She stepped forward, and amidst the streaks of lightning, the blurred afterimage of the Herrscher of Thunder appeared silently holding a magnetic storm slasher, like a remnant of light and shadow, but the blade was shining with a deadly edge, trapped by the vertical and horizontal lightning network. All the possible evasion routes of Bai Jue trapped him in place like iron chains, and she planned to kill Bai Jue with one blow.

Facing the sharp edge that was so close at hand, Bai Jue didn't move, nor did he dodge it, because...he didn't need to dodge at all.

He raised his palm, clasped the blade covered with crumbling thunder, and held it in his hand.

At that moment, the lightning-fast blade stopped, and all the electric energy and kinetic energy it carried disappeared in an instant, and the purple lightning turned into rainbow light and spread like ripples, but it couldn't hurt Bai Jue a single bit.


Teresa stared at the scene in front of her in astonishment, and took a light breath. is it possible?

"How is it possible..." The Third Herrscher was even more incomprehensible: "What have you done!"

"It's not that I can't catch your knife, it's just that I don't dare to. Your knife is too sharp, and the thunders scattered all over it are too dangerous... The purple mines formed by Honkai are enough to annihilate most organic and inorganic substances, and it is enough to touch them." It wipes out ordinary people. In terms of destructive power, it is better than the white tiger's lightning energy level, but..." Bai Jue opened his eyes, and the dark eyes were no longer golden brilliance, but vermilion fireworks: "As long as you can suppress Stop your thunder and lightning, and your knife will no longer be a threat."

The reason is as simple as that, but in fact there is almost no possibility of realization.

"As early as the last singularity when I used Baidi's flame to burn my soul, I had already noticed... another completely different kind of heat. During the battle with the black knight, I also noticed that my willpower had already broken through. The limit of the body, it was impossible to persist for so long... It was always awake, but I didn't notice it until just now, when it responded to me."

Bai Jue clasps the magnetic storm with five fingers, grabs the arm of the Third Herrscher with one hand, and pulls her into his arms. The two cuddle together like lovers. In fact, this move is undoubtedly a long-lost one. Hold my sister in my arms and kill'.

"Let go! Let go!" The Third Herrscher resisted. She may have wished to be hugged many times, but this hug was not the kind of hug she wanted. What she felt at this moment was heat and suffocation. It was as hot as if even the atmosphere had been scorched!

"Let go—!"

She released a dazzling electric light, but no matter how seductive the purple thunderbolt was, it couldn't penetrate Bai Jue's body, and couldn't even break through the scorching flame wave. Not only that, the Third Herrscher even sensed that his soul was fading rapidly. In this flame, what is burning is her soul.

"Don't move around." Bai Jue hugged the girl into his arms, speaking peacefully like a father telling his daughter a sleeping story, "You should... sleep for a while."

An illusory light and shadow appeared behind the young man. It was not a white tiger, but a flying bird with its wings outstretched, the king of birds.

The last scene seen in the eyes of the Third Herrscher was that beautiful and noble sacred shadow.


Bai Jue spat out two words.

The phoenix sang in a low voice, spread its wings to envelop Bai Jue and the Third Herrscher, and surrounded them with colorful flames, guiding the fire of rebirth and destruction to cover the two of them. .

The flame seemed to be extremely hot, but it was also extremely gentle. It didn't have the powerful destructive power of ordinary flames, but instead released life force.

It's just that Teresa's injuries, which were illuminated by the brilliance of the flames, are recovering rapidly, and even the lost vitality is replenished at an extremely fast speed. Broken limbs, damaged bodies, and dying injuries have recovered in just a few minutes. .

Teresa looked at the colorful lotus flower like a flower bone, feeling a little uneasy in her heart.

But her worries are unnecessary.

In just a short moment, the seven-colored lotus bloomed slowly, and Bai Jue slowly walked out of the seven-colored flames, holding the unconscious Third Herrscher in his arms, or she should be called Leiden Mei at this time.

"It's okay, it's over." Bai Jue smiled and said, "The Third Herrscher has fallen asleep."

"Could it be that she's pretending to be asleep?" Teresa looked at Lei Dian Mei in Bai Jue's arms, feeling a little apprehensive, and curled her lips.

"The fire of the Phoenix's Nirvana is not very lethal, and its destructive power is far inferior to that of the White Tiger's Thunder, but its characteristic is to give new life, and it specifically restrains the Houkai ability of the Third Herrscher. I will activate Nirvana and destroy her Houkai. It can all be returned to nothingness, which greatly consumes her mental consumption, which is enough for Leiden Mei to regain control..." Bai Jue said slightly tired: "The only disadvantage is that the Thunder Queen's ghost armor can't be used in a short period of time. Let's drive."

"Really?" Theresa squinted her eyes and tiptoed impatiently: "When will she wake up?"

"It should be soon." As soon as Bai Jue finished speaking, he noticed the slight trembling of the eyelids and eyelashes of the woman in his arms.

"It seems to be awake." Bai Jue smiled gently: "Did you sleep well, Ya... eh?"

What fell into my eyes was not the long hair of night, but long cherry-colored hair, and a rabbit ear that looked like a donkey's ear, a well-cut priestess costume, and a pair of breathtaking eyes, clear and deep, although The vicissitudes are far away, but it is also a kind of charm, just like the old wine in the cellar, with a strong aroma...

—Wait, there's something wrong with that look!


ps1: I wrote and deleted, deleted and wrote... I was really excited to write three scenes of Teresa's death in a row!

However, they are all useless drafts, so what is there to write about this kind of plot that is as stable as an old dog! (fall)


Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty-Eight

"So that's it, that's how it is..." Gu Yue Qingdeng crossed her legs, held the green lantern, and listened to Bai Jue recounting a series of encounters in the underworld, she smiled slightly: "Isn't it good? From the results As far as you are concerned, it can be said that everyone is happy, and you have added an extra point, you are almost an unbeatable bronze saint with the fire of phoenix nirvana."

"It's not that easy. The fire of Nirvana can indeed provide me with a continuation of the battle comparable to the Twelve Trials, but it is difficult to control. The only way I can think of using it now is to hold others to Nirvana together. Isn’t it a kind of self-explosion?” Bai Jue had a headache: “Even if Stella is changed to Ultra Bomb, it’s just a little more forceful, right?”

"Don't all of you Bai like this trick? You won't really die, so what are you afraid of?" Gu Yue Qingdeng said leisurely.

"This is only the second one, there are five more." Bai Jue supported his forehead: "I can't even control Phoenix, and I'm even less sure of controlling the rest."

"If you master your own emotions, you will be able to master this power. It's actually not that difficult." The clerk's sister raised two fingers: "It's part of transforming soul and spiritual power into power, as long as you don't lose the correspondence The will will not lead to the rampage of power."

"Speaking of it... the white tiger also talked about the contract." Bai Jue pondered: "If the white tiger represents anger, and the thunder and lightning represent fighting spirit, then the phoenix represents life, and the fire of nirvana is the desire to survive?"

"Desire to survive..." Gu Yue Qingdeng looked at Bai Jue: "I suddenly understand why you can't control this power well, and you are awakening so slowly."

"Is it a question of synchronization rate?" Bai Jue suddenly thought of a very fashionable word.

"Do you think you're driving an EVA?" Miss Gu Yue changed her sitting position and raised her finger to touch the center of Bai Jue's eyebrows: "Whether it's a white tiger or a phoenix, it's all the power split from your own self, and there is no synchronization." The level of the rate is, on the contrary, the strength of your own control over emotions... Anger represents extreme destructive desire and aggressiveness. The white tiger's thunder should be the most difficult force to control, but you can command it like an arm, and the phoenix's nirvana The fire is life itself, even ordinary people will not let it get out of control, but you can only play its role passively, what does this mean?"

"...Does it mean that I get along better with cats?" Bai Jue's thoughts hadn't turned the corner yet.

Gu Yueqingdeng sighed and knocked Bai Jue on the head and shuddered: "Fool, this proves that you lack the desire to survive. You have too little awareness of life, or the protection of your own life. The will suppresses life and death. For you, if necessary, you dare to walk even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire in front of you, should you say you are brave or iron-headed boy?"

"Is this a bad thing?" Bai Jue asked puzzled, "If I looked forward and backward, I'm afraid the world would have been destroyed long ago."

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