— but I am!I am!

Bai Jue really wanted to reveal her identity, but once she said it, she might be taken as a deaf ear by the sword fairy sister, and he could only sigh. For this sake, she still refused to say what Ye Changan was. I can only wait seven days to explore by myself.

Through the reaction of the sword fairy sister, Bai Jue is almost sure that the source of the singularity is definitely related to the existence of Chang'an in the night. He is not blind to the growing white mist, so of course he can notice... what is about to happen? It happened, but sister Jianxian still kept her mouth shut, Jinkou was difficult to open, which made her very angry.

If Baihu wakes up, maybe a certain Bai has already rushed into the white mist with a [-]-meter-long sword, but there is no substitute call, Bai Jue even struggles to fight a small soldier... Who will believe that the savior can do this? It would be embarrassing to spread the word.

"It's time for you to practice your sword." Sister Jianxian said: "If you can master the second level of the Common Sword today, I will give you a new sword."

"Really?!" Bai Jue immediately threw away his extra thoughts, as if he had seen a snack, and said generously, "Come on!"

Puff -!As soon as the words fell, sister Jianxian stabbed out with a sword directly, using physical anesthesia techniques, Bai Jue fell straight forward and crashed into her arms, his eyes darkened, and he fell unconscious.

"You're right... But there are always some things that need to be borne by lonely people." Her cold fingertips gently covered Bai Jue's eyes, but her words were so gentle: "May my heart be as happy as you want!" The bright moon alone reflects the lost in the dark night."


ps1: Actually, I also want to double update, but I heard that there will be a New Year event next month, and there will be a monthly blade ticket for the lucky draw, so I will save some manuscripts for next month. I will continue to update during the New Year.

Let’s talk about the plot, this volume was originally scheduled to be the fifth volume, but it was taken in advance and used, all kinds of things were caught off guard, and the plot was not well thought out, so I wrote it step by step and read it step by step, and now I have finished all the foreshadowing , most of the remaining [-] chapters are the main plot, the scheduled plot is very explosive, I don't know if I can write that effect.

emmmmmmm... I always feel that the pretentious plot I wrote is more like a second-school illness.

In fact, you should have guessed the identity of Sister Jianxian... Yes, she is right, I don't like to play this kind of twists and turns, so I might as well point it out at the beginning, so that you can make up your mind .


Dove one day, return tomorrow

There is only one reason. My keyboard has a problem. It is not a big problem, but it is very uncomfortable. Pressing the key once shows it twice, and the two keys of dg are useless at all, which makes it impossible to write at all. It has seriously affected me. The code word status of...

The pirate ship is really not durable. It broke down in less than half a year. I will return it tomorrow and replace it with a new one.

In short... the mood is complicated in various senses.

Just have to go back and get a new one...Hopefully the new keyboard will arrive tomorrow.

The owed chapters will be paid back tomorrow.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Brother, why are you here again? Do you really like my fruit? Come on, I'll give you a small change. Thirty-eight Wen will be your forty Wen."

The vendor at the fruit stand handed over a fruit basket with enthusiasm, waved his hand and sent Bai Jue away.

"I really want to change the save point, do you have such a change?" Bai Jue complained, and took a bite of the apple: "But the taste of this fruit is not bad, I forgive you... By the way, what is this brown apple? Is it poisonous..."

While nibbling on the fruit, he recalled all the gains from last night.

In just over a dozen hours, he forcibly raised the common sword to the threshold of the second realm, and barely reached the target of sister Jianxian. .

The sword of common people in the first realm can defeat the enemy within ten steps, but it is hidden swordsmanship after all, and its sharpness can only be revealed when it is unsheathed. In the end, it is just a sword... just like Armstrong's roundabout The accelerated jet Armstrong cannon can only fire one shot, and it is difficult to fire the treasure in succession, requiring a long cooling time and frictional energy.

Whether the Common Sword of the Second Realm will bring about a qualitative change in swordsmanship still depends on personal comprehension.

There is no waste swordsmanship, only waste swordsman.

Bai Jue also vaguely noticed that he had reached the bottleneck period, as if the Thunder download was stuck at [-]%, and how to reach [-]% in the future depends on luck.

After confirming that Hu could not continue to improve, sister Jianxian gave him a jade pendant, and then sent Bai Jue out of Ye Chang'an, asking him to find someone who could help him forge a sword that belonged to him.

This person is called Ou Yezi.

Ou Yezi was a famous swordsmith in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and he was also the originator of swordsmiths. He forged a series of famous bronze swords and created a precedent for cold weapons in the history of the Celestial Dynasty. More than half of the weapons in the top ten famous swords are from him. He once forged five famous swords for Yue King Goujian——Zhanlu, Juque, Shengxie, Yuchang, and Chunjun. The Yuewang Goujian sword, known as the "No. [-] Sword in the World", was also made by him.

The origin of the legend of Mo Xie, the male and female swordsman, is also related to it. The general is Ou Yezi's disciple.

Such a swordsmith, whose name lasts through the ages, will naturally be recognized by the principles of civilization. He has been reincarnated in various eras more than once, because his wish is different from other heroic spirits, not for disputes, nor for fame, let alone For the sake of fame in front of him and behind him, he just forged swords.

It wasn't until the outbreak of the World War that cold weapons were gradually replaced by more efficient and more lethal hot weapons, and then gradually disappeared in the history of the Shenzhou Empire. It is recorded in the history that he has reincarnated a total of five times, and only one exists each time. A hundred years, after reaching the limit of his lifespan, he was reincarnated again... He could have lived for thousands of years, but every time he came and went in a hurry, and he did not retain the memory of his previous life. It can be said that he is a very magical heroic spirit.

Because of his freedom and freedom, he only forges swords and doesn't care about world affairs, so there are very few records about him.

Bai Jue's luck was really good. He happened to meet Ou Yezi at the time when he was reincarnated. Now he stayed in Chang'an City and opened a blacksmith shop. It seemed ordinary and nothing special, but in fact his status in the world and politics could be described as It counts.

Today, more than half of the weapons of the high-ranking generals of the Shenzhou Empire are made by him. After all, the ancients wanted to fight, and this is a weird world where there are various martial arts and alchemists. Good weapons can save people's lives. People in the world and generals in the imperial court are very fond of the famous weapons on the list of magic weapons. This list of magic weapons is ranked by Ou Yezi's evaluation and measurement. He is the only one who writes it. Only a magic weapon has been "officially" approved, and others can use it with peace of mind. Even those who are not good at it feel that it is much easier to use.

Passing through the city, Bai Jue found it according to the map direction that Sister Jianxian said, and came to a remote location. Although it was remote, it was also empty. In comparison, the gate of the courtyard is simple and elegant, without extra carvings and decorations, but not everyone can push it open. The two heavy iron gates reveal the toughness of a craftsman.

Bai Jue walked into the house and knocked on the door lightly, but no one answered. He frowned and walked into the house. This big house has a neat pattern of one entry and one exit. You can tell what kind of structure it is at a glance, without complicated corridors , and some are just a few simple houses, paved with ordinary stone slabs, full of simplicity and sophistication in the ordinary, giving the illusion of being in a stone forest.

And in the courtyard, he was far from the only one, many people stood in the courtyard, silent without saying a word,

Some are princes with feather fan and scarf, some are knights with sword eyebrows and star eyes, some are reckless with fleshy faces, and some are solemn young ministers of Dali Temple.

——These people are probably here to see Ou Yezi, hoping to get a good weapon... Leaving aside the people in the Jianghu, are these people from the government here to make a joke? I'm afraid the weapon I got was about to hit the upper floor.

Bai Jue gasped, folded his hands on his chest, found a seat and sat down, watching the play silently.

He still didn't know what happened, but it was right to watch.

"Fortunately, I bought a fruit basket earlier." Bai Jue silently took out an orange and began to peel it. His leisurely look made others look sideways, and he couldn't help thinking about what this kid was here for.

After about half a cup of tea, the tinkling of irons in the house finally stopped.

The room of the sword casting room suddenly opened, and a burst of smoke wafted out of it. Hot air gushed out. The high temperature distorted the air and sightlines, causing the people directly in front of them to back away. There was an old man standing in the white mist. His hair and beard are all white, his beard is like a dragon, his face is powerful, his upper body is not shaved, and his body is perfect enough to go to a bodybuilding competition. The muscles are flowing with sweat, like an old lion.

He is holding a sword in his hand, the sword embryo has not yet been cast, his eyes are sharp, just looking at the sword embryo quietly in the sun, his gaze is like a devout believer staring at the statue of God, or like a lion staring at its prey ...After a while, he turned around, slightly dissatisfied, intending to go back and continue forging swords.

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