When the seal was broken, Bai Jue stretched out his hand and held the seventh bookmark. In an instant, the whole Moon Tree shook violently. Bai Jue poured his consciousness into the bookmark, and began to rewrite the laws of the world with full power.

Before the theory of evolution collapses!rewrite!

(There is no next update)

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Light and shadow intertwined, the moment the real power of the seventh bookmark bound by ouroboros was released, Bai Jue's consciousness also spread to the whole world with this power, and the true meaning of evolution was rewritten... tampered with The core content began to re-operate at an extremely fast speed, the samsara destined to lead to destruction was shattered, and the Moon Tree also released a dazzling brilliance.

Suddenly, like a night of spring breeze, thousands of trees and pear blossoms bloomed.

The moon tree is in full bloom, and it also releases a brand new theory of the world.

Bai Jue's consciousness soaked into the core area of ​​the world, and he recovered the bookmark.

"The rewriting is complete, and the bookmark is recycled."

"The seventh singularity, the repair is complete."

Bai Jue said this, but his mood was unexpectedly stable, even calm.

Clap clap clap-!

Applause came, and in the center of the tree of the truth of the world, there was applause suddenly. The applause was very loud, loud but dull.

Bai Jue turned around suddenly, the seal of the quicksilver ouroboros that he had torn apart did not shatter immediately, those shattered lights and shadows overlapped again to form a basic human figure, the young drum wearing a round felt hat clapping, because with gloves on, the applause seemed so dull.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it... You really came to this matter. At first, you just left a safety measure just in case, but I didn't expect it to be triggered... I'm so surprised I'm so surprised that I'm about to bite my tongue off."

Snake approached with a weird expression: "I'm really curious how you got involved in this matter. Even if you got involved, you haven't been liquidated by karma. Is it because of the dead who escaped from the other side of karma, so you are not bound by karma? It's so nonsense..."

"To each other, I never thought that the seventh singularity would be buried in another completely different item. You even used such an ingenious technique to hide it. You deliberately rewrote the basic laws of the world, making it impossible for people to do anything. If I don't Come on, people in this world can't save themselves at all."

Bai Jue retorted: "As a villain, you have penetrated seven singularities, almost as epic as Solomon...so I decided to be like a certain master...kill you with my own hands!"

"Don't say that, in fact, we have hurt each other for so long, so we should have some feelings." Snake said with a smile, "If not me, who will make you?"

"You think I'll say thank you and please continue?" Bai Jue said coldly, "I can't wait to stew you into snake soup right now!"

"It's really sad for you to say that." Snake sighed pretentiously, and then raised his eyes again, his tone was suddenly cold, and his eyes were as cold as frost: "But in terms of killing intent, I don't have any killing intent towards you at all." weak……"

"You are..." Su Yuhan's eyes were filled with evil.

"Oh, it's really scary." The snake jumped back a step, and taunted: "It's a pity you can't hit me, this is just an impression clone, it's just a tool for dialogue, even if you are angry with the sand sculpture group of friends, hammer it!" The display screen is also useless... Is it angry, is it angry?"

"I'm not angry, and it's not me who should be angry." Bai Jue pulled Su Yuhan back, and he sneered, "It's you who are angry, right... The reincarnation you carefully constructed has been broken! Now the seventh singularity is restored Success, the future of this item will no longer be doomed to destruction, the parliament will not be born, and Sister Han will not become the first, nor will it be a pawn in your hands."

"After all the seven singularities are removed, what else can you do? I'm afraid you're at the end of your rope."

Bai Jue pressed his thumb down, mockingly said: "You! Damn! You! Smelly! Stupid! You're fucking awesome!"

The most direct mouth smell, the most extreme enjoyment.

He had wanted to scold like this for a long time, but he had been crazily deflated before, but now he was finally elated, turned his offensive, and scolded loudly.

Snake's expression changed slightly, and he said in shock: "You have calmed down... It's true, you are different from Bai Di who has lost his rationality. You still have a brain. Although you are often emotional and impulsive, you are a bit IQ after all. ...It is a bit difficult to continue to treat you like a monkey like the sixth singularity... As your enemy, I have to admit that you have done a good job."

"Crossing the seven singularities, facing countless enemies and difficulties, the end of karma, the death of the predecessors, the reincarnation of time, the confrontation of fate, parallel fate... I set so many traps for you, So many sufferings, you have overcome them one by one, don't complain, don't blame yourself, don't shut yourself up, accept everything and surpass it... I have to admit that in this reincarnation, your performance is really outstanding."

Snake pressed his hat, bent down, and saluted a gentleman.

"I feel like a demon king. I designed the road to the Demon King City to be extremely difficult. It is my pleasure to watch the brave men who come to challenge suffer. But at the same time, if anyone can overcome countless difficulties and obstacles, and finally arrive at the The devil's castle is standing in front of me, so I can also admire the bravery and perseverance shown by the warriors..."

Bai Jue listened to what the snake said, and he actually said good things, which was very surprising.

However, at the next moment, the snake raised its head and showed a playful smile: "Then, as the devil king, I will crush the bravery of the brave with my own hands, and give you absolute despair. This is another kind of fun!"

He grinned grinningly and applauded: "Although I watched you struggle and suffer in the singularity, I always felt that it was not so enjoyable... On the one hand, I wondered why you are not dead, and on the other hand, I wondered what will happen to you when you reach the next level." This kind of performance... Although you make me feel evil because of you, I am still willing to give you a chance to challenge me."

"Congratulations, Savior, you have cleared all the pre-plots, and now you can challenge the boss."

"I don't feel angry, but I feel sincerely happy, because I can crush your hopes with my own hands."

"Watching you fall on the last step with your own eyes, your face distorted by pain, that strong unwillingness will become my treasure for the rest of my life."

The snake raised its eyes and spoke freely.

Regarding this, Bai Jue just smiled lightly: "It's a psychological tactic again... You said it so generously and didn't care so much, but it was just a rhetoric. In fact, you can't do it if you don't end now. You can escape, but I You will definitely catch up... You know that you can't escape, so you choose to take the initiative to end, you are so domineering, but in fact you are a younger brother."

"It's hard to say who is the younger brother." Snake raised his eyebrows: "You don't even have a holy soul now, so why fight with me, when you smash the reincarnation, the power given to you by reincarnation will also disappear... Even if you add the girl next to you, she is still no match for me."

"Then you can kill me right now." Bai Jue gestured: "Can you do it?"

"Don't try to provoke me." The snake said coldly.

"It's not me who is angry, but you; it's not me who is anxious, but you."

Bai Jue raised his eyes, and he analyzed rationally: "You can sit on the rotten throne of reincarnation and watch everything rust and rot under your feet, but I just need to wait for reincarnation to collapse, and then I win... How long do you think this will take?"

The snake stared at Bai Jue.

Bai Jue stared back.

The two sides looked at each other and sneered almost at the same time.

"Are you scared?" Bai Jue mocked.

"I won't be afraid." Snake said coldly: "Don't think that just breaking down the seven singularities can drive me into a desperate situation. It's not worth your complacency. I still grasp the principle of reincarnation. The snake is still there...the intersection of the two worlds will not end."

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