Ordinary people don't feel the sense of disobedience, they just walk and find that there is a short distance, and when they look back, hey, why are there no traffic lights?Hey, how is this a dead end?Eh?Where's my bike?Eh?Where is my dog?Eh?My girlfriend... oh, I don't have a girlfriend.

With the issuance of the third-level disaster warning signal, the pedestrians on the road have been faintly visible, and the people left are basically some unaware, or some folk masters who are self-confident and want to find their own way out.

Along the way, Bai Jue saw a lot of young people who boasted of their excellent lightness kung fu, but their toes touched the ground, and they flew up into the sky with a swish. The ground, landed upside down... Mou Bai laughed out his eight-pack abs at that time. The most funny thing is that you can find a similar pothole after a few steps. In areas with serious disasters, there are potholes all the way, and there are others With some blood.

Along the way, many people hurried past with their heads covered.

This proves... Most of the young people who practice martial arts are iron-headed children.

On the other hand, the older uncles, aunts, aunts, aunts and uncles all walk briskly and have good strength. They all walk on the ground honestly, without flying over the walls, and they are not fancy. hello.

Bai Jue walked all the way, in a happy mood, and chatted with a few elderly people he met along the way: "Old man, you are in such a good mood, how about a walk?"

"Yeah, exercise after dinner, and I walked away accidentally." The old man in a Tang suit, with his hands in his pockets, looks like he is over sixty years old, but his back is not bent, and his breath is upright, just like the foundation of martial arts Shen Hou: "Are you going home?"

"No, I'll take this girl to the Pearl Tower." Bai Jue shook his head.

"Pearl Tower? A level three warning has been issued. You should stay at home or go to a shelter." The old man reminded with a smile.

"I've seen even scarier scenes." Bai Jue looked forward: "The old man dares to come out, so what are young people afraid of?"

As soon as these words came out, the originally warm atmosphere suddenly became heavy.

The smiles of the seniors gradually faded, and the old man sighed softly: "Yes, I have seen the more terrifying ones, what is this... I am used to seeing dead people, I am used to seeing ruined walls, and now I am used to seeing the ruins." The painted railings and painted buildings, high-rise buildings, everything seems fake... Time flies so fast, but if I say I am afraid, I am still a little afraid, because I am afraid that this scene will be like a bubble, and it will disappear with a poke."

Mary wore a wide hat and hid her cheeks tightly. No one recognized her, and the journey was very quiet, but she was slightly startled when she heard this sentence, and couldn't help asking: "You, what do you mean?" Was it ten years ago?"

"Yes, ten years ago." The old man said with kind eyes, "Such a young doll didn't experience it back then. It's amazing to know it at such a young age... This history is only learned in junior high school. My granddaughter hasn't experienced it yet. You know, always pestering me to ask about the past all day long."

"Didn't you tell her?" Mary's eyes flickered strangely.

"I know, it's different from the book. I'm afraid to scare her. How much can there be in just one month? It's just that many people died, many houses were burned, and at the same time..." The old man's tone suddenly changed. Changed, a sense of iron and blood was shaken all over his body: "Killed a lot of beasts."

Bai Jue heard something different: "Old man, are you... the city defender?"

The old man turned his head, and said in a slightly displeased tone, "I'm not those bastards who abandoned the city and fled! I used to guard the imperial capital with the Holy Lord, and there is still my bloody handprint on the north city gate!"

The scolding tone made Bai Jue stunned, he didn't know this, or in other words, he didn't understand it in detail at all.

"You old man, why do you talk so much?" A wrinkled woman in her forties next to her glared at the old man: "Don't scare this young man and daughter, ten years ago, he was still a baby It's not easy to survive! Is your meritorious deeds worth bragging to the heavens? My old lady, I followed His Royal Highness and guarded the Niangzi Pass for three days and three nights. Imposing."

After being lectured a few times, the old man rubbed his head resentfully: "I didn't mean that, my tone was a little heavy, but I'm also the Royal Guards after all, which is different from others." After muttering, he saw the old man The aunt's expression was not right, and she quickly changed her words: "You are the Detachment of Women, and the formation is different, and the formation is different!"

"Hey, Sixth Brother, I am not happy with what you said. You joined the army and was selected as the Imperial Guard. I was not selected because of my background in the green forest, so I just wandered around and became a ranger... In the end, it was not Is it the same?" An uncle next to him rolled his eyes: "I still fought with General Yue, although I was only expelled halfway... But General Yue is a good man, and I don't want to take off the title of Yue Family Army for the rest of my life. "

"Okay, okay, I know that you served as the bodyguard for General Yue for three days, and you have said it hundreds of times, are you annoying?" The young woman beside me said angrily: "You are not as good as me, but I met you back then. Pass that banner!"

Banners!Upon hearing this, Mary was about to ask.

"It's better not to say this in front of the children." The old man waved his hand, interrupted the conversation of several people, and apologized to Bai Jue: "I said a lot on my own, don't you mind?"

"The elders are all soldiers, so how dare the juniors mind it." Bai Jue smiled freely: "It was just a matter of ten years ago, and it's not auspicious to bring up old things again at this time."

"If it's auspicious or unlucky, believe it or not. If it's all right, we can pack up and go home to rest." The old man laughed: "But if something really happens, this trip is not in vain Come out, it's time to parade the city at night."

"..." Bai Jue's breath stopped, and he said, "The military will deal with it."

"We believe in the strength of the military, but these are two different things... The current Shenzhou Empire is so good. We like this place and this city, so we can't allow others to desecrate it." The flames of war that have never been extinguished many years ago: "Young man, we have seen hell, and the beauty of the world now is piled up with the flesh and blood of many brothers ten years ago... We earned it with our own hands!"

"We are getting old and can't keep up with the times. We can only look at the city and recall the past. At least in our eyes, this city is our child. Everyone here is the same family we have protected... Sometimes, if we don’t look at it, we won’t be able to sleep at night, we’re afraid...we’re afraid that the scene of the year will reappear, and when we wake up, the fire will burn out, people will be gone, and our home will be gone.”

"This is not the nature of a soldier, nor is it a pride of the past, nor is it the dignity of a warrior. We just want to protect our home... Whoever wants to hurt it must be prepared to be cut into pieces. preparations." The old man smiled and stepped into the intersection, and the four of them disappeared.

Watching the few people leave, Mary said softly: "I've heard... After the Great War of the Shenzhou Empire ten years ago, the national power was short, and [-] retired soldiers returned to their homeland, and they were distributed to farming, construction, logging and other industries. Everything started from scratch. ... I thought that ten years was long enough, long enough to make these [-] people disappear, but now I see... it is not enough. Their pride is written in history, connected with the blood of this land, is an unknown guards of..."

"There are [-] soldiers hidden in the city and the people. This kind of power is unimaginable in France... It's terrible. Moreover, such a powerful force has never appeared. I have been recruited and let them take root and sprout, I am getting more and more incomprehensible about the Shenzhou Empire."

The corner of Bai Jue's mouth twitched a little, and after a long time, he sighed, "I don't understand more than you..."

This is not my home...

Chapter 90 Humanoid Navigator

Looking at the empty intersection, Bai Jue stopped: "I'm in trouble."

He found that this intersection had been repeated more than once, which wasted a lot of time and gave the assassin more time to chase. Although Bai Jue thought that his disguise came from his behavior and he would not be regarded as a threatening object at all, but After all, Mary is a heroic spirit, and she is still a loli... It is not surprising that she is being targeted while walking so frankly on the road.

"It's not the same thing if you go on like this. You can only use luck to reach the Pearl Tower, but I don't believe in luck." Bai Jue whispered: "It would be great if someone could guide me, but about time and space , is not my good project... Wait, time and space?"

"What's the matter?" Mary saw Bai Jue showing a strange expression.

"It's nothing, I just thought of the unfamiliar wild cat in my family. I didn't execute her at the beginning, but chose to take her home. I really had the foresight... Sure enough, the right is more helpful than the wrong, and people who play the slaughter line In the end, it hurts others." Bai Jue smiled: "At this time, we should make a phone call and ask the audience outside the venue for help."

He dialed Altair's cell phone number.

At the same time, the girl who had just fallen asleep opened her hazy eyes, stretched out a lotus root arm from the quilt, touched the table, saw the big word 'shop manager' on the screen, and immediately pressed the hang button in distaste. Break the key, turn over and continue to sleep.

Listening to the sudden stop of the phone ringtone, Bai Jue's confident smile gradually disappeared.

"It seems... hung up?" Mary tilted her head.

"So this brat is not familiar with wild cats..." Bai Jue covered his face and dialed the phone number for the second time.

Three seconds later, he was hung up again.

Instead of pressing the button for the third time, Bai Jue sent a message - if you don't answer the phone, your salary for this month will be deducted.

A second later, a pleasant bell rang, and Altair's lazy tone was full of unpleasantness: "What? As the store manager, do you need me to serve you extra after get off work hours? Why don't you go to your fire-fighting lady?" , she will never refuse your request to sleep in."

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