Mozart barely reacted at this time, he rolled forward with a cleverness,

Bai Jue looked back, and saw a pitch-black scythe protruding from the void, tearing apart the space, and slashing at his neck. The speed was so fast that he could only lean back, but this knife was enough to cut half of his body into pieces. .

At the very moment, Mozart suddenly saw a foot appearing in front of his eyes, and he couldn't stop his tumbling movements, and this kick landed on his face...

First's feet were empty, and he couldn't control his strength. Bai Jue bent back in time, as if he was at the end of the bullet dodging in The Matrix. The two passed by a distance of a few centimeters, and First fell angrily more than ten meters away.

Bai Jue saw this hard-won opportunity, raised his hand to grab Mozart's collar, and threw him to First to buy precious time for himself. First just adjusted his body and looked back at Mozart's face It was approaching rapidly, so subconsciously waved the sickle.

Mozart, was the bookmark pawn, and he disappeared into light and shadow.

Under the escort of all the heroic spirits, Bai Jue successfully crossed the sixth node. He crossed the threshold and was only two steps away from the top of the Seat of Reincarnation!

ps1: The seven nodes are for me to make a simple summary of this book... I don’t know what to rewrite in the final chapter. In fact, the point is to stew the snake, plus expose the last little secret, and then there is nothing to say That's right.

ps2: It can be foreseen that I will be able to end the plot of the final chapter tomorrow, and then hold a wedding for Lao Bai, and the two parts will be completed!


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The seventh node, the day of tears.

At this time, there is only one step away from the seat of reincarnation.

When Bai Jue stepped into the seventh node, he took out the last two bookmarks.

The first bookmark fell, and there were some waves in the space, and the long snow-silver hair fluttered. Su Yuhan appeared in three to five seconds, with a coffee cup in her hand. She looked back and saw Bai Feeling surprised, showing surprise, just took a step and wanted to give him a hug but saw that there was still a cup of unfinished hot drink in his hand.

She raised her hand: "Wait a minute..."

Then he picked up the cup dun dun dun, drank the hot drink in one gulp, stuck out his tongue to indicate that it was hot, and immediately put the cup on the ground, and finally opened his hands and hugged it after everything was done.

Sister Han took a deep breath, and was able to reach Bai Jue's shoulders with her feet half padded. She looked like a cat: "Ah... I haven't seen you for a long time, but I really miss my sister. Let me hug for a while and add energy."

The hug was too tight, and Bai Jue didn't push her away. There was a little fragrance of flowers in his hair, and he tried to raise his hand.

At this time, the second bookmark also released light.

Big Whale stood not far in front of Bai Jue and looked at the scene, and immediately showed a playful expression: "At this time... what's the situation? Did you call me here not to fight, but to feed me a mouthful of dog food? It's not appropriate Bar?"

Bei Gao also stood on the other side, asking with a delicate expression, "Who is this?"

"Isn't it Altair?" Quincy also saw it, and asked, "Look at the hair color..."

"Altair's is silver-white, and this one is snow-silver, which is a little different." Xing Lunan followed up with a wave of analysis.

"No, I think it's the height that makes the difference. Altair's actual height is less than [-] meters, but this one is more than [-] meters." Ling Dao pinched his chin and began to study: "And the temperament is different, The dress is also different."

"Could it be the fireproof girl?" Le Luo asked strangely.

"I'm here." The fire-proof girl walked out of the portal opened by the bookmark, and looked at Bai Jue who was hugged tightly with a delicate expression. Su Yuhan, who met for the first time, was still in a delicate mood, because she accounted for a very large proportion of Bai Jue's life.

"Scare me... If it's not the fireproof girl, it's not Altair." Looking at the fireproof girl who suddenly appeared, Drinking Congee turned his head and asked strangely: "Then who is this silver-haired lady?"

The shaman asked cautiously, "A new mistress again?"

Sister Fa glanced at the shaman, and silently took two steps away: "Shaman, take the initiative to stay away, don't beat up your teammates before the team starts, and watch him when you drink porridge. If you are disobedient, I can only let Ling Dao gave you a bear hug."

"I refuse!" Ling Dao said with vigilance on his face, "I touched him once and was forced to spend all my salary for several years to offset the bad luck. Do you want me to kill myself on the spot to thank the world again?"

"You dislike me so much?" The shaman raised his middle finger: "Believe it or not, I'm holding you back?"

"When you come here, I'll hit your face with a big sword! I'll tell you how to write dishes!" Ling Dao was really afraid of this natural weapon of causality.

"Let's talk about business." Bai Jue patted Su Yuhan's shoulder lightly: "Sister Han, let me introduce my friend."

Only then did Su Yuhan let go of her hand with some displeasure, she turned around, and smiled gently at a few of them: "Hello, I'm Su Yuhan... His sister, in fact, I know many of you ...especially you and you."

She pointed at Big Whale and Bei Gao. After all, Big Whale was suspected of having an improper py transaction with Bai Jue at the beginning, and Bei Gao's face was hard not to impress people. Once you see it once, it's hard to forget it.

"I have no impression." Bei Gao dragged his left elbow with his right hand, and touched his clean chin with his left hand: "Could it be that we have met on the road before?"

"Me neither." Big Whale pondered: "The knowledge you speak of is unilateral knowledge, or is it?"

"She comes from another world." Bai Jue paused: "It will be a bit complicated to explain carefully. To put it simply, she knows you from another parallel world, and she is also from another world line... After all, you are now The place I’m in doesn’t belong to the original world, so there’s nothing unusual about it, just get used to it.”

"So, you asked us to come, really to fight?" Quincy raised his hand: "Where is the enemy?"

Bai Jue turned around and pointed at the huge moon tree: "It should be no problem to cut down this tree... Besides this tree, there is also a dragon, a group of insects, one in the water and one in the water." ground."

"It's not very difficult." Su Yuhan said with a smile: "It's been done once, and it's not difficult to do it again."

"I'm good at sea battles." Big Whale smiled: "The ship girls have been preparing for war for a long time."

"The enemies on the ground are not easy to lock." Bei Gao said lightly: "I'll wait on the ground, who will go down to catch the bugs?"

Le Luo immediately pointed at Ling and said, "Ling Jiang is good at it, very good at it. He beat gophers and slipped away. He should be the one to do the stealthy things like digging into the ground."

"I'd better deal with the black dragon in the sea." Ling Dao was a little bit concerned.

"I'll deal with the ones in the sea." Fazalia took a step forward: "The flowing water is my battlefield. What are you going to fight with me? Honestly go dig a hole in the ground and bring Le Luo with you."

"Let Tiance deal with the bugs on the ground." Xinglu Nan waved his spear: "This group of bugs can just be used to train the army."

"It's really wild." Quincy also nodded: "I'm also in charge of the bug swarm on the ground, it just so happens that I also have itchy hands."

"That's all. Sister Han and the Fireproof Girl will follow me to cut down the trees, and I will leave the rest to you, and you will make a way out for me."

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