Elizabeth knocked on the door, opened it and walked in.

This reminded Bai Jue of the girl she was ten years ago, her appearance had really matured a lot.

"Did you eat well?" This was the first sentence Bai Jue asked after seeing her.

Queen Elizabeth I paused slightly, her eyes widened in surprise, and she nodded vigorously immediately.

"Well, well! I have eaten well...and listened to you well."

She knew that Bai Jue had recovered his memory, which was different from last time.

Feeling a little excited, she opened her mouth and was a little incoherent. Facing her former savior, she had a lot to say. It was ten years since the hasty meeting and parting.

But before he could speak, he heard the sound of teasing.

"It's just that His Highness is still a bit picky eater. He likes vegetarian food rather than meat." The blond hair was shining brightly in the sun, and Sun Knight Gao Wen saluted: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty Elizabeth... Long time no see, Your Excellency."

"It's not that long." Bai Jue also nodded, "Long time no see, Sir Gao Wen."

"Do you remember what happened ten years ago?" Gao Wen asked softly, and she reconfirmed it a little frankly.

"I remember." Bai Jue nodded: "It's just a long time ago... I have done such crazy things in the past."

"It's crazy." Gao Wen remembered that Bai Jue had crossed the Eurasian continent.

"But it's also a hero." Elizabeth recalled the knight who saved herself on the verge of despair.

"It's all in the past, there's no need to talk about it, and it's not something to brag about." Bai Jue didn't want to mention the past ten years ago, because the sixth singularity was more painful for him. After reminiscing, especially at the end, he realized that everything was a trap laid by snakes, and everything was a repeated reincarnation.

It goes through the beginning and the end of everything.

"Then let's not talk about it. An old friend's visit is always something to be happy about."

Another voice came, and the Lion King walked into the room. She was wearing a long plain dress, with wooden blue in her arms, and a basket full of flowers of various colors. Her voice was still majestic, but her image was not majestic at all. Without armor and holy spear, he looked like an ordinary flower worker.

"It seems that I came at the right time." Bai Jue looked at the Lion King: "It's really strange to see you dressed like this."

The Lion King looked down at his clothes: "Is it weird?"

"No, it's very suitable. It's fine without military uniforms." Bai Jue praised politely: "Take photos and print them out, and you can sell as many as you have."

The Lion King put down the flower basket: "You, who were so serious in the past, can joke now. Is this also the effect of time? It's only been ten years. What happened after you dragged the demon away during the war?"

"It's settled, don't talk about the past." Bai Jue shook his head: "I'm here for something else."

"But it doesn't matter." The Lion King nodded lightly: "If it's what you asked for, I guess it might be shocking."

"This is a bookmark." Bai Jue put three mass-produced blank bookmarks on the table: "I need combat power, strong enough combat power. Wearing these bookmarks on your body, you can enter the battlefield with me. "

"Is it war again?" The Lion King asked softly, "Is it the parliament?"

"No." Bai Jue said in a low voice, "It was the person who personally created the battle of demon detection ten years ago, and he is also my mortal enemy."

An astonishing amount of information is revealed in one sentence.

The Lion King noticed something, but both Elizabeth and Gao Wen were shocked.

"Is there someone who can guide the war ten years ago?" Gao Wen whispered, "Who is it?"

"Now it's going to start a war again?" Elizabeth hugged her arms tightly, as a victim of the war, she was afraid.

"It's not it that started the war, but me." Bai Jue shook his head and said, "I have the upper hand this time, and he can't escape... This is the first confrontation, and maybe the last."

After Bai Jue finished speaking, he said goodbye briefly, and left the meeting room and also Ying Lun.

"Wait." Elizabeth asked to stay: "If you don't stay..."

"Yes." Gao Wen also said hastily: "It's fine to stay and have a meal."

"Since it's a war, time is precious, let him go..." The Lion King whispered softly: "What he just said has already explained a lot, he may have been tracking down the whereabouts of that person, or the mutation of Avalon is also For the same reason, the world has enjoyed peace in the past ten years, and he has not given up on the investigation, even if he has not kept his memory, he only comes here now when he needs to put an end to everything..."

Gao Wen opened her mouth: "Your Excellency, he..."

"That's the kind of person he is." Elizabeth looked away: "After being rescued, he left without saying a word. It's admirable, but also helpless."

"But it's also impossible not to like." The Lion King picked up a bookmark, and she was about to put it in her pocket, but noticed that the dress had no pockets, so she opened the skirt, put the bookmark on her chest, and picked it up Flower Basket, turned around and walked towards the exit: "You don't need to go."

"Wherever the king goes, I will go." Gao Wen also picked up a bookmark and followed in the footsteps of the Lion King.

Elizabeth picked up the last bookmark, she held it silently, and whispered: "As long as I follow to the battlefield, will I be able to get a little closer? Or is it that I can't catch up no matter what?"


The next stop was France. When Bai Jue arrived in France, the night was already dark, but the city of Paris was still brightly lit.

Ten years ago, this place was almost turned into ruins. A large piece of land was covered with corpses and bones. The smoke of the great battle was still in the air. Thousands of Shuras attacked the city. Will, this city... is long gone.

He was walking on the street, and the lights, wine and green were passing by. At this time, he heard a melody. There was a piano on the streets of Paris. A young man sat in front of the piano, and he played the black and white music with flying fingers. The piano keys attracted a large number of people to stop, leaving a special scenery on the side of the night street.

The melody made Bai Jue stop, but it was the piano player who actually caught his attention.

"Mozart?" Bai Jue is too familiar with this heroic musician, because he almost bears more than half of the jokes in the Western European chapters, and even the credit for killing King Asura at the end will be divided into a thousandth of him , even if he forgets Charlemagne, he still can't forget this first-class funny ratio.

Because Bai Jue pronounced the name naturally, Mozart also looked over in search of sound, and it happened that the eyes of the two met together, and Mozart's smooth playing stopped immediately, his expression became wonderful and rich, and then he didn't care about playing. Yes, get up from the stool and run.

"Grass, I don't even give it to street performers!"

…How far did you become a heroic spirit before you became a street performer? !

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