Qian Yutong's heart shuddered.

The Old Demon King faction is the unsettling factor of the Brigade of Misfortune.They saw the damage caused by Loki, and they seemed to be planning to take advantage of the rookie qualifying match to launch a rebellion.

"Do you want to play tricks?"

Everyone looked at each other with a smile and said, "That's right."

On the day of the competition, a group of people were teleported to a different dimension of duel.Irina and Rossweisse had nothing to do and registered as knights and chariots.

"Two men duel for a woman, it's really great!" Rossweisse said, wiping tears, "Why is there no brave man duel for me?"

Asahi complained: "Because you are a bad woman. You have poor wine quality, you like to gossip, and you always give up on yourself. My family will not accept you like this."

"why is it like this?!"

"But, thanks." Asaha smiled slightly.

Rossweisse was taken aback, and blushed unknowingly.

"Hitomi Asagi, do you still have the intention to flirt?" Diodora's voice echoed in the sky.

Countless magic circles appeared in the sky, forming a mighty army of demons.They were dressed in tough clothes and old-fashioned equipment, and they were obviously the minions of the Old Devil Sect.

Qian Yu said thoughtfully: "There is not even a referee broadcast, it seems that this different dimension has been blocked."


Rias said angrily: "Theodora, your actions are trampling on the underworld and the rules!"

"Order? Haha, only the strong can make the rules! From now on, the new king will ascend the throne. The sister of the devil king can only take advantage of this momentary breeze. Kill them for me. Remember, the blond girl will live."


All the demons listened.

Qian Yu said with a half-smile, "Since when did you have the illusion that the number is superior?"

PS: It's time for the water plot again

This time it's a second, and then it's the content of the fourth season of the animation.There is a new monster girl

Chapter 727 Holy Virgin

It's a purple temple scene with voids up, down, left, and right.A group of people stood on the bottom platform and passed the stairs like a road around the mountain. Above it was a temple floating in another dimension, like a level to challenge the devil.

Dozens of demons hold battle axes, brewing magic.Seeing that the light beams were about to fall overwhelmingly, Rias and Junai stood at the front.

Rias shouted: "Akina!"

"Yes, Minister." Zhu Nai said with a smile, "I don't know if our shield can block it. This time, we can't let Xiao Jia take the damage."

"don’t worry."

Before Asahi finished speaking, golden light filled the sky, as if refracted in the atmosphere of another dimension.What's more, even the tomahawk was thrown.

"call out--"

Everyone's heart raised their throats.Rossweisse was a temporary teammate, competently releasing the Nordic spell.Before touching the magic circle, the light beam stopped in mid-air.

Gaspar said in amazement: "Could it be..."

"Hitomi, have you mastered the Forbidden Hand?"

"That's right." Asahi smiled slightly.

There was no movement, the light beams were inserted into the transparent air wall one after another, and countless "spears" were pierced into hedgehogs, giving people a strong visual impact.Asagi raised her head, her bangs swaying.The golden pupils spread into hexagonal crystals, flowing scarlet.


The invisible pupil power spread outwards, immobilizing all enemies in one breath.Under the pressure of time, the number of people has no meaning.Asahi's control is very fine, and his companions are not affected by it.

Gaspar admired: "It's amazing, you deserve to be the big brother!"

She has tasted the taste of runaway, and Asahi has completely controlled the evil eye and is above time.

"Come on." Asahi said.


The girls showed their prowess and beat the dog in the water.Enemies whose time has been stopped have no power to fight back.Zhu Nai put on the red and white witch costume, and a bolt of thunder jumped between the enemies, smashing them into scum.

"Hmph, a bunch of trash." Diodora said, "Only the winner can leave the duel dimension. Hitomi Asaba, I'm waiting at the highest temple. I want to marry Asia there, do you understand what it means? "

Asahi said: "I will accompany you to the end."

At this time, the image of Gurefia appeared in front of him.

"Master Asaba, the rebellion has begun, and I cannot support you for the time being." She said, "Odin is joining the battle. Kruzelle Asmodeus is fighting Azazel. Sherpa Beelzebub's whereabouts are unknown, please Be careful."

Asahi said, "Okay."

So far, the descendants of the first demon king have all appeared.The last one is Valli, who inherited the blood of Lucifer, and he doesn't seem interested in participating in this shit.

"let's go."

Asahi and his party rushed up the stairs, and when they stepped into the palace, they were faced with uniform enemies.They were all petite women with white robes and hoods.

"Have you deployed troops yet?"

Hitomi Asaba did not open the domain.Compared with a single target, the skill consumption of a large area is also large.Everyone rushed up, wanting to vent their anger on Asia for a long time.

Xenovia held up the holy sword and said, "If you keep letting the master take action, it will be the dereliction of duty of the subordinates."

"When did you become a loyal dog?" Irina muttered.

"Okay." Asahi laughed dumbly, "I'll give you a chance to perform."

This is training.He is used to protecting women, but everyone also wants to become stronger and form a strong team.The effect of strengthening the accommodation is reflected, and the same job agency is no match.

Rias is as strong as ever.Zhu Nai and Xiaomao had the most obvious improvement.One is the "Lightning Priestess" who combines three powers, and the other is a big monster with the attributes of both the Lion King and the Cat.

Gaspar holds the Forbidden Hand, and Xenovia holds the Holy Sword with both hands.On the contrary, Irina and Rossweisse were slightly inferior.Only Asia has no fighting power.


The enemy fell to the ground, the hood slipped off, revealing a handsome face.

"This child is..."

Asia's eyes widened, tears welling up.

"I've seen them all be saintesses from other churches, as if they've been brainwashed."

Qian Yu said in a deep voice: "That guy is a saintess connoisseur. Maybe it's the same as your experience. He designed these saintesses to be excommunicated from the church and then taken into confinement."

There was applause from the main hall.Diodora sat on the throne, condescending.

"That's right, these saintesses wanted to keep their chastity for the gods, but they were played by the devil in the end. It's great, it's like N|TR the gods." Diodora laughed wildly, "defile this purity with your own hands , makes people want to stop!"

Asia cried, "How could this be..."

Their kindness was taken advantage of and pushed into the abyss.

"It's boring." Asahi said lightly.

Diodora sneered: "Originally, I wanted to be reincarnated directly when the fallen angel snatched the artifact. I didn't expect to be rescued by you. Asia is still a holy virgin, right? I don't want to eat the fat in my mouth, really waste."

"Hitomi-kun is different from a scum like you!" Asia shouted.

Suddenly, a coffin-like restraint device broke through the ground and captured Asia.The blond girl was locked in a row of rib-like things, unable to move.

Everyone exclaimed: "Aisia!"

Diodora proudly said: "This is a device created by Georg, the holder of the God Extinguisher [Extreme Mist]. There is absolutely no way to escape. Sherpa, how long are you going to wait?"

A man in a down coat appears, with brown hair covering one eye.

"I don't remember that you can order me." Sherpa said coldly, "I help you to seek justice for Katriya. Here, kill Qian Yutong."

"Hmph, whatever."

The pattern of ouroboros appeared on the back of Diodora's hand, and a powerful magic burst out.

"This is the power bestowed by Orpheus! I teamed up with Sherpa, and the so-called black-winged demon is just a joke. I want you to watch Asia being humiliated..."

Countless magic circles were shot out, covering the entire space like spider webs.Everyone was restrained, this is Ajieka's trick.

Everyone struggled: "Oops!"

"is it?"

Qian Yutong disappeared from the vortex and appeared in front of Diodora.

"What's going on? You guys don't come here!"

Diodora desperately released the spell.Qian Yu didn't dodge or dodge, letting the magic come out through her body.Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the Sherpa moved.


Asaba reached out, penetrated the defensive shield, and grabbed Diodora's head.In a rage, he smashed the throne.The latter's head vibrated like a ball, and he screamed in pain.

"How is it possible, I obviously have the snake of Orpheus..."

Under time and space, they are all ants.There is strength in the sky, and you can't even touch the corner of your clothes.What's more, Diodora's soaring magic power is not as good as him.The villain who has never seen the world is too naive.

Qian Yu entered the void again, ignoring Sherpa's attack.Unexpectedly, a magic bullet seemed to penetrate the space and hit the phantom.


He only felt a sharp pain in his chest, and he flew upside down and hit the wall.

what happened?


Everyone was bound by the magic circle, and they could only look helpless.

Sherpa said: "I have investigated, except for the form of 'Black Winged Demon'. You have mastered the power of space, right? Transfer part of your body to a different space, immune to all physical attacks. I will transfer your body came back."

what? !

Asahi's pupils shrank.

Kamui was cracked for the first time.This guy also mastered the power of space!

"So that's it, careless."

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