The kitten said cutely: "Then, I want to eat too."

She was so petite that even Asaba's chest couldn't reach her.So, kittens can't kiss.Asaba picked her up and wrapped her arms around her hips.At this moment, the girl could no longer care about the mischievous hand.

first kiss.

Eat too much sweets, even the lips become sweet.Asaba licked it.

The kitten put on a disgusted face and said, "Senior is really bad, kissing my sister as soon as I kissed my sister."

"Did you say it? Besides, isn't this what you asked for?" Qian Yu complained.


The kitten went straight into his arms and became very clingy.It turns out that Sanwu will become a soft girl after being captured.

In the forest of the underworld, Heige drank the holy water, which flowed down her delicate red lips.For some reason, she tasted the taste of a virgin, sweet and delicious.

Hei Ge wondered: "There is a saying in the world of 'virgin picking tea', so the underworld is also good for this? What a decadent nobleman."

Magic and injuries are recovering quickly.

A magic circle emerged, and a handsome blond man wearing glasses walked out.


"Hei Ge, you're too slow. Where's the beautiful monkey?"

Heige smiled playfully: "Who knows. Maybe he's dead, maybe he's not."

"It's your personal business." Arthur frowned, "I will report the truth to Vali. Don't forget, we still have tasks to do."

"It's up to you. I've had contact with that man, and I might die."

For Heige, it doesn't matter what the partner is, the most important thing is the younger sister.Even if you get into trouble, just act like a baby with Baiyin.Asaha would not kill her... Should she?

Twenty minutes ago, with the arrival of Odin, the atmosphere of the banquet reached its climax.Suzeks, Michael, and Asachel began to discuss business.

"...Regarding the danger of the Disaster Group, the known members include the White Dragon Emperor Valli, the Cat Mandrill Heige, and the Old Demon King faction. These people are defectors from the underworld."

Odin grinned: "Your underworld is full of traitors."

The faces of the four demon kings changed, and the atmosphere became tense.The gods dislike each other.Sarcasm and even wars are common.Suzeks is already mentally prepared.

The purple-haired woman reminded: "Lord Odin!"

"I see, Rossweisse." Odin said, "I'm a bad old man of my age, not here to quarrel. Then, sign a non-aggression treaty between the Nordics and the Bible. I agree to unite against the Scourge .”

"Old man, I don't agree."

An arrogant male voice sounded in the air, and then a blue-haired man with flowing hair appeared.This posture of standing upright in the void is obviously here to find fault.

There was an uproar.

Rossweisse asked in surprise, "Master Loki, why did you appear here?"

"Don't you understand?" Odin sneered, "This guy has colluded with the Brigade of Disaster."

Rocky said: "The thing to say is to use each other."

Gurefiya said softly: "There is no trace of the space being breached. He bypassed the enchantment of the underworld. I'm afraid there are traitors leading the way."


The banquet hall shook.

Someone ran over from the balcony, horrified: "There are giants fighting outside! That huge phantom is like... a super demon!"

"Mr. Tong?" Michael said.

Suzeks said with a smile: "It seems that the traitor doesn't bother us to worry about it. Next, let's meet the Nordic evil god. Loki, what is your purpose?"

"It's a disgrace that the dignified Lord God of Northern Europe actually negotiated peace with the lackeys of the Bible." Loki laughed.

Ragnarok is the doomsday battle recorded in Norse mythology.The collision and war of different gods may be the prophesied doomsday.Only after losing the Lord God did he realize the value of peace.

Suzeks ordered: "Fia, take the newcomers and evacuate."

"Don't run away. The new generation of demons will be extinct here."

Loki was floating in the air, his long hair fluttering.How strong the Lord God can be, he quickly agreed.He raised his hand, released beams of light that filled the sky, and blasted the ceiling.


Buildings fell apart.

The light beams converged in the night sky, like fireworks rising into the sky, and then falling like raindrops.Within a radius of tens of miles, it was shrouded in the strike range of the rain of light, like a huge birdcage.

This is the main god level.

With just one move, he instantly killed many high-level demons, just like killing chickens and dogs.The once rebellious nobleman was pierced through the chest by a beam of light, and was nailed to the ground with tears in his eyes before he died.

PS: The main god walks everywhere, and the superior is not as good as a dog.The devil may become a unit of measurement.

Chapter 718

Ruins and ruins, wailing everywhere.The pampered nobleman had never seen such a tragic scene, and was on the verge of collapse.This is not a ranking game, it will really die.

"Your Majesty the Demon King, help me!"

A huge green magic circle enveloped the sky, blocking most of the rain of light.Ajieka released the spell and saved many people.There's nothing you can do with a little further range.Loki's "sneak attack" did not react for a while.

For newcomers, it is a baptism of blood.

Loki said, "Hmph, it's in the way."

Serafluu turned into a magical girl, and her staff condensed into an ice shield.She stood in front of Cang Na and said, "Sister will protect you".Sona's glasses were fogged up.

"Yes, Ou Nai-chan."

Ravel fell to the ground, unconsciously spreading her wings of fire.Rias used the magic power of destruction to directly devour the Rain of Light.Under the gaze of the girl, her red hair flew up.

"Are you OK?"

The blond girl said in a daze: "Master Rias..."

"If you die, Hitomi will be sad."

At this time, the main god and the demon king confront each other in the sky.This kind of battle is not for the superiors to intervene.Rias looked in the direction of the waiting room, feeling worried.

Everyone, be all right.

When the room collapsed, the family members had to save themselves.Nobody cares about insignificant pawns.A red figure protected the crowd, carrying the light beam with armor and flesh, like a thousand arrows piercing the heart.


Gaspar spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Xiao Jia!"

"My blood is really hard to eat."

Between the shattered helmets, the young girl showed determination.

"I'm already a man. When the eldest brother is away, I will protect everyone."

Asia is an ordinary human who almost fell during the earthquake.Someone helped her, and she squinted her eyes and smiled.

"Are you OK."

Asia said politely, "No, thank you."

"My name is Diodora, have you forgotten? It's okay, I will remember it later." The man said meaningfully.


Asia always feels a little familiar, where have you seen it?

Xenovia said solemnly: "Why did the newcomer's superior run into the area of ​​​​the dependents? That man always feels weird."

The vortex appeared, and Asagi and Kitten walked out, seeing a hellish scene.He looked around with his eyes open, and everyone was fine.


"Hitomi-kun!" Asia was relieved.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Hitomi Asaba moved the harem, and all members reconciled.Everyone's combat power is not what it used to be, and they are completely able to protect themselves.After Asia's treatment, Gaspar was able to stand up.

"I'm going to the battlefield, you save people." Qian Yu said.

"it is good!"

Xenovia chased after her with the holy sword on her shoulder, and said, "I'm coming too."

"You battle mad, okay." Asaha smiled.

Among the broken bricks and tiles, there were bloodstains.Some demons are already mangled.The kitten lifted the stone pillar with strange force and rescued the trapped wounded.Gaspar was in charge of carrying it and handed it over to Asia for treatment.The girl's forehead was sweating, and she couldn't bear the continuous activation of the [Holy Mother's Smile].

The ring above Michael's head activated the holy light of group healing.

"Heaven... Lord Angel?" All the demons were moved.

Irina was surprised: "Master Michael, are even demons qualified to bathe in the holy light?"

"After Asahi-kun rewritten the system, the holy devil has reached a new balance. The devil is no longer afraid of light." Michael smiled, "Go and help him."

Irina was overwhelmed and ran away in a hurry.Hearing that he could go to the underworld, he applied to be Michael's guard.She didn't know what mood she was in.

Loki snapped his fingers and summoned the wolves.The god's pet is a giant wolf with a height of tens of meters - Fenrir in Nordic mythology.Its two sons are Hatti and Skool, who are said to have chased the sun and moon until Ragnarok.

"Hmph, I came out in a hurry, I didn't bring Thor's Hammer." Odin blew his beard and stared, "Rossweisse, you go to assist the demons and clean up the miscellaneous soldiers."


"Miscellaneous soldiers?"

Loki snapped his fingers, and a snake hundreds of meters long entrenched the ground.To be precise, it was a giant blue-gray dragon that forcibly surrounded the entire Demon King's collar.

At this time, the demon kings were in the sky, facing Loki far away.This is a dispute involving the two major gods. If you are not careful, it will lead to a big battle, and no one dares to act rashly.Asachel and Odin watched coldly.Michael was saving people underneath, and the rest of the miscellaneous soldiers could only be dealt with by Asahi and the others.

Qian Yu said in a deep voice: "Stop the wolves, don't let them rush into the crowd."

"it is good!"

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