And the people gathered under the cruise ship are all from the top social circles in Shenhai City, including politics, finance, business, chaebols, celebrities, etc., from children in their teens to gray-haired old people, Each exudes a temperament that is quite different from that of the grassroots.

Compared with the size of the cruise ship, the actual number of people present is not many, and the total number of people will not exceed five hundred. Compared with the tens of millions of residents in Shenhai City, this is very small... After all, it was just a temporary idea It is a dinner party, and the number of people invited is limited.

Of course, it is also possible that a famous Jixia official deliberately controlled the number of people to avoid unnecessary changes.

Even so, the bustling crowd made Bai Jue quite uncomfortable.

The boarding procedure was originally a bit complicated, and it was necessary to pass a detailed review before being allowed to board the ship.

Queen Mary II belongs to the French royal family. In other words, this cruise ship does not belong to the Chinese Empire, but to France, which is the territory of France. Mary has the autonomy on board. Customs, need to accept relatively strict review.

However, when Bai Jue showed his invitation card, he immediately skipped these procedures and was respectfully invited into the cabin.

In a kind of surprised gaze, he himself was a little confused.

Only then did he notice that most of the guests were holding paper invitations, not his metal cards... This is equivalent to the difference between players who don't charge money and members of the eighth level of Xinyue.


It seemed that he had accidentally pretended to be aggressive.

Bai Jue quickly walked into the cabin, avoiding the scorching eyes of the group of people chasing after him.

After entering the cabin, people have to feel the exaggerated luxury of the interior of this cruise ship.

The bustling crowd dispersed, walking in the restaurant and bar in small groups, some young people were tap dancing on the dance floor to match the jazz music, and there were also many passionate girls who directly put on sexy swimsuits in the swimming pool play.

Bai Jue walked all the way, his expression numb.

Such a lively place is always a bit out of tune with him. Looking at the tone and demeanor of the well-dressed upper-class people communicating with each other, it always feels fake.

Fortunately, he soon met acquaintances and got rid of the embarrassing situation.

At the corner, Bai Jue bumped into a sneaky figure head-on. A young man in a white dress was holding a potted plant as a cover. He was groping around the corner, hiding his head and showing his buttocks, with a wretched expression... What do you think of this figure? How familiar.

After pondering for three seconds, Moubai raised his foot and kicked the opponent's buttocks without hesitation: "What kind of assassin are you learning, what a disgrace, get out of the group."

The wretched figure was kicked, jumped out from the corner, and slammed into the next room with the door half-hidden.

Coincidentally, someone came out of the box. He pushed the door open and slammed his head into the opponent's arms, right on his chest.

Then... Bai Jue's line of sight captured how an object undergoes elastic deformation.

The boy who took a trick of facial cleanser was bounced back by the extremely elastic and soft object, stumbled and leaned against the wall, shaking his dizzy head, he took a closer look, and then realized that he had suffered Attacked back and forth.

"Who the hell interrupted my perfect infiltration?" Zheng Wenqian looked behind him angrily, and then noticed Bai Jue's indifferent .JPG face: "Eh? Coffee, why are you here?"

"You can be here, why can't I be here."

"Aren't you an ordinary person? How did you receive the invitation letter?" Zheng was shocked: "Didn't you say that you are just the manager of the coffee shop?"

"I will go out to save the world once in a while... Don't pay attention to these details, I'm just here to make soy sauce, don't take it seriously." Bai Jue squinted and raised his eyebrows: "At that time, I want to ask you what kind of game you are playing? Carrying potted plants Playing assassination, I'm afraid you haven't played the Berserker's Creed too much."

"No, no." Zheng Wenqian was in a cold sweat: "I just think this potted plant is good, and I plan to take it back and raise it."

"Really? What do you think of Zhenyuan?" Bai Jue asked the smiling cheongsam beauty.

"It's actually not difficult to guess." She smiled and clapped her hands: "The commander just wants to meet a little bitch."

There was a slight stagnation in the air.

Bai Jue looked down at Zheng Wenqian with eyes looking at trash, as if to say - you still want to cheat when you are accompanied by a girl?Aren't you afraid of being interrupted by your fifth limb?

"Misunderstanding! This is all a misunderstanding!" Zheng Wenqian yelled wronged: "I just went out to get some air, by the way..."

"By the way, go meet that little girl who doesn't know where, right?" Bai Jue said in shock, "You will never change... You lolicon really needs to be drugged."

"Is there anything wrong with lolicon!" Classmate Zheng thumped the floor, "I'm not the only lolicon in the whole world, why are you targeting me like this!"

"Aiming at you?" Bai Jue patted him on the shoulder, his whole style of painting changed slightly, and he said with concern: "What are you talking about, silly boy, I am here to prevent you from going to jail in the future... Come, follow me I repeat - Lolicon strikes the sky, strikes the sky, splits the five thunders, strikes the top, and a thousand arrows pierces the heart."

"Repeat your MB! You are a sick and delicate man who deserves to be tortured to death with a hatchet!" Zheng Wenqian jumped like thunder.

"Yeah, so what's the matter? Isn't that the end of the illness?" Bai Jue sneered: "You don't even have the awareness, how dare you accuse the illness? Have you heard of 'The disease is called love'? I cycle I told you a thousand times."

The gentleman is magnanimous, such an open-minded and undisguised attitude of seeing death as home makes the big whale momentarily at a loss for words.

Damn, I can't answer this, anyone who dares to accuse the sick is a warrior.

"No matter what..." He took a deep breath, stomped his feet, glared, raised his head and chest, and said domineeringly: "Let me tell you, today, no one can stop my ambition, and it will be very difficult to miss this opportunity." There will be another time, so I must go to see her, whoever stands in my way...!"

Bai Jue raised his eyebrows: "Huh?"

Zhenyuan smiled: "What?"

"No, it's nothing..." Zheng Wenqian's momentum faltered for a moment, and he coughed lightly: "Anyway, it's not good to just go on like this... I think, actually, we can discuss it a little bit, and you let me go." One horse, there will be a big thank you when you look back."

"it is good."

Bai Jue agreed surprisingly straightforwardly: "I can let you go, but the condition afterwards is..."

"I agree to anything!" Student Zheng patted his chest.

"Listen to me." Bai Jue said without rushing, "Put on women's clothes, put on a wig, put on makeup, remember to write a row of orthographic characters on your thighs, and then send a selfie to the group for me to count Hundreds of readers will watch it together—what an upright and dignified figure in women's clothing."

"Hiss—!" Classmate Zheng's hands were trembling as he patted his chest, ""

"If not, I allow you to retract the previous sentence." Bai Jue smiled and said, "I am very magnanimous."

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