"Why?" Bai Jue crossed his arms and said, "Instead, I should ask why. Is there any reason why I don't go to the seventh singularity? Is there any reason why I don't want to destroy this reincarnation?"

"Really? You are still as dull as ever." Snake raised his eyebrows: "You see this huge reincarnation is a way to imprison you, but in my opinion, this is your Garden of Eden and your Paradise Lost."

"Garden of Eden?" Bai Jue was annoyed and funny: "Do you consider yourself the Lord?"

"The Lord can't create such a reincarnation. Only I can do it. If I didn't connect two things, do you think you can meet Su Yuhan?" Snake raised his hands and sneered: "This is even God I can do things that I can't even do... I connected two things and constructed a subtle and huge reincarnation."

"Oh, it's amazing, and then?" Bai Jue asked coldly: "What did you get from the seven repetitions of reincarnation? What did I get? Did I gain more, or lose more?"

The snake laughed.

"I didn't get anything. If I got anything, it was just a little bit of peace of mind, and a little bit of relief and happiness... I have designed so many things to deal with you, but I can't get anything practical. Because of the long The time of the seven times of reincarnation, I myself will stay in the seat of reincarnation forever, I can't leave here at all, and as you can see, here is empty, there is nothing, I can only rely on dreaming to relieve the boredom. "

He stared into Bai Jue's eyes, and paused: "But what have you got? You have gained power beyond imagination, the aspiration and respect of countless people, and the warm family you have longed for. It is also perfect." Satisfied your desire to be a hero to save others, you think you have lost more than you have gained? No, you have gained so much that you take it for granted.”

"...I'm relying on myself." Bai Jue said indifferently.

"Really?" Snake asked coldly: "Without singularity, where does your power come from? Without reincarnation, where does your holy soul come from? If I didn't create enemies for you, if I didn't create chaos carefully, If I hadn't planted the foreshadowing in history... Everything you have experienced would not have happened, and your life would have been so wonderful? Your status would have been so important? Wouldn't everything you got turned into a bubble? "

He questioned Bai Jue in a voice.

At this point, Bai Jue couldn't refute anything.

The enemy is your enemy, but it makes you. A person’s life is inseparable from an opponent. Having an opponent and an enemy can make your life extremely exciting...History is also carried out in confrontation, Chu Han Fighting, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the fighting between Song and Liao, and even Taizu and Lao Jiang... In short, wonderful games and opponents are indispensable in history.

Without your opponent, you would not be where you are today.

If there is anyone who really created Bai Jue, besides himself and Bai Di, there is only the snake.

The singularities he experienced and even the turmoil in the main world were all due to the chaos brought about by the snake. He brought chaos and forced Bai Jue to choose and overcome many obstacles... He is indeed an enemy, an extremely powerful Enemies and opponents, but he is like a devil, staying in the devil's castle conscientiously, throwing all kinds of monsters on the road, so that Bai Jue can rise to the full level all the way.

In the end, I only showed my face, exposed the conspiracy, and said that everything was calculated by me, and then the brave man chose to commit suicide.

What kind of demon king is this?

"It's true what you said, so how about this, after I hacked you to death, sprinkle some herbicide on your grave every year, and then burn the incense sticks and dance on your grave?" Bai Jue asked seriously.

"You are really interesting." Snake sighed: "You do understand what I mean, but you have never planned to follow the path I set up. Since you know the truth, you don't want to do it anymore, but reincarnation is to you. Saying that isn't a bad thing."

"You are in reincarnation, you can have everything you want, fame, love, wealth, everyone trusts you, everyone admires you, you have naturally overcome so many barriers...even if it ends in the sixth singularity, You will still start over ten years later, and you will not remember anything at that time, do you think this is a nightmare from which you cannot wake up?"

The snake said lightly: "Your final choice in the sixth singularity is also a choice you made yourself. No one will force you to choose. You are willing to exchange your own life for Su Yuhan's life, so you are too. To end your life in your own heroic dream, to sleep in the arms of the family you love the most, and you close your eyes contentedly, is this a nightmare?"

The snake smiled coldly: "This is a beautiful dream, a dream that will never end... I like to see your expression distorted by pain, I hate you but give you a beautiful dream, you regard me as an enemy, As evil, but how sincere I am to you, this is my mercy to you... Savior."

When he said the word savior, his words were very sarcastic.

If there is no disaster that destroys the world, the word savior is just a joke, just like if there is no dragon, what is the use of dragon slaying skills?

What the serpent said might sound like mad sophistry.

But Bai Jue thinks that what he said may be true. He actually has many opportunities to end everything directly. Assuming that reincarnation is within his grasp, he can design the script to be more cruel and bloody. , but in fact it is Bai Jue who turns the tide every time, and the difficulty he gives is always on point, and the fate is always under the control of the script.

If it weren't for the snake's active appearance in the sixth singularity, Bai Jue wouldn't know who he is, and when he faced all this, he wouldn't even have anyone to hate, no one to blame , then who can Bai Jue hate?

If he can't even find the mastermind behind the scenes, then he can only hate himself.

But the snake appeared in front of him and attracted his attention with the worst means. It was called a game of gambling, but in fact it was a bad disguise to attract Bai Jue's hatred, so he just focused his attention on it. On the body of the enemy, vowed to kill him.

But when he stood ten steps away from him with a sharp sword in his hand, he carefully recalled the past scenes, as if everything was arranged... He was trapped in reincarnation, but he didn't lose too much. It's just the torture of the soul and the choice of the self. Most of those are caused by unilateral choice difficulties because they are torturing themselves.

Reincarnation could have been more painful, but the snake didn't do it... If it was a dream, it might as well be.

Bai Jue couldn't help being confused, he asked, "Why?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Reincarnation Jade Seat, the two confronting each other.

"Why? You asked this question so straightforwardly, so let me ask you..." Snake raised his eyes, but there was no smile in his pupils: "If I answer your question, you will obediently go back to reincarnation Wait, continue to repeat this dream that you can't wake up from?"

His expression was very serious, and his tone was equally serious.

This may be the last question and answer.

"No." Bai Jue replied very simply: "Whether it's a nightmare or a sweet dream, it's just a dream after all. When you wake up, are you still willing to continue indulging in the dream? Whether you will or not, I will definitely choose reality, even if it is reality. It might be a little crueler."

"My holy soul all comes from the past of reincarnation. It has been repeated seven times, and they have sighed seven times. I can't bear to go back to the past every time. No matter how beautiful the dream of reincarnation is to me, it It should be over, too."

Bai Jue held the hilt of the sword.

"This time, it's not to save the world, not to save others, but to save myself!"

"For the past me that was blocked by reincarnation, and the present me."

"So I can never compromise, no matter what the reason is!"

He stared at the snake with a firm tone.

The snake sighed deeply, and then smiled again.

"Sure enough, the answer is as expected, you are indeed such a person, or, after going through so many things, you no longer know what it means to look back and what it means to give up. Once you wake up from the dream, you will never I will want to go back again, unless... I kill you."

"Since this is the case, there is nothing to talk about. If your choice will not change, then so will I... I have explained everything that I should say, but if you choose to be stubborn, I will not persuade you any more. You want to know the reason, but I will never tell you, because after all your choices are the same, so... draw your sword."

Zheng -!Feixue chanted with her sword, her weapon was like frost.

"as you wish."

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