again?

Qian Yu said with a restrained expression: "Physical training can't be left behind. I have the secret of the Lion King's exercise. Ah, it's not Kitten's belt, but Rias's cousin, who seems to be called Sera or something..."

"Sai Raorg."

"That's right, that's it."

Asaba took out a crumpled piece of paper.Everyone came together curiously to watch.

"100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, 10-kilometer run... What kind of strength training is this? The intensity is too low!"

"Then multiply by ten times." Asahi said, "Xenovia, Xiaojia."


"Big brother!"

The two passionate idiots seemed to be on fire, and they followed him desperately.Asahi's own physique is only "the strongest in human beings", which is incomparable with higher life forms.The requirements are not high, at least practice to the passing line.

"A thousand push-ups."


Hitomi Asaba was sweating all over, and took off her shirt, revealing her well-proportioned figure.These pectoral muscles are equivalent to the level of Lias' breast volume among girls.He didn't notice that the girls' eyes were shining brightly, which was completely distracting.

"Big... big brother!"

Gaspar's legs went limp.She longed to be a man, but at some point she became a muscle man.Smelling the man's body odor, the urge to suck blood surged up.

This amount of training was too much for Xiao Jia, who couldn't even do ten push-ups.Asaba simply carried Gaspar on his back and did a weight-bearing exercise.The girl is taking a nap on his back in a duck sitting posture.She folded her legs so that they were soaked wet.The butt felt the broad back, faintly hot.

"Xiaojia, suck my blood when you can't hold on."


Gaspar leaned over, holding back his tears, and bit his neck.

The power is constantly coming up!

PS: I am addicted to cultivation and cannot extricate myself

[Jian Yu Lei Shen]: With the help of Jia Gu Tu Ming, control the change of Amaterasu's form, and merge with Chidori.It achieves the ultimate change in nature and shape, and is the strongest energy-based attack.

Chapter 711 H's Punishment

A few days later, Asagi and Akena got along pretty well. [Jian Yu Lei Shen] has been practiced perfectly, but [The Evil Eye of Time Stop] has no way to control it.After all, even Gaspar was forced to activate the forbidden hand.

The objects he can freeze range from human bodies to ants.The duration is close to a day.

Qian Yu said maliciously: "Xiaojia, I found you a training partner."


A purple-red dragon descended from the sky, folded its wings, and stood in the posture of a humanoid monster.It was none other than the old friend Mo Longsheng.

"Here I am, brother Asagi." Tenny said, "Do you want me to play with the children again this time? Old rules, let me have a 'date' with Miss Demon Dragon."

"it is good."

Asahi laughed heartily.The so-called "dating" of the Dragon Clan is actually a fight.Males conquer females by fighting.He subdued the dragon in another world, but it was already dead.Tenny fell in love and thought Miss Dragon was too shy to talk much.

"Dragon...a talking dragon!"

Gaspar slumped down on the ground, almost peeing in terror.The Magic Dragon Saint is as big as a hill, and it can really scare children.

Draig muffled: "Is there anything unusual about talking dragons?"

"It's you, Ddraig."

"Long time no see, Tenny."

One is the sealed Ertianlong, and the other is one of the six dragon kings who was reincarnated as a demon.The situation of these two dragons is quite miserable.

"You guys know each other." Asahi said.

Tenney said, "Well, is this kid the Sekiryuutei of this class? Ddraig, your tastes have changed. How can you be a weak little girl?"

"Be careful, this child's blood may scare you." Draig smiled heartily.


Asahi slandered: That's all the blood sucked from me, right?

"Tany, I'm counting on you. I think the breath of the dragon will help awaken the power in his body." He said seriously.

"it is good."

Ever since, Gaspar was tortured to death.She ran for her life in front, and the breath of the Demon Dragon Sage sprayed over, blowing her skirt.There's a sense of urgency that burns your ass.

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