Student Zheng raised his head, and the first thing he saw was an unfathomable gully, a weapon full of visual oppression, and a slight tremor would make people dizzy. He quickly settled his mind and shook his head firmly: "I can't change it." , it is impossible to change in this life..."


"Can't you touch your conscience?"

Zhenyuan frowned. Sure enough, it was exactly as Bai Jue said, the commander's lolicon was already dying of illness, and serious illness required heavy medicine!It can only be... rely on that method!

At this time, a waiter came not far away, and he handed over a white envelope: "Sir, here is your letter, please check it."

"Letter?" Zheng Wenqian was about to take it, but Zhenyuan reminded: "Someone may have tampered with the letter, let me do it."

The young commander shook his head, and his tone was firm: "My own letter, I open it myself, it is considered a trap... I have no habit of letting my subordinates stand in front of me."

Zhenyuan no longer insisted, but his heart trembled, and his eyes became more blurred - the commander always reveals his masculinity unconsciously, which makes people very happy.

After finishing speaking, Zheng Wenqian opened the envelope, and a platinum card fell into his hand. His expression changed from calm to surprise, and then to ecstasy: "Queen Mary II... eh? Mary!!!"


Chapter 79 The Eve

After two hours of dress-up playtime.

Bai Jue finally put on that custom-made high-end suit. The nameplate on it was a style he had never seen before, and it had surpassed the general level of nameplates.

Clothing is divided into levels and levels. The lowest level is naturally small workshops, many small factories that are crudely manufactured, and the upper level is the large factories with a little reputation. The next level is the well-known trademarks with commercial advertisements flying all over the sky. There are many examples; the next level is the expensive brand that many ordinary people do not know but is very famous internationally, such as the women's clothing brand Chanel.

However, the highest level has returned to the lowest level of small workshops. Some workshops have been in operation for more than a hundred years, and the craftsmanship has been passed down from generation to generation. Compared with mass products, these workshops produce the top quality products.

The suit on his body should belong to this category. The cost itself is at least four digits of dollars and five digits of soft sister coins.

As a child of a poor family, Bai Jue certainly never wore such high-end products.

Wearing it for the first time felt a little novel, but he forgot that although a man depends on his clothes, his temperament can determine everything.

A certain white and sloppy dressed in ordinary clothes can't be compared, at least he is a sunny young man, and his appearance can also be called upper-middle-class.

But when he changed into a suit, he seemed too reserved. The size fit him well and the tie was styled correctly, but his sunny but lazy personal style didn't match the black dress seriously. And explosive table.

Sunshine Youth is still a Sunshine Youth, and his spirit is a little bit more energetic.

But the legend that he can hold the audience by changing clothes without being able to wear the style and temperament did not happen to him.

"To put it simply, no matter how expensive the clothes are, you can't hide your essence as a commoner." Altair couldn't bear to look directly at him: "I now seriously suspect that the person who sent you this suit has bad intentions."

The fire-proof woman gently straightened the folds on her clothes: "At least it looks much better than the random matching of armor and cloaks before."

Bai Jue covered his face: "Is that comparable?"

"I think you'd better change into the previous dress and a wig, maybe someone will ask you to dance." Jun Ji smiled jokingly.

"Shut up, shameless maid!" Bai Jue became angry with embarrassment, and when he mentioned just now, he was about to explode with anger.

Blue electric arcs intertwined into a net in the changing room, and the phantom of the white tiger loomed behind him.

He didn't summon the white tiger, but only showed part of his power to frighten Jun Ji, an ignorant little maid.

Sure enough, Altair was stunned, his eyes widened, his cherry mouth slightly opened, his face was stunned, and there was a hint of amazement in his eyes.

"Huh? What's the matter with you?" Bai Jue frowned, thinking to himself that he would really electrify her head?

"You..." Jun Ji had a complex expression, she wanted to look away, but she was reluctant, this was the first time she had such a tangled expression.

"What's the matter?" Bai Jue was even more confused, so he turned to look at the fireproof woman.

This gentle woman's cheeks were flushed at a glance, she held her hands in front of her chest, her beautiful eyes were full of surprise: ""

Meow meow meow?

Even the white tiger was a little confused in Bai Jue's mind, and he didn't know what changed to make them so strange.

Jun Ji looked at it for another half a minute, then turned the floor-to-ceiling mirror around, pointed it at Bai Jue, and said proudly, "Look for yourself."

Bai Jue looked in the mirror suspiciously, and then... he understood instantly.

The young man in the mirror is completely different from before.

Silver-white hair, golden pupils, the corners of the eyes are slightly raised, the corners of the lips are lightly raised, evil and cold, exuding a divine power that no one dares to offend. I feel a ray of domineering and unparalleled courage overlooking the world.

The silver hair and the black dress formed an almost perfect color contrast, highlighting his heroism even more.

After replenishing his temperament, Bai Jue was so dazzling that it was hard to look away.

He was also in a trance for a while: "Is this still me?"

Baihu's power was withdrawn, the changes in appearance disappeared, and his temperament returned to normal. It was just like a dream. The posture in the mirror seemed to be the real savior, but at this time he was just an ordinary coffee shop manager.

"It's interesting, I didn't notice such a change in myself." Bai Jue smiled: "It seems to have changed."

"Not only the appearance, but also the inside has changed." Altair said with a complicated expression: "I believe now that you are the same person as the savior who defeated me back then. These days I have been wondering whether you are a fake."

"You brat." Bai Jue didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The fireproof girl patted her cheek lightly, and said seriously, "Bai, you have to promise me..."


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