Sai Liu took Xiao Ke and ran out for a long distance, turned around suddenly, and Qiao Sheng Sheng said, "If there is a chance, I will go on a date with Asa-sama next time, okay?"


I'm afraid there won't be that chance.

At the same moment, the disguised Chitong and Main sneaked into Jerlock.The night attack has suffered a serious loss in strength. If you want to assassinate Berlik, you must understand the structure of the church and formulate a seamless plan.The task on them is heavy.

Maine flicked her ponytails and muttered, "Chitong, I can handle it alone. Why do you have to form a team with me, don't treat me like a child."

"I'm worried about you." Chi Tong said concisely.

Maine blushed, and silently accepted her good friend's wishes.Chi Tong just cared too much about her companions, which sometimes made people feel awkward, but also very warm.

Chi Tong hid something on her mind, that is, she once saw the death of her companion in [Moon Reading World].The future has changed, with the exception of Hill, Brand and Chelsea are not dead.So, is Maine's poignant smile covered in bruises and bruises in the sun...

I want to protect Maine!

Then, Chi Tong bought some more roadside snacks because of greed, and got separated from Maine.

"I'm careless! So the biggest enemy is yourself?"

Chi Tong touched her bottomless belly and opened her empty wallet again.She turned her attention to the "shivering" Murasame, and struggled to put aside the idea of ​​selling Teigu to buy food.

"Little girl, why are you alone on the street in a daze, have you separated from your family?" A frivolous voice sounded.

Chi Tong sighed inwardly, thinking that he was a rascal with no eyes again.The girl pressed her hand on the hilt of the knife, and was about to use the back of the knife to teach her a lesson when the visitor gently held the back of her hand at a faster speed.Before Teigu's liberation, he lost the meaning of drawing his sword when he was touched by the body.

what? !

The handsome man with black hair and black eyes made a "shh" gesture, then smiled lightly and said, "It's the armistice period, let's go shopping together?"

Obviously, Asaha has seen through Chi Tong's disguise.Being naked in front of that Teigu was no different from being naked, and the girl felt strange when she recalled something.She didn't say anything, she silently followed Asuka's footsteps and dropped half of her body.Others looked like awkward couples.

"You are really weird. You fought with your life before. Or, you didn't take me seriously at all." Chi Tong said coldly.

Asaba said casually, "Who knows. Ah, that takoyaki looks good, I invite you."

Under the temptation of food, Chi Tong quickly fell.Where there is any conflict, I remember that I used to be like-minded foodies.The girl walked and ate all the way, her cheeks were bulging, and her round face was super cute.From time to time, she would poke a takoyaki with a toothpick, put one hand in her pocket and put it to Asa's mouth, saying, "Ah..."

Asahi was slightly startled, and took a bite.Chi Tong took off the crumbs from the corner of his lips again and put them in his mouth to eat, causing Qian Yu's face to turn red.

"Wasting food is a shameful act."

"You're the one who's weird, come over suddenly..."

Chi Tong said, "It doesn't matter, because Hitomi is my younger sister."

Asuka's head was full of black lines.This guy doesn't seem to regard him as a man at all, and has the same virtue as Hei Tong.

"So, it's only right for my sister to spend her sister's money on snacks?"

"That's right." Chi Tong nodded.

Asaba's mood became complicated.How distorted have these sisters been to obtain insignificant psychological comfort in this way?After all, he can only be a gentle substitute.

Chi Tong stood in front of an apple candy store, staring for a long time.The icing is a sweet-looking amber color wrapped in red apples.

She said fondly: "She likes candy the most. We were orphans before we were trained to be killers, and we couldn't afford it at all. We can only look at it from a distance and risk being driven out by the store owner."

Foodies are not born, maybe they are just hungry.

"The biggest wish at that time was to let my sister's small eyes never show reluctance again, and let me understand how incompetent sister I am."

Asa Yutong only said: "She still loves candy like before, all the time."

"That's it."

Chi Tong's eyes were numb, showing a slightly hurt expression.This also means that Hei Tong's body is on the verge of collapse, and he can only hang his life with sugar-coated medicine.

Such is the cruel world.Candy and medicine are actually no different, making people feel like living a little more comfortable.It was this indifferent and ruthless country that caused Hei Tong to fall to this point.

It's okay, it'll make you feel pain free soon.

PS: I almost forgot to update after reading the novels of the Qing Dynasty

Chapter 126 Sniper Battle

A team walked in the bustling market, surrounded by the leader, pushing the atmosphere to the peak.For a time, the streets were empty, and all the believers welcomed the crowd.There is a large circle around, and the two guys who eat Haisai, Asaha and Chi Tong, seem to be different.

This is a gentle and elegant man, giving people the warmth of a spring breeze.He has long flowing hair, wears a holy high hat, has a cross on his chest, and has a slender figure.From the thousands of people, he saw Asa Yutong at a glance, and came to him quietly like this.

It made the congregation envy and jealous, this kid actually had the honor to face the glory of the leader.

"first meet."

Qian Yu was startled, smiled and said, "Hello."

The two extraordinary men are like friends who haven't seen each other for many years, causing the female fans of the leader to make up all kinds of corrupt plots, screaming: "I'm so excited!"

The thoughts flowed in Asahi's mind: Jerlock was born with the ability to read minds, predict the future, and be dazzling, and was worshipped by the people like a god.Berlik had secretly stole his blood and took it to Dr. Fashion Appraisal, and the results were appalling.This man is a hybrid of a dangerous species and a human being, a taboo existence.

To a certain extent, both of them can predict the future without saying anything.

"Master Jerlock, I heard that you have the ability to read minds." Chi Tong couldn't help but glance at Asuka, "Can you see your deputy Berlik clearly?"

Jerlock smiled slightly: "I can see that the inner darkness of many order leaders is much deeper than that of the empire. However, in order to maintain the operation of a huge order, every screw is very important. This is exactly what each of us has. value."

The leader has long seen through Berlik's fate, so he "governed by inaction".

Asaba Hitomi reassessed the value of Jerlock, this man is not easy to manipulate.But...if he has neither ambition, nor is he a smart man who can see his destiny, there is a chance for cooperation.

"How about the people around you more than anything else?" Jerlock said. "I can see the red line of people's fate. You are connected to the men around you."

Chi Tong heard the words for a while.

"Impossible." Asahito said shaking her head.

Our positions are fundamentally different, and we will fight next time we meet.

Jerlock said softly, "Who's to say such a thing. It's amazing. I've never seen a man with a red line like you. It seems that you are destined to have many confidantes, one end to the sky, as if doesn't seem to belong to this world."

"Hua Xin." A cold female voice came from the side.

When Asaha turned her head with a wry smile, Chi Tong looked at the other side as if nothing had happened.

"time to go."

As a result, they parted ways, and the youth and the girl went in different directions.

Jerlock stood for a long time and said to himself, "Is it going through many twists and turns as I predicted? I hope I'm wrong."

In that dream called "Future", it repeats itself - the day of shooting the lover.

Hitomi Asaba jumped to the window like a ninja.

The short-haired girl hugged the pillow, sat up in a daze, and said, "Please go to the door."

"A present for you."

Asaha Hitomi bought an extra apple candy and handed it to Black Hitomi.The girl was stunned for a moment, took it silently, and licked it with her small tongue, which was a very nostalgic taste.

"I saw Chi Tong just now, she bought it for you."

"Liar." Hei Tong said lightly, "She won't do such a boring thing. I would rather believe that the sugar is poisoned and send me to heaven earlier."

Asa Yu sighed: "You really understand, the first half of the sentence is true."

"In other words, it's a date." The girl muttered.

Kuroko quickly got up, changed his pajamas in front of Asuka, and washed his face in a sleepwalking posture.Then, like a pillow, he placed himself in Hitomi Asa's arms.

"Let's go."

Asa Yutong immediately understood, and smiled helplessly: "As ordered. I happen to ask you for something. You have already eaten it just now for the reward."

"So wait for me here." Hei Tong blinked, tilted his head and asked, "The legendary one candy and one shot? I'm not that cheap, at least two... No, three..."

This guy's mouth is getting stronger and stronger, and no matter how much sugar he eats, it won't become sweet.

Asa Yutong went out of the city with the black pupil in her arms, put on the emperor's tool, and activated her white eyes, expanding her field of vision to fifteen kilometers away.

"I found it. Seleu seems to have spotted the night attack and chased out of the city to fight. We must provide the necessary support."

Hei Tong said in surprise: "Ah, so you are not blind."

"...Is this the point?!"

Religious ruins, a large complex of buildings in a wasteland, carved with lifelike statues, weathered over the years to nothing but adobe.The destined confrontation between Seleu and Maine started here, and the two super-firepower players destroyed countless places of interest.

About ten minutes ago, Maine grabbed her hood and walked forward, secretly anxious.After getting separated from Chi Tong, the hunter with a keen sense of smell accidentally noticed a clue.

Too bad!

"That's it, it's a good burial place of your own choosing. It's time for the rat in the sewer to show its originality," said Seleu.

"I dare to say that it is the best time for revenge to finally catch you on the order."

Maine removed her hood, revealing her pink twintails, swaying in the wind.At this time, she thought of Hill, who died tragically.A delicate and lovely face, which was filled with tears at some point, suddenly became determined as he gritted his teeth.

"Seleu Ubiquitas, I will definitely kill you!"

Sai Liu grinned and said, "It's really good, crocodile tears. You can only speak pretty words. Didn't you abandon your companions without hesitation to survive until today? Ah, the body of the scissors is already in Xiaoke's stomach."


"It's me who really wants revenge!"

Seleu let out a roar, and his entire face turned into a distorted ghost. [Judgment of the Ten Kings], Dr. Fashion implanted the final weapon in her body before her death, which can transform various weapons to suppress firepower, and various external accessories are hidden in Xiaoke's belly.With a fierce look on his face, Xiao Ke bit off Sai Liu's arm.

When Seleu pulled out her hands, she had already set up her fully-armed exoskeleton.The barrels stand up to the sky and are uneven.

"Justice, Fire Together!"

The deep canyon, like several fighter jets passing by at high speed, came with a carpet bombing.The smoke filled the air, shrouding the entire battlefield in the fog of war, and was immediately penetrated by one after another of pink energy beams, and even the smoke and dust disappeared in the high temperature.

"My romantic fort, the more dangerous it is, the more powerful it will be!"

Ma Yin's head was bleeding, but she was not afraid. While moving, she aimed to counterattack.Seleu's high-intensity firepower was suppressed gradually by Teigu's characteristics.

You pierce my shoulder and I smash your gun barrel.

The sniper battle is in full swing.

PS: Jinx VS Policewoman, ADC singles out, whoever calls the grandson.

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