——How could something of this level scare me, I have never been afraid of anything other than a hatchet in my life!

——How could my dignified clerk be bluffed by you, even if I was beaten to death, I wouldn't say anything, you don't believe me to cut my teeth along the network cable!

"I have to remind you." Bai Jue narrowed his eyes, and said in a strange tone: "If you don't tell me this time, don't blame me for selling you next time... I believe that as long as there is a little clue, those you failed Girls can find you in ten thousand ways."

"Hiss..." Lao Bai suddenly gasped in shock, pointing at Bai Jue with trembling fingers: "You you, you you you..."

"I'm just threatening you." Bai Jue said indifferently: "Don't accept it."

Bai Di's expression immediately turned wonderful, as if he was betrayed by his most loyal subordinate and stabbed in the back, yes, it was like Tosaka Tokiomi's tragic expression when he was stabbed to death by Ma Po.

"Twenty-five boys!" Bai Di slapped his thigh, "I treat you like my own, but you actually sold out your teammates!"

"This is a reasonable transaction." Bai Jue said lightly: "I know you must be hiding something from me. If the universe collapses on the fifth day, it will not be good for you. The singularity has evolved to this situation, and If you are not in a hurry, you must have a solution, but... this method is not so friendly, I can roughly guess that the departure of Sister Jianxian is inseparable from this singularity."

Bai Di was surprised again, silently thinking, what about the allotropic body?Why is this kid's IQ higher than mine!

"But I don't want to entrust my responsibilities and obligations to others. This matter should be resolved by me, and it must be resolved by me. No one can snatch it away." Bai Jue paused: "Enough, don't do it again Going in circles... I've heard enough."

As soon as this sentence came out, Bai Di couldn't help but pretend to be stupid.

He sighed and sat cross-legged: "Are you sure?"

"Of course, I never joke about this kind of issue." Bai Jue said firmly.

"Okay... let me tell you."

Bai Di said: "Your sword fairy sister is named Zhao Zheng'er... She is a heroic spirit, and she should not be able to reincarnate, but because she is much stronger than everyone else, she can leave here temporarily and enter the reincarnation of this world. "

"Heroic spirit, Zhao Zheng'er..." Bai Jue's breath stopped.

"Yes, Zhao Zheng'er was Ying Zheng's name before he became emperor." Bai Di said, "She is the first emperor of the Shenzhou Empire, Shi Huang."

"...Damn it." Bai Jue was stunned: "I always thought Shi Huang was a man."

"It's not the first time that gender has been reversed, so calm down, isn't Li Shiming a girl too?" Bai Di said casually, "Don't care about these details, no matter whether Shi Huang is a man or a woman, everything she does The great achievements are all true and will not change. She also taught you swordsmanship and maintained the scenery of Chang'an this night for a hundred years. It is a pity that it will come to nothing in the end."

"Since she knew, why didn't she say it?" Bai Jue clenched his fists.

"What's the use of telling more people and causing more people to panic?" Bai Di shook her head and said, "I can roughly guess what she's thinking. I'm afraid she intends to solve all this alone."

Bai Jue said bitterly: "How to solve it?"

"Do you know Ksitigarbha?" Baidi put his palms together, and the old god freely chose a Buddha's name: "Hell is not empty, I vow not to become a Buddha..."

"..." Bai Jue knew why Bai Di had to hide it from him, because it was too cruel.

These millions of undead evil spirits must not be released into the present world. Once they are released into the present world, it will cause unpredictable consequences. The first emperor... sister Jianxian built the prosperity of the Shenzhou Empire with her own hands, and she must not allow it. Some people get their hands on its prosperity, while others destroy her efforts.

So she has been looking at Chang'an City under the moon for a hundred years, watching the back of the world.

That's it, all alone...

But even if she tried her best to prevent the situation from deteriorating, she couldn't stop the accumulated water from flooding into a lake. The final outcome was a choice she was facing now.

——It is to stay in the present world, use the power of the empire, and fight against thousands of undead.

——Being alone, strangling all these dangers at the back of the world, even if you are like a cart, you must buy more time for this world.

——Which one she chose is self-evident.

"I'm going to see her."

Bai Jue raised his bronze sword: "I must go see her."

"Have you persuaded her?"

Bai Di didn't think that such a woman would compromise, she had endured all the suffering, how could she choose to escape at this last moment.

"I don't know, but at least I can't pretend to be ignorant at this time, turn around and leave..." Bai Jue quietly wiped the blood stains on the bronze blade, and said in a low voice: "I don't want to become a bastard. , I will never forgive myself.”

"You're obviously not sure, but you still want to do it?" Bai Di put his hand on his forehead: "You idiot."

"Then I'll be a fool." Bai Jue smiled: "How tiring to be a smart person all the time? I'd rather be a single-minded fool."

"Don't get me wrong, I said 'idiot', which is considered a compliment." Bai Di also smiled, and his smile was filled with nostalgia: "There used to be a fool just like you, who always took saving others as the highest goal. Self-satisfaction in this way eventually led to many misunderstandings and injuries... But if it were you, you should not make the same mistakes. You are very clear about what you are doing, even if it is just a momentary mood, the starting point is the same. Quite different."

"Are you talking about yourself?" Bai Jue noticed.

"Who knows? Maybe, maybe not." Bai Di smiled and said nothing.

"It seems that we are very similar, but we are also completely different." Bai Jue wiped the bronze sword and looked at the sky: "I am more greedy, it is not the best ending, I will not want... even if there is no perfect ending, I have to create one myself.”

"Then what if she doesn't want you to go?" Bai Di asked.

Bai Jue smiled noncommittally: "... so what?"

I don't understand how long sister Jianxian spent thinking and hesitating.

I also don't understand how long she sat alone on the tower of Chang'an this night, looking at the end of her sight.

I don't even understand what kind of decision she made in the end, why she came back alone, came in a hurry, and left in a hurry.

but I know--

I want to ask clearly.

I want to see her again.

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