Chapter 721 Zhu Nai's First Night

The war draws to a close.Hitomi Asaba subdued Fenrir, and the plan of the Misfortune Group went bankrupt.Loki is like a summoner, and the monsters are destroyed one by one.

"Bastard!" He gritted his teeth, "There is a transcendent hidden in the devil?!"

Loki is trapped in the magic of Suzex, unable to move.Suzeks usually doesn't show any signs of leakage, but his strength is so strong that it defies the sky.

Asagi looked at Gurefia, just in time to meet her gentle eyes.She didn't care how majestic the Demon King was at all.If we want to snatch Miss Maid away in the future, I'm afraid it will be very difficult.

Then get stronger.

Rias said, "Hitomi."

"This is the end."

Hitomi Asaba looked up at the sky.Loki broke away from the huge magic ball and burst out with divine power.Together with the dimension, the whole person becomes distorted.

"I want to open the Dimensional Wall, so that Ragnarok will come early!"

"Is this guy crazy?" Everyone wondered.

Asahi wondered, "What do you mean?"

At some point, Asachel appeared beside him and said, "He used divine power to break through the dimensional gap and eliminate the dimensional walls of all gods. Just imagine, every god can pass through at will..."

The underworld is over.

Qian Yutong took a deep breath, her eyes were flushed, and a circle shrunk from the outside to the inside appeared.Afterwards, hexagonal crystals were extended, and golden pupils were condensed in the middle.

Stop the evil eye of the world!

Loki felt that the flow of time was slowing down, he turned his head stiffly, and looked at the tiny demon.His long hair was frozen at the moment of fluttering, like an ice sculpture.

The pupil power is fully opened!

For the first time, Xieyan stared at the main god-level powerhouse.I didn't expect it to be successful, even if it was only for a short moment.Because of the struggle of the gods, the eyeballs were trembling.


Ajeka saw the opportunity and activated the spell.Green spells appeared in the air, hitting Loki one after another, wrapping him into a dumpling.

Loki stared at Asagi, and groaned resentfully: "White-haired devil, I curse you..."

In the end, he was sealed in a different dimension and handed over to Odin.The last look is uncomfortable, and there is a force entangled with fate in the dark.Asaha covered her painful eyes, not paying attention.


There is a crack in the dimensional wall, and it needs to be repaired by the demon's enchantment team.The collision between the two gods was resolved without any risk.Rookie qualifying can only be postponed.

For the rest of our lives, we gather together.

"Ju Nai..."

In the end, Zhu Nai collected Baiqiu's body.

"That's it." Asachel said, "He chose the most hopeful way to die. I am also responsible for Zhu Li's death. At that time, if I hadn't insisted on asking Baiqiu to come back to deal with one thing..."

Asahi said softly, "Stop talking."

"Yeah, it's over."

Demons don't go to hell after death, so what about fallen angels?

Xenovia said, "Irina, come and live with me."

"your home?"

"No, it's Asaha's house."

Irina blushed suddenly and took a peek.Rias didn't object, so it's fine.

Asahi said, "You can share a room and have a good chat."

"You don't know. When forming a team to do missions, Irina often spends money indiscriminately, and in the end she doesn't even have a place to live." Xenovia sighed, "Always spend the night in the abandoned church."

"Ah, don't say it!" Irina shyly said.

There are special hotels for guests of the underworld.Michael couldn't find his guard for a long time, and later he heard that he was led away by Asagi, and he smiled wryly.On the other hand, Roseweizer was abandoned by Odin.

"Why is this, Master Odin..."

The purple-haired girl sat on the ground, crying.

Qian Yu said with a half-smile, "Miss Rossweisse didn't seem to be of much help."

"Anyway, I'm just a useless older leftover girl!"

Rossweisse's tears seemed to be broken.Asaba calls Gurefia, but learns that the hotel has no rooms.So, he had to say: "Do you want to come to my house?"


Lie... a lie, right?I have not been popular with men for nineteen years, but I was invited by a handsome boy!Could it be that time is about to change, long live Odin-sama!


Rossweisse hesitated.As soon as he raised his head, Hitomi Asagi led people into the black cavity, which was about to close, as if rushing in at the last moment when the elevator doors closed.

"Wait for me!"

One day later, a shrine on earth.Himejima Akeno stood at the foot of the mountain, looking forward to it.She had obviously gone through some make-up.

Hitomi Asaba appeared from the whirlpool and said, "Sorry for being late. It took a while to prepare."

"It's ok."

Strangely, Asaba was not well dressed, wearing casual private clothes.

"Let's go."

Saying that, Zhu Nai took his arm.

This is a date made to make her happy, after everyone agrees. "I can't help it, I'll leave it to you this time," Rias said.

Himejima Akeno didn't think too much, thinking that he wanted to take the last step, so he needed a strong sense of ritual.After losing his father, Zhu Nai was hit hard. It was a time when his heart was fragile, and he hoped to be "take advantage of it".

The two stood in the courtyard.The summer wind blows up the fallen leaves, encircling the girl's swaying ponytail.In the end, it disappeared in the sky, just like a childhood memory.

"I like shrines."

"From the beginning, I was a hybrid of a human and a fallen angel, and then I was reincarnated as a demon. I only had hatred in my heart, and I became a twisted shaking S. It took me ten years to be willing to admit that it was not my father's fault. This long Farewell..."

Hot tears rolled down the girl's cheeks.

"If Baiqiu stood in front of you, would you still hate him?"

Zhu Nai said with tears: "I don't care anymore. Tong-jun, you have the evil eye that stops the world. It would be great if time could turn back."

"Little Junai."

The girl heard a familiar female voice, showing an expression of disbelief.Suddenly looking back, the red and white witch stood in front of the door with a kind smile.The years seem to have left no marks on the mother's face.


Baiqiu was wearing a plain kimono, like an ordinary middle-aged man.

"Our daughter, welcome back."

"how come……"

Zhu Nai leaned on Qian Yu's arms, already crying uncontrollably.She remembered that the eye of reincarnation can resurrect the dead.Unexpectedly, relatives from ten years ago can also be resurrected.

"Mr. Tong, thank you." She choked up.

Qian Yu smiled and said, "I'm calling you Miss Zhu Nai, hurry over."

"Xiaotong is a good boy." The mother said with a smile, "Mom likes it very much."

Qian Yutong watched the reunion of the family of three, turned and left.Under the eaves, I met Asachel.He was finally relieved.

"What a gentle devil."

Asahi said, "Uncle, I just don't want to see other people lose their loved ones."

From an angle where no one can see, his eyes are dim.

Stop the evil eye of the world?In the moment of losing my sister, my time stood still.That's enough.Even if it's a false older sister, give me little happiness.

A female voice came from behind: "Mr. Tong!"

Qian Yu turned around in astonishment, and saw Zhu Nai was out of breath.She pressed her chest, and accidentally turned into a breast shake welfare.The girl straightened up, revealing a sly smile.

"Date, continue."


"I promised my mother to go home before dinner. Of course, you are my younger brother, and we can reunite the whole family together. Before that..."

Zhu Nai took Asahi's hand.This familiar softness makes one's heart tremble.

Asahi scratched her face and said, "If it's before dinner, it's too late."

"Ah, it seems to be..."

Himejima Akeno's cheeks were slightly flushed, and she smiled pleasantly.As a rule of thumb, time is not enough.Since she thinks her body is dirty, Asaha doesn't dislike her at all."Going through the back door" over and over again, as if to prove it with actions.

"Thank you for not despising me."

Qian Yu retorted: "Don't you wash it for nothing every time? Secretly pouring X or something... You are such a shaky M."

"The established date program is a love hotel." Zhu Nai said playfully, "My sister's virginity is to be given to my younger brother."

How can there be such a lustful sister in the world?

"Not enough time." Qian Yu was not tempted at all.

"Then use your evil eyes to stop time quickly."

On the ramp dyed red by the setting sun, the girl smiles and blooms.

PS: Zhu Naixian, finished

Chapter 722

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