The girl shyly said, "Isn't this cuter?"

Wuhe Shiori is delicate and lovely.Golden pupils, sea-blue long hair, and a petal-like hair accessory.I have always disguised myself as a man, so I am not confident.The short hair looks like a tomboy.The long hair mode can fascinate thousands of boys.

Asahi said, "It's delicious to eat."

"Woo..." Shiori was shy.

The dishes are so rich that two people can't finish it.Asagi made up her mind, and asked foodie Tohka to help solve it.

"The grilled sausage is burnt, but it's delicious. Try it."

Saying that, Asaba picked up an octopus-like sausage and fed it to Shiori.The latter opened his mouth and raised his small sweet tongue, which made people have strange associations.The two hit base early.

Shiori blushed and said, "Eating sausage or something, did you think of something strange? At school, no."

"I really understand me." Qian Yu smiled wryly.

A slight reaction will be noticed by his girlfriend.They are too familiar with each other's bodies.


The feeding play for animation routines.Shiori reciprocated courtesy, set up a piece of barbecue, and brought it to Asagi's mouth with one hand, like coaxing a child.


Suddenly, a white-haired head jumped out from the side and ate it in one bite.It was none other than Tobiichi Origami who came from Okyo.

"As expected of Shiori." Origami praised, "The food is delicious."

"Those who steal food don't pretend to be indifferent!"

Origami sat on the other side, next to Asahane.Her lunch was squid bread, and she took a big bite before passing it to Asaba's mouth.

"Please use."

Asahi said, "Do you want me to bite where you ate?"

"It was discovered."

Qian Yuxin said: Do you have this for lunch?I remember that she is a member of AST, and she is usually busy fighting elves, so she has no time to take care of herself.

Thinking of this, he took a bite of the bread and pushed the bento to Origami.

"Since I ate your bread, I have to exchange it with you for a bento."

Shiori poked at the rice and muttered, "Why? I worked so hard to make it..."

"Squid-like, like sei-o." Origami said flatly.

Asaba was biting the bread, her face was turning green.In haste, he was choked.Origami picked up a teacup and fed him water.Qian Yu took several sips of "gulu gulu" before she recovered.

"Huh, thank you." Qian Yu pursed her lips, "What kind of tea is this? It's delicious."

Origami said, "My holy water."


As expected of an origami master!

Tobiichi Origami has a delicate face and short hair that is as white as snow.The chest is slightly undulating, and it is a small and exquisite type.His face is expressionless like a puppet, and his voice is also very cold, like a big ice cube.Because she is a beautiful girl, people can't hate her.Hearing about "holy water", you will only be excited, right?

"I'm not as good at cooking as Shiori, so I can only make tea with love." Origami said, "When I was free, I was always thinking about you, overflowing with love..."

"You are enough." Asahi supported his forehead.

what happened?In addition to ghosts and animals, it is also a touch touching.Whether it's bento or tea, it's a loving lunch.

A date for three people.Asaba is used to it, and Origami liked Shiori, so she is at ease.In any case, the innocent Shiori couldn't accept it.

He changed the subject: "Because of the last unauthorized action, you are still locked up by AST?"


Asahi said gently: "It's just a matter of resting for a while, so leave the elves to me."

Tobiichi Origami frowned slightly, then stretched it out again.


In the evening, the aerial battleship Ratatoskr floated invisibly over Tiangong City.Asaba was called over by Kotori, saying that she wanted to ask Miku for some information.

"As a super popular star, I thought it was a battleship pick-up." Miku complained, "The result is the same as interrogating a prisoner."

Qinli held a lollipop in her mouth and said, "You dare to say it, big star."

"Just feel wronged, and I'll take you back." Qian Yu comforted.

The girl smiled and said, "Since Darling has spoken, there is nothing we can do."

Yuxiao Mijiu has purple-silver hair and pupils, and she speaks in a leisurely manner.The most eye-catching thing is the figure, the most magnificent Oupai among the elves.During the interrogation, he was almost pressed against the table, as if to relieve the burden on his shoulders.Previously, she was a singer who hid her appearance.Now showing his true appearance, he has gained more fanatical fans.Obviously, she can rely on her appearance and figure to make a living, but she has to depend on her singing voice.

She used to be a lily girl.The person Origami likes happens to be a girl, but Miku just hates men.In the end, Asaba forcibly attacked and reversed her sexual orientation.

Kotori said solemnly: "You said that you once debuted under the name 'Yaoshiro Tsukino', met a mysterious existence during the trough period, and was turned into a human?"

"That's right." Meijiu nodded her face, "About a few months ago. Both the appearance and the voice are like mosaics. I hate this kind of voice."

Asagi and Kotori glanced at each other, seeing a solemn expression.


Kotori bit the lollipop into pieces and said in a low voice, "Five years ago, the 'someone' who made me a flame elf and started the fire..."

It seems to be the same person, maybe it has something to do with the origin of the elves.

"Darling, can I go back?"

Asaba was held by Miku's arm, and she could feel a sense of oppression.Seeing this, Kotori felt frustrated.Together with her sister, she doesn't have such a nasty Opie.

"Okay." Asahi said helplessly.

He does not reject it.In getting along bit by bit, I recall the warmth of the past.As soon as he returned, he was a ready-made harem, and the favorability of the elves had reached full value.

On the way, I met Murasame Lingyin.She is the analysis officer on the ship, and she has thick dark circles under her eyes, which makes people suspect that she will fall down in the next moment.

"Commander, Xiaotong, are you leaving?"


"Just send it back to the apartment."

"No need. It's too troublesome to turn on the machine." Qian Yu declined.

Hitomi Asaba activated Kamui, held Miku with one hand and Kotori with the other, and submerged into the vortex.Ling Yin was the only one left, showing a meaningful expression.

In the evening, everyone sat together and had dinner lively.

"The Paradise Project - to create a paradise for elves, and gradually learn to integrate into human society." Asaha said, "This is the meaning of the existence of the elf apartment. Cough, according to Commander Kotori's plan, I will be the manager of the apartment."


The girls sighed inexplicably.

Asaha said seriously: "For the convenience of management, I decided to adjust the room. At present, it seems that there are at least ten elves, and the names often have the characteristics of numbers. There are five rooms on each floor, and they are checked in in order. Yoshino 104, Kotori lives at 105...and so on."

"The Yamai sisters live in one room, as do Shiori and Kotori."

Yejuya said carelessly: "I have no opinion, you just decide."

"Secondary." Xi Xian said.

Asagi turned her head and said, "Wan Yuri, I can only wrong you to live on the third floor alone."

"It's okay," said the girl.

The manager's room is special, and Hitomi Asaba lives at the entrance of the corridor on the first floor.The tenants of a whole building are all beautiful girls, who are actually elves.This unfolds very delicately.

At this time, Asaba didn't realize that Kotori played a big game of chess.The "Paradise" is actually the "Crystal Palace Project"

——The method by which all elves can be happy.

Chapter 755

This is officially rooming the elves.The girls got a new room, chatted happily, and discussed how to decorate the room.Occasionally, it's time to try ordinary girls' hobbies.

Asahiba said with a straight face, "Don't disturb the residents by decorating in the middle of the night, damage the walls, leak water from the have to pay for it."

"Got it."

Kamui works great.Hitomi Asaba turned into a porter and was busy until late at night.The reward is Miku's sweet kiss.When the elves were sealed back then, everyone's first kiss was taken away.In public, it is too bold.

Asagi touched her lips, leaving a lingering warmth.Miku is a super popular idol, and I don't know how many fans she has.If I let them know, I'm afraid they will go crazy with jealousy.

"It's hard work." Mei Jiu blinked, "Everyone who needs a 'moving company' has to pay."

"I want it too!" Ten Fragrant Vinegar was furious.

Asagi felt that she was tugging at the corner of her clothes, and looked down at Yoshino.A petite loli with sea blue wavy hair and a hand puppet.

"Big brother, I can't move."

"I'll help you."

"Brother, it's really bad, are you thinking about kissing Yoshino's tender lips?" The hand puppet named "Yoshino" spoke.

Yoshino said shyly, " that so?"


Later, Hitomi Qianyu couldn't finish her mouth, so she kissed Lolita on the forehead and said "good night" with a smile.Yoshino grabbed the hat, her eyes glistening, as if she had received the greatest blessing.

Late at night, the apartment fell silent.Just as Asagi was lying on the bed, she heard a knock on the door.Shiori hugged the pillow and stood pretty at the door.She was wearing a thin nightgown with the outline of Opie printed.Long hair fluttering, still don't forget to wear a wig.

The manager's room is equivalent to the activity department room, and each girl is equipped with one.In other words, it is possible to be attacked at night at any time.


The girl whispered, "Let's go together. I've already put Kotori to sleep."

"So, is it my turn to put you to sleep?" Qian Yu said with a smile.

"Hmph, this is your duty."

The two were lying on the bed.I rinsed my mouth before going to bed, it's a good time for Kiss.Jealous Shiori is cute.Asahi took the initiative to kiss deeply, with one hand submerged in the nightdress.

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