"Captain, do you want a meal? I made it myself."

"Captain, we agreed to take a nap with Teresa, come on, come on!"

"Captain, why is there such a dejected expression on his face, Sakura's onigiri are so delicious, do you want one?"

These are the Valkyries.

"Senior, if you feel tired, would you like me to give you a massage? Da Vinci sauce taught me how to massage before."

"Hmph, the paparazzi has a lazy look on his face again, which is really embarrassing. There really is something wrong with me before."

"It's a good thing to be able to fall asleep peacefully. You don't have to worry about noisy sounds. If you want to sleep, close your eyes. Whether in reality or in a dream, I will always guard you..."

These are the Heroic Spirits.

"Master Seimei, if you are really sleepy, I will prepare a bed for you, although it is not as good as the previous residence."

"Seimei, the inside of the shrine will be quieter. I don't mind if you come in and take a rest. After all, you have been busy for a long time."

"Master Seimei, if you want to sleep, of course Momiji's lap is the most suitable. Hurry up, please come here. My knee is a very soft pillow. I'm ready for Master Seimei at any time."

"Master Qingming, in fact, me too, I can do it too... I'm used to kneeling and sitting when practicing archery on weekdays... If you don't mind... Wow, what are you doing, Demon Sword Girl?"

"It's nothing, I just suddenly felt that your breasts are a little bigger, White Wolf, which is not suitable for lying down at all. No wonder your center of gravity has shifted seriously recently. Fat is the enemy, and you need to lose weight."

"Really, this is true, that is also, if Qingming occasionally wants to act like a baby, it's fine for me. I watched you grow up, and I am very experienced in taking care of children who want to act like a baby."

These are shikigami monsters.

Do you suddenly feel that the number of people has increased in one breath, or do you suddenly feel that you have skipped a lot of plots?

In fact, it just skipped some insignificant processes. For example, the two Valkyries trekked across mountains and rivers to capture Kiyana, who was addicted to fishing. As a result, the girl shouted tired after walking halfway, and changed her soul. At this time, it was Ka Lian is on duty.

Theresa looked at Karen and Yae Sakura with indifference along the way, and secretly made up her mind to let them go to Lily!The captain is mine!

However, in fact, Kallen and Yae Sakura's favorability points are all full, one sits down on the left and the other on the right, one sells Japanese onigiri, and the other onigiri, sandwiching Bai Jue in the middle makes Teresa lose her place, angry The dean of the college wants to take out Judas.

For another example, how did the two ceremonies release the petrification state? This is a semi-persistent control effect in a certain sense. The anti-magic power of the two ceremonies at the sword level is as high as A-level. Even the highest-level jewel-colored petrified demon eyes only petrified the surface, like a layer of wax that would shatter when touched, but her mental state remained the same. Although she couldn't move, she could still see it.

In fact, the two ceremonies also deliberately maintained this state to reduce the consumption of magic power. She knew very well that the master would definitely go to her, but she didn't expect Bai Jue to be so careful. The petrification will naturally be lifted after the sleeve is turned over by Gorgon.

Although Miss Liangyi Jianshi was very happy, her mood was also complicated. She released a wave of magic power and connected with Phoenix Fire, asking her to use flames to melt the petrified surface. Not daring to do so, Hongye simply went up and pushed it, pushing the stone statue to the ground. The stone on the surface shattered to the ground, and she regained her freedom.

The ghost girl Hongye didn't have any good intentions, but she thought the stone statue was very beautiful, and Bai Jue cared so much about the stone statue, so she did it, and then released a treasure with a tenth-level skill and full-level five treasures The powerful heroic spirit, gratifying to congratulate, gratifying to congratulate.

When Bai Jue returned to Phoenix Forest with Yuzaoqian and Kagura, when he saw Liangyi Jianshi standing under the cherry blossom tree beside the road, waiting for him to return, he was so scared that Bai almost thought he was hallucinating. And sister Hou Jianshi pretended to give him a hug, and then suddenly withdrew her hands and smiled slyly, which also made Bai Jue realize that it was indeed her, and she was quite proficient in seductiveness.

After explaining these two things clearly, Bai Jue came back and was surrounded by a group of girls without even taking a sip of hot tea.

They asked me a question, but he couldn't answer at all, as if listening to dozens of vixen's songs endlessly looping in his ears, it made his scalp numb.

Each of these girls is a good girl with explosive female power, but when they meet together, they are undoubtedly suffocating and terrifying. The seemingly harmonious space is filled with all kinds of subtle eye hints, either calm or intense. Or hide a knife in a smile.

In the end, the hint in the eyes was invalid, and it directly became a verbal statement. The girls surrounded by the side finally looked at each other badly, and started a verbal tug-of-war with the man as the center. The purpose was of course to swear their sovereignty, but the process was like It was the elementary school students scolding each other decades ago, you are an idiot, you are an idiot, rebound, rebound is invalid...

At this time, Bai Jue dared not speak. He had never experienced such a situation. When he was in the shop, Mami and Tokisaki Kurumi did not like each other. Bringing a cup of cappuccino to join the battle, but the focus of their quarrels is often not on Bai Jue, he is also happy to be leisurely, and spends his daily life with Lao Xu.

But it's different now, as soon as Bai Jue said something, these girls would immediately make clear arrangements for him.

It is said that paper figures have to be stacked together to be thick, but Bai Jue no longer wants thickness, he can't bear it, he can't afford it.

Fortunately, there is no marriage system in games such as Onmyoji, FGO, and Bengsan, and it is also fortunate that the girls from Green Lane and After the War did not come. Needless to say, as long as the ring finger is raised, the ring that shines with the glory of victory can wipe out all the scum left of these defeated dogs.

You must know that the gun girls in the back line of the war wrote [XXX only] on their thighs!

This is more like a zombie than writing orthographic characters!

This level of awareness is unmatched by this group of innocent losers!

Returning to sanity a bit, only a few young girls actually kept arguing.

There are quite a lot of old women here whose actual age is far beyond their appearance. What is Delisa a mere forty-year-old loli?Learn about the five-hundred-year-old witch, understand the thousand-year-old nine-tailed fox, and understand the people who continue the roots.

The real wise men will always remain calm, watching silently, occupying favorable terrain in secret, watching the wind and clouds with a smile, anyway, their share of the pie is indispensable.

Everyone knows the stalk of sweet cream, the real winner will only face NTR...

Um cough cough, wrong, wrong, just silently clapping... I mean clapping.

Well, on the bright side, although Bai Jue is in a difficult situation, as long as he keeps his head deep in his head and pretends to be seriously thinking about the three major philosophical issues in life, the girls will have nothing to do with him.

At least, these girls are not sick yet.

Take the clerk next door surnamed Bai as an example, why did he run away when he got caught in the Shura field?Because if you don't run, you will be forced to choose. No matter who you choose, you will be bloody. It is impossible to have a harem, and it is impossible to have a harem in this life.

The reason why Bai Di has survived till now is because he runs fast, resolutely and quickly, and secondly, because he has a literal dog friend, who is a first-class good brother who can almost defend against a hatchet head-on. , Retired as cannon fodder, Wen Ke complained about selling teammates, Wu Ke commanded the self-destruct machine, quite dedicated... He did not hesitate to sacrifice his life in exchange for Bai Di's many chances to escape.

But Bai Jue does not have such a good brother. Although there are many friends, they are far away in another world. Outsiders will never have the slightest conscience to save people.

So the question is, how to get out of this predicament?

Choose one, choose any girl and hug her tightly, and open the domineering president Wen who kisses her so hard that she is about to suffocate, announcing that this book is now single heroine.

Option two, choose any two girls to hug each other tightly, activate the halo brainwashing mentally handicapped nympho with the posture of Long Aotian who is the only one in the sky and earth, and declare loudly-you are all my wings!

Option three, don’t choose any girl, reject all girls on the grounds that you are a [beep——], resolutely express your sexual orientation as a gay, and show all girls face to face.

Choice [-], there is no cure, there is no cure, wait for death, and leave!

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